31 August 2019
Palestinian Who Shot US Presidential Candidate Robert F Kennedy to death in 1968, wounded in a stabbing at a California prison
Convicted RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan stabbed in California prison - reports
Saturday, 31 Aug 201912:07 PM MYT
By Alex Dobuzinskis
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian refugee found guilty of shooting U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy to death in 1968, was wounded in a stabbing at a California prison on Friday, according to media reports.
Celebrity website TMZ, citing unnamed sources, was first to report that Sirhan, 75, had been stabbed.
Replying to a request for confirmation that Sirhan was wounded, Jeffrey Callison, a spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, said an inmate had been stabbed at the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility near San Diego.
The wounded inmate was taken to a hospital outside the prison and is listed in stable condition, Callison said in a statement, and a suspect has been identified in the assault.
In a follow-up email, Callison declined to identify the wounded inmate as Sirhan, citing department policy on not naming victims.
A jury in 1969 found Sirhan guilty of assassinating Kennedy the previous year by opening fire with a .22-caliber pistol into a small crowd surrounding the Democratic candidate in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.
Kennedy, a U.S. senator from New York, was hit three times and died the next day. He was later buried at Arlington Cemetery, near his brother, President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963.
Sirhan has said he fired at Kennedy because he was enraged by his support for Israel.
He was sentenced to death, but the sentence was changed to life in prison after California banned the death penalty for a time.
(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
Indonesian President Joko Widodo received Malaysian King with State Ceremony | August 27
Presiden Joko Widodo menyambut kunjungan kenegaraan Raja Malaysia Yang di-Pertuan Agong XVI Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah di Istana Kepresidenan Bogor, Jawa Barat, pada Selasa, 27 Agustus 2019. Dalam kunjungannya ini, Raja Malaysia didampingi oleh istrinya, Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah, serta 3 puterinya, Tengku Puteri Ilisha Ameera, Tengku Puteri Afzan Aminah Hafizatullah, dan Tengku Puteri Jihan Azizah ‘Athiyatullah.
Raja Malaysia beserta rombongan delegasi tiba di Istana Bogor sekitar pukul 10.30 WIB dengan diiringi oleh pasukan Nusantara, korps musik, dan pasukan berkuda dari Pasukan Pengamanan Presiden (Paspampres). Tak hanya itu, sejumlah pelajar yang mengenakan pakaian adat berbagai daerah juga turut menyambut kedatangan Raja Malaysia dengan mengibarkan bendera kedua negara.
Prosesi penyambutan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan upacara penyambutan kenegaraan bagi keduanya. Saat itu, lagu kebangsaan kedua negara diperdengarkan dengan diiringi oleh dentuman meriam sebanyak 21 kali. Setelah itu, kedua kepala negara melakukan inspeksi pasukan kehormatan.
Selesai upacara kenegaraan, Presiden Jokowi mengajak Raja Malaysia masuk ke dalam Istana untuk kemudian menandatangani buku tamu kenegaraan. Di Ruang Teratai itu pula, Presiden Jokowi dan Ibu Negara Iriana Joko Widodo bersama Raja Malaysia dan Permaisuri Agong melakukan sesi foto bersama.
Kedua Kepala Negara kemudian menuju halaman belakang Istana Bogor untuk melakukan penanaman pohon bersama. Pada kesempatan itu, Presiden Jokowi dan Raja Malaysia menanam pohon damar atau Agathis dammara.
Usai menanam pohon, Presiden Jokowi kemudian mengajak Raja Malaysia untuk meninjau Kebun Raya Bogor. Kedua kepala negara menumpangi golf cart yang dikemudikan sendiri oleh Presiden Jokowi.
Sesampainya kembali di Istana Bogor, Presiden Jokowi dan Raja Malaysia kemudian melakukan pertemuan tête-à-tête di veranda Istana. Sementara itu, Ibu Iriana mengajak Permaisuri Agong untuk mengikuti serangkaian acara pendamping yang telah disiapkan.
