
20 June 2024

Joint statement: Malaysia recognizes that Taiwan cannot be separated from China

Joint statement: Malaysia recognizes that Taiwan cannot be separated from China

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang is on a three-day visit to Malaysia that ends today.

Joint statement: Malaysia recognizes that Taiwan cannot be separated from China

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang is on a three-day visit to Malaysia that ends today. - Named Photo

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia reiterates its firm commitment to the One China Policy, as enshrined in the Joint Communiqué signed by the leaders of the two countries on 31 May 1974.

AI Summary

Malaysia reiterated its firm commitment to the One China Policy, as enshrined in the Joint Communiqué signed by the leaders of the two countries on 31 May 1974.

According to the One China Policy, Malaysia also recognizes that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. Kuala Lumpur firmly asserted that it would not support any call for Taiwan independence.

In addition, Malaysia and China also agreed to expand cooperation in the field of defense industry and increase exchange and collaboration in matters of national security.

In line with the One China Policy, Malaysia also recognizes that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China for the republic to achieve the reunification of the country.

Therefore, Kuala Lumpur insists it will not support any call for Taiwan's independence.

"Both countries confirmed their commitment to protect social stability, national security and enhance national unity," according to a joint statement issued by Malaysia-China, today.

The stance was among those expressed in conjunction with the Chinese Prime Minister, Li Qiang's three-day working visit to Malaysia that ended today.

At the same time, the two national leaders firmly support each other in defending national sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity, as well as adhere to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

In addition, Malaysia-China agreed to expand cooperation in the field of defense industry and increase national security exchange and collaboration.

"Both sides reiterated their opposition to any form of terrorism and will strengthen cooperation in law enforcement and anti-terrorism security, jointly tackle cross-border crime and contribute to regional peace and stability," explained the joint statement.

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