
31 August 2020

Sabah open to cooperative relationship with Federal Govt - Mohd Shafie


31/08/2020 03:34 PM

KOTA KINABALU, Aug 31 -- The Sabah government is always open to working with the federal government on state and national development matters, said caretaker Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal.

The Parti Warisan Sabah (Warisan) president said Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had been made aware of this.

"I have informed him (Muhyiddin) that Sabah is prepared for a cooperative relationship with the federal government and will cooperate G-to-G (government with government) for the benefit of the country.

"We are different when it comes to politics and lets leave that aside. My political stance on certain matters and principles may differ but we will cooperate in building the country. That is important," he told reporters after attending the state-level National Day celebration here, today.

Mohd Shafie was commenting on Muhyiddin's statement on Saturday, in which he was reported as saying, it would be better if the Sabah government was aligned with the federal government led by him as this would bring greater impact in various aspects.

Muhyiddin said this during his two-day working visit to the state which ended yesterday.

Sabah will hold its state election on Sept 26 following the dissolution of the state legislative assembly on July 30.

The dissolution of the state assembly was announced by Mohd Shafie a few hours after former Sabah Chief Minister Tan Sri Musa Aman claimed that he had secured a simple majority to form a new state government, thus overthrowing the Warisan-led government.


Multinational Virtual Orchestra to celebrate Merdeka (1 Video) | Presented by Wisma Putra




31/08/2020 05:16 PM

PUTRAJAYA, Aug 31 -- Wisma Putra today hosted a virtual orchestra involving 60 musicians from 26 countries to mark Malaysia’s 63rd National Day.

The orchestra, conducted by Ahmad Muriz Che Rose, featured national favourites Negaraku, Cindai, Puteri Santubong, Warisan, Tanah Pusaka, Bahtera Merdeka and Malaysia Prihatin in a concert lasting more than 40 minutes.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said Wisma Putra collaborated with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra and Dewan Filharmonik Petronas to organise the virtual National Day 2020 Reception.

“True to the Malaysian spirit and value of ‘Unity in Diversity’, the 60 musicians from 26 different nationalities performing beautiful renditions of our nation’s favourite songs. So many different instruments, yet all you will hear is one beautiful symphony, playing in unison, in perfect harmony.

“This is the Malaysia we have come to love, cherish and defend. This is the Malaysia we are proud of,” he said in a special video recording showcased live on his Facebook today.

Hishammuddin said this year's National Day theme "Malaysia Prihatin" described the reality and the spirit of Malaysians coming together in this challenging time.

"It also reflects our patriotism, unity as well as our love for the country, regardless of our race, religion or political belief - this is, the true meaning of 'Malaysia Prihatin'," he said.

Hishammuddin also took the opportunity to express his gratitude to Wisma Putra frontliners in missions abroad who had worked tirelessly in facilitating the repatriation of Malaysians during the COVID-19 pandemic and still continue to diligently monitor the well-being of Malaysian citizens overseas.






Viral Video - Hit and run on emergency lane at karak highway

Buletin TV3


Rakaman dashcam kes kemalangan berlaku l/kurang jam 3 petang tadi di Lebuhraya Karak-KL menghala Plaza Tol Gombak. Sebuah kereta memasuki lorong kecemasan dan merempuh seorang penunggang motosikal..TOYOTA CAMRY WARNA PUTIH NO PLAT WXL 3118

Source : muhammad iskandar YouTube




New COVID-19 cluster comprising four positive cases detected on ship - Health D-G (1 Video)

Kluster Baharu Babitkan Kru Kapal Di Port Dickson


31/08/2020 06:41 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 -- The Health Ministry (MOH) today detected another new COVID-19 cluster, the Flower Cluster, involving four crew members on a ship in Port Dickson Port, Negeri Sembilan.

Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the ship involved had a history of travel from the Port of Singapore.

“A total of 34 crew members on board were screened on Aug 28 for ship signing-on and signing-off purposes and of that number, four cases were detected positive and six negative and another 24 were awaiting results,” he said in a statement on the development of COVID-19 here, today.

Dr Noor Hisham said the cluster’s positive cases comprised two Malaysians and two non-citizens and all four positive cases were not symptomatic and were initially quarantined at a hotel in Selangor.

After being tested positive, they were admitted to Sungai Buloh Hospital, Selangor and did not carry the risk of infection to the community as it was an isolated imported cluster .

“Measures to prevent and control infections such as disinfection and sanitisation have been carried out on the ship and the cause of the infection is still under investigation,” he said.


KLUSTER BUNGA melibatkan kakitangan sebuah kapal di Pelabuhan Port Dickson, N Sembilan. 34 orang krew kapal telah disaring pd 28 Ogos 2020 bagi tujuan sign-in dan sign-off kapal. •4 kes positif COVID-19; •6 individu negatif; •24 individu masih menunggu keputusan.


Covid-19 Indonesia reported 2,743 new cases total now at 174,796 & 74 new deaths taking total to 7,417

The Jakarta Post

31 August 2020

The Health Ministry announced 2,743 new confirmed COVID-19 cases on Monday, bringing the total number of infections nationwide to 174,796.

 According to data released by the ministry on Monday, 74 more people have died of the disease, bringing the death toll to 7,417.

The total number of recovered patients has also increased to 125,959. 

The capital city recorded 1,049 new confirmed cases, bringing the total tally to 40,086. Meanwhile, East Java reported 323 new cases, Central Java 179, West Java 145, Bali 129 and Central Kalimantan 124. 

The virus has spread to all of the country's 34 provinces. (kmt)

Source : The Jakarta Post

Indonesia's latest official COVID-19 figures 

Normal operating hours at IRB counters from September 1

Normal operating hours at IRB counters from tomorrow


31/08/2020 03:52 PM

PUTRAJAYA, Aug 31 -- The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) says that it will resume normal operating hours for tax services counters and revenue services centres (RSCs) at all of its premises beginning tomorrow (Sept 1).

