
31 December 2019

Defence Ministry secretary-general Datuk Seri Mohd Zuki Ali is New Chief Secretary To the Government

Mohd Zuki Ali is new Chief Secretary to the Government
Tuesday, 31 Dec 20195:47 PM MYT


PUTRAJAYA: Defence Ministry secretary-general Datuk Seri Mohd Zuki Ali is the new Chief Secretary to the Government.

His appointment takes effect on Jan 1, 2020 and he replaces Tan Sri Dr Ismail Bakar who is taking leave before going on compulsory retirement.

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said in a statement that Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah has consented to Zuki’s appointment as the Chief Secretary to the Government.

Zuki hails from Terengganu and has a Masters degree from Nanyang University, Singapore in business management.

The 58-year-old has served the civil service for 28 years in various ministries and capacities.

Known for his vast experience, Zuki had previously served in the Finance, Education, Home and Natural Resources and Environment Ministries.

He was also previously attached to Istana Negara, the Prime Minister’s Department and was Sarawak Federal Secretary.

Zuki was promoted to be the Defence Ministry’s secretary-general in April, 2019.

“The government records its highest appreciation and gratitude to Ismail for his service to the country as the Chief Secretary to the Government, ” the PMO said in its statement Tuesday (Dec 31).

Ismail was appointed to the post in April, 2018.

Prior to holding the top civil servant’s post, Ismail was the Treasury’s secretary-general.

Kedah Police Chief was involved in a road accident while on his way to join a New Year 'kapchai' (underbone bike) event

Kedah police chief on 'kapchai' hurt in road mishap

Tuesday, 31 Dec 20192:43 PM MYT


ALOR SETAR: Kedah Police Chief Commissioner Datuk Zainuddin Yaacob was involved in a road accident while on his way to join a New Year 'kapchai' (underbone bike) event in Pokok Sena near here.

At about 11.30am, Kota Setar's Police District Control Centre (DCC) received information of the accident at the junction of Pokok Pauh.

Comm Zainuddin's Honda RS 150cc motorcycle reportedly collided with a white Perodua Alza.

He was supposed to participate in a police programme called "Konvoi Kapchai Ambang Tahun 2020 Ketua Polis Kedah".

Following the accident, he was rushed to the Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital to receive treatment.

He is said to be in a stable condition but may have fractured his right leg.

The case is under investigation and a statement from police is still pending.

The motorcycle convoy event covers a distance of 251km, beginning from Kota Setar district police headquarters to Gurun, Sik, Baling, Kuala Muda and back to Kota Setar.

It is aimed at fostering awareness on crime prevention through high-profile policing and the strengthening of police-community relationship via 'kapchai' enthusiasts in the state.

Konsert Dayang Dua Dekad di Singapura - Hebat dan mempunyai aura tersendiri.

Malam gemilang Dayang Nurfaizah di Singapura

Malik Ridhwan, Astro Awani | Disember 30, 2019 16:17 MYT

Konsert Dayang Dua Dekad Singapura merupakan kesinambungan kepada konsert sama yang dipentaskan di Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur pada Julai tahun ini. - Gambar SHIRAZ PROJECTS

SINGAPURA: Hebat dan mempunyai aura tersendiri. Itu gambaran paling tepat bagi menyingkap 20 tahun penglibatan Dayang Nurfaizah dalam industri muzik menerusi konsert Dayang Dua Dekad yang berlangsung di The Theatre MediaCorp di sini pada 28 Disember lalu.

Dalam konsert berkenaan, Dayang tampil dengan persembahan lebih bersifat ‘up close & personal’, tanpa menggunakan teknologi kesan khas mahupun gimik selain pentas hanya dihiasi sinaran lampu dan layar elektronik.

Diiringi 13 pemuzik dan penyanyi latar, Dayang membawa peminat menelusuri dan menyingkap nostalgia kerjaya muziknya selama dua dekad.

Sepanjang dua jam setengah persembahan, penonton bukan sahaja terpukau dengan alunan gemersik suara emas penyanyi kelahiran Kuching, Sarawak ini, tetapi turut terhibur dengan gurau senda bersahaja Dayang di atas pentas.

Di hadapan 1,500 peminat Dayang Nurfaizah menampilkan persembahan elegan. - Gambar SHIRAZ PROJECTS

Membuka pentas dengan lagu Tak Pernah Menyerah, penyanyi berusia 38 tahun ini mendendangkan 18 buah lagu di hadapan 1,500 peminat.

Keanggunan vokal Dayang terserlah ketika mendendangkan lagu yang membuatkan dia diminati sejak awal kemunculan dalam industri muzik seperti Seandainya Masih Ada Cinta, Erti Hidup, Mana Mungkin dan Sedingin Mana Cintamu.

Menurut Dayang, lagu yang mahu didengar peminat di Kota Singa jauh berbeza dengan peminat di Malaysia.

Justeru, bagi memenuhi kehendak peminat, istimewa malam tersebut di Singapura, Dayang turut menyanyikan Langit Cinta.

Teater MES Mediacorp bergema dengan sorakan peminat apabila Dayang membawa Hael Husaini ke atas pentas untuk berduet mendendangkan lagu Hari Ini dan seterusnya Haram.

Dayang Nurfaizal turut mengundang rakan duetnya, Hael Husaini pada malam konsert Dayang Dua Dekad di Singapura. - Gambar SHIRAZ PROJECTS

Dayang yang tampil elegan dalam tiga persalinan rekaan Datuk Rizalman Ibrahim melengkapkan seleksi lagu persembahannya apabila turut menyanyikan lagu Separuh Mati Ku Bercinta, Pejamkan Mata dan Sebentar sebelum mengakhiri dengan persembahan encore menerusi lagu Lelaki Teragung dan Dayang Sayang Kamu.

BACA: Tiket Konsert Dayang Dua Dekad habis terjual

Konsert Dayang Dua Dekad Singapura merupakan kesinambungan kepada konsert sama yang dipentaskan di Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur pada Julai tahun ini dan kemunculan kedua Dayang di Singapura selepas kejayaan konsert sulungnya di Esplanade Theatre pada Januari 2018.

BACA: Penangan Dayang Nurfaizah, Esplanade Singapura 'Full House' dibuatnya

KKM arah henti jualan peranti 'Headphone kurangkan kadar gula'

KKM arah henti jualan peranti 'headphone kurangkan kadar gula'

Bernama | Disember 30, 2019 21:29 MYT

NOOR HISHAM: Tahap keselamatan dan keberkesanan peranti berkenaan tidak dapat disahkan. - Gambar fail
KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) pada Isnin mengarahkan pihak syarikat yang mengedar peranti 'headphone' yang didakwa boleh mengurangkan dan mengawal kadar gula dalam darah supaya menghentikan penjualan dan pengedaran peranti itu serta-merta.

