
24 February 2022

Open Letter About Om Sivan Alayam Temple To YB Arul Kumar, Negeri Sembilan EXCO & Chairman for Non-Islamic Affairs

YB. TUAN J. ARUL KUMAR, State Exco Member of Negeri Sembilan State Assembly, Chairman for Human Resources, Plantation and Non-Islamic Affairs  


State Exco Member of Negeri Sembilan State Assembly 

Chairman for Human Resources, Plantation and Non-Islamic Affairs  

State Assemblymen for Nilai 

 Seremban, 23 February 2022 

Dear  Yang Berhormat, 



This is my second open letter to you after my first open letter dated 19 March 2021 did not 

receive your response nor attention.  


On the 15 of December 2021, we were invited by the Registrar of Societies Negeri Sembilan 

(ROS) to discuss on the issue of Om Sivan Alayam’s long pending issue. Instead of a discussion 

we were bluntly inform by the Pengarah, that with effective today the ROS has no more legal 

standing over Om Sivan Alayam because the temple has been registered as a Trustee under 

the Bahagian Hal Ehwal Undang-Undang (BHEUU) Jabatan Perdana Menteri and as such the 

ROS will be disqualifying all application made to register the temple under the ROS. The 

Pengarah refuse to make any other comments but has requested us to seek BHEUU for any 

further information. 


Two months has passed now, what puzzles us is that… 


1. How did a 42 years old ROS managed pertubuhan became a private Trustee without 

consulting the stake holders who are members and the devotees who has contributed 

towards the building and wellbeing of the temple for the past 42 years. 


2. How did ROS allow a private application when ROS knows that this temple has been 

under ROS care for the past 42 years? 


3. How did Jabatan Insolvensi Negeri Sembilan allowed the entire assets, movable, 

immovable, cash in hand, cash in bank, FD, cash in the Hundial and all assets deemed 

valuable to be transferred to the private Trustees. The temple was deregistered since 

2017 and the entire assets were under the custody of Jabatan Insolvensi Negeri 

Sembilan. The public had their trust on them, but Jabatan Insolvensi Negeri Sembilan 

failed us.  


4. How did the state land office allow a state gazetted land under ‘rumah ibadat’ 

registered under Om Sivan Alayam to be given to a private Trustee? As far as the law 

is concern, a state gazetted land cannot be sub-divided, leased or transferred 

ownership without proper process that need to be agreed and approved by the State 

Assembly and re-gazetted by the State Land Office when its status had been changed. 


5. How did BHEUU, JPM registered the Trustee without consulting the stakeholders? On 

what basis was the application made? who (individual) or which authority supported 

their application? was there any fake documents submitted? who certified or 

authorized it? Why was there no S.O.P followed, following the application of the 



None of the above 5 questions were answered by any authorities. When question put forward 

to you, you mentioned that you have nothing to do with it. But YB how did all the above 

passed or did not pass your knowledge?  


We were informed that the private Trustees are Mr. Munusamy Gopal, his son-in-law, Mr. 

Arul Prakash and his close family ally Mr. Ganesan Arumugam. Now that, Mr. Munusamy 

Gopal has passed away on the 18 January 2022, who has replaced him? How? and Why? 

Which laws did they use that govern their appointment as Trustee? 


To date the Temple is still using the old name without any official registration name nor 

registration no. The illegal committee are still issuing receipt under the old temple’s name 

without any registration no. This makes the receipt illegal. 3 hundials and one safe has been 

cleared, how much was there, who authorized them to open all the hundial and still collect 

public money. If the temple is now official registered as a Trustee why isn’t there any sign 

board, official name, letter head, official receipt etc. Who is the official Trustee? What are the 

bylaws that governs the Trustee? How is a Trustee appointed or removed?  


We have also evidence that the illegal temple committee has a Maybank, Jalan Rahang 

account under the name ‘Kuil Om Sivan Alayam’. When the temple accounts (Public Bank Bhd, 

Jalan Rasah) are frozen, how did they operate an illegal account. None of the past committee 

members knew a parallel account existed. What is the story behind this account? What 

documents were used to open the account when the temple deregistered? 


The sad and irony of the issues is, numerous complains and police reports were made for the 

past 3 years, no authorities took any action neither people like YB who is here to serve the 

public took any initiative to call for an enquiry. “THE PUBLIC NEEDS TO KNOW THE TRUTH”. 


The truth will surely prevail soon. Which side are you going to be YB? While we still have hope 

and respect your position and appointment as the people’s representative, we hope YB will 

take action and restore justice.  


A temple should be a public entity, no family or individuals can claim ownership of Om Sivan 

Alayam, Kg. Pasir, Rasah as it was built and managed by public funds for the past 42 years.  


“Nat Tunai Yaavathu, Namashivayavay” 


Thayalan Nathan 

Sivan Adiyar, Anbay Shivam! 

Thayalan Nathan

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