IRB, in a statement today, said that the operating hours of tax services counters at all IRB branches nationwide except Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor, are from Mondays to Fridays from 8 am to 5 pm.

For Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor, the operating hours are from 8 am to 5 pm for Sundays to Wednesdays, and from 8 am to 3.30 pm on Thursdays.

“The RSC operating hours for stamp duty and general advisory taxation services in states other than Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor, are from Mondays to Fridays from 8 am to 5 pm.

“Meanwhile in Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor, stamp duty services at RSC are from Sundays to Thursdays from 8 am to 5 pm, and for general advisory on taxation services, counters will be open from Sundays to Wednesdays from 8 am to 5 pm and on Thursdays from 8 am to 3.30 pm,” it said.

For more information the public can visit IRB’s website at Enquiries and feedback can be forwarded through the Revenue Care Line (HCL) at 03-8911 1000 or +60 3-8911 1100 (overseas) or HASiL Live Chat.


COVID-19 MALAYSIA: New Cases-6 (Imported -4, Local-2) New Death-1 , Active Cases-159 | Total Cases-9340 | Total Deaths- 127

Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 31 Ogos 2020 – Situasi Semasa Jangkitan Penyakit Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) di Malaysia


Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ingin memaklumkan bahawa terdapat enam (6) kes yang telah pulih COVID-19 pada hari ini. Jumlah kumulatif kes yang telah pulih sepenuhnya dari COVID-19 adalah sebanyak 9,054 kes (96.9 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes).


Sehingga 31 Ogos 2020 pukul 12:00 tengah hari, terdapat enam (6) kes baharu yang telah dilaporkan. Ini menjadikan jumlah kes positif COVID-19 di Malaysia adalah sebanyak 9,340 kes. Oleh itu, jumlah kes aktif dengan kebolehjangkitan COVID-19 adalah 159 kes. Mereka telah diasingkan dan diberi rawatan.

Ingin dimaklumkan daripada enam (6) kes baharu yang dilaporkan, empat (4) kes adalah kes import yang telah mendapat jangkitan di luar negara yang melibatkan negara Singapura iaitu dua (2) warganegara Malaysia dan dua (2) bukan warganegara. Empat (4) kes import ini telah dilaporkan di negeri Selangor.

Dua (2) kes penularan di dalam negara adalah di kalangan warganegara Malaysia dari negeri Kedah iaitu satu (1) kes daripada Kluster Tawar dan satu (1) kes daripada Kluster Telaga.

Sehingga kini, terdapat enam (6) kes positif COVID-19 yang sedang dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU), di mana empat (4) kes memerlukan bantuan pernafasan.

Daripada maklumat terkini yang dilaporkan ke Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) Kebangsaan, dukacita dimaklumkan bahawa terdapat pertambahan satu (1) kes kematian berkaitan COVID-19. Justeru, jumlah kumulatif kes kematian COVID-19 di Malaysia adalah sebanyak 127 kes (1.36 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes):

  • Kes kematian ke-127 (kes ke-9124) merupakan lelaki warganegara Malaysia berumur 62 tahun dan mempunyai latar belakang penyakit kencing manis dan darah tinggi. Beliau merupakan salah satu kes positif yang telah dilaporkan pada 13 Ogos 2020 dalam Kluster Tawar. Beliau mula mengalami gejala batuk sejak 11 Ogos 2020 dan telah dimasukkan ke Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Kedah pada 13 Ogos 2020 setelah didapati positif COVID-19. Keadaan kesihatan beliau merosot dan memerlukan bantuan pernafasan sejak 19 Ogos 2020. Beliau disahkan meninggal dunia pada 30 Ogos 2020 jam 10.35 malam.

KKM mengucapkan takziah kepada ahli keluarga beliau.


KKM ingin memaklumkan bahawa satu kluster baharu yang terpencil (isolated) telah dikenalpasti melibatkan kakitangan yang bertugas dalam sebuah kapal di Pelabuhan Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. Kapal yang terlibat ini mempunyai sejarah perjalanan dari Pelabuhan Singapura. Seramai 34 orang krew kapal yang bertugas dalam kapal ini telah disaring pada 28 Ogos 2020 bagi tujuan sign-in dan sign-off kapal. Daripada jumlah ini:

  • Empat (4) kes dikesan positif COVID-19;
  • Enam (6) individu adalah negatif; dan
  • 24 individu masih menunggu keputusan.

Kes positif COVID-19 kluster ini melibatkan dua orang warganegara Malaysia dan dua (2) orang bukan warganegara. Keempat-empat kes positif ini tidak bergejala dan pada awalnya dikuarantin di sebuah hotel di Selangor. Setelah dikesan positif, mereka dimasukkan ke Hospital Sungai Buloh, Selangor. Justeru, tidak membawa risiko penularan jangkitan di dalam komuniti kerana ia merupakan kluster import yang terpencil (isolated) di sebuah kapal.

Langkah pencegahan dan kawalan jangkitan seperti proses pembersihan dan nyah kuman telah dijalankan di kapal tersebut. Punca jangkitan masih dalam siasatan.


KKM ingin memaklumkan pertambahan kes dalam Kluster Tawar dan Kluster Telaga. Pertambahan kes kedua-dua kluster ini melibatkan negeri Kedah.

