
24 February 2024

Rice price: PM directs NACCOL to finalize the outcome of the deal before bringing it to the Cabinet

 Rice price: PM directs NACCOL to finalize the outcome of the deal before bringing it to the Cabinet

February 23, 2024 22:02 MYTH

Anwar said that the transaction should take into account the purchase price of rice, supply factors, the price of world imported rice, the sustainability of local rice supply and the impact on consumers. - Photo by Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ordered that the results of the discussion at the Special Meeting of the National Livelihood Action Council (NACCOL) on the setting of the price of white rice, which convened on Friday, be presented and finalized at the next meeting on March 20 before being taken up for Cabinet consideration. .

The Prime Minister said, during that period he requested that the cheap sales program including Rahmah Sale and Agro Madani Sale be increased so that the people can buy daily necessities, including rice at a lower price than the market.

Accordingly, he said, the implementation schedule regarding cheap sales is announced regularly.

He said that the transaction should take into account the purchase price of rice, supply factors, the price of world imported rice, the sustainability of local rice supply and the impact on consumers.

"After listening and taking into account all views, the meeting decided that the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security should lead and coordinate the engagement session in more detail as soon as possible by taking into account the purchase price of rice, supply factors, the price of world imported rice, the sustainability of local rice supply as well as impact on consumers," he said in a statement here, on Friday.

At the same time, Anwar said, Padiberas Nasional Berhad (BERNAS) also agreed to reconsider the price offer of imported white rice (BPI) in the domestic market so that BPI can be sold at a lower price.

"It thus creates an alternative for the people to get rice at a more reasonable price," he explained.

Anwar said that he also heard a detailed explanation regarding the proposed implementation of MADANI Malaysian White Rice.

He said, at the same time, several industry representatives and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) including those representing rice farmers and manufacturers also voiced some suggestions and views regarding the country's rice and rice situation, particularly to ensure the availability of rice at a reasonable price to the people.

"I also alluded to the importance of enhancing enforcement to ensure the presence of rice in the market and that no wholesalers or manufacturers make excessive profits or act to mix the content of local white rice (BPT) and BPI to sell at a high price," he said.

According to him, although the supply and price of BPT in the domestic market is generally under control, he still receives complaints regarding the issue of limited BPT supply.

"People are also affected by the increase in the price of Imported White Rice (BPI) in the global market following the export ban imposed by rice producing countries.

"I stress that the intervention of the MADANI government at this point is very critical and needs to be decided immediately to ensure that the issue of supply and price of the people's staple food continues to remain stable in the market.

"I emphasize that the government needs to continue to focus fully on the cost of living issue that still plagues the people even though the inflation rate has eased to 1.5 percent as of last January," he said

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