Rangkaian acara kenegaraan kemudian diakhiri dengan jamuan santap siang kenegaraan di Ruang Garuda.
Mengutip siaran pers Kementerian Luar Negeri, dalam kesempatan ini, Presiden RI dan Raja Malaysia mendiskusikan kerja sama Indonesia dan Malaysia di bidang ekonomi dan perlindungan WNI di Malaysia. Di bidang ekonomi, kedua negara sepakat untuk memperkuat kerja sama perdagangan dan investasi khususnya di sektor migas, serta kerja sama dalam mendukung promosi komoditas kelapa sawit.
Dalam konteks perlindungan Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI), kedua Kepala Negara mendiskusikan mengenai akses pendidikan bagi anak-anak Indonesia di Malaysia, termasuk di wilayah Semenanjung Malaysia.
Yang di-Pertuan Agong XVI beserta delegasi juga berkesempatan untuk berkunjung ke Yogyakarta pada tanggal 28 – 29 Agustus 2019, dan melakukan pertemuan dengan Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, serta mengunjungi Kota Gede untuk melihat industri kerajinan perak, Candi Brorobudur serta menonton sendratari Ramayana di kompleks Candi Prambanan.
Turut mendampingi Presiden Jokowi dan Ibu Iriana dalam upacara penyambutan kenegaraan ini antara lain, Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi, Menteri Sekretaris Negara Pratikno, Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Anung, Menteri Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi Eko Putro Sandjojo, dan Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Malaysia Rusdi Kirana.
An Indonesian woman and two Malaysian men were arrested for the Aug 9 bomb hoax at the Penang International Airport
Indonesian woman, two local men arrested over Aug 9 bomb hoax at Penang airport
Saturday, 31 Aug 20191:33 PM MYT

GEORGE TOWN: An Indonesian woman and two Malaysian men were arrested Friday (Aug 30) for allegedly being involved in the Aug 9 bomb hoax at the Penang International Airport
Balik Pulau OCPD Supt A.Anbalagan said the two Malaysian men, aged 22 and 38, had earlier made a prank call to airport personnel alleging that there was a bomb at the check-in counters.
"Before the incident, it was believed that the 38-year-old had some misunderstanding with the Indonesian woman, so he committed a bomb hoax in hopes of delaying her flight to Medan, Indonesia.
"However, the call was made through his phone registered in the woman's name by his 22-year-old friend after the 38-year-old convinced his friend to help.
"Initial investigations showed that the bomb hoax was entirely personal and that no criminal elements were involved," he said.
Supt Anbalagan said further investigations will be made after the police's remand request application.
He urged the public to not commit phone hoaxes as they are a criminal offence.
"We deployed our assets in response to this bomb hoax, including the K9 unit and a bomb defusing team to check the entire airport to ensure that it was safe. We hope the public will not commit such hoaxes," he said.
Nigerian kidnapped for refusing to share RM206,000 proceeds from love scam
Nigerian kidnapped for refusing to share RM206,000 proceeds from love scam
-August 31, 2019 12:14 AM

KUALA LUMPUR: A Nigerian man who refused to share with his accomplices the proceeds obtained from victims of a love scam syndicate was kidnapped by his countrymen in Batu Caves last Saturday.
However, he was rescued by the police last Monday following raids at two hotels in Mahkota Cheras and in Selayang.
The victim, aged 32, was reported to have been kidnapped by six Nigerian men in two Honda City cars.
Gombak district police chief Samsor Maarof said in the raid in Mahkota Cheras, police arrested three men and a woman, while another two men were arrested in Selayang.
“All those arrested are Nigerians, aged between 21 and 35. The victim was found safe,” he told a media conference here today.
He said the Nigerian who was kidnapped had valid travel documents, while the six who were arrested did not possess valid travel documents.
It was found that the victim was kidnapped for refusing to distribute US$49,000 (RM206,550) which they had obtained through love scam activities, he added.