  1. Kluster Tawar

Terdapat satu (1) kes baharu dilaporkan bagi Kluster Tawar di negeri Kedah, justeru menjadikan jumlah kes dikesan positif COVID-19 dalam kluster ini sebanyak 74 kes. Sehingga 31 Ogos 2020 jam 12 tengah hari, seramai 16,462 orang telah disaring dalam kluster ini. Pecahan saringan mengikut negeri yang terbabit adalah seperti berikut:

  1. Kedah (15,917 disaring):
    • 63 kes dikesan positif COVID-19;
    • 12, 597 individu negatif; dan
    • 3,257 individu masih menunggu keputusan.
  2. Pulau Pinang (534 disaring):
    • 11 kes dikesan positif COVID-19; dan
    • 523 individu negatif.
  3. Perak: Kekal 11 saringan, di mana semua adalah negatif. Tiada saringan baharu.

Daripada jumlah saringan di negeri Kedah (iaitu 15,917 orang), 12,553 orang adalah dari kawasan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Diperketatkan (PKPD) secara pentadbiran yang membabitkan tiga (3) zon iaitu Zon Kenanga, Zon Mawar dan Zon Melur di Amanjaya. Setakat ini tiada kes baharu dilaporkan dalam zon-zon tersebut. Sebanyak 8,084 dilaporkan negatif COVID-19 dan 4,469 masih menunggu keputusan ujian makmal.

  • Kluster Telaga

Terdapat satu (1) kes baharu (kes ke-9340) dilaporkan bagi Kluster Telaga di negeri Kedah. Kluster ini mula dilaporkan pada 30 Ogos 2020 dengan dua (2) kes positif melibatkan kakitangan hospital (kes ke-9284 iaitu kes indeks dan kes ke-9334). Namun hasil siasatan lanjut mendapati terdapat dua (2) lagi kes positif COVID-19 yang telah dilaporkan sebelum ini (kes ke-9306 dan kes ke-9291) didapati juga merupakan kontak rapat kepada kes indeks. Ini menjadikan jumlah kes dikesan positif COVID-19 dalam kluster ini sebanyak lima (5) kes. Sehingga 31 Ogos 2020 jam 12 tengah hari, seramai 735 orang telah disaring dalam kluster ini. Daripada jumlah ini:

  • Lima (5) kes dikesan positif COVID-19; dan
  • 730 individu negatif.

Pengesanan kes secara aktif (Active Case Detection) dan saringan kontak rapat masih diteruskan bagi kedua-dua kluster ini.


Pihak KKM dengan besar hatinya mengucapkan Hari Kebangsaan Ke-63 kepada semua warga Malaysia. Sempena hari yang bersejarah ini juga, KKM ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pejuang barisan hadapan dan petugas balik tabir yang telah bertungkus lumus berjuang menentang musuh Negara yang kini sedang mengancam dunia, iaitu COVID-19. Semoga kita terus cekal dan bersatu hati, berganding bahu bagi berjuang membebaskan Malaysia daripada sebarang ancaman virus ini dan segala jenis ancaman yang lain. Bersama-samalah kita menjaga ibu pertiwi kita ini.

“Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!”


KKM berharap orang ramai agar kekal waspada dan terus patuhi saranan serta nasihat-nasihat kesihatan yang sering ditekankan. Jadikanlah nasihat-nasihat ini satu kebiasaan baharu dalam kehidupan harian:

  • Elakkan 3S / 3C : iaitu elakkan kawasan yang sesak (Crowded place), elakkan kawasan yang sempit (Confined space) dan elak sembang atau bertutur dengan jarak yang dekat (Close conversation).
  • Amalkan 3W : iaitu kerap mencuci tangan dengan air dan sabun (Wash), memakai alat pelitup muka (facemask) di tempat awam yang telah diwajibkan oleh pihak Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) mulai 1 Ogos 2020 atau jika bergejala (Wear), dan (Warn) iaitu amaran dari KKM yang lebih berkonsep peringatan seperti:
  • Elakkan bersalaman / bersentuhan;
    • Amalkan etika batuk dan bersin;
    • Dapatkan rawatan segera jika bergejala;
    • Duduk di rumah dan elakkan kunjung-mengunjung;
    • Lakukan aktiviti disinfeksi dan pembersihan di kawasan yang kerap disentuh.

Patuhlah kepada S.O.P sebagai normal baharu iaitu:

  • S : Syarat-syarat seperti yang ditetapkan di bawah Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan (PKPP);
  • O : Orang yang berisiko tinggi seperti kanak-kanak, bayi, warga emas dan orang kurang upaya (OKU) perlu dilindungi, individu tidak sihat dan bergejala dikehendaki segera menjalani pemeriksaan kesihatan;
  • P : Penjarakan fizikal (physical distancing) diamalkan pada setiap masa iaitu sekurang-kurangnya 1 meter.

KKM akan terus memantau perkembangan kejadian jangkitan di dalam negara, dan juga luar negara melalui maklumat yang diperolehi daripada pihak Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO). Orang ramai akan sentiasa dimaklumkan sebarang perkembangan terkini mengenainya. Begitu juga, KKM akan memastikan langkah pencegahan dan kawalan yang sewajarnya adalah dilaksanakan secara berterusan.

Sekian, terima kasih.



31 Ogos 2020 @ 5.00 petang.



SELANGOR4 (4)2,171

*(   ) adalah merujuk kepada kes-kes import

1 kes kematian dilaporkan hari ini menjadikan jumlah kematian Covid-19 di Malaysia sebanyak 127 kes.

Kes ke-9124, seorang lelaki berusia 62 tahun dan dari Kluster Tawar.

KKM mengucapkan takziah kepada ahli keluarga beliau.Image

Kluster Bunga 1 kluster baharu dikesan pada hari ini, Kluster Bunga. Sehingga kini, terdapat 4 kes positif dilaporkan melibatkan 2 WN dan 2 BWN. Rujuk kenyataan akhbar bagi laporan penuh kluster ini.