Ketua Pengarahnya Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah berkata tahap keselamatan dan keberkesanan peranti berkenaan tidak dapat disahkan kerana semakan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Peranti Perubatan (PBPP) mendapati ia tidak berdaftar di bawah Akta Peranti Perubatan 2012 (Akta 737).
Sehubungan itu, beliau berkata penjualan dan pengedaran peranti itu perlu dihentikan serta merta sehingga ia diluluskan di bawah Seksyen 5 Akta 737 dan syarikat memperolehi lesen establismen yang sah di bawah Seksyen 15 akta yang sama.

"Berdasarkan keperluan perundangan, sesuatu peranti perubatan yang hendak diimport, dieksport dan diletakkan dalam pasaran, hendaklah terlebih dahulu didaftarkan di bawah Seksyen 5 Akta 737.

"Dalam proses pendaftarannya tahap keselamatan serta keberkesanannya akan dinilai serta disahkan. Sebarang tuntutan perubatan yang dibuat hendaklah disokong dengan bukti-bukti saintifik dan klinikal selain peranti tersebut hendaklah memenuhi prinsip-prinsip keselamatan dan keberkesanan," kata dalam kenyataan pada Isnin.

Ia sebagai maklum balas terhadap artikel bertajuk "Headphone bantu kurangkan kadar gula pesakit diabetes" yang dilaporkan dalam sebuah portal bertarikh 20 Dis lepas sehingga menimbulkan pelbagai reaksi orang awam yang menzahirkan kebimbangan terhadap keselamatan dan keberkesanan peranti itu.

Dr Noor Hisham berkata penjualan dan pengedaran peranti perubatan yang tidak berdaftar atau tanpa lesen establismen yang sah merupakan satu kesalahan dan jika disabitkan boleh dikenakan denda tidak melebihi RM200,000 atau penjara tidak melebihi tiga tahun atau kedua-duanya.

Pada masa yang sama, katanya sebarang bentuk tuntutan perubatan berkaitan sesuatu peranti perubatan yang disiarkan bagi tujuan pengiklanan hendaklah mematuhi keperluan iklan yang digariskan mengikut Seksyen 44 Akta yang sama dan Peraturan (Iklan) Peranti Perubatan 2019.

Menurutnya, mana-mana orang yang membuat dakwaan yang mengelirukan atau palsu tentang sesuatu peranti perubatan di dalam iklan merupakan kesalahan dan jika disabitkan, boleh dikenakan denda tidak melebihi RM300,000 atau penjara tidak melebihi tiga tahun atau kedua-duanyai.

Orang awam terutama pesakit yang sedang menerima rawatan perubatan bagi penyakit kronik disaran supaya mendapatkan nasihat daripada ahli profesional kesihatan berdaftar sebelum menggunakan mana-mana peranti selain menyemak status pendaftarannya dengan melayari portal rasmi PBPP


Beberapa lokasi tumpuan untuk sambutan tahun baharu 2020 , Ambang 2020: Nak ke mana kita?

Ambang 2020: Nak ke mana kita?

Astro Awani | Disember 30, 2019 21:12 MYT

Ke mana anda malam tahun baru esok?

SEPERTI biasa, malam sambutan tahun baharu pastinya menjadi pilihan warga kota untuk keluar meluangkan masa bersama keluarga dan rakan-rakan.

Berikut kami senaraikan beberapa lokasi tumpuan untuk sambutan tahun baharu 2020 malam esok. Walau apapun pengisian dan di manapun anda memilih untuk menyambutnya, tahun baharu haruslah dirai secara berpada-pada.

Paling penting adalah ia harus diiringi azam untuk menjadi insan yang lebih baik daripada tahun sebelumnya.

Selamat tahun baharu!
Ambang 2020@Kuala Lumpur
Lokasi: Dataran Merdeka

Dataran Merdeka seperti biasa akan jadi tumpuan warga kota.

Anjuran tiga kementerian, Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya (MOTAC) bersama Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan serta Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia (KKMM), acara ini mungkin paling menjadi tumpuan.

Ia bakal dirasmikan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, dengan kemuncaknya ialah 'Pertunjukan Cahaya di Langit' yang menjadi signifikan bermulanya Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2020.

LAMPU 2019
Lokasi: Dataran Putrajaya

Festival LAMPU turut punya tarikan tersendiri untuk sambutan ambang tahun baru.

Festival Light and Motion Putrajaya atau LAMPU kembali tahun ini dan seperti sebelumnya, Presint 3 Putrajaya akan diterangi lampu begemerlapan, membawa tema Beautiful Malaysia.

Banyak acara menarik selama tiga hari ia berlangsung, iaitu dari 28 Disember hingga malam tahun baru. Paling ditunggu pastinya digital and live fireworks, menjelang tengah malam 31 Disember.

Cloudora Festival
Lokasi: Sunway Lagoon

Sunway Lagoon akan menjadi lokasi festival neon terbesar di Malaysia.

Bagi yang mahukan kelainan, anda boleh ke Sunway Lagoon untuk pertunjukan lampu neon. Malah ia turut dilabelkan sebagai festival cahaya neon terbesar di Malaysia.

Antara yang menarik di sini adalah pertunjukan bunga api selama lapan minit menjelang tahun baharu dan persembahan muzik secara langsung serta persembahan DJ antarabangsa.

2020 New Year's Eve Party
Lokasi: CITTA Mall

Persembahan konsert ambang merdeka di Citta Mall malam esok.

Konsert ambang tahun baharu ini akan disertai artis-artis muda popular, antaranya Nabila Razali, As'ad Motawh, Nana Sheme dan ramai lagi.

New Year's Eve 2020 Countdown
Lokasi: Sunway Velocity Mall

Persembahan konsert ambang merdeka di sini malam esok.

Di lokasi ini juga bakal dianjurkan konsert ambang tahun baharu yang akan bermula jam 10 malam. Ia bakal diserikan dengan persembahan Hael Husaini, Janna Nick dan ramai lagi.

Tanjung Malim Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s Armada chief died when the four-wheel drive (4WD) he was in hit a lorry

Bersatu's Tg Malim Armada chief Luth Ishak dies in accident on NSE


Tuesday, 31 Dec 201910:04 AM MYT


IPOH: Tanjung Malim Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s Armada chief died when the four-wheel drive (4WD) he was in hit a lorry at KM315.8 along the North-South Expressway near Tapah.

