
31 October 2017

MoneyMatch has launched its “Transfer” portal, a fully digital cross border remittance service offering exchange rates and fees far cheaper than incumbent banks.

Yap: Over the past few months, the Transfer portal has been open to select users who have conducted transactions worth a few million ringgit to over a dozen countries

PETALING JAYA: MoneyMatch Sdn Bhd, a homegrown company approved by Bank Negara, has launched its “Transfer” portal, a fully digital cross border remittance service offering exchange rates and fees far cheaper than incumbent banks.

The Transfer portal allows users to conduct their entire transactions online via the MoneyMatch mobile app and the web platform.

It also features a one-time online customer verification also known as an “eKYC” or electronic know your customer feature.

The CEO of MoneyMatch Adrian Yap said:

Yap, a former banker who built his career in banking services related to financial markets, added that Transfer is aimed at revolutionizing how consumers and corporate customers perform cross border payments.

Yap said: “Our primary markets are the small and micro SMEs who tend to be under-served by traditional financial institutions and parents who send their children overseas for education.”

Yap added that the savings Transfer can bring to these groups will be significant.

“Larger corporations tend to be in the best position to negotiate for better rates from their banks. Smaller customers rarely have that privilege and that’s where MoneyMatch comes in.”

According to MoneyMatch it will soon be launching another product called Exchange which will allow users to conduct peer to peer currency exchanges.

It aims to revolutionize currency exchange by three key ways. One by facilitating users to match their currency exchange needs on a legitimate digital portal; secondly it allows users to exchange their currencies at the ‘mid-rate’ which is the rate at the centre of the exchange spread seen at banks and money changers; and thirdly is the ability to exchange currencies at various pre-determined locations, Money Match said.

“The whole point of FinTech is to weed out inefficiencies for the benefit of consumers.

“We are using available technology to enable users to exchange their currencies minus unnecessary costs. More importantly, we are doing this under the approval of the central bank,” said Naysan Munusamy, co-founder of MoneyMatch.

He added: “Exchange is potentially the first regulated peer to peer currency exchange model in the world. We have been quiet about it as we work out the nitty gritty details to ensure a high level of safety and security to users.

“We feel it will be a game changer in the industry.”

Money Match will charge a transparent flat fee for transactions.


30 October 2017

A Monday afternoon downpour resulted in flash floods in several parts of the city including the Federal Highway

KUALA LUMPUR: A Monday afternoon downpour resulted in flash floods in several parts of the city.

One of the badly-hit areas was a stretch of the Federal Highway between Mid Valley City and the Sprint Highway Kerinchi exit.
Muddy water covered four lanes over almost a 1km stretch, restricting vehicles to only one usable lane.
Photos of the traffic jam, some taken from elevated positions, were shared on social media from about 3.30pm.
Two lanes were inundated with muddy floodwater along the Bukit Jalil Highway near Alam Sutera, causing delays on both sides of the road between Bukit Jalil Nursery and Kinrara.
Flash flooding near the TTDI MRT station along Jalan Damansara also slowed traffic to a crawl.
A video was posted on the Info Roadblock JPJ/Polis Facebook page, showing a stretch of Persiaran Saujana Impian near Giant Hypermarket in Prima Saujana, Kajang (heading towards the Lekas Highway) completely inundated with muddy floodwaters.
The video showed that the underpass largely inaccessible to vehicles due to the flash flood.


Police detain 'Datuk Seri' who allegedly hit Rela men, after arriving in Bentley at Ampang Jaya police headquarters

Police detain 'Datuk Seri' who allegedly hit Rela men, after arriving in Bentley at Ampang Jaya police headquarters

New Straits Times30 October 2017

Police detain 'Datuk Seri' who allegedly hit Rela men, after arriving in Bentley at Ampang Jaya police headquartersMore

KUALA LUMPUR: A 29-year-old man with the title “Datuk Seri” who is suspected of assaulting three People's Volunteer Corps (Rela) members, surrendered to the police today. 

The man, clad in shirt and jeans, was seen arriving in a Bentley car at Ampang Jaya district police headquarters police headquarters, in a Bentley, at 3.50pm. A group of 10 people was also seen accompanying him to the police station. Selangor Criminal Investigation Department chief Senior Assistant Commissioner Fadzil Ahmat said police subesequently detained the man at the station at about 4pm. He said police would apply for remand order on the Datuk Seri, a businessman with various ventures, at Ampang magistrate’s court tomorrow. 

The Datuk Seri is believed to be under pressure after authorities demanded that he surrender when news about the assult spread. On Sunday, Fadzil had reportedly warned the attacker that police would hunt him down if he failed to come surrender to the police.

 Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had also called on the man to surrender, as an honorific title was not a licence to behave in such a manner. 

On Friday, the Datuk Seri was reportedly involved in the assault on Rela men - Ranbo Lee, 27, Jackie Leong, 21, and Melvin Cheong, 19 - when they asked him to move his Toyota Vellfire which was obstructing the traffic. In the 6.30am incident which happened near Kau Ong Yah Temple at Ampang, Lee suffered bruises and swelling to his left eye, Leong was kicked and Cheong was hit on the back of his head.

 The Datuk Seri is investigated for causing hurt and obstructing public servants from discharging their duties, under Section 324 and Section 186 of the Penal Code. He was later alleged to have offered each of the trio, via a middleman, RM10,000 to drop the case but the Rela men refused the offer.

 The Datuk Seri is believed to have a doctorate qualification and said to be a chairman of a company which invests in several businesses such as real estate and property, healthcare, jewellery, travel, entertainment, e-commerce, and other financial instruments. He is said to have been awarded the Excellence Award for Emerging Entrepreneur in E-commerce at the Asia Pacific Entrepreneur Excellence Award. 

The website of his company states that the firm was founded in the United Kingdom, and has won several awards. The company's core values, as described on the website, are spreading the message of love and hope to everyone worldwide by helping the needy improve their health and well-being.

Senarai MARKAH Top 12 Konsert GEGAR VAGANZA Minggu Pertama

Senarai MARKAH Top 12 Konsert GEGAR VAGANZA Minggu Pertama

Dato' Seri Vida Dedah Hubungan Mesra Bersama Pembantu

Kasihan anak penyanyi Harris Baba, Aleena Ziya ditimpa dengan penutup lampu panas ketika di butik jenama antarabangsa, Louis Vuitton.

Butik Antarabangsa Cuai, Anak Harris Baba Melecur

  in Artis/Utama & Sensasi

RALAT rasanya bila sebagai ibubapa, kita dah menjaga anak dengan sehabis baik tapi disebabkan kecuaian orang lain, si kecil pula yang terpaksa rasa sakit.

Kasihan anak kepada penyanyi Harris Baba, Aleena Ziya apabila si kecil itu telah ditimpa dengan penutup lampu panas ketika mereka sekeluarga sedang melawat ke butik jenama antarabangsa, Louis Vuitton.

Kejadian malang itu dikatakan berlaku pada pukul 3 petang semalam di pusat membeli belah The Gardens, Mid Valley.
Akibat kejadian itu, muka dan kedua-dua tangannya telah melecur tahap 2.
Nik Naziha Zawawi, iaitu isteri kepada Harris telah meluahkan rasa sedih dan ralatnya menerusi posting terbaharunya di akaun Instagram miliknya baru-baru ini.
“Kesan lecuran itu akan mengambil masa berbulan lamanya untuk sembuh dan kami perlu membawa Aleena untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan laser bagi menghilangkan parut lecuran itu.
“Kami dah jaga dia dengan baik sekali, tapi disebabkan kesilapan pihak lain, Aleena pula yang terpaksa hadap kesakitan itu,” tulis Harris dan Naziha di akaun Instagram masing-masing.
Namun, mereka tetap bersyukur kerana penutup lampu itu tidak terkena pada bahagian mata kerana jika ianya terjadi, Aleena akan buta sepanjang hidupnya.

Pasangan suami isteri itu juga telah membuat laporan polis di atas kecuaian pihak butik tersebut dan bercadang untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang.
Ya, benar sekali, malang memang tidak berbau. Tapi kita masih dapat untuk mengelak daripada menjadi mangsa kecuaian orang lain.
Mujur kesan lecuran yang dialami oleh Aleena masih dapat dirawat lagi. Kalau teruk sampai boleh menganggu pembesarannya, agak-agak siapa yang nak bertanggungjawab? – MYNEWSHUB.CC/AH

Penjelasan Lelaki Dalam Video Ditampar Wanita

Penjelasan Lelaki Dalam Video Ditampar Wanita

  in Utama & Sensasi/Video Viral

SEJAK minggu lalu, tular di media sosial rakaman video memaparkan seorang wanita menerjah seorang lelaki gara-gara didakwa curang dengan wanita lain.

