
04 June 2015

SukaGuam Produces Trailer To Promote NGOs Dialogue With Najib #Nothing2Hide

Pic: Facebook Video ScreenshotPic: Facebook Video Screenshot
SukaGuam has tuned up its promotion of this Friday's 'Dialog PM Bersama NGO' (Dialogue Session Between PM And NGOs) by reaching out to social media. Besides creating the hashtag #Nothing2Hide, it has also posted a promotional trailer of the dialogue session.
The 1.13 minute video highlights the major talking points that is stirring controversy leading to many questioning Prime Minister's Datuk Seri Najib Razak's leadership of UMNO and the nation.
Set to rousing music, mixed with big bold captioned titles and edited past video recordings of the PM's public speeches on the same subjects, the trailer highlighted among other, BR1M, Altantuya, UMNO and the topic on everyone's mind these days, 1MDB.

The Malaysian Volunteer Lawyers Association (SukaGuam) which is organizing this Friday's meeting between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had announced at a press conference on Monday, June 1st, that an estimated 1000 activists and NGOs will attend the dialogue this Friday, June 5th, which will be held at Dewan Tun Hussein Onn, PWTC at 9am.
Chairman of SukaGuam, Datuk Khairul Anwar had stated during the press conference that NGOs should be given the chance to quiz Najib as they had legitimate questions, so that politicians did not dominate discussions on national issues.

- mD

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