Tapah OCPD Superintendent Wan Azharuddin Wan Ismail said Luth Ishak, 34, from Bidor, died on the spot during the 6.15am accident.

He said two other people in the south-bound 4WD were seriously injured and had been put on ventilators, while the driver sustained minor injuries.

“The 56-year-old driver of the lorry ferrying eggs fractured his left leg.

“The accident is believed to have occurred when the lorry driver switched lanes from right to left, and the other vehicle, which was on the left side of the lane, hit the right side of the lorry, ” he said.

The body has been sent to the Tapah Hospital for a post-mortem.

The case is being investigated under Section 41 (1) of the Road Transport Act 1987.

Perlis Umno leader Shahidan Kassim says it is Lokman Noor Adam who is causing disunity in UMNO

Not your father’s party, Shahidan tells Lokman
Minderjeet Kaur
-December 31, 2019 8:39 AM
Perlis Umno leader Shahidan Kassim (left) says it is Lokman Noor Adam who is causing disunity in the party.

PETALING JAYA: Perlis Umno leader Shahidan Kassim has taken Supreme Council member Lokman Noor Adam to task over the latter’s claim that former vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein is colluding with PPBM amid talk of a “backdoor government” formed through a realignment of political forces.

Shahidan told FMT that Lokman was attempting to create friction within Umno by insisting that disciplinary action be taken against Hishammuddin.

“Action should be taken against Lokman, not Hishammuddin, for creating problems and disunity within the party,” he added.

He also accused Lokman of questioning Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s decision to dismiss the allegations.

Lokman lodged a complaint with the party’s disciplinary board after Hishammuddin was reported to have been part of a group of Barisan Nasional MPs who attended a dinner-meeting with Economic Affairs Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali at his official residence.

It was alleged that the meeting was to gather support for Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Lokman had called for stern disciplinary action against Hishammuddin for allegedly attempting to sway Umno MPs to declare support for Mahathir and Azmin.

However, Shahidan rubbished Lokman’s suggestion that Hishammuddin had been involved in arranging the meeting.

“He did not organise the meeting. Someone else is involved. He (Lokman) is picking the wrong target,” he said.

He added that the meeting was unrelated to Umno, saying it was to discuss “issues related to (the MPs’) constituencies”.

He likewise questioned Lokman’s motive for investigating a video clip leaked in June, implicating Azmin in a same-sex scandal.

“On whose orders did he carry out the probe, whose directive? Umno did not give any instruction to probe the video. Why did he use Umno’s name?” he said, referring to reports that Lokman had submitted to the police a forensic report on the video from a Birmingham-based company.

Shahidan also claimed that Lokman had not been meeting with Umno MPs.

“And now, suddenly, he wants action to be taken against some Umno MPs.

“Lokman must remember that Umno does not belong to his father. It belongs to all Malays. And if there are issues, everyone must follow the rules and regulations of the party,” he said.

The government has announced that it is delaying the implementation of the targeted fuel subsidy programme (PSP) until further notice

Fuel subsidy plan on hold

Tuesday, 31 Dec 2019

Fuel for thought: ‘The Cabinet has decided that PSP implementation will not go ahead until further notice.’

KUALA LUMPUR: With a day to go before the New Year, the government has announced that it is delaying the implementation of the targeted fuel subsidy programme (PSP) until further notice, says Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail.

The delay, he added, was to better explain the programme to Malaysians.

The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister said the decision to delay the PSP from being implemented nationwide starting next January was made during a Cabinet meeting on Dec 18.

“The Cabinet meeting on Dec 18 decided that the implementation of the PSP, which was scheduled to begin on January 2020, will not go ahead until further notice, ” he



Saifuddin said the postponement was to allow for more sessions to be conducted to explain the subsidy and to better prepare Malaysians to accept the PSP.

He added that the registration process of recipients under the M40 group would be conducted by the Finance Ministry.

“While waiting for the confirmation of the PSP implementation to be announced, the people can continue to enjoy current petrol prices based on the present system, ” he said in a statement yesterday.

The RM2.2bil PSP, which was expected to benefit more than eight million motorists from the low-income B40 and middle-income M40 groups, was announced by the Pakatan Harapan government on Oct 8.

Under the PSP, individuals who own not more than two cars and two motorcycles are eligible to receive PSP for one vehicle.

The qualifying criteria is for passenger cars with 1,600cc engine and below, or 1,600cc and above if they are more than 10 years old.

For motorcycles, it must be 150cc and below; if it is over 150cc, it must be at least seven years old.

No luxury vehicles are qualified to receive the targeted subsidies.

For eligible recipients of Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH), the petrol subsidy receivable will be RM30 per month for car owners and RM12 per month for motorcycle owners.

30 December 2019

Pemenang Anugerah Khas Astro diiktiraf menerusi Konsert Throwbaek 2019

Outstanding! Tok Ram, Dr Amalina, Cik B, & Lagu Mengantuknya Mumia Antara Pemenang Anugerah Konsert Throwbaek 2019!

30 DISEMBER 2019. 1:07 AMHiburan

Pencapaian terbaik sepanjang 2019 menjadikan beberapa nama-nama besar dalam industri tanah air diiktiraf menerusi Konsert Throwbaek 2019 yang berlangsung di Auditorium MBSA, Shah Alam, hari ini (Ahad).

Antara nama yang diberi penghargaan termasuklah Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Datuk Ramli MS, Dr Amalina Che Bakri, Mira Filzah, Ben Amir, Didi & Friends serta banyak lagi.

Paling menarik konsert berkenaan dimeriahkan dengan persembahan hebat oleh bintang Gegar Vaganza 2019 (GV2019) serta Big Stage.

Antaranya termasuklah Naqiu Boboy, Hady Mirza, One Nation Emcees, Han Byul dan ramai lagi.

Selain itu, penyanyi lagenda seperti Anuar Zain, Ramlah Ram serta M Nasir turut membuat persembahan memukau!

Difahamkan, Konsert Throwbaek 2019 dianjurkan sebagai tanda penghargaan kepada pelanggan yang sentiasa menyokong kejayaan Astro sepanjang tahun ini.

Konsert itu juga antara lain bertujuan meraikan momen manis serta kegemilangan variasi program terbaik diterbitkan oleh Astro.


