
31 March 2016

Youth & Sports Ministry official charged with 32 counts of abusing govt funds totalling RM38m

Pegawai KBS nafi salah guna kuasa

KUALA LUMPUR: A 57-year-old Youth and Sports Ministry official was today charged at the Sessions Court with 32 counts of misappropriating government funds totaling RM38 million and falsifying documents.
Otman Arsahd, the Ministry's finance division secretary, claimed trial to committing the offences under Sections 18 and 23(1) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 which also involves four companies, at the National Sports Council office between May 2, 2012 till 18 November 2015.
Deputy public prosecutor Amir Nasruddin requested the court to impose a RM1 million dollar bail and also have Otman surrender his passport to the court.
Defence counsel Mohd Farid Abdul Aziz said RM1 million was an exorbitant amount and his client's accounts have been frozen, and that he has no other source of income.
"My client's family will be able to only raise RM100,000. The family has a three acre piece of land of which the grant can be used as bail."
Judge Allaudeen Ismail set bail at RM250,000 with two sureties, and instructed Otman to surrender his passport to the court along with the land grant.
Clad in a grey T-shirt and pants, Otman came to court with his wife and two children.
The case is fixed for mention on April 21.
© New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd

Pelakon baharu Nur Jihan memberitahu dia masih tidak bertegur atau berkomunikasi dengan pelakon Ammar Alfian selepas peristiwa dikasari lelaki tersebut

Dikasari Ammar Alfian, Jehan Tidak Bertegur Sapa Sejak Tiga Tahun Lalu

PETALING JAYA: Pelakon baharu Nur Jihan memberitahu dia masih tidak bertegur sapa atau berkomunikasi dengan pelakon Ammar Alfian selepas peristiwa dikasari lelaki tersebut ketika penggambaran filem Showdown The Movie tiga tahun lalu.
Jehan atau nama sebenarnya Nor Jehan Ahmad Shukri, 24, berkata, dia ingin melupakan kejadian itu dan enggan perkara tersebut menyekat kerjayanya yang baharu menceburi bidang lakonan.
"Ia adalah antara pengalaman pahit yang tidak boleh dilupakan dan sehingga sekarang kami tidak pernah berkomunikasi atau terjumpa di mana-mana.
"Saya pun malas untuk besar-besarkan kerana ketika berita itu keluar bukanlah dari mulut saya atau saya yang mereka-reka cerita seperti tuduhan Ammar.
"Saya orang baru dan saya tidak ada hubungan atau baik dengan mana-mana media untuk bercerita tentang kejadian itu," ujarnya kepada mStar Online pada sesi ramah mesra bersama pelajar dan pelakon filem Showdown The Movie Bersama Pelajar KLMUC di Auditorium Kolej Metropolitan Kuala Lumpur, di sini, Selasa.
Jehan berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas laporan mengenai insiden dia dipukul oleh pelakon Ammar Alfian ketika menjalani penggambaran filem berkenaan tiga tahun lalu.
Sementara itu, mengulas tentang kejadian yang berlaku itu, Jehan berkata, aktor tersebut mungkin terlalu terbawa-bawa watak yang dilakonkan ketika bukan waktu penggambaran.
"Ketika itu kami sedang berehat dari penggambaran untuk beberapa babak akhir dan Ammar adalah kumpulan lawan. Saya cuba untuk menegurnya dan menepuk belakangnya.
"Dia kemudian secara sengaja atau tidak telah bertindak menyigung saya dengan kuat sehingga terjatuh, ketika itu memang dia seperti marah dan rakan-rakan yang berada di tempat kejadian cuba meredakan keadaan," ujarnya.
Tambah Jehan, ketika melakonkan beberapa babak akhir filem iaitu aksi perlawanan tarian, kedua-dua pasukan diasingkan bilik berikutan terbawa-bawa babak tersebut.
"Saya pun pelik masa babak bettle tu memang semuanya cepat panas dan mudah marah mungkin terbawa-bawa karekter hingga keluar. Kami juga diberi bilik berasingan agar tidak timbul pergaduhan," ujarnya.
Selain itu, tambah Jehan dia berdebar menunggu tayangan filem pertamanya Showdown The Movie bermula pada 7 April depan.
Filem ini merupakan adaptasi daripada rancangan realiti pertandingan tarian, Showdown yang pernah merangkul beberapa anugerah dan jumlah penonton yang tinggi.
Antara pelakon lain yang turut terlibat ialah Reza Hasbi, Izara Aishah, Iedil Putra, Azad Jazmin, Ammar Alfian, Maria Farida dan Esma Daniel.

- mStar

Pelakon, Sharifah Sakinah reda dan menganggap belum rezekinya untuk menjadi ibu apabila anak yang dalam kandungan keguguran.

