
28 August 2017

Athletes have shined at 29th SEA GAMES 2017 but no gold for MASOC for schoolboy mistakes, latest being the way ticket sold for football final

BESTFBKL: MASOC have made some school boy mistakes throughout the games thank god the athletes have risen to the occasion to give Malaysia the best 60th Birthday present!

Malaysian football fans queuing up for tickets to the SEA Games final between Malaysia and Thailand tomorrow at Stadium Shah Alam August 28, 2017. ― Picture by Miera Zulyana Abdul Rahman


The announcement that tickets to the gold medal match between Malaysia and Thailand would not be sold online was only made on Sunday night.

BY        ZULHILMI ZAINAL       Follow on Twitter

Despite the success of hosts Malaysia in making it to the gold medal match in the SEA Games men's football competition, the home fans have been left with a bitter taste in their mouths.
The competitions on Sunday announced that the tickets to the match would only be sold at the stadium, and no tickets would be sold online unlike for the earlier matches and other events in the multi-sport regional competition.

The announcement was only made on Sunday night, and fans who want to buy the tickets to the match have to queue up at the Shah Alam Stadium on Monday morning to purchase them.
According to the announcement, the home fans can buy the tickets at the Shah Alam Stadium, while Thai fans can purchase them at the adjacent Malawati Indoor Stadium.
Fans instantly bashed the decision on social media, questioning the decision that would force them to have to take time off from work in order to queue up.

24 hours of weekend had lapsed before announcement of no online ticket sales.

This is no rocket science @KL2017.

However, they still queued up for the tickets, with many of them gathering at the venue on early Monday morning.

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Bodo panjang gila beratur nak dapat tiket final. Gigih tak aku pukul 4 gerak stadium shah alam  

Initially, the situation at the stadium was under control with fans queueing up properly, with the long line snaking around the stadium entrance.

Tapi saya salute semua disiplin beratur tahniah penyokong MALAYSIA. Ok nak gi byr Astro sbb nak tgk final dgn sanak keluarga di rumah

But frustrations soon set in and pandemonium broke out, with impatient fans taking down the barriers and surrounding the ticket counters.

Once again, football fans in the country have been let down by the administrators. At the time this article was published, it is unknown whether the tickets are still available.

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