Wanita dalam klip itu mendakwa pasangannya cuba bermain kayu tiga dengan seorang lagi wanita yang dikenali sebagai Athirah.
“Aku suruh kau kumpul duit pasal kahwin, aku suruh kau beli motor sebab selama ni kau tak ada apa empat tahun.
“Empat tahun aku tunggu, empat tahun kau tak ade apa, kerja tunggang langgang kau aku tanggung.
“Kau sendiri cakap dengan aku nak kahwin, tapi apa kau buat? Kau dengan betina lain,” ujar wanita itu sebelum menampar muka si lelaki.
Rakaman berdurasi satu minit 18 saat itu kemudian dihujani pelbagai komen dan kecaman daripada netizen yang merasa kurang senang dengan sikap si lelaki gara-gara tidak menghargai pengorbanan teman wanitanya itu.
Malah, segelintir wanita di laman sosial turut melabelkan lelaki itu sebagai ‘buaya’ dan meminta wanita itu meninggalkannya.
Tidak tahan dengan pelbagai kecaman dan tuduhan bertalu-talu yang dilemparkan, lelaki di dalam video itu tampil memberikan perjelasan sebenar mengenai kejadian di ruangan inbox Facebook Mynewshub.
Pengguna Facebook yang mengunakan nama Asrol Faiz memberitahu, insiden ‘ditampar’ itu adalah disebabkan tindakanya yang menolak cinta Athirah (si perakam video berkenaan).
Menurut Ashrol, Athirah yang baru sahaja putus dengan teman lelakinya ingin menjadikan dirinya sebagai penganti namun dia menolak secara baik kerana masih tetap setia dengan tunangnya itu.
Athirah katanya telah bertindak menghubungi tunangnya bagi menceritakan ‘hubungan’ mereka, yang mana ia telah mengheret kepada persengketaan pasangan itu.
Ketika tunang Ashrol tiba dan berlaku pergaduhan, Athirah katanya bertindak merakam kejadian berkenaan.
“Aku tolak cinta si perakam video, dia bengang dan tak boleh terima hakikat yang aku tidak mahu dia. Malah dia(Athirah) ada ugut aku dan tunang ingin tularkan video jika tak terima dia sebagai teman wanita dia.
“Aku cuma nak berkawan dengan dia tapi dia anggap aku lebih, tapi aku hormat perasaan dia yang baru putus cinta kena tinggal dengan teman lelaki lama, jadi aku cuma berkawan,” katanya.
Tambah Ashrol, berhubung kejadian dia ditampar tunangnya, dia tidak mahu bertindak balas.
Ini kerana itu bukan satu perbuatan yang betul dan dia memahami yang tunangnya sedang keliru dengan apa yang sedang terjadi ketika itu.
Bagaimanapun Ashrol turut mengakui kesilapannya kerana terlalu mudah untuk mendekati Athirah dan memohon maaf kepada orang ramai akan kesilapan yang dilakukan.
Menurutnya lagi, dia kini sudah berbaik dengan tunangnya itu dan jika tiada apa-apa halangan ingin mendirikan rumah tangga bersamanya seawal tahun hadapan.
Dia menghargai segala usaha dan pengorbanan yang dibuat tunangnya selama ini dan berharap masyarakat memahami apa yang berlaku lebih bersifat kepada salah faham serta tindakan singkat akal Athirah. – MYNEWSHUB.CC

: Police have arrested six men who were allegedly involved in a fight after an accident on LDP

PETALING JAYA: Police have arrested six men who were allegedly involved in a fight after an accident on the Damansara-Puchong Expressway (LDP) here.
Serdang OCPD Asst Comm Megat Mohamad Aminuddin Megat Alias said police were alerted at about 1.15pm Sunday about an accident on the LDP nearby IOI Mall bound for Sunway.
ACP Megat Mohamad Aminuddin said that when police arrived at the scene, a fight had already broken out between the drivers.
He said that police asked them to disperse but the men ignored their orders.
ACP Megat Mohamad Aminuddin said that police arrested six suspects involved.
He added that all six, who are in their 40s, were brought to the Serdang district police headquarters for further action.
A video of the incident also went viral on Facebook with more than 200,000 views and 3,000 shares.
The video showed that the incident also caused a massive jam on the LDP.


: A woman who threatened a council officer with a steering lock was thrown in jail after she bit a policewoman and charged with contempt of court

Image result for woman steering lock puchong
Accountant who created a scene jailed 2 weeks for contempt of court

New Straits Times30 October 2017

PETALING JAYA: A woman in a viral video showing her threatening a municipal council officer with a steering lock screamed at the magistrate today and ended up being jailed for two weeks for contempt of court.

The outburst occured when magistrate Nurulhuda Zakariya ordered the accused Liew Yoke Peng, 43, to keep quite during the proceedings.

Liew, an accountant, was ordered to serve her jail term at the Kajang Prison from today.