Antaranya termasuklah program realiti GV, Big Stage, Maharaja Lawak Mega, Muzikal Lawak Superstar, Anugerah MeleTOP ERA (AME), barisan drama Melayu terhebat serta filem terlaris.

Tidak ketinggalan konsert ini turut meraikan karya dan personaliti paling hit sepanjang tahun 2019 menerusi 14 buah kategori merangkumi industri seni hiburan, sukan, kemanusiaan serta banyak lagi.

Anda boleh lihat senarai penuh pemenang di bawah:

  1. Malaysian Sweetheart - Shweeta Sekhon
  2. Suara Bertaraf Dunia - Koir UiTM
  3. Bintang Baru Nak Up - Ben Amir
  4. KOL Baek - Cik B & Sofyank
  5. Filem Go International - Upin Ipin
  6. Video Pendek Baek - Yoe Parey, Asif & Syahmi
  7. Unsung Hero - Azlan Shah
  8. Lagu Paling Baek - Mengantuk Mumia Didi & Friends
  9. Band Baek 2019 - Exist Reunion
  10. Uprising Composer - Haqiem Rusli
  11. Gadis Mekar Sepanjang Tahun - Mira Filzah
  12. Hero Kekar Sepanjang Tahun - Hairul Azreen
  13. Edisi Khas Throwbaek 2019 - Dr Amalina Bakri
  14. Throwbaek Most Wanted - Nabil, Jihan & Sherry Al Hadad
  15. Throwbaek Abadi - Datuk Ramli MS
Konsert Throwbaek 2019 disiarkan di saluran Astro Ria (104) & Astro Ria HD (123) Astro GO & On Demand

Read More:

Anugerah Khas Astro sempena Konsert Throwbaek 2019

Pemenang Anugerah Khas Astro (Konsert Throwbaek 2019)

Malaysian Sweetheart - Shweta Sekhon

Beliau dipilih oleh Astro untuk memenangi penghargaan Malaysian Sweetheart ini kerana telah menjadi naib juara dalam acara Miss Universe 2019 yang diadakan baru-baru ini. Walaupun terjadi kontroversi tetapi warisan Malaysia telah dipertontonkan kepada dunia.

Suara Bertaraf Dunia - UiTM Chamber Choir (UCC)

Pada Julai yang lepas, UCC telah merangkol 3 emas di acara International Choir Festival yang diadakan di Poland

Bintang Baru Nak Up - Ben Amir

Ben Amir yang telah melakonkan watak utama di dalam drama Astro, Sweetdream yang menjadi tontonan drama tertinggi Astro bagi tahun 2019.

KOL (Key Opinion Leader) Baek - Sofyank Dan Cik B

Mereka berdua telah menjadikan diri mereka atau individu yang boleh dijadikan contoh ikutan yang baik dalam bidang masing-masing. Sofyank di dalam bidang grafik editor dan Cik B di dalam perniagaan.

Filem GO International - Upin & Ipin : Keris Siamang Tunggal

Dengan fenomena animasi Malaysia 2019, Upin & Ipin pergi lebih jauh. Filem ini telah mendapat pencalonan awal bagi sertai anugerah Oscar yang diadakan pada 2020. Semoga Upin & Ipin terpilih dan dapat masuk pusingan akhir. 

Video Pendek Baek - Syahmi, Asif Dan Yoe Parey

Mereka ini bukanlah artis seperti yang lain tetapi mereka terkenal di Youtube dengan video pendek yang sangat mencuti hati. Ada antara videonya telah mencapai 2 juta views dalam masa sebulan. Bukan biasa-biasa Youtubers ni.

Unsung Hero - Azlan Shah

Beliau merupakan pelumba motosikal dalam kategori Grand Prix. Pada 2019 ini, beliau telah menjuarai gelaran Asia kelas elit Superbike 1000cc Kejuaraan Motosikal Asia (ARRC) 2019

Lagu Paling Baek - Mengantuknya Mumia (Didi & Friends)

Kita sudah tahu, baru-baru ini lagu Didi & Friends ini telah trending dengan hebatnya sehingga mendapat jumlah tontonan 10 juta views dalam masa sebulan. Lagu kali ini merupakan lagu ciptaan baru yang berbeza daripada lagu-lagu rakyat yang lain.

Band Baek - Exist

Ianya dipilih kerana kembalinya mereka di persada seni Malaysia pada tahun 2019 ini dengan Exist Reunion. Ternyata Exist masih mempunyai aura dan peminatnya yang ramai di Malaysia.

Uprising Composer - Haqiem Rusli

Haqiem Rusli antara komposer muda yang berjaya di Malaysia bagi tahun 2019. Pelbagai anugerah yang diperoleh sepanjang bergelar anak seni. Sehingga kini beliau telah mencipta 10 lagu yang rata-ratanya menjadi hit di corong radio.

Gadis Mekar Sepanjang Tahun - Mira Filzah

Mira Filzah dipilih sebagai antara artis perempuan yang berjaya bagi tahun 2019. Pelbagai drama, filem yang dilakonkan oleh beliau sepanjang karier anak seni. Perkembangannya juga agak memberangsangkan sehingga juga terlibat dalam bidang host.

Hero Kekar Sepanjang Tahun - Hairul Azreen

Tuan kepada Mujibu, Hairul Azreen ini dipilih menerima penghargaan daripada Astro berikutan kejayaan beliau sepanjang penglibatan di dalam filem yang berunsurkan aksi dan lagak ngeri bagi tahun 2019.

Edisi Khas Throwbaek - Dr. Amalina Che Bakri

Siapa tidak kenal akan individu yang menggemparkan Malaysia suatu ketika dahulu ketika beliau menerima 17A di dalam SPM dan kini bekerja sebagai Doktor di London. Beliau menerima penghargaan ini kerana, beliau antara individu yang bertanggungjawab merawat Ainul Mardiah untuk membuang tumor di mulut adik kecil tersebut. Besar bakti beliau.

Ikon Throwbaek Abadi - Dato' Ramli MS

Juri tetapi Gegarvaganza, Dato' Ramli MS menerima penghargaan atas usaha beliau menggangkat Astro khususnya program realiti TV Gegarvaganza tersebut ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi sebelum ini. Mana pernah jaura ada 2 beb!

Throwbaek Most Wanted - Nabil Ahmad, Jihan Muse, Sherry al-Hadad

Mereka bertiga antara pengacara yang terbaik dimiliki oleh Astro setakat ini. Jadi Astro nak bagi juga penghargaan kepada mereka sempena Konsert Throwbaek 2019

Put a hold on jawi and put more focus on strengthening Bahasa Melayu as the national language

The National Congress on Jawi passed several resolutions after a two-hour meeting on Sunday, chief of which is to put on hold the teaching of a Jawi calligraphy module in the Year Four Bahasa Melayu syllabus without a detailed discussion with all stakeholders.