Sharifah Sakinah Keguguran, Anggap Belum Rezeki Jadi Ibu

KUALA LUMPUR: Pelakon, Sharifah Sakinah reda dan menganggap belum rezekinya untuk menjadi ibu pada tahun ini apabila anak yang baru beberapa minggu dalam kandungan keguguran.
"Saya mendapat tahu mengenai keguguran ini sekitar dua minggu lalu. Kandungan itu sendiri masih pada peringkat awal.
"Bagaimanapun, saya menerima ketentuan ini dengan reda. Suami (Aliff Adha) turut berperasaan sama," katanya sambil memberitahu, doktor memaklumkan tiada apa yang perlu dibimbangkan ekoran insiden berkenaan.
Kata pelakon yang dilahirkan dengan nama Sharifah Nurul Sakinah Syed Abu Bakar Al-Khaired ini, walaupun bayi terbabit dipinjamkan kepadanya untuk tempoh yang singkat, ia sudah cukup untuk meninggalkan memori indah kepadanya.
Sementara itu, bercerita mengenai kerjaya seninya, Sakinah, 26, berkata beliau baru saja menamatkan penggambaran telefilem berjudul Wau Kasih yang dijangka menemui penonton sebuah saluran berbayar sekitar Mei depan.
Telefilem itu adalah hasil sentuhan seorang pelajar tahun akhir sebuah pusat pengajian tinggi bersama-sama pengarah berkaliber, Sabri Yunus.
"Insya-Allah tidak lama lagi saya akan terbang pula ke Korea Selatan untuk menjayakan penggambaran filem, Kimchi Untuk Awak, arahan Michael Ang. Turut berlakon dalam filem ini ialah Emma Maembong, Aiman Hakim Ridza dan Janna Nick," katanya yang mengakhiri zaman bujang pada Mac tahun lalu.

sumber :BH Online

Mahkamah Rayuan Syariah hari ini memerintahkan bekas isteri Jimmy Shanley Norjahan Saleh dipenjara selama 3 hari berkuat kuasa hari ini

Bekas Isteri Jimmy Shanley Dipenjara 3 Hari

SHAH ALAM: Mahkamah Rayuan Syariah di sini hari ini memerintahkan bekas isteri selebriti Jimmy Shanley Norjahan Saleh, 36, dipenjara selama tiga hari berkuat kuasa hari ini berikutan mengingkari perintah berhubung hal lawatan dan bermalam membabitkan anak mereka.
Bagaimanapun, panel tiga hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Syariah yang dipengerusikan Ketua Hakim Syarie Tan Sri Dr. Ibrahim Lembut mengurangkan jumlah penjara terhadap Nursuhaila Eliani Suhaimy, 30, daripada tujuh hari ke tiga hari.
Penghakiman yang dibacakan Hakim Rayuan Syariah Datuk Aidi Moktar, menolak permohonan Nursuhaila Eliani untuk mengetepikan perintah komital (pemenjaraan) berkenaan dengan alasan Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah sudah memberi ruang dan peluang untuk perayu membela diri selain hukuman penjara itu juga tidak melanggar peruntukan undang-undang syariah Selangor.
Nursuhaila Eliani akan menjalani hukuman berkenaan di Penjara Wanita Kajang.

sumber: Kosmo! Online

Brazillian Football Legend Pele Sues Samsung For $30m Over Lookalike Use In Ad

Brazilian football legend Pele is suing South Korean electronics giant Samsung, after claiming the firm improperly used a lookalike in an advertisement.
He is claiming at least $30m (£21m), according to legal papers lodged at the US District Court in Chicago.
The advertisement for ultra high-definition televisions ran in the New York Times without Pele's permission.
Pele, 75, whose full name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento, is considered by many to be the best player of all time.
He played for Brazil's victorious World Cup winning teams of 1958 and 1970, scoring in both finals, and was in the squad which won in 1962.
With club side Santos he twice won the Copa Libertadores and Intercontinental Cup. Later in his career he went on to become the face of "soccer" in the US, as the NASL looked for a sporting breakthrough in the mid-1970s.
Scissors kick
It is alleged that Samsung ran the advertisement after breaking off negotiations in 2013 to use Pele's image to promote its goods.
According to the complaint, the ad - which does not name Pele - includes a facial photo of a man who "very closely resembles" him, and also a small picture of a footballer making a "modified bicycle or scissors-kick, perfected and famously used by Pele".
The iconic star now makes much of his income through product endorsements.
The complaint also says that the Samsung advertisement will damage the value of his endorsement rights and mislead consumers into thinking he backs Samsung products.
As well as seeking compensation his legal team say they also want to prevent future unapproved uses of his image.
The lawsuit was filed by Pele IP Ownership LLC, which owns the former player's trademark and publicity rights.
Pele's lawyer Frederick Sperling has also represented former Chicago Bulls basketball star Michael Jordan.
He helped him win a case against the former Dominick's Finer Foods over an unauthorised use of his identity in an advertisement in Sports Illustrated magazine.