Kluster Telaga 1 kes baharu (kes ke-9340) dikesan dari Kluster Telaga pada hari ini. Untuk makluman, 2 kes yang dilaporkan sebelum ini telahpun dikenalpasti sebagai kontak rapat kepada kes indeks kluster ini. Oleh itu, Kluster Telaga kini mencatatkan 5 kes positif.


Kluster Tawar 1 kes baharu dikesan dari kluster ini. Kes merupakan kes ke-24 dari generasi kedua. Sehingga kini, 16,462 individu telah disaring dan hasil saringan mendapati 74 dikesan positif Covid-19.


PERINCIAN KES BAHARU (6) SELANGOR-4 2 kes import WN tiba dari Singapura 2 kes import BWN tiba dari Singapura (kesemua kes adalah dari kluster baharu; Kluster Bunga) KEDAH-2 1 kes WN Kluster Tawar 1 kes WN Kluster Telaga


KKM DG Hisham - "Inilah janji merdeka kita, tanah tumpahnya darahku."

31 Ogos 2020


COVID-19 SINGAPORE : MOH reports 41 New Cases bringing total to 56,812 Total Deaths remain at 27


31 August 2020

SINGAPORE - There were 41 new coronavirus cases confirmed as of Monday noon (Aug 31), taking Singapore's total to 56,812.

They included three community cases, all of whom are work pass holders, said the Ministry of Health (MOH).

There were also seven imported cases who had been placed on stay-home notices upon arrival in Singapore.

More details will be announced on Monday night.

On Sunday, five of the eight new community cases of Covid-19 infection reported were part of a family cluster involving two households, said the Ministry of Health (MOH).

In its daily update on Sunday, the ministry added that these individuals had participated in family gatherings, and investigations were ongoing on whether any safe distancing rules were breached.

"We take a serious view of such breaches and will not hesitate to take enforcement action against any offenders," added MOH.

The eight community cases reported on Sunday comprise seven Singaporeans and one 37-year-old Indian work pass holder, who was detected as a result of routine testing of workers in the construction, marine and process sectors who are staying outside dormitories.

Another Singaporean community case reported on Sunday is a colleague of a previous case who worked at a camera shop in Excelsior Shopping Centre, and had earlier been placed on quarantine, added MOH.

As a precautionary measure following the detection of an earlier case who had visited the shop during the previous case's infectious period, MOH has identified and contacted 240 individuals who visited the shop between Aug 15 and Aug 18.

MOH has facilitated Covid-19 testing for all of them, even though the risk of infection for visitors was assessed to be low. So far, a total of 224 individuals have been swabbed and the results are pending, added MOH.

The camera shop was announced as a new cluster on Sunday, as one of the newly confirmed cases was linked to three previous cases.

The remaining Singaporean case had gone to see a general practitioner last Thursday, was diagnosed with acute respiratory infection, and given a swab test.

Epidemiological investigations for the only non-Singaporean community case - who is unlinked - are in progress, and all the identified close contacts of the case have been isolated and placed on quarantine.

They will be tested at the start and end of their quarantine period. Serological tests for his household contacts will also be conducted to determine if he could have been infected by them, added MOH.

Other than seven imported cases who had been placed on stay-home notices upon arrival in Singapore, migrant workers staying in dormitories made up the remaining 39 of the 54 new coronavirus patients announced on Sunday.

Among the seven imported cases, one is a Singaporean returning from the United Arab Emirates and four are permanent residents returning from India, Bangladesh and the Philippines. The sixth is a work permit holder from the Philippines and the last is a dependant's pass holder from Pakistan.

All the imported cases had been placed on 14-day stay-home notices upon arrival in Singapore, and tested while serving their notices at dedicated facilities.

The number of cases in the community has increased, to an average of three cases a day in the past week, from two in the week before.

MOH said another 139 cases were discharged on Sunday, bringing the total number of those who have fully recovered to 55,571.

A total of 74 confirmed cases remain in hospital, while 1,084 are recuperating in community facilities, with none in intensive care.

Singapore has had 27 deaths from Covid-19 complications, while 15 who tested positive have died of other causes.

Globally, the virus outbreak, which began in December last year, has infected more than 25.3 million people. More than 850,100 people have died.


41 new Covid-19 cases in Singapore, including 3 in the community and 7 imported

Video Viral - Seorang remaja dipukul sekumpulan lelaki menggunakan spanar dan topi keledar

 Buletin TV3

31 Ogos 2020

Remaja cedera diserang kumpulan lelaki

Harian Metro

31 Ogos 2020

Seorang remaja lelaki cedera di muka dan tidak sedarkan diri selepas dipukul sekumpulan lelaki bersenjatakan sepana dalam kejadian di Pantai Kelanang, Banting.

Siasatan masih dijalankan dan tiga suspek sudah dikenal pasti manakala identiti beberapa lagi suspek lain masih dikesan dan usaha memburu semua suspek yang terbabit sedang giat dilakukan.

Source : Harian Metro YouTube

Source : Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS

253 individu ditahan ingkar PKP


31/08/2020 03:33 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Ogos -- Jumlah yang ingkar arahan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan (PKPP) semalam meningkat kepada 253 orang berbanding 84 pada Sabtu, kata Menteri Kanan (Kluster Keselamatan) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Beliau berkata daripada jumlah itu, seramai 219 individu telah dikompaun manakala 32 pula direman dan dua orang dijamin.

“Antara kesalahan ingkar arahan termasuk aktiviti dalam pub/kelab malam (116), gagal menyediakan peralatan/catitan keluar masuk (23), tidak memakai pelitup muka (26), premis beroperasi lebih masa (2), dan ceroboh pusat kuarantin (2).

“Selain itu, kesalahan lain ialah aktiviti dengan melibatkan kehadiran orang ramai yang menyukarkan penjarakan fizikal (70), gagal lunaskan bayaran pusat kuarantin (1), serta terlibat dalam aktiviti perjudian (13),” katanya dalam kenyataan berhubung PKPP hari ini.

