
07 December 2019

PKR Congress Drama continues :Supporters of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali walk out of the party's congress

Supporters of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali walked out of the party's congress this afternoon, citing unhappiness over the speeches made by party delegates.

The walkout occurred at approximately 2.50pm after Penang delegate Gooi Hsiao-Leung's speech. Some were heard chanting "Balik! Keluar!" (leave!).

Delegates who left the hall told Malaysiakini that speeches complained that the list of delegates who were allowed to speak were heavily stacked against Azmin.

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin were supposed to have agreed on a ceasefire for the congress.

Both leaders had adopted reconciliatory tones during their addresses at the congress and appealed for rapprochement.

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