No Complaints Yet Of Bomohs Casting Spells Over Facebook But Be Very Careful, Warns Cybersecurity Agency

No Complaints Yet Of Bomohs Casting Spells Over Facebook But Be Very Careful, Warns Cybersecurity Agency

Admit it, most of us enjoy taking selfies don't we? Everyday millions of Malaysians are happily sharing their selfies and snapshots on Facebook and across social media platforms without a second thought but beware, a black magic spell could be cast on your image, says a cyber security expert.
Earlier this month, Jazannul Azriq, corporate communications officer of CyberSecurity Malaysia, which is an agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation had spoken publicly about reported cases of victims online being hexed by “bomohs” or local shamans when they posted pictures of themselves online.
“Do not be surprised if the ‘bomoh’ themselves are getting smarter and they may have installed wireless broadband to launch their black magic.Pic: tv14.myPic:
So, avoid uploading pictures of yourself to avoid the threat of black magic,” Jazannul warned in an interview with Harian Metro earlier this month.
He also offered more practical advice about exercising caution when sharing photos of themselves on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites and to refrain from sharing your home address, phone number, and other personal details online, regardless of whether or not a bomoh is watching.
Evil spells cast by 'warlocks' lurking online? You may wonder if Jazannul's comments are to be taken seriously.
FilePic: PinterestFilePic: Pinterest
Today, Cybersecurity Malaysia CEO Dr Amirudin Abdul Wahab stated that they have not received any formal complaints of Facebook users being affected by spells cast digitally.
FilePic: macropolis.netFilePic:“We have not receive any official complaint regarding the use of black magic. So I do not wish to comment further on that matter.
“The whole thing has been blown out of proportion
“Nowadays, of course, we put a lot of our information on social media, so we have to be very careful," he explained, in an interview with a local English daily.
Amirudin did however share his fellow Cybersecurity colleague, Jazannul, concerns that most Malaysians don't give enough thought to their reputation or dignity when sharing personal images online.
“Because when incidences like these happen ― we are not only talking about financial loss, but also emotional damage. Some people have their reputation or dignity damage, some people have phobia to use the Internet again after that," he cautioned.
Selfies don't just identify you but indirectly give out personal details about yourself like how your friends and family members look like, where you and your friends usually hang out, and the type of activities you tend to be involved in. All this could provide a rich trove of information for any potential stalker, reports on the black magic over Facebook comment earlier this month. The report warned netizens that selfies are meant to be taken for fun, but be careful of the potential dangers.

- Malaysian DIgest

1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) president Arul Kanda Kandasamy said his job at the investment-arm company is done

1MDB: "My Job Here Is Done, Now I Need To Move On"- Arul Kanda

He said at present the company is in a debt settlement phase and would not take in new debt.He said at present the company is in a debt settlement phase and would not take in new debt.KUALA LUMPUR: 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) president Arul Kanda Kandasamy said his job at the investment-arm company is done.
“My job is to come in, identify the problem, put together the solution, herd people to stay focused,“ he said in an interview with Bloomberg.
“I’ve done it, now I need to move on,” he said.
"From my perspective, I’m done. Everything’s signed. Legal agreements are there, they’re binding. I’m leaving the company with available funds,” he said.
The interview on Wednesday was published today.
"I only signed up for one-third of what I ended up doing. I did not sign up for the investigations because that happened after I joined, and I definitely didn’t sign up for the extent of the comms-slash-politics that I had to deal with,” he said.
He said the misconceptions on 1MDB stemmed from the fact that a business problem became politicised and ended up becoming a tool for the Opposition to attack the government.
“That’s the reality of it," he said.
Stressing that there is no bailout for 1MDB, Arul Kanda told Bloomberg that the company does not need money from its shareholders to get to 2039 when the last bonds are due.
On March 25, Arul Kanda said 1MDB had fully settled a RM700 million loan o a consortium of domestic banks. The loan was first drawn in 2012 to partially finance 1MDBs acquisition of its energy assets.
He also said that 1MDB will make announcements on its other debt payments in two to three weeks.
Arul Kanda said at present the company is in a debt settlement phase and would not take in new debt.
On the controversial the 70-acre Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) land, Arul Kanda told Bloomberg that the company will retain the land to pay off outstanding bonds.
"Why don’t I want to sell it off today and pay off the debt? Because I think it’s going to be worth more over time."
1MDB was first established as the Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA) with the Terengganu government as its shareholder. TIA shares were taken over by the Finance Ministry, following which TIA was renamed 1MDB.
On March 15, the Finance Ministry said the government has no plans to dissolve 1MDB for the time being.
The ministry said 1MDB was a long-term project to capitalise on international investments and expertise in projects with high multiplier value and innovation.
-Astro Awani

BESTFBKL: During his term whether right or wrong he spoke well and defended 1MDB well. 