Ismail Sabri berkata sebanyak 64,929 pemeriksaan dibuat bagi memantau dan menguatkuasakan pematuhan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) PKPP di pasar raya, restoran serta penjaja, kilang, bank, pejabat kerajaan selain pemantauan di terminal pengangkutan darat, air serta udara.

Menyentuh mengenai Operasi Benteng, beliau berkata sebanyak 63 sekatan jalan raya Op Benteng dijalankan di seluruh negara semalam dan 27,197 kenderaan diperiksa bagi mengekang pendatang tanpa izin terutamanya di lorong tikus, bagaimanapun tiada sebarang tangkapan dilakukan.

Dalam pada itu, Ismail Sabri berkata seramai 20,455 individu telah pulang ke tanah air melalui pintu masuk sempadan antarabangsa bagi tempoh 24 Julai hingga 30 Ogos dan kesemua mereka ditempatkan di 73 hotel serta empat institut latihan awam.

“Daripada jumlah itu, seramai 8,917 individu sedang menjalani proses kuarantin wajib manakala 56 individu telah dihantar ke hospital untuk rawatan. Seramai 11,482 individu telah didiscaj dan dibenarkan pulang,” katanya.

Beliau berkata kesemua mereka pulang dari Filipina, Thailand, Indonesia, Kemboja, Singapura, Vietnam, Brunei, Qatar, Pakistan, Arab Saudi, Hong Kong, India, Emiriah Arab Bersatu, Jepun, Turki, Korea Selatan, Iran, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Timor Leste, Taiwan, China, United Kingdom, Belanda, Papua New Guinea, Mesir, Sepanyol, Perancis, Australia, New Zealand dan Amerika Syarikat.

Ismail Sabri juga berkata Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) telah menjalankan 220 pemeriksaan terhadap individu yang sedang menjalani kuarantin wajib 14 hari di kediaman masing-masing dan kesemuanya didapati mematuhi SOP yang ditetapkan.

Bagi keperluan barang asas, beliau berkata Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna telah melakukan 1,264 pemeriksaan khas pematuhan SOP PKPP dan mendapati 1,196 premis mematuhi SOP manakala 43 premis diberi nasihat dan 25 premis diberi amaran kerana tidak patuh SOP.





National Day: King grants early pardon to 13 convicts


31/08/2020 02:36 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 -- Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdulllah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah has granted an early pardon to 13 convicts in conjunction with the country’s 63rd National Day today.

According to Istana Negara's Comptroller of the Royal Household, Datuk Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin, the convicts were serving life sentences handed out by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Dec 28, 2001 on charges under Section 121 of the Penal Code with waging war or attempting to wage war or abetting to wage war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or State Ruler or the Yang di-Pertua Negeri.

“The consent by Al-Sultan Abdullah is exercised under Article 42 of the Federal Constitution following advice by the Pardons Board of the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya.

“All 13 convicts serving the life sentences since 2001 had appealed for a pardon on their sentences,” he said in a statement here today.

Ahmad Fadil said Al-Sultan Abdullah, upon the advice of the Pardons Board of the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya that met on Sept 4 last year, had consented to the release of the 13 on a date to be notified later.

He said His Majesty, upon the advice of the same board in a meeting held on July 24 this year then consented for the convicts’ release to take effect in August 2020.

Ahmad Fadil said the early pardon was due to their good behaviour while in prison and meant for the 13 to return the society, turn over a new leaf and live a normal life.

"Al-Sultan Abdullah also hopes that the 13 would reflect on their mistakes, to repent and evaluate their relationship with God, their family and society,” he said.

His Majesty also hoped that the 13 would be able to live new lives with their loved ones and play their role as citizens dedicated to religion, race and country, Ahmad Fadil said.


MOH prepares ahead for possible COVID-19 winter case spike


31/08/2020 01:09 PM

PUTRAJAYA, Aug 31 -- The Health Ministry (MOH) is already looking four months ahead by preparing for a possible spike of COVID-19 infections due to winter weather conditions in several other parts of the world.

Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah although the country’s infection rate is now under control, developments in other countries, such as what happened in India, Korea, Japan, Spain and France that saw an increase in cases during cold weather conditions must be considered.

“So, our concern is that there would be an increase in cases during that period and due to this we have to make preparations,” he told Bernama when met after attending the National Day 2020 celebrations at Dataran Pahlawan Negara here today.

At the same time, Dr Noor Hisham said a mutation of the COVID-19 virus has made it more infectious and as such, he urged the people to always be on their guard and strictly comply with standard operating procedures (SOPs).

He said as there is still no proven vaccine in sight, the ministry would continue to carry out control measures.

"Through these measures, the people must comply with SOPs while on our part we prepare in terms of laboratory, clinics and hospitals in which if there is a case surge we would be able to control the situation,” he said.

Through its public healthcare system, Malaysia had been able to contain the pandemic through early detection of clusters, Dr Noor Hisham said.

“However, we will still need strong cooperation from the people when it comes to breaking the chain of COVID-19 infection,” he said.


Stamp Collector inherits 62-year stamp depicting country 1st Merdeka Anniversary


31/08/2020 12:48 PM

KULAI, Aug 31 -- For stamp collector Mohd Sidek Roslan, inheriting a 62-year-old stamp from his late father is likened to getting ‘gold’.

To make it even more remarkable, the stamp bears the words ‘Kemerdekaan Ulang Tahun Yang Pertama Persekutuan Tanah Melayu’ (First Anniversary of Independence of the Federation of Malaya) and was released in 1958, as a special collective piece to commemorate the anniversary of the country’s liberation from British rule.