The group's spokesperson Arun Dorasamy said more focus should be given on strengthening Bahasa Melayu as the national language while upholding vernacular schools and mother tongue education.

He said participants of the congress were of the opinion that Jawi calligraphy should be made an elective learning module for the pupils, away from the formal syllabus.

From Day one , Ministers no longer receive their allowance as Members of Parliament under Pakatan Harapan government

Khalid: No MP allowance for ministers

Published on 30 Dec 2019 8:10:47 PM
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Ministers no longer receive their allowance as Members of Parliament under Pakatan Harapan government, says Khalid Abdul Samad.
The Federal Territories Minister said when Pakatan took over the government, the pay structure of the MPs was reformed.

Khalid, who is Shah Alam MP, said that on Monday when commenting on calls by netizens for ministers' monthly income to be cut following the decision to abolish the Critical Services Incentive Allowance for new intake across the civil service next year.

The Parti Amanah Negara communication director also said Amanah MPs and assemblymen received only 70% of their monthly salary while the balance would go towards the party's coffers.

English Premier League (EPL) Highlights | 29 December 2019 - Chelsea come back to beat Arsenal as Liverpool keep winning

Lucky Plaza Accident - A car crashed through a railing, killing two pedestrians and injuring four others filipino domestic workers

Two dead, four injured in serious car accident outside Lucky Plaza; driver arrested
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The car crashed through a railing and landed on the carpark exit lane a few metres below, killing two pedestrians and injuring four others who had been having a picnic by the railing. The women were flung below.

PUBLISHEDDEC 29, 2019, 7:29 PM SGT
Clara Chong
Lim Min Zhang

SINGAPORE - Early celebrations ahead of the new year were cut short tragically on Sunday (Dec 29) when a car crashed through a pavement railing and plunged several metres, before landing on the exit lane of the Lucky Plaza carpark, killing two women and injuring four others.

The 64-year-old male driver, whose black Honda sported private-hire licence decals, was arrested at the scene for dangerous driving causing death.

The police said they were alerted at 4.58pm to an accident involving a car and six women along the Orchard Road shopping strip.

"Two pedestrians, aged 41 and 50, were unconscious when conveyed to Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), where they later died from their injuries. Four pedestrians, aged 37 to 56, were conveyed conscious to Tan Tock Seng Hospital," said the police, adding that the investigations are ongoing.

In a statement on Sunday night, the Centre for Domestic Employees said its officers found out that all six victims were Filipino domestic workers.

Adding that it was distressed to learn of the accident and was working with the authorities and embassy to render assistance to the victims, the centre said: "We will be getting in touch with the employers and next of kin to find out the support they require, and stand ready to render assistance."

The centre also urged the public not to circulate any photos or videos of the accident, and not to speculate while investigations are ongoing, out of respect for the victims and their families.

From videos circulated online after the accident, groups of people could be seen celebrating the festive season on a pavement in Nutmeg Road behind Lucky Plaza and wishing one another "Happy New Year" in Tagalog.

Loud sounds of a crash are heard before the footage cuts to a black car plunging and landing on the exit lane.

Screams of "Dead! Dead!" ensue. Several passers-by then climb down from the pavement to provide assistance.

Images of the aftermath showed at least two people lying near the vehicle, with a woman pinned underneath it. A stretch of the metal railing along the pavement was severely damaged.

The car crashed through a railing and landed on the carpark exit lane a few metres below, killing two pedestrians and injuring four others who had been having a picnic by the railing. The women were flung below. PHOTO: YOUTUBE

In response to queries, the Philippines' Department of Foreign Affairs said the Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers' Affairs will provide assistance to the victims.

The Lucky Plaza mall is popular with foreign workers, especially Filipino domestic workers.

Filipino domestic helpers Rosemarie Reyes, 41, and Liza Niez, 47, were having a gathering across the road from the spot where the accident happened. They told The Straits Times that the casualties were fellow Filipino workers having a picnic beside the railing.

"I heard loud screams when the accident happened, and we were all scared. Everyone ran over and some rushed to help, including giving CPR," said Ms Reyes.

It is understood the victims were flung from the pavement down a few metres to the carpark lane as the car plunged.

A 30-year-old technician, who gave his name only as Swamy, said he was among a group of six who helped to lift the car while another two pulled out a woman from underneath the vehicle. A Filipino performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on her, he said.

"I wanted to help where I could. It would be good if we can save at least one of the injured," said the Indian national.

A man believed to be the driver of the car being led away by police to assist in investigations. ST PHOTO: KEVIN LIM

ST understands that the suspect is a driver for private-hire operator Grab. He was not on any job during the accident and has since been suspended on its platforms.

When contacted, a spokesman for Grab said: "We are deeply saddened to hear about the accident and are assisting the authorities in the investigation."

When asked if the driver had just dropped off a passenger, or was on his way to pick one up, Grab declined to answer, saying that the police are investigating the case.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said it received a call at about 5pm requesting assistance at 304 Orchard Road, and dispatched five ambulances to take the casualties to TTSH

The move triggered questions among readers, with several posting comments on ST's Facebook page asking why the casualties were not taken to the Mount Elizabeth Hospital, located across from the accident scene.

ST understands that in cases involving severe and multiple trauma patients, SCDF emergency ambulances will convey them to the nearest accident and emergency department where they are equipped to deal with such cases with the necessary resources, equipment and medical support by emergency-medicine specialists.

Also, SCDF ambulances are equipped with sophisticated equipment and manned by trained paramedics and crew who are capable of performing resuscitation on patients.

At about 10pm on Sunday, a group of about 20 people were seen at TTSH, together with a few Philippine Embassy officials and Centre for Domestic Employees staff. Some were crying while making phone calls, while others were briefed by a police officer.

Mr Adrian Bernie Candolada, charge d'affaires at the Philippine Embassy here, told reporters at TTSH that two of the injured were in the intensive care unit, and another two were stable.

He added that plans were still being made for the bodies of the two who died to be repatriated to the Philippines.

Netflix will be revising the price of its Basic plan from RM33 to RM35, Standard from RM42 to RM45 and Premium from RM51 to RM55 starting Jan 9, next year.