She also bit a policewoman who was trying to calm her down, leaving the latter with a wound on her arm and her uniform button ripped off.

Earlier, Liew raised her voice at the magistrate as if she was trying to start a fight.

The proceedings then had to be adjourned to the afternoon as the situation was uncontrollable. Liew was found guilty of being in contempt of court by yelling and disobeying the magistrate's order to keep quite during the proceedings at magistrate's court 2 here at 11.35am today.

The charge under Article 26 Third Schedule (Section 99A) of the Subordinate Courts Act 1947 carries a maximum fine of RM150 or a maximum jail term of three weeks, if convicted.

Liew's husband pleaded for leniency saying that he had failed to convince the woman to listen to the court's orders.

In the same proceedings, Liew pleaded not guilty to intentionally obstructing an officer from the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) at a parking space in Bandar Puteri Puchong, at 1pm on Sept 6.

The offence under Section 186 of the Penal Code carries a maximum two years' jail or a fine or both, if convicted.

In a video which went viral on social media, the woman was seen yelling at a MPSJ enforcement officer at Bandar Puteri Puchong after her car was clamped because it was parked in a lot reserved for the disabled.

The woman, who was wielding a steering lock in a threatening manner, yelled at the officer that she could not find a parking lot and that she was buying food for her husband.

Deputy public prosecutor Abu Arsalnaa Zainal Abidin offered RM7,000 bail with one surety.

In sentencing Liew, Nurulhuda said the accused should act professionally and abide by the court's orders.

"Everyone in this court is carrying out their respective duties including the police. You cannot simply insult our job," she said.

Nurulhuda granted RM4,000 bail with one surety and fixed Nov 24 for mention. She also ordered Liew to surrender her passport to the court until disposal of the case. © New Straits Times Press

Woman arrested in Johor for prostituting daughters aged 8 and 10

JOHOR BARU: A 39-year-old woman has been arrested by the police here for allegedly forcing her two daughters, aged eight and 10, into prostitution.  
State police chief Comm Datuk Mohd Khalil Kader Mohd said the unemployed woman is believed to have forced her daughters to provide sexual services to three Bangladeshi men.  
He said initial investigations revealed that the woman had been taking her daughters to a budget hotel in Larkin to provide the sexual services since last month. 
He said that the woman would receive RM50 each time the girls were prostituted.  
Comm Mohd Khalil said following a tip-off, police arrested the woman on Oct 25 at Taman Bintang in Senai.  
"The daughters have been sent to Sultanah Aminah Hospital for check-ups and will later be taken to the Welfare Department for further action," he said during a press conference here on Monday.  
He added that the case was being investigated under Section 372 of the Penal Code for soliciting and Section 376 of the Penal Code for rape.  
"Police are also investigating the case under Section 14 of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Act 2007," Comm Mohd Khalil said.  
He also said that the police are looking for the three Bangladeshis involved and urged those with information on the case to come forward.


Three Rela members who were assaulted by a "Datuk Seri" were offered RM10,000 each to withdraw their reports

KUALA LUMPUR: Three People's Volunteer Corps (Rela) members who were allegedly assaulted by a "Datuk Seri" were allegedly offered RM10,000 each to withdraw their police report over the incident.
Rela director-general Zulkifli Abidin claimed that the individual implicated in the assault that occurred on Friday (Oct 27) morning had approached the trio's platoon leader and offered to give the three Rela members RM10,000 each if they withdrew their police report.
"We will not be intimidated and will do no such thing. If he committed the crime, he should be prepared to face the consequences," Zulkifli said at a ceremony to present certificates of commendation to the three Rela members.
Zulkifli said the suspect, a 29-year-old man, had instructed a middleman to call the platoon leader to make the offer on Sunday.
Zulkifli commended the trio's bravery and steadfastness, but said he regretted that the brawl had occurred, which proved that there was still a lack of understanding of Rela's duties and responsibilities.
"I hope that this episode is never repeated and the police will take swift action," he said.
On Friday, three Rela members on security duty during a religious ceremony at Kout Ong Yah temple in Kampung Baru Ampang were allegedly roughed up by the "Datuk Seri".
In the 6.30am incident, one of the three had told the "Datuk Seri" that his car, which was parked right in front of the temple, was causing traffic congestion.
However, this eventually led to him and two other members who came forward to defuse the situation, to be beaten.
They later made a police report at the Ampang police station before heading to a nearby hospital for treatment.
Zulkifli said the suspect had also asked to meet with him and threatened to hurt any Rela member if the meeting did not take place.
"However, when we sent our honorary member, Datuk Seri Michael Chong to meet him, he was nowhere to be found," he said.
Police have urged the suspect to surrender himself at any police station but he has yet to do so.