Indian Man Buys Korean Mastif Dog For RM620,000

Bangalore man buys Korean mastiff dog worth Rs 1 crore!

A man from Bengaluru bought a Korean Dosa mastiff dog for Rs 1 crore. The Korean breed has heavy wrinkled skin with hanging jowls and a blunt nose. These uncommon features in a dog makes this one expensive. Even with a flat nose, the dog can smell things from distance. The exotic breed flew from China. Satish S who is a breeder and president of Indian Dog Breeder’s Association said that two pups costing Rs 1 crore each will be flew from China.
Satish, a dog lover has over 15o rare breeds at his farmhouse in Kumbalgodu. He says that it is a dream come true for him as he wanted that particular since the past 20 years. He imported one female and a male pup. While one of the dogs travlled in a Rolls Royce, the other one got a ride in Range Rover form the airport to its owner’s house. Although Satish has been in the business since long, he recently came to know about the breed which is available in China.
The eyes of the animal is barely visible due to his heavy body skin. Life expectancy of this dog is seven to twelve years. It adapts easily to city and country environments although it suits well in cold climate. Due to its strong sense of smell, the dog can be trained as a search dog. It is a good-natured one and likes to be with people. It generally likes eating raw meat.
Modified Date: March 30, 2016 10:18 AM

PM Says Government is looking into solving the problem between taxi drivers and the use of ride-hailing apps and commends police

Najib: Solution soon on use of ride-hailing apps

PETALING JAYA: The Government is looking into solving the problem between taxi drivers and the use of ride-hailing apps, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak 
On Tuesday, a group of angry and frustrated taxi ­drivers protested in the city over the lack of official action against ride-sharing apps such as Uber and GrabCar.  
The Prime Minister said the interests of both users and taxi service providers would be considered when reaching a solution.  
According to Najib, the Government is studying the proposals to address the problem, and will announce its solution "in the near future".  
"I understand and I am concerned about the problems and grievances faced by cabbies that is caused by the services of Uber and GrabCar drivers in Malaysia which is seen as affecting their income," said Najib in a blog post Thursday.  
He said this issue was not exclusive in Malaysia, and that the same problem was being studied in many countries.   
"There are various factors that the Government must consider and balance, such as the element of innovation, competition and so on.   
"In this era of sophistication and innovation, we have to keep pace with technological developments," he added.  
Najib said that competition between taxi drivers and ride-hailing apps must be seen as a stepping stone, instead of a hindrance, so that people could enjoy a better service.  
"I hope that no one would follow their emotions and take drastic measures such as starting street protests that will only exacerbate the situation and damage their image.  
"And it would not bring any benefit, especially for the users of taxi services," said Najib.  
Najib also praised police for acting swiftly and professionally in taking control of the traffic situation and dispersing the taxi drivers during Tuesday's protest along Jalan Bukit Bintang.   
It is reported that taxi drivers claimed that Uber and GrabCar were making it more difficult for them to earn a living. The Land Public Transport Com­mission (SPAD) was reportedly seen to be too slow in tackling the industry’s issues.

Live Broadcast from the Malaysian Parliament Sidang Dewan Rakyat 31 Mac 2016 Sesi Petang



The percentage distribution of Malaysian population by ethnic group based on 2010 census.
The percentage distribution of Malaysian population by ethnic group based on 2010 census.

Malaysia - Religion

Political Parties

MCMC arrested an engineer who allegedly uploaded offensive and insulting comments about Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib on Facebook

MCMC arrests engineer over Facebook comments about Najib

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission has arrested an engineer who allegedly uploaded offensive and insulting comments about Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on the Facebook account of a news portal recently.
MCMC, in a statement on its Facebook account Wednesday, said the 26-year-old individual was picked up in an operation conducted by MCMC with the Commercial Crime Investigation Division of the Putrajaya Police headquarters.
A report had been lodged that the engineer made the comments in reaction to an article carried by the news portal on its Facebook account on March 25.
MCMC said a statement was recorded from the individual at its office in Cyberjaya on March 28.
It said that an Asus mobile telephone and a SIM card belonging to the individual had been seized.
MCMC said it would summon several other individuals soon to assist in the investigation. - Bernama

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