
26 February 2022

Online “whistle-blower” Edisi Khas, which has been exposing a slew of alleged misdeeds has had its Twitter account suspended.

Edisi Khas suspended on Twitter after exposé on Tommy Thomas

This marks the online vigilante’s second suspension on the social media platform

21 FEB 2022

In a statement on Saturday, former attorney-general Tommy Thomas had refuted allegations that he was involved in corruption in handling the case involving tycoon Tan Sri Vincent Tan’s son, clarifying instead that he had reduced the charges. – Bernama pic, February 21, 2022

KUALA LUMPUR – Online “whistle-blower” Edisi Khas, which has been exposing a slew of alleged misdeeds involving high-ranking government officials and enforcement agencies, has had its Twitter account suspended.

Several social media users first noticed the suspension last night, following a series of its recent tweets, which claimed the involvement of tycoon Tan Sri Vincent Tan’s son in drugs.

The group took to Telegram to confirm the matter and said this had to do with its recent attacks on the son of the prominent businessman.

This is the second time the group has had its account suspended, after facing similar action in November last year when it went with the moniker Edisi Siasat then.

On Friday, Edisi Khas had posted on Twitter alleging that one of Tan’s sons was detained under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 after he was found in possession of a large quantity of drugs.

It went on to claim that then attorney-general (AG) Tan Sri Tommy Thomas had let him off by classifying the case as no further action (NFA).

In a statement on Saturday, Thomas refuted allegations that he was involved in corruption in handling the case, clarifying instead that he had reduced the charges.

He said this was done after studying the written representations submitted by the accused’s lawyers, reviewing the relevant legal provisions, and discussing them with the case officers.

Thomas maintained that he had neither acted corruptly nor received any bribes from Tan, and that he did not know the latter prior to becoming AG.

Malaysiakini had reported that Tan’s son was sentenced on February 10, 2020 by a Kuala Lumpur magistrate, but attempts to secure the charge sheet from the deputy public prosecutor were declined.

Edisi Khas told its Telegram followers that the suspension of its Twitter account was because those they had named “could not handle the heat”.

It added that it will create a new Twitter handle in the near future, but said it will be taking a short break.

Edisi Khas’ biggest exposé to date involved the dealings of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief Tan Sri Azam Baki, where it alleged that the latter had purchased millions in shares while holding public office.

Azam has maintained his innocence in the matter, and no action has been taken against him to date. – The Vibes, February 21, 2022

After expose on Vincent Tan's Son Twitter Account of Edisi Khas was seemingly suspended

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