For Mohd Sidek, 37, the 10 sen stamp with the image of the Merdeka Stadium is priceless, not to mention that it is one of the stamps belonging to his late father Roslan Selamat, a former soldier, who collected both local and foreign stamps since childhood.

He added that the stamp recorded historic events which reminded him the struggles of the country’s first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj in seeking liberation of the country from the clutches of colonial rule.

“We (the country) achieved independence on Aug 31, 1957 but the process of gaining this freedom took a long time. We don’t look at this stamp for its colour and artistic beauty only...but (to reflect) the events that happened at that time, thus translating and immortalising them in this stamp.

“My father gave me this stamp...and later perhaps my children and grandchildren will ask me about the history behind the stamp. For me, this stamp has its own sentimental value,” the motivational expert told Bernama at his residence recently.

The stamp collecting hobby inherited from his father has motivated him to collect stamps issued each year by Pos Malaysia in conjunction with the National Month celebration.

“I also have a stamp in conjunction with 10th National Day celebration, and many more with images of, for example, Tunku Abdul Rahman declaring “Merdeka”, and also ones featuring previous Yang di-Pertuan Agongs.

“Owning these stamps makes me feel more patriotic because of the stories and history attached to them,” said Mohd Sidek, who has been an avid stamp collector since 2015 and now owns about 1,000 unique and exclusive stamps from different eras.

Among the show stealers in his stamp collection are special stamps issued in conjunction with the coronation ceremony of the 16th Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah; the coronation ceremony of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, as well as the official birthday of 15th Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V, and others featuring the coronation of previous 14 kings.

Mohd Sidek, the fifth of the 10 siblings, also shared tips on how to take care of decades-old stamps so that their value and quality remain intact.

“These stamps should not be handled with your fingers but you should use tweezers and also keep them in an album.

“The postmark on the stamp is important because it shows the stamp’s value and when it was issued,” said the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia graduate.

He also hoped that in conjunction with the 63rd National Day celebration this year, the people remain united and prosperous and appreciate the meaning of independence and the hardships of national leaders in the past to achieve it.


KONSERT KITA MERDEKA 1957 2020 | 30 August 2020


Rukun Negara the basis of Malaysia’s soul, spirit and national unity – King (1 Video)

Rukun Negara encapsulates Malaysia’s soul, spirit and national unity, says King


31/08/2020 08:36 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 – The Rukun Negara that was instituted 50 years ago as the basis of national unity and formation of the country, is not merely to be upheld symbolically each time the pledge is recited on National Day.

The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdulllah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah said instead, the soul and spirit of the Rukun Negara should be appreciated and practised in all aspects of daily life.

“The five principles of Rukun Negara forms the formula of how the people of various races, religions, cultures and languages can overcome differences and diversity to live in peace and harmony.

“The Rukun Negara also demands a nation-state that is formed on the strength of strong religious beliefs, while the people are required to be loyal to the King who is the umbrella and symbol of the country’s sovereignty," he said.

His Majesty said this in his Royal Address in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of the Rukun Negara and National Day 2020, which was broadcast live by television stations, including Bernama TV, here today.

The celebration was held in Putrajaya.

The Yang di-Pertuan Agong said the core principles outlined in the Rukun Negara are universal in nature that cuts across noble values of all nations and religions and capable of becoming a guide for the citizens of an independent nation.

Therefore, Al-Sultan Abdullah said the principles should serve as a guide and be practised by all quarters, including the country’s leaders, the government and Malaysians.

At the same time, Al-Sultan Abdullah also reminded all quarters to respect and defend all things that matter, including privileges and rights that had been agreed upon and enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

“Justice in this country is bound by laws that must be respected and complied with by every citizen regardless of rank and title,” said His Majesty.

Meanwhile, in celebrating National Day, themed “Malaysia Prihatin” (Malaysia Cares) this year, Al Sultan Abdullah congratulated the government for efforts made to strengthen the country's economy, as well as continuing to safeguard the welfare of the people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Yang di-Pertuan Agong also thanked the people for their resilience and determined spirit in facing the setback.

In conjunction with the National Day celebration and the 50th Anniversary of Rukun Negara, His Majesty called on the people to appreciate and safeguard the country’s independence and peace.

“Indeed, peace and harmony in a multiracial society is the backbone of a nation's strength.

“I am confident, if the spirit contained in the Rukun Negara continues to be appreciated and firmly embedded in the soul of every Malaysian, Insya-Allah, our country will continue to remain peaceful and harmonious, and become a strong and prosperous nation, with people that are united,” he added.

His Majesty, together with the Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah, also took the opportunity to pray for Malaysia to be protected and blessed with everlasting peace, harmony and prosperity, and for Malaysians to remain united.

His Majesty ended his speech by extending his National Day and 50th Rukun Negara anniversary wishes to all Malaysians.


BERSATU's Osman Sapian campaigning for Slim Independent (PEJUANG) candidate - Johor leaves it to party leadership to deal with him


30/08/2020 08:21 PM

JOHOR BAHRU, Aug 30 -- The Johor Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) will leave it to the party leadership to deal with Datuk Osman Sapian after a video, which has gone viral, showed the former Johor Menteri Besar allegedly campaigning for an Independent candidate at the recent Slim state by-election.

Its chairman Mazlan Bujang said they, at the state liaison level, had no authority to take action against any member who flouted party rules.

"Let Tan Sri (Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin), through the committee (disciplinary board) make whatever decision.

"Disciplinary matters come under the party's disciplinary board, so we at the state level do not have any comments to make regarding this matter. Everything depends on the management to take action. If the video recording is authentic, they (the disciplinary board) will investigate. Then it's up to Tan Sri Muhyiddin and he can order for it to be checked or investigated,” said Mazlan.

