
05 February 2014

Restaurant Robbery at Subang Jaya SS18

[Robbery Alert]!!! Restaurant Robbery at Subang Jaya SS18

29th January 2014, Time : 11:47pm

Location : Jalan SS18/6 Subang Jaya, Selangor.

Shared by Norwalena Wahab

4 robbers covered their faces with helmets, walked into the restaurant and robbed patrons having their supper and the shop owner of their daily collection. 1 of the robber was seen carrying a machete as he walks towards the cashier area.

These are troubled times. If you see a person or group of people behaving suspiciously or involve in any suspicious activities kindly contact the police.
 — at SS 18, Subang Jaya

Malaysian Crime Awareness Campaign

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'Shams Lcp Dear everyone, plz, stop all the negative comment n thoughts in your mind. as a VICTIM in the incident, im quite pissed off with some of the commentors who just shoot the words blindly without knowing wht exactly happened tht nite. it was early night, around 9.15pm. the owner of the restaurant suspect the robbers are coming so he directly go to the back n call the police. the robbery only takes around 1minutes ++ as u can see. they rob our belongings. n fyi, there are families with small kids inside the restaurant and also pregnant lady (me!). 1 of the 3kids at the back were crying as the robber snap the parang on the table. n the little kid in the baby seat is my 3yo daughter! even the owner dont dare to make a move to fight as he saw few small kids thre. everyone was shocked n frozen. nobody might think of heroic action, might cause worst things happened as well with kids. yes, the robbers were indian, but its nothing to do with the case. our trauma will be still the same if the robbers were malay or chinese! so stop all the racist n politics statemnt. after the robbers left, 1-2minutes aftr tht, the police arrived! for me thts fast enough. just tht we cant track them thru our phone as they were off. instd of arguing n being racist, pls pray n help the police dept to catch this culprits. tQ
"pelanggan lain yg sedang duduk situ hanya lihat dn jaga barang sndiri saja ke? no one call police?"
oh my! hello! dgn parang panjang, budak2 kecik, n 4org penyamun dtg dgn parang panjang, sape yg paling berani utk kluarkn phone n kol polis at tht time ms kene rompak???? kalo tak prnh berade dlm situasi panik n cemas mcm ni, jgn main ckp lepas je, gune akal, insyaAllah lg jelas pemikirannye.

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