FCEM 2018 brings fire experts together
New Straits Times25 March 2018
FIRE and Safety experts from around the world will gather here for three days beginning Tuesday to share insights and best practices to boost fire safety and disaster management.
The International Fire Conference and Exhibition Malaysia (IFCEM) 2018, which is being held for the third time, will showcase the most advanced fire safety and rescue equipment by over 100 local and international exhibitors.
Fire and Rescue Department director-general Datuk Seri Wan Mohd Nor Ibrahim said IFCEM 2018 was the best platform for Malaysia to not only learn from the experience of others but also share the country’s best practices.
The exchange of information and knowledge on challenges, threats, best practices as well as technologies to boost fire safety and disaster management would assist Malaysia to be at the forefront in the industry.
Themed “Fire Safety – Gaining the Edge”, the event will also exhibit cutting-edge fire equipment and appliances, building security and safety system.
“We hope that we can gather input from international speakers invited to share their expertise and experiences dealing with fire safety, rescue operation and crisis management during a natural disasters.
“The event will see 1,500 international and local participants. We have participants from the United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea,” he told the New Straits Times.
Wan Mohd Nor said having a reputation for high standards in fire safety would benefit the country as it would attract investors and tourists.
“Apart from being stable politically and safe, a country that has good quality and standards in fire safety will also give confidence and attract investors and tourists.”
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Datuk Wan Mohd Nor Ibrahim visiting a booth displaying a breathing apparatus compressor for firefighters at the 2015 International Fire Conference and Exhibition.
The conference will be held at the Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre. Nine papers will be presented.
Wan Mohd Nor said Malaysia was keen to share experiences on managing major incidences that hit the country in the past few years.
“Malaysia was not exempted from being hit by disasters due to fire or natural events. We will share our knowledge with the international participants on key events, such as the tahfiz school incident (Datul Quran Ittifaqiyah tahfiz school), especially on what happened and how we responded after that.”
He added that the conference would highlight tragedies that happened around the world.
This would serve as a reminder to all that disasters can happen anywhere and to anyone.
“The Grenfell Tower fire, which took 71 lives last year, should be highlighted to help increase awareness on fire safety.
“If it can happen in London, a city where its people are considered as highly literate on fire safety, then it could happen in our country too.
“We can learn from this and not be too complacent or take things lightly,” he added.
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“We hope that we can gather input from international speakers invited to share their expertise and experiences dealing with fire safety, rescue operation and crisis management during natural disasters,” Datuk Wan Mohd Nor Ibrahim Fire and Rescue Department director-general
Among the papers that will be presented include “Learning the lessons from an unprecedented threat — How London Fire Brigade (LFB) meets the operational challenges”, “Operational response challenges and innovations in Singapore” and “Electrical Causes of Fire in the UK — The Changes Achieved Following Thorough Evidence - Based Fire Investigations”.
International speakers include LFB Safety and Assurance director Steve Apter, Singapore Civil Defence Force operations department director Ling Young Ern and expert in forensic investigation Dr Nick Carey from Hawkins and Associates Limited.
Malaysia will present its experience in high-altitude search and rescue during the 2015 Sabah earthquake, highrise building disasters and its knowledge on passive and active fire strategies for super-tall building design.
Speakers include Sabah Fire and Rescue Department director Nordin Pauzi, Institution of Fire Engineers (Malaysia) vice-president Tay Hao Giang, Fire and Rescue Department assistant fire commissioner and branch chief for fire safety certification Hamdan Ali and Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia former president Chen Thiam Leong.
“We hope that the participants and others can learn something from the event. That is why we are doing our best to publicise information so that the public is more aware about fire safety,” he added.
Wan Mohd Nor said the event would be the perfect avenue for companies to meet potential buyers and collaborate with players in the fire industry, both regionally and internationally.
He said visitors could learn about the state-of-the-art technologies and latest systems displayed via business talks, which would be presented by product owners and retailers.
Those who are interested in buying or upgrading their fire safety system can to do so at a discounted price.
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The International Fire Conference and Exhibition Malaysia, which is being held for the third time, will showcase the most advanced fire safety and rescue equipment by over 100 local and international exhibitors.
“There are 65 companies and 135 booths displaying fire safety equipment and building security systems, such as detection and suppression systems.
“Now there is also computerised monitoring system for high-risk buildings.
“Architects, engineers, building owners or consultants should visit the exhibition to obtain information, such as the type of building materials that are safe to be used. Here, they can even meet the suppliers to get more details on the products.
“Companies that have their own fire engines and equipment such as oil and gas companies, can also find fire jackets, personal protective equipment and fire trucks.”
Visitors stand a chance to win prizes ranging from electrical appliances, fire safety equipment and electronic gadgets.
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Speakers from several countries presented papers at IFCEM 2015. This year, nine papers will be presented.
The conference is organised by the Fire and Rescue Department, Institution of Fire Engineers and Malaysian Fire Protection Association.
It is supported by the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Ministry, Tourism and Culture Ministry, Foreign Ministry, Institute of Architects Malaysia, the Institution of Engineers Malaysia, the Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysian and Human Resource Development Fund Malaysia. © New Straits Times