Meanwhile, Samsor said six men, aged between 18 and 36, were detained in connection with several housebreaking and robbery cases in raids in Rawang last Monday.
Three of those detained had previous records for crime and drug-related offences, he said, adding that police were looking for two other members of the gang
30 August 2019
Duterte’s Daughter, Next President Of The Philippines?
CNA Insider
Published on 26 Aug 2019
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte appears to be invincible now, with a disapproval rating of only 3% in the middle of his term. But it was after leaving office that past presidents like Joseph Estrada, Benigno Aquinohave and Gloria Arroyo faced criminal investigations for alleged misdeeds.
In July 2019, Amnesty International accused Duterte of carrying out a “large-scale murdering enterprise”, urging the United Nations to investigate him. "It really depends on who succeeds him. If it’s his daughter, who is a leading candidate, then he may very well be protected," said Dr Malcolm Cook, Senior Fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.
Could Sara Duterte - Davao Mayor Inday Sara - follow in her father's footsteps 3 years from now? #Insight finds out.
The programme Insight investigates and analyses topical issues that impact Asia and the rest of the world.
Tun Dr Mahathir believes Pakatan is still the popular choice, but has to work on communication flaws and urges to stop all boycotts
PH agreement on succession must be respected
P Ramasamy
-August 30, 2019 9:38 PM

Is it because there would not be any vacancies in the Cabinet or because Mahathir thinks that Anwar does not deserve a minister’s position, at least for the time being?
Or, is it because Anwar is destined for a higher position? In other words, the post of prime minister when Mahathir relinquishes his position?
It is strange why Mahathir had to say this when Anwar had never requested for a minister’s post in the first place.
Now, what is going on?
Are there sinister forces out to derail the PH’s succession plan that was agreed upon by the PH component parties before the last general election?
What is the necessity for Mahathir to broach the matter of a post for Anwar when the matter was never raised in the first place.
Neither was there any indication that he replied to a question posed by a reporter.
Yes, Mahathir has on countless occasions said that Anwar would succeed him. Is there a change of plan?
For all intents and purposes, there is no significant departure from the position, even with the circulation of a sex video, implicating Economics Affairs Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali.
While Mahathir might be clear that Anwar is the right person to succeed him, there are rumours now and then that make it a little uncertain whether Anwar will really succeed Mahathir.
The PH leadership made a mistake in not stipulating a time frame for Mahathir to hand over power. But, even if this was so, it was not intended for Mahathir to stay in power for one full term.
Of course, getting the country on the right track economically is important, but then this argument is highly subjective, for nobody really knows the exact time for normalcy.
It could be three years or one term or even might go on for two terms.
Is it really fair to keep Anwar waiting on the sidelines while time is taken to hand over
Malaysia pembekal minyak masak sawit premium pertama Myanmar
Malaysia pembekal minyak masak sawit premium pertama Myanmar
Oleh Che Wan Badrul Alias & Fariz Iswadi Ismail
Yangon: Malaysia muncul sebagai pembekal minyak masak sawit premium pertama Myanmar susulan termeterainya memorandum persefahaman pembekalan Minyak Masak bergred tinggi (IV60) jenama LESONG ke negara itu.
Memorandum itu membabitkan pembekalan bernilai RM12 juta setahun antara pengeluar minyak masak Bumiputra, Helang Gagah Group Sdn Bhd dengan syarikat gergasi Myanmar, K K Myanmar Business Group.
Pengarah Urusan, Datuk Dr Mohamad Zaini Md Taha, berkata beliau pilih Myanmar sebagai destinasi eksport pertama kumpulan di luar Malaysia kerana permintaan minyak masak sawit yang tinggi di negara itu serta kurang persaingan.
Katanya, kedudukan pasaran Myanmar berhampiran Malaysia dan sistem pelabuhan mesra pengeksport memberikan kelebihan untuk beliau meneroka pasaran itu selain faktor iklimnya sewaktu cuaca sejuk memerlukan rakyat mendapatkan minyak masak gred tinggi.