Netflix to impose digital tax, increase price from Jan 9, 2020

Monday, 30 Dec 201911:15 AM MYT

By Angelin Yeoh

Netflix was first introduced in Malaysia in 2016. — ANGELIN YEOH/The Star
Netflix will be revising the price of its Basic plan from RM33 to RM35, Standard from RM42 to RM45 and Premium from RM51 to RM55 starting Jan 9, next year.

The price of its mobile-only subscription plan will remain at RM17 a month.

The company's head of communications for South-East Asia, Leigh Wong, said the new prices also reflect the 6% digital tax on foreign service providers, but added that the "the timing is coincidental".

"Tax is only part of our pricing. We are not adjusting this solely on the basis of tax," he said.

This is the first time Netflix has increased the price of its plans since the service was introduced in Malaysia in January 2016, he said.

"Existing Netflix subscribers will be notified from Jan 9 onwards on a rolling basis. Users will get at least a one-month notice about the price change,” he told The Star.

“They will be informed that the new prices will be reflected in the next billing cycle."

Wong said the price adjustment will allow Netflix to continue investing heavily in better content and user experience.

"For example, we have to continue to improve our data compression or adaptive streaming technology," he said.

Wong said viewers use less data for streaming on Netflix, claiming that a 1GB will allow them to watch up to 6.5 hours of content.

"Users can watch The Irishman (Martin Scorsese's three-hour mob drama) twice or catch an entire season of Strangers Things," he said.

Netflix also plans to announce price adjustments in Singapore, Wong said.

The Basic plan allows customers to watch Netflix on one screen in SD (standard definition), Basic in HD (high definition) on up to two screens simultaneously, and Premium in UHD (ultra high definition) on up to four screens at the same time.

Other companies have also announced they will be charging 6% tax – Google Malaysia on its Gsuite services, Sony on its Playstaion Store, and Facebook for its ads.

The government first announced that a 6% digital tax will be imposed on foreign service providers effective Jan 1,2020, at last year's Budget tabling.

Registration for foreign service providers is mandatory when the total value of digital services provided to consumers in Malaysia exceeds RM500,000 per year.

According to the Royal Malaysian Customs Department's Service Tax Industry Guides, digital services are defined as "service that is to be delivered through information technology medium with minimal or no human intervention from service provider".

Examples of such digital services include software, application, videogames, music and film streaming services, subscription-based media, database and Cloud storage services, advertising and online platform (including online advertising space on intangible media platform and offering a platform to trade products or services), as well as search engines and social networks, among others.

AirAsia flight to KLIA2 turned back three minutes after taking off from Langkawi International Airport (LIA) on Monday morning.

AirAsia flight to KLIA2 turns back to Langkawi
Monday, 30 Dec 20193:02 PM MYT

LANGKAWI (Bernama): An AirAsia flight to Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2) turned back three minutes after taking off from Langkawi International Airport (LIA) on Monday (Dec 30) morning.

LIA manager Jefry Ramli said flight AK9327 carrying 156 passengers and crew departed at 9.17am.

He said the airport received information on problems encountered by AK9327 aircraft at 9.20am from the air control tower.

"According to Malaysia Airports standard operating procedure, the Airport Fire and Rescue Service (AFRS) put three fire engines on standby.

"At 9.30am, the AK9327 plane safely landed accompanied by three AFRS fire engines to the airport apron," he said in a statement here today.

Jefry said all passengers and crew were safely evacuated while a check at Langkawi airport found flight AK9327 was rescheduled to 4.45pm. - Bernama

Snatch thief dies after his getaway bike hit by victim’s car

Snatch thief dies after his getaway bike hit by victim’s car in Puchong
Monday, 30 Dec 20191:06 PM MYT



SERDANG: A suspected snatch thief was killed in an accident shortly after robbing a 44-year-old man in Bandar Puteri, Puchong.

The victim was just about to enter his car when the suspect, who was riding a motorcycle, snatched his gold necklace and sped away during the incident at about 6.24pm on Sunday (Dec 29).

His escape was short-lived as the victim managed to track him down.

The suspect had ridden his motorcycle against the flow of traffic and stopped suddenly in the middle of the road.

Serdang OCPD Asst Comm Ismadi Borhan said the victim could not stop his vehicle in time and crashed into the suspect. The victim then called for an ambulance.

“The suspect sustained severe injuries and was rushed to Serdang Hospital for treatment.

“However, he succumbed to his injuries and died while receiving treatment, ” he said when contacted Monday (Dec 30).

The stolen gold necklace has been recovered, said ACP Ismadi.

“A postmortem will be conducted.

“The suspect also has a record for drug-related offences as well as for robberies, ” he added.

ACP Ismadi said police are investigating the matter further.

“The case is classified under Section 392 of the Penal Code for committing robbery and Section 41(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987, ” he said, urging anyone with information to contact the nearest police station.

Nepalese worker killed after he fell into a meat-mincing machine.

Nepalese worker dies after falling into meat-mincing machine

Monday, 30 Dec 20191:44 PM MYT

By R.S.N.Murali

ALOR GAJAH: A 22-year-old Nepalese worker was killed after he fell into a meat-mincing machine.

The incident occurred at a meat processing factory at Masjid Tanah here at 8am on Monday (Dec 30).

Masjid Tanah Fire and Rescue Department personnel led by commander Mazlan Samah took 30 minutes to extricate the victim.

The victim sustained severe injuries on his lower body and died on the spot.

It is learnt that the victim was carrying out maintenance work when the machine suddenly started operating.

There were three other workers at the time of the incident.

A report has been lodged by a MACC officer claiming that allegations of assault by three police personnel are false,

MACC officer lodges counter-report over alleged assault on three cops

Monday, 30 Dec 20193:07 PM MYT


PETALING JAYA: A report has been lodged by a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officer claiming that allegations of assault by three police personnel are false, says Latheefa Koya.

The MACC chief commissioner said she was aware of an earlier report lodged by the police trio, who claimed that the MACC officer had assaulted them at the Selangor MACC office in Shah Alam recently.

“MACC will render its full cooperation with the ongoing police investigation into these reports, ” she said in a statement Monday (Dec 30).

Latheefa said she has zero tolerance of custodial abuse of any kind.

“All allegations of custodial abuse will be treated seriously and full cooperation will be given to investigating bodies.

“The MACC has put in a strict standard operating procedure (SOP) governing the arrest and detention of suspects, ” she added.

In the case of the policemen who made the complaint, Latheefa said they were being investigated by the MACC for alleged extortion from suspected drug abusers.

“The investigation is part of the increased operations by Selangor MACC into alleged extortion activities involving police personnel, ” Latheefa said.

