Netizens vent anger on senseless death of teenage girl in road rage
New Straits TimesAugust 23, 2017
KUALA LUMPUR: The senseless death of a teenage girl who was run over by a car in a road rage incident here yesterday sparked widespread outrage with people calling for the culprit to be charged with murder.
Netizens who took to social media to comment on the incident said the driver of the car, a private school teacher, should be made to pay for taking the life of an innocent girl.
“The girl ended up becoming collateral damage when two road bullies encountered each other.
“Both driver and motorcyclist are at fault too bad one of them chose to become a murderer,” a netizen who posted on the New Straits Times Facebook page said.
Another said: “Two idiots, one fatality. Many Malaysian drivers and motorcyclists are the same. Arrogant, reckless and no consideration. Traffic rules are violated. Prosecute both for the woman's murder to send a clear message about arrogance on the roads”.
Most of the angry comments however, were directed at the car driver for failing to control his anger.
“Shouldn't the school teacher be more matured in handling his own emotions, regardless of what caused the argument. The teacher shouldn't have taken things into his own hands and now he has to pay for what he has done.
“It's a human life we are talking about and for the rest of his life, he will stay guilty,” said a user named Yew Suyie.
Ardy Baggio said: “Just like in football, when you retaliate, it's a direct red card, even though your opponent fouled you first. In this case, the retaliation took a life. Straight red card - into prison!”
“In all circumstances, do not kill! Just move on and exercise self-control. (There are) so many frustrating people around us - throwing shoes, showing vulgar signs, kicking, cursing and etc.... Ignore and drive on!,” suggested another commenter.
It was reported that pillion rider Mimi Zulaika Abas, 19, died in a road rage incident along the Kuala Lumpur-Seremban Expressway yesterday, sparked by a feud between a car driver and a motorcyclist.
It is understood that an argument had broken out between the driver of the car and the 23 year-old motorcyclist, who had lashed out in anger and kicked the car’s passenger side mirror.
This enraged the driver of the car, identified as a 32-year-old private teacher from Seremban, who then swerved his car in the direction of the bike. The car struck the bike, causing both riders to fall off.
Witnesses said the car then ran over Mimi Zulaika, who was then rushed to the UKM Medical Centre, where she later succumbed to her injuries.
The motorcycle rider was warded after sustaining injuries while the car driver was taken into police custody.