“Myanmar perlukan banyak minyak sawit kerana budaya masakan mereka, setakat ini hanya ada dua jenama di pasaran ini, namun jenama LESONG ada kelebihan berbanding jenama besar itu kerana memiliki gred tinggi Iodine Value 60 (IV60).
“Ini bermaksud minyak sawit LESONG ditapis sebanyak enam kali dan masih kelihatan jernih selepas menggoreng 20 kali selain cuaca ketika musim sejuk Myanmar tak sesuai untuk bawa gred yang rendah ke sini,” katanya pada sidang media sempena Persidangan Malaysia-Myanmar Connect 2019 di sini, tadi.
Beliau sebelum itu memeterai perjanjian persefahaman pembekalan bagi pihak Helang Gagah; manakala K K Myanmar Business Group diwakili Pengerusi dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Ko Ko Latt.
Mengulas lanjut, beliau berkata, kejayaan besar Malaysia itu membuktikan keberhasilan program keusahawanan anjuran Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan (MED) yang diterajui TEKUN Nasional untuk membawa produk usahawan ke Myanmar.
Katanya, dengan pembekalan baharu itu, kumpulan menyasarkan untuk meraih peningkatan jualan sekitar 30 peratus sebulan.
“Ketika ini, jualan kami berlegar sekitar RM1.5 juta hingga RM1.6 juta sebulan iaitu sekitar 400 tan hingga 500 tan sebulan disumbangkan sepenuhnya daripada domestik.
“Dengan jangkaan tambahan jualan RM1 juta sebulan daripada pasaran baharu Myanmar, kami jangkakan jualan keseluruhan kumpulan akan meningkat kepada RM2.5 juta,” katanya.
69 selebriti mohon rumah PPR
69 selebriti mohon rumah PPR
Oleh Hanisah Selamat
PUTRAJAYA: Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) menerima 69 permohonan daripada golongan selebriti kurang berkemampuan untuk memiliki rumah sendiri menerusi Inisiatif Perumahan Komuniti Seni Harapan.
Menterinya, Zuraida Kamaruddin, berkata pihaknya memberi keutamaan kepada penggiat seni memandangkan mereka turut menyumbang kepada sektor ekonomi, namun masing-masing tetap perlu melepasi saringan seperti pemohon lain, terutama di bawah syarat belum mempunyai kediaman.
"Artis yang dicadangkan untuk mendapat insentif perumahan itu adalah rujukan Perbadanan Kemajuan Filem Nasional (FINAS), Yayasan Kebajikan Artis Tanah Air (YKAT) dan persatuan lain yang sememangnya layak memohon.
"Begitupun, 19 daripada permohonan itu terpaksa ditolak kerana mereka sudah memiliki rumah, manakala 50 lagi masih dalam proses pemilikan sebelum dapat dipindahkan ke Lembah Subang 2, secara berperingkat.
"Penyanyi, Shima, antara artis yang akan tinggal dalam komuniti di situ sebaik sahaja kami menyerahkan kunci," katanya selepas majlis penyerahan kunci unit Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Lembah Subang 2, di sini, hari ini.
Yang turut hadir, Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Dasar) KPKT, Datuk Dr Mary Wong Lai Lin; Timbalan Ketua Pengarah KPKT, Dr Alauddin Sidal; dan Pengerusi YKAT, Datuk DJ Dave.
Julai lalu, Shima atau Ku Nazhatul Shima Kamarazzaman, 50, yang dikategorikan sebagai golongan asnaf oleh Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS), menyuarakan hasrat mendapatkan rumah PPR kerana tidak lagi mampu membayar sewa pangsapuri sebanyak RM600 sebulan.
Penyanyi Setelah Aku Kau Miliki dan Teringin itu mengidap pelbagai penyakit, termasuk saraf tulang belakang tersepit, yang membataskan pergerakan selain masalah pundi kencing.