The three policemen alleged that a MACC officer hit them when they were at the Selangor MACC office in Shah Alam recently to give their statements.

The three personnel aged 24,25, and 26, from the Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division, Sungai Buloh district police headquarters, were at the office to assist investigations into a case.

However, they claimed they were punched, slapped and kicked by the MACC officer when their statements were being recorded in a room on Dec 24 and 26.

The trio subsequently lodged a police report against the MACC officer on Dec 27.

Three policemen lodge report against MACC officer

Monday, 30 Dec 20198:44 AM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): Three policemen alleged that a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officer hit them when they were at the Selangor MACC office in Shah Alam recently to give their statements.

The three personnel aged 24, 25, and 26 from the Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division, Sungai Buloh District Police Headquarters were at the office to assist investigations into a case.

However, they claimed they were punched, slapped and kicked by the MACC officer when their statements were being recorded in a room on Dec 24 and 26.

The trio subsequently lodged a police report against the MACC officer on Dec 27.

Selangor police chief Datuk Noor Azam Jamaludin when contacted confirmed receiving the report. - Bernama

29 December 2019

Big Fish Head Curry Tour - MALAYSIAN STREET FOOD in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! | Mark Wiens

Mark Wiens

I’ve always loved curry and I’ve always loved fish heads, so fish head curry would naturally be one of my favorite foods to eat - there’s nothing not to like about digging out little bits of fish from all the crevices, while sucking up all the curry sauces.

We checking out three different fish head restaurants in Kuala Lumpur, each serving a totally different style of fish head.

Annuar's Fish Head Curry:
One of the most legendary Malaysian street food stalls in Kuala Lumpur is Annuar's Fish Head Curry, also known as the Bangsar fish head corner. Mr. Annuar is an amazing hard working man who has been selling his south Indian Muslim style fish head curry for a long time and has a loyal following. He’s also known for his affordable prices and his fried chicken. The staff were all incredible nice, and their fish head was amazing. I also especially loved the fried chicken with the fish head curry sauce on top. Mr. Annuar would not charge us for our meal, thank you!

Tugu View Cafe:
Next we went to Tugu View Cafe, an amazing local Malay food restaurant on top of a hill in the middle of Kuala Lumpur, although it felt like you were in the middle of a mountain park. They serve all sorts of Malaysian food, but their most famous dish is their Malay style fish head curry. We met the chef of the curry, and I just asked him to choose us the largest size which happened to be a 120 RM fish head! Most of the others were 45 - 65 RM! This was probably the best fish head curry for me of this entire Malaysian food fish head curry tour. The complexity of flavor and the ingredients blew me away.
Total price - 144 RM ($35)

Restoran Mun Kee Steam Fish Head:
Finally to end this fish head curry tour, we went to a Chinese restaurant. So this wasn’t actually a fish head curry, but a steamed Chinese style fish head. They gave us not only the head, but really the entire body minus the tail. It was delicious, perfectly steamed with wonderfully fragrant ginger, and it was a perfect fish to end the meal with.
Total price - 98 RM ($23.80)

This was an amazing fish head curry Malaysian food tour in Kuala Lumpur!

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Uproar on social media over a university examination question which appears to praise controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik

Varsity exam question calls Zakir Naik ‘an icon’
FMT Reporters
-December 29, 2019 9:04 PMA screenshot of the examination question was posted by MIC vice-president Sivarrajh Chandran

PETALING JAYA: An uproar has broken out on social media over a university examination question which appears to praise controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik by calling him an “icon in the Islamic world”.

The question appears in a Universiti Malaysia Perlis examination paper on Ethnic Relations.

A screenshot of the question was posted on Facebook by MIC vice-chief Sivarrajh Chandran.

The question reads: “Zakir Naik is one of the icons of the Islamic world. He is very active in spreading true Islam and following the Quran and Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW. He is able to reason and to answer every question that is asked to him. However, in Malaysia, he is no longer allowed to deliver his preaching. In your opinion, as a Malaysian, why does this happen?”
Students are given a multiple-choice answer with these reasons:

1) Malaysians do not bother to receive information

2) Malaysians were sensitive and feel threatened for no reason

3) Malaysians just follow the crowd without verifying any information

4) Malaysians are ignorant about their own religion.

Sivarrajh had questioned why such a question, deemed to be insensitive to people of different races, had been included in an examination for a module that was meant to foster racial and religious understanding.

FMT has contacted the university for a response.

Saudi Arabian court sentenced man who stabbed three performers at a live show in Riyadh in November to death,

Saudi Arabia sentences Riyadh concert stabber to death - state TV
Sunday, 29 Dec 2019

7:07 PM MYT
DUBAI (Reuters) - A Saudi Arabian court sentenced on Sunday a man accused of stabbing three performers at a live show in the capital Riyadh in November to death, state television said.

Another man on trial for the same incident was sentenced to 12 and a half years, al-Ekhbariya television said.

The Nov. 11 attack occurred at King Abdullah Park, one of several venues hosting a months-long entertainment festival as part of government efforts to open up Saudi society and diversify its economy away from oil.

(Reporting by Maha El Dahan, editing by Louise Heavens)

Knifeman storms stage and stabs two actors and an actress during performance in Saudi Arabia following kingdom relaxing restrictions on entertainment 

  • 33-year-old Yemeni man was seized after the on-stage stabbing in Riyadh 
  • The attack took place on stage at Riyadh's King Abdullah Park last night 
  • Public entertainment has only recently been approved in the kingdom 
  • Saudi officials fear the introduction of reforms in such a conservative country

A Yemeni man stabbed three performers during a live play in the Saudi capital on Monday, in the first such attack since the ultra-conservative kingdom began easing decades-old restrictions on entertainment.
The assailant was arrested after state television footage showed him stomping onto the stage in Riyadh's King Abdullah Park during a musical performance by what appeared to be a foreign theatre troupe.
'Security forces dealt with a... stabbing attack against two men and a woman from a theatre group during a live performance,' a police spokesman was quoted as saying by the official Saudi Press Agency.
A 33-year-old Yemeni man can be seen wielding a knife during a live play in the Saudi Arabian capital, Riyadh, yesterday. He went on to stab three performers - two actors and an actress - during a musical performance by a foreign theatre troupe at King Abdullah Park
A 33-year-old Yemeni man can be seen wielding a knife during a live play in the Saudi Arabian capital, Riyadh, yesterday. He went on to stab three performers - two actors and an actress - during a musical performance by a foreign theatre troupe at King Abdullah Park 
Knifeman runs onto the stage during a Saudi parade

