‘Love’ party on ice for now
Wednesday, 21 Mar 2018
by eddie chua
PETALING JAYA: The controversial sugar daddy party at a top entertainment outlet was called off because the event organiser failed to get permission from local authorities.
A club spokesman said it was cancelled as the organiser did not meet their booking criteria.
“They were required to apply for permission based on the nature of the event from the local authorities – City Hall and Music Rights Malaysia Bhd, a sole licensing board to collect music royalties,” he said.
The spokesman said it was the organiser’s responsibility to get the necessary approvals for the event.
However, despite the event being called off, the organiser is seeking a new venue to host the event.
Thesugarbook.com founder and chief executive officer Darren Chan said it was in the process of applying for permission from the authorities to host the party.
“We are working with our event company to get all the necessary documents.”
The Star reported that the party – tagged as “where romance meets finance” – was cancelled by the entertainment outlet after news of it went viral on social media.
The event, costing slightly over RM100 per guest, would enable potential sugar daddies to meet their dream girls.
The party is also part of the official launch of thesugarbook.com website.
The website is Asia’s first sugar daddy dating site. Unlike other portals, it is known for its money-for-love dating platform.
It marketed itself as a site to link up “well-established wealthy individuals” who “wish to pamper sugar babies with financial support in return for love and companionship” and those who “appreciate the glamorous life indulging in the luxuries that life has to offer”.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/03/21/love-party-on-ice-for-now-club-matchmaking-organisers-did-not-get-authorities-permission/#GOCg4qwegcKwJzfG.99