Suaminya, Abdullah Rosli, 42, turut berhadapan penyakit serupa hingga tidak dapat bekerja mahu pun melakukan tugasan berat disebabkan impak kemalangan, beberapa tahun lalu.
Mengulas mengenai penyerahan kunci rumah terbabit, Shima berkata, ia memberi sinar baharu buat dirinya, apatah lagi unit sewaan pada kadar RM255 sebulan itu adalah pada aras paling bawah yang tidak memerlukannya menggunakan tangga.
"Alhamdulillah, proses ini dipermudahkan dan saya rasa sangat bertuah. Ada yang kena menunggu bertahun-tahun. Walaupun belum tahu jumlah wang deposit, saya sangat bersyukur.
"Kalau boleh, kami mahu segera berpindah, tetapi sebelum itu kena cukupkan dahulu wang deposit. Tambahan pula, kami juga perlu membayar lori untuk memindahkan barang," katanya lagi.
Seperti penyewa lain dalam program sama, penyanyi itu tidak boleh culas membayar sewa rumah selama dua tahun sebelum dipertimbangkan untuk membeli unit diduduki pada harga RM190,000.
1879 dibaca

MENTERI Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, Zuraida Kamaruddin, menyerahkan surat tawaran Program Rumah Rakyat (PPR) Lembah Subang 2, Petaling Jaya, kepada penyanyi, Shima, di Putrajaya, sambil disaksikan Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Dasar), Datuk Mary Wong Lai Lin dan Pengerusi Yayasan Kebajikan Artis Tanah Air (YKAT), Datuk DJ Dave. - NSTP/Mohd Fadli Hamzah
3 usahawan mikro Bumiputera TEKUN Nasional berjaya meraih potensi jualan berjumlah lebih RM1.932 juta pada hari pertama misi keusahawanan di Persidangan Malaysia-Myanmar Connect 2019.
Khamis, 29 Ogos 2019 | 7:29pm

PENGERUSI dan Pengarah Urusan GWC, Nicko@Hla Wynn. - Foto Fariz Iswadi Ismail
Produk usahawan TEKUN pikat syarikat penerbangan global
Daripada Che Wan Badrul Alias
YANGON: Tiga usahawan mikro Bumiputera TEKUN Nasional berjaya meraih potensi jualan berjumlah lebih RM1.932 juta pada hari pertama misi keusahawanan di Persidangan Malaysia-Myanmar Connect 2019.
Prestasi itu susulan persetujuan Grand Wynn Group of Companies (GWC), gergasi pengilangan dan pengedaran produk makanan halal kedua terbesar Eropah dan Asia Barat, mengedarkan produk usahawan tempatan itu menerusi rangkaian antarabangsanya.
Pengerusi dan Pengarah Urusan GWC, Nicko@Hla Wynn, berkata kumpulannya merancang membekalkan produk biskut dan coklat keluaran Malaysia itu kepada pelanggan sedia ada termasuk syarikat penerbangan terkemuka global seperti Qatar Airways dan Saudi Airlines.
Katanya, produk usahawan tempatan itu menepati kualiti yang diperlukan kumpulan terutama status halal, selain membantu GWC menambah jumlah portfolio produk halal yang dapat ditawarkan kepada pelanggan sedia ada.
“Sebagai permulaan, kami sangat berminat dengan produk biskut dan coklat daripada Ryverra Chocolate & Confectionary Sdn Bhd, Bronis Sdn Bhd dan Jeiwa Global Resources untuk pelanggan syarikat penerbangan.
“Mereka perlu menepati standard syarikat penerbangan dengan mengkaji semula kandungan produk, tiada kandungan kacang dan mempakejkan semula produk pada kuantiti atau pek yang lebih kecil untuk diedarkan kepada pengguna,” katanya di sini.