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The man wrestles with a security guard after he launched his vicious attack yesterday. Saudi police confirmed that the victims, one pictured on the floor, were now in a stable condition, but declined to comment further on their nationalities or the knifeman's motivation
The man wrestles with a security guard after he launched his vicious attack yesterday. Saudi police confirmed that the victims, one pictured on the floor, were now in a stable condition, but declined to comment further on their nationalities or the knifeman's motivation 
The Yemeni expatriate can be seen storming the stage during the live performance at King Abdullah park yesterday. The attack at the park happened during 'Riyadh Season,' part of the Saudi government's plan to change the appearance of the ultra-conservative kingdom to make it more attractive to tourists. By 2030, Saudi Arabia aims to welcome 100 million holidaymakers each year
The Yemeni expatriate can be seen storming the stage during the live performance at King Abdullah park yesterday. The attack at the park happened during 'Riyadh Season,' part of the Saudi government's plan to change the appearance of the ultra-conservative kingdom to make it more attractive to tourists. By 2030, Saudi Arabia aims to welcome 100 million holidaymakers each year 
Police said the man arrested was a 33-year-old Yemeni expatriate and that the knife used in the attack was seized.
The statement added the victims were in stable condition but offered no information about their nationality or the motivation of the assailant.
The King Abdullah Park is one of the venues hosting the two-month 'Riyadh Season' entertainment festival, part of a broad government push to open up the austere kingdom to tourists and diversify its economy away from oil.
The country's de facto leader Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has introduced stunning reforms including allowing concerts, re-opening cinemas and lifting a ban on women driving as part of a contentious liberalisation drive.
In scenes that were unimaginable just two years ago, Saudi Arabia has staged glitzy performances by a host of international artists, from South Korean boy band BTS to pop icon Janet Jackson and rapper 50 Cent.
But Saudi officials warn that introducing such reforms in a society steeped in conservatism is fraught with peril.
Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, left, and Yemen's President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, attend the signing  of a power-sharing deal between Yemen's internationally recognized government and Yemeni separatists that are backed by the United Arab Emirates, in Riyadh last week. Bin Salman has been at the centre of a major liberalisation drive, including the opening of cinemas, allowing concerts and legalising female driving. Many have welcomed the recent changes but some, including religious leaders, see them as morally destructive and dangerous
Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, left, and Yemen's President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, attend the signing  of a power-sharing deal between Yemen's internationally recognized government and Yemeni separatists that are backed by the United Arab Emirates, in Riyadh last week. Bin Salman has been at the centre of a major liberalisation drive, including the opening of cinemas, allowing concerts and legalising female driving. Many have welcomed the recent changes but some, including religious leaders, see them as morally destructive and dangerous
While they are wildly popular among Saudi Arabia's majority young population, the reforms risk angering arch-conservatives, including hardline clerics and the religious police whose powers have been clipped in recent years.
'The risk of this sort of attack against the recent introduction of public entertainment, which many clerics have been inciting against, is a key reason (the government) has pursued a zero tolerance policy towards their public attacks against change and reform,' Saudi analyst Ali Shihabi said on Twitter.
Earlier this year, human rights campaigners reported the arrest of religious scholar Omar al-Muqbil after he criticised the Saudi General Entertainment Authority for hosting such concerts, saying they were 'erasing Saudi society's original identity'. 
In scenes that were unimaginable just two years ago, Saudi Arabia has staged glitzy performances by a host of international artists, from South Korean boy band BTS to pop icon Janet Jackson and rapper 50 Cent
In scenes that were unimaginable just two years ago, Saudi Arabia has staged glitzy performances by a host of international artists, from South Korean boy band BTS to pop icon Janet Jackson and rapper 50 Cent
'Liberals and conservatives in the kingdom are on a collision course and that probably worries Saudi leaders the most,' Quentin de Pimodan, a Saudi expert at the Greece-based Research Institute for European and American Studies, told AFP.
'After this attack we can expect a sharper crackdown on those opposed to Saudi's entertainment push.'
Saudi Arabia has already drawn international censure for its sweeping crackdown on critics, including clerics, intellectuals and women activists.

Saudi promo video labels feminism, atheism, homosexuality as extremist ideas 

Saudi students are seen at an exhibition to guide job seekers to a women's career fair in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia October 2, 2018
Saudi students are seen at an exhibition to guide job seekers to a women's career fair in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia October 2, 2018
A promotional video published by Saudi Arabia's state security agency categorises feminism, homosexuality and atheism as extremist ideas, even as the conservative Muslim kingdom seeks to promote tolerance and attract foreigners.
The animated clip posted on Twitter at the weekend by a verified account of the State Security Presidency said 'all forms of extremism and perversion are unacceptable'.
It listed those concepts alongside takfir - the Islamist militant practice of labelling followers of other schools of Islam unbelievers.
'Don't forget that excess of anything at the expense of the homeland is considered extremism,' said the promo's voiceover.
As part of plans to open up society and attract foreign investment to transform Saudi Arabia's oil-dependent economy, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has pushed for a more moderate form of Islam and promoted nationalist sentiment.
He has loosened social restrictions and launched a tourist visa and, as Saudi Arabia prepares to take over the presidency of the Group of 20 countries next year, Riyadh has chipped away at a guardianship system that assigns each woman a male relative to approve important decisions throughout their lives.
But the authorities have also cracked down on dissent, arresting scores of critics including clerics, intellectuals and activists.
Nearly a dozen women's right advocates were detained weeks before a ban on women driving - which they had campaigned against - was lifted last year. Activists and diplomats speculated that may have been a message that reform would happen only at the government's initiative.
The public prosecutor has said the women were arrested on suspicion of harming Saudi interests and offering support to hostile elements abroad. Some of the charges relate to their rights work.
Under Saudi law, supporting groups classified as extremist organisations can lead to imprisonment.
Homosexuality and atheism have long been illegal and punishable by death in the absolute monarchy, where public protests and political parties are banned and the media is tightly controlled.

The kingdom has faced international scrutiny over its human rights record since last year's murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in Istanbul.
Developing the tourism and leisure sector is one of the foundations of Prince Mohammed's Vision 2030 plan to prepare the Arab world's largest economy for the post-oil era.
The General Entertainment Authority has said it plans to pump $64 billion into the sector in the coming decade.
Some Saudis, however, view the push for entertainment as an attempt to blunt public frustration over an economic downturn and high youth unemployment in the petro-state.

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