The ice truck that crashed into a van killing nine people on Saturday also hit another car

The van and the ice truck after the accident in Tapah.The van and the ice truck after the accident in Tapah.
TAPAH: The ice truck that crashed into a van killing nine people on Saturday has also grazed another car during the incident.
Tapah OCPD Superintendent Som Sak Din Keliaw said the investigating officer re-visited the accident site and found a car registration plate on Sunday at about 4pm.
"We tracked down the owner, who said he was going to a market to sell vegetables prior to the accident.
"He said the truck had veered into the opposite lane, grazing his Proton Iswara at the back before crashing into the van," he said.
A group of eight friends aged between 55 and 82, from Ayer Kuning New Village were killed during the accident at KM45 of Jalan Ipoh-Teluk Intan, near here.
Also killed in the accident was the 33-year-old van driver from Malim Nawar.
The 22-year-old truck driver suffered cuts and bruises, and has been detained by the police for investigation.
Supt Som Sak said the car driver, Beh Kok Meng, 47, from Chuan Nam Park, Langkap, was taken to the Tapah police station to lodge a report on Monday at about 12.55am.
"He did not lodged a report because he does not have a driving licence.
"His road tax has expired and it also did not have insurance since January 2016," Supt Som Sak said.
"The car has been towed to the police station for further action," he added.


Actor Producer Datuk Hans Isaac has called of his wedding with his fiancee Aileen Gabriella Robinson

PETALING JAYA: The relationship crisis between Datuk Hans Isaac and his fiancée Aileen Gabriella Robinson has come to an end after the actor decided to call off the wedding.
Hans was supposed to wed Gabriella, a model and ex-beauty queen, on July 29 this year.
"With a heavy heart, I announce that my plans to marry, having been engaged on Feb 28 earlier this year, have to be cancelled.
"The decision to cancel this wedding wasn't easy, and it was made after thinking long and hard following the engagement," said Hans, 46, in a short statement to mStar, the Star's Malay-language portal, on Monday.
In August, Hans had quashed rumours that his engagement with Gabriella was over after both of them deleted photos featuring both of them on their respective Instagram accounts.


Goalkeeper gets red card for urinating beside his goal post

Salford City Goalkeeper Was Red-Carded Not Because Of Aggressive Play But…

Max Crocombe.Max Crocombe.
Normally, whenever a footballer receives a red card from the referee, it is because they had committed a dangerous foul or caused misconduct toward another player.
However, a New Zealand Under-23 international goalkeeper was sent off from a match without even acting aggressively, but rather due to impropriate behaviour while goalkeeping.

Max Crocombe, goalkeeper for UK football club Salford City FC, was kicked out of a match on October 28 after he urinated beside his goalpost, reported The Independent.

Apparently, the New Zealander did not want to ask for the match to pause so he could answer the call of nature in the restroom, as usually the case for amateur football, so decided to urinate next to his goalpost at the 87th minute.

Match officials caught Crocombe in the act, and he was immediately sent off with a red card.

The spectators, who were focusing on the ball, were understandably confused by the referee’s decision at first as they did not witness the goalkeeper’s act.

Even the officials from Salford City and their opponent Bradford Park Avenue initially had no idea what was happening, and tweeted their confusion.
88: Red Card! Crocombe see red for something off the ball. No one has a clue what has happened. 1-2
86' - RED CARD! This is bizarre. Salford goalkeeper Max Crocombe has been dismissed and no one knows why...  (1-2)
All 533 spectators and club officials soon learned of Crocombe’s unprofessional act mid-match. Midfielder Richie Allen had to take in Crocombe’s post, as Salford’s three substitutions were already used up.
87' - We can confirm that Crocombe has been sent off for urinating during the game. We are not joking.  (1-2)

Fortunately for Salford City, the shameful misconduct by one of their players was compensated after they emerged from the match victorious, with a 2-1 win over Bradford Park.

Crocombe quickly apologised to his fans on Twitter, saying he made an error in judgement which spoiled a great win.

“He was told by the steward twice not to do it and he went ahead and had a pee,” club secretary Colin Barker said after the match, as according to RT.

As a consequence of his actions, Crocombe is facing a suspension of at least three matches, and it could be more depending on the discretion by the Football Association.

The 24-year-old lad ought to be ashamed of himself. As the goalkeeper for the New Zealand national youth team, he should have shown a more professional attitude on the pitch.
Both teams were playing in the National League North, which is the sixth tier of English football.

-- mD

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