Beliau ditemui pada Majlis Rangkaian Perniagaan dan Makan Malam bersama GWC sempena Program Promosi Keusahawanan Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan (MED) dan TEKUN Nasional ke Yangon, Myanmar.
Turut hadir ialah Setiausaha Pertama Informasi dan Kebudayaan, Kedutaan Besar Malaysia di Yangon, Tajul Ariffin; Pesuruhjaya Perdagangan MATRADE di Myanmar, Azahar Mohamed; dan Pengarah Kanan Bahagian Perancangan Strategik dan Hubungan Antarabangsa Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Imran Abdullah.
Program Promosi Usahawan itu dianjurkan sempena Persidangan Malaysia-Myanmar Connect 2019 selama lima hari bermula Selasa lalu.
Di Myanmar, GWC kini adalah jenama pengeluar produk tenusu, makanan laut dan sejuk beku terkemuka negara itu dan terbabit membawa masuk produk jenama SAJI dengan kerjasama Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan (FELDA) pada 2011.
Sementara itu, Imran berkata, potensi perniagaan yang diraih semalam membabitkan potensi tempahan produk Ryverra Chocolate & Confectionary sebanyak dua kontena, Bronis dengan 10 kontena, dan Jeiwa Global pula mencecah 24 kontena.
Beliau yang juga ketua delegasi usahawan TEKUN berkata, tempahan sebesar itu menunjukkan produk usahawan mikro Bumiputera TEKUN memiliki kekuatan untuk dipasarkan ke luar negara.
“Prestasi usahawan mikro tempatan ini sangat membanggakan dan apa yang berlaku dengan GWC adalah tidak terjangkau fikiran kita bahawa usahawan ini mampu pergi sejauh itu meyakinkan syarikat pembekal global meneroka akses pasaran antarabangsa.
“Kebanyakan produk yang diambil seperti biskut, tart dan coklat bukan hanya untuk pasaran Myanmar, malah GWC mahu mengedarkannya kepada syarikat penerbangan yang akan membawa produk tempatan ini kepada pelanggan di seluruh dunia,” katanya.

PENGERUSI dan Pengarah Urusan GWC, Nicko@Hla Wynn. - Foto Fariz Iswadi Ismail
Produk usahawan TEKUN pikat syarikat penerbangan global
Daripada Che Wan Badrul Alias
YANGON: Tiga usahawan mikro Bumiputera TEKUN Nasional berjaya meraih potensi jualan berjumlah lebih RM1.932 juta pada hari pertama misi keusahawanan di Persidangan Malaysia-Myanmar Connect 2019.
Prestasi itu susulan persetujuan Grand Wynn Group of Companies (GWC), gergasi pengilangan dan pengedaran produk makanan halal kedua terbesar Eropah dan Asia Barat, mengedarkan produk usahawan tempatan itu menerusi rangkaian antarabangsanya.
Pengerusi dan Pengarah Urusan GWC, Nicko@Hla Wynn, berkata kumpulannya merancang membekalkan produk biskut dan coklat keluaran Malaysia itu kepada pelanggan sedia ada termasuk syarikat penerbangan terkemuka global seperti Qatar Airways dan Saudi Airlines.
Katanya, produk usahawan tempatan itu menepati kualiti yang diperlukan kumpulan terutama status halal, selain membantu GWC menambah jumlah portfolio produk halal yang dapat ditawarkan kepada pelanggan sedia ada.
“Sebagai permulaan, kami sangat berminat dengan produk biskut dan coklat daripada Ryverra Chocolate & Confectionary Sdn Bhd, Bronis Sdn Bhd dan Jeiwa Global Resources untuk pelanggan syarikat penerbangan.
“Mereka perlu menepati standard syarikat penerbangan dengan mengkaji semula kandungan produk, tiada kandungan kacang dan mempakejkan semula produk pada kuantiti atau pek yang lebih kecil untuk diedarkan kepada pengguna,” katanya di sini.
