
24 March 2016

Netizens think its a big joke for 18 year old girl weds 62 year old man

18-Year-Old Girl Weds 62-Year-Old Man, Netizens Think It’s A Big Joke

When pictures of a newlywed young woman with an elderly man were circulated on social media, netizens took notice and immediately made it a viral "joke".
Not long after the pictures were posted to Ustaz Saiful Bahri Mamat’s Facebook page, with a congratulatory message wishing the newlyweds a well marriage, netizens took interest in the pair.
“Ismail Lambak, 62 had just ended his bachelorhood with his 18-year-old dream wife. Many would be jealous of him,” wrote the PAS Terengganu commissioner.
The site ‘Himpunan Gambar Lawak’ was one quick to make fun, posting the couple's picture with a laughing emoticon: “18 tahun gaiisss, 18 tahun. Allahu, rasa pedih menusuk kalbu gaiss. Hahahahaha.” (18 years old guys. Gosh, it hurts my guts.)
Nur Nasirah Nazri, the woman who wedded Ismail Lambak was quick to defend her marriage.
“Thanks for sharing my marriage with the entire world. Is my marriage really that hilarious? I understand, it’s because a young woman like me got married with an old man, so that’s a joke.
“It’s typically human to laugh at others. But if it’s the other way around, we would flip.
“Is it such a disgrace for the young to marry the old? At least this is an authorised marriage, not out of wedlock,” she wrote in response to the administrator of the page.
Plus what’s the big deal? About 20 per cent of men who are newly remarried have a wife who is at least 10 years younger than he is, a study has revealed according to Men's Health in an article titled 'Why Younger Women Marry Older Men (It’s Not Always About Money)'.
Neuropsychiatrist Dr. LouAnn Brizendine, author of The Female Brain, says that the brain development in girls happens much faster than for boys—sometimes by as much as two years—and guys don't really catch up until at least their early 20s.
So it proves that biologically, a younger woman would feel more comfortable with an older man.
Sean Horan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Communication at Texas State University also said, “A key indicator of attractiveness is similarity. We might not understand it from the outsider perspective, but something exists between them that draws them together.”
“Uncertainty makes us uncomfortable. And when couples don’t match, that violates our norms and expectations. But not every marriage is one-size-fits-all,” he adds.
It is true that love and happiness knows not of age nor beauty, it is what a person truly feels and what matters the most to them is what counts.
In Nasirah’s case we are sure she has carefully chosen her partner and we’re even happier to see her standing up for the man she loves, because how many of us regardles of age can say that we would do the same for our loved ones?

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