Mazlan, who is also Johor Education, Information, Heritage and Culture Committee chairman, said this when met by reporters at the closing ceremony of the 2020 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Merdeka Convoy here today.

Yesterday, a video went viral showing Osman, who is also the Ayer Hitam Bersatu Division head, supposedly speaking at a campaign supporting Independent candidate Amir Khusyairi Mohamad Tanusi at the Slim by-election.

In the video, Osman is said to have admitted to being the Kempas state assemblyman on the Bersatu ticket and that he was still a member of the party, but alleged that Bersatu had strayed from its original struggles.

Previously, Osman had claimed that his presence in Slim, Perak, was to meet up with old friends while on holiday and stressed that it had nothing to do with politics.

Mazlan, meanwhile, has urged all parties not to be quick to jump to conclusions, especially regarding internal party matters.

"We shall follow the accurate source. If it's true that there has been misconduct, then we need to give (the person) a chance to explain. We must be mature when dealing with this situation,” he said,


Johor PAS agreeable to fielding non-muslim candidates in GE15


30/08/2020 06:37 PM

JOHOR BAHRU, Aug 30 -- Johor PAS will support any candidate from its PAS’ Supporters Assembly (DHPP) who is selected to contest in the 15th general election (GE15), said Johor PAS Commissioner Abdullah Hussin.

He said any decision on the fielding of candidates from DHPP was subject to the approval of the party's central leadership.

Abdullah said Johor DHPP head R. Kumutha had contested for state seats in the past three general elections on the recommendation of Johor PAS.

“When you have joined with other parties under Muafakat Nasional and Perikatan Nasional, then, of course, there is a give and take (arrangement). But, if advised to contest, the state PAS will give its full support,” he said after opening the inaugural Johor DHPP Convention here today.

He said this when asked on the number of non-Muslim candidates from DHPP that will contest in GE15.

Abdullah said Johor PAS aimed to increase the Johor DHPP membership to 2,000 by the end of this year from the current 600 members.


Theme 'Malaysia Cares' shows appreciation for frontliners


31/08/2020 12:02 AM

SEREMBAN, Aug 30 -- The theme of National Day and Malaysia Day this year is Malaysia Cares, appreciating and elevating the role of all parties regardless of race and political persuasion, especially in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Aminuddin Harun said the real concern shown by Malaysians was to ensure peace, stability and prosperity could be maintained in this beloved land of Malaysia.

"It is hoped that this attitude of concern can be instilled in us. I am confident that as long as this caring attitude is with us, no matter what differences, contradictions and doubts arise, Malaysia will remain intact and excellent, ”he said in a recent post on his official Facebook page tonight.

Aminuddin added, for the 63rd time, Malaysians would be celebrating National Day in a state of peace and well-being.

“Officially, this is the 63rd National Day according to the day of the announcement of Independence on Aug 31, 1957 by Tunku Abdul Rahman at the Merdeka Stadium.

“Independence not just freedom from physical colonialism alone. We need to work to ensure that our country is truly independent from corruption and abuse of power, ”he added.


30 August 2020

5,000 family heads in Amanjaya to receive food aid - EMCO


30/08/2020 09:39 PM

ALOR SETAR, Aug 30 -- A total of 2,100 out of 5,262 family heads in Amanjaya, Sungai Petani, which is under the administrative Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) to contain the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, have received food assistance in stages starting yesterday.

Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor said the assistance was being distributed by the state government via the related agencies after the EMCO came in force last Friday.

“More than 5,200 family heads living in the Kenanga, Melur and Mawar zone areas need to be given food assistance because they are being quarantined at home. The aid has begun to be distributed and it will continue tomorrow and we will make sure everyone affected by the EMCO gets adequate supply,” he told reporters here today.

Muhammad Sanusi welcomed donations from any non-governmental organisation, adding that the donations could be delivered to the district Disaster Operations Control Centre, which would then be distributed to the residents.

Earlier, Muhammad Sanusi witnessed the handing over of donations of 50 units of wheelchairs and seven units of digital temperature scanners from the Alor Setar Rotary Club District Governor, Teoh Kwan Swee to State Health director Dr Mohd Fikri Ujang for the Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital here.

In another development, Muhammad Sanusi, who is also the President of the Kedah Football Association (KFA), said KFA was open to discussion on the ownership of the Kedah team, including Koperasi Anak Kedah Bhd that wished to own a 51 per cent stake in the team.

"We are grateful at their aspirations but they need to formally submit a proposal. KFA gives the opportunity to anyone who wants to be involved in Kedah football and currently there are two, three more parties expressing the same desire,” he said.

He also clarified that the Kedah team players' salary arrears for March including their Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributions would be paid on Tuesday.


Muhyiddin wants to increase social welfare aid to RM1,000


30/08/2020 04:57 PM

SANDAKAN, Aug 30 -- Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has suggested that the Social Welfare Department's monthly aid of between RM200 and RM300 for needy people be raised to RM1,000.

He said this proposal would be tabled at the Cabinet meeting next week.

"I know this statement of mine has a big implication but I don't care.

"What is important is the livelihood of our people down there...they have suffered for a long time," he said at a meeting with community leaders here today.

Muhyiddin said the Perikatan Nasional government was determined to continue with efforts to help the B40 group.

Muhyiddin said he was saddened by the plight of this group, given the fact that the country had been independent for so long.

He said life had been a big struggle for them because their income was small.

Muhyiddin arrived in Sabah yesterday for a two-day visit, his first since being appointed the prime minister in March.


2020 National Day celebration, held under new normal


31/08/2020 08:55 AM

PUTRAJAYA, Aug 31 --The National Day 2020 celebration today, though held under the new normal circumstances at Dataran Pahlawan Negara here, is a meaningful one being it at a time when the country is still struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Themed 'Malaysia Prihatin' (Malaysia Cares), it is held for the first time at Dataran Pahlawan Negara with attendance limited to dignitaries, security members and personnel involved to ensure the ceremony runs according to the prescribed standard operating procedures (SOP).

