
26 December 2019

Lokman Noor Adam has accused the party leadership of protecting former Umno VP Hishammuddin Hussein

Stop protecting Hisham, Umno’s Lokman Adam tells party leaders
Ainaa Aiman
-December 26, 2019 5:01 PM
Umno Supreme Council member Lokman Noor Adam speaking to reporters after an Umno disciplinary board hearing to investigate Hishammuddin Hussein was postponed today.

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Supreme Council member Lokman Noor Adam has accused the party leadership of protecting former Umno vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein after the latter’s meeting with the disciplinary board, scheduled for today, was postponed.

Hishammuddin, who was earlier accused by some of planning a back-door government, had been called to face the disciplinary board today.

Lokman, who had lodged the complaint against Hishammuddin and was present today, told reporters at the PWTC lobby that this was not the first time the president or secretary-general had attempted to interfere in investigations into the former party vice-president’s actions.

“I am very disappointed because to me, Hishammuddin is a party traitor and should not be left alone.”

Lokman said the disciplinary board should be able to carry out investigations independently.

“No one should be protecting Hishammuddin.”

The disciplinary board had previously served Hishamuddin a show-cause letter based on a few reported offences, including allegedly influencing party members from Sabah to jump ship to PPBM.

Lokman claimed that previous investigations against the former minister had also been halted on grounds that the complaints to the board were based on rumours.

”His plan to form a back-door government is not a rumour. It will happen, between the first and third month of next year,” Lokman said.

Lokman lodged a complaint with the party’s disciplinary board after Hishammuddin was reported to have been part of a group of Barisan Nasional MPs who had attended a dinner-meeting with Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali at his official residence. It was alleged that the meeting was to gather support for Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Lokman had urged stern disciplinary action be taken against Hishammuddin for allegedly attempting to sway Umno MPs to declare support for Mahathir and Azmin.

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