Those present are required to have their body temperature scanned and to register their attendance using the MySejahtera application, as well as to wear face mask as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the the seats for the dignitaries are arranged about a metre apart to ensure physical distancing.

Although Malaysians are not able to witness the country's momentous moments directly from their usual locations every year, they have the opportunity to watch the anniversary celebration live through television screens and social media sites.

Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah and the Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah arrived the location at 8 am to grace the event, following which the National Anthem was played to mark the beginning of the celebration.

Their Majesties were greeted on arrival by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and wife, Puan Sri Noorainee Abdul Rahman and Communications and Multimedia Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah and his wife, Datin Norlin Shamsul Bahri.

After the national anthem ended, Their Majesties were led to the Dewan Serbaguna Dataran Pahlawan Negara, where His Majesty delivered the royal address, the second royal address by a Head of State on National Day.

The first royal address was by the fourth Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Ismail Nasiruddin Shah, which was 50 years ago when the Rukun Negara was declared in 1970.

Before the royal address by Al-Sultan Abdullah, guests at the Dewan Serbaguna Dataran Pahlawan Negara was shown on a large screen a teaser of the National Day 2020 Live Broadcast by Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM).


Two men arrested over towed lorry incident (1 Video)

VIDEO TULAR | 2 Pemandu Lori Ditahan


Men detained over towed lorry incident


30/08/2020 06:22 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 30 - Police detained two men who were involved in an incident where a lorry which was towed by another lorry went out of control and rammed into a car in Rawang yesterday.

Gombak police chief ACP Arifai Tarawe said the incident, which the video had gone viral on social media, occurred at 3 pm.

"Investigations reveal that at about 2.20 pm, a lorry from Rawang heading towards Batu Arang broke down. The lorry driver asked for help from a friend, who is also a lorry driver, to tow his lorry," he said in a statement here today.

Arifai said when the lorry was towed, due to technical problem, its steering wheel and brake pedal were not functioning, causing the lorry to swerve uncontrollably before hitting the car.

Both drivers, aged 46 and 63, were detained to facilitate investigations under Section 42(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987.


COVID-19: KKM kesan dua kluster baharu di Selangor dan Kedah (1 Video)

COVID-19 | 2 Kluster Baharu Dikesan


 2 kluster baharu dilaporkan hari ini iaitu

Kluster Telaga dan Kluster MV Glen. 

Manakala terdapat pertambahan satu kes baharu bagi Kluster Alam.

Perincian kes saringan kluster baharu: 
374 disaring 
372 negatif 
2 positif

MV Glen 
8 disaring 
6 negatif 
2 positif


30/08/2020 06:32 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, 30 Ogos -- Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) mengesan dua kluster baharu wabak COVID-19 di negara ini iaitu Kluster MV Glen di Pelabuhan Klang, Selangor dan Kluster Telaga di Kedah.

Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah berkata Kluster Telaga dikenal pasti di Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar, melibatkan dua kes positif dengan kes indeks ialah kes ke-9,284 dilaporkan Isnin (24 Ogos) lalu manakala kes kedua adalah kontak rapat kepada kes indeks.

“Kes tidak bergejala dan telah dimasukkan ke Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah untuk diberi rawatan. Kedua-dua kes ini merupakan petugas kesihatan di hospital tersebut namun tugasan tidak melibatkan jagaan kes yang disahkan positif COVID-19.

“Sehingga 30 Ogos, 12 tengah hari, sejumlah 374 orang telah disaring dalam kluster ini melibatkan ahli keluarga, kakitangan hospital dan lain-lain,” katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.

Menurutnya daripada jumlah itu, 372 diuji negatif.

Dr Noor Hisham berkata punca jangkitan masih dalam siasatan namun disyaki berpunca dalam kalangan komuniti dan sebagai langkah kawalan, lebih banyak saringan tertumpu di hospital akan dijalankan.

Mengulas lanjut, Dr Noor Hisham berkata perkhidmatan Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah tidak terjejas dan tetap berjalan seperti biasa, dengan langkah pencegahan dan kawalan jangkitan seperti pembersihan dan proses nyah kuman juga telah dijalankan di premis yang berkaitan.

Memperincikan Kluster MV Glen, beliau berkata kluster itu dikenal pasti di sebuah kapal di Pelabuhan Klang melibatkan dua kes positif dengan kes indeks adalah kes ke-9,286 yang dilaporkan pada Selasa lalu (25 Ogos) yang merupakan seorang kru kapal.

Katanya lagi, kes indeks kluster itu merupakan kes import yang melibatkan bukan warga tempatan manakala kes kedua merupakan rakyat Malaysia juga juga ejen yang dilantik oleh syarikat perkapalan.

“Kes positif telah dimasukkan ke Hospital Sungai Buloh dan diberi rawatan. Saringan COVID-19 dijalankan dan hingga 30 Ogos (hari ini), sejumlah lapan orang telah disaring dalam kluster ini,” katanya, menambah enam didapati negatif.

Beliau juga berkata aktiviti pengesanan kes secara aktif dan saringan kontak rapat masih dijalankan sementara langkah pencegahan dan kawalan jangkitan seperti proses nyah kuman dan nyah cemar telah dijalankan di kapal tersebut.

“Punca jangkitan masih dalam siasatan,” katanya, menambah saringan kesihatan secara sign-on dan sign-off adalah penting kerana ini merupakan antara kawalan sempadan antarabangsa yang dijalankan bagi mengekang aliran kemasukan individu yang berpotensi dijangkiti COVID-19 ke dalam negara.






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