Beliau ditemui pada Majlis Rangkaian Perniagaan dan Makan Malam bersama GWC sempena Program Promosi Keusahawanan Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan (MED) dan TEKUN Nasional ke Yangon, Myanmar.
Turut hadir ialah Setiausaha Pertama Informasi dan Kebudayaan, Kedutaan Besar Malaysia di Yangon, Tajul Ariffin; Pesuruhjaya Perdagangan MATRADE di Myanmar, Azahar Mohamed; dan Pengarah Kanan Bahagian Perancangan Strategik dan Hubungan Antarabangsa Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan, Imran Abdullah.
Program Promosi Usahawan itu dianjurkan sempena Persidangan Malaysia-Myanmar Connect 2019 selama lima hari bermula Selasa lalu.
Di Myanmar, GWC kini adalah jenama pengeluar produk tenusu, makanan laut dan sejuk beku terkemuka negara itu dan terbabit membawa masuk produk jenama SAJI dengan kerjasama Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan (FELDA) pada 2011.
Sementara itu, Imran berkata, potensi perniagaan yang diraih semalam membabitkan potensi tempahan produk Ryverra Chocolate & Confectionary sebanyak dua kontena, Bronis dengan 10 kontena, dan Jeiwa Global pula mencecah 24 kontena.
Beliau yang juga ketua delegasi usahawan TEKUN berkata, tempahan sebesar itu menunjukkan produk usahawan mikro Bumiputera TEKUN memiliki kekuatan untuk dipasarkan ke luar negara.
“Prestasi usahawan mikro tempatan ini sangat membanggakan dan apa yang berlaku dengan GWC adalah tidak terjangkau fikiran kita bahawa usahawan ini mampu pergi sejauh itu meyakinkan syarikat pembekal global meneroka akses pasaran antarabangsa.
“Kebanyakan produk yang diambil seperti biskut, tart dan coklat bukan hanya untuk pasaran Myanmar, malah GWC mahu mengedarkannya kepada syarikat penerbangan yang akan membawa produk tempatan ini kepada pelanggan di seluruh dunia,” katanya.
Police piece together the timeline of double murder by two brothers from the state of Punjab in India.
Luggage murders: Two suspects were security guard brothers from Punjab
Friday, 30 Aug 20197:00 PM MYT

SHAH ALAM: The husband was the first to be killed and dumped in the double murder of a couple who were found stuffed in bags in separate locations here, say the police.
Shah Alam OCPD Asst Comm Baharudin Mat Taib said police had roughly pieced together the timeline of the gruesome double murder by two brothers from the state of Punjab in India.
“We believe they killed the husband, Lim Ah Kee @ Lim Kok Hoe, 79, in the living room of the couples’ apartment first, sometime between 10pm and 12am on August 23.
“They then stuffed the body into a bag, transported it on a motorcycle and dumped it into a drain near the Alam Megah LRT station, ” he said at a press conference held at the Shah Alam police headquarters on Friday (Aug 30).
The two brothers, age 19 and 24, who were staying in the same condominium with the couple, then killed the wife, Tan Siew Mee, 52, when she returned home from her job as a restaurant manager a few hours later at 2am.
“They then stuffed her body in a similar bag and dumped it the same way in a drain at Persiaran Kuala Selangor, Section 27.
“The husband was stabbed seven times and the wife, 13 times.
"Both also had their throats slit, ” he said.
ACP Baharudin said declined to comment whether the murders were due to a disagreement between the couple, who were subletting a room to the two brothers for RM900, and their killers.
“The motive is still under investigation.
"The two suspects had been staying there for over six months, ” he said.
Tan’s body was discovered on August 26 by a member of the public.
The two brothers, who worked as security guards, were picked up by the police separately just an hour apart on Thursday around 2pm in Subang Jaya and Kota Kemuning.
They led police to Lim’s body a couple of hours later.
Police have recovered the murder weapon, a folding knife, Lim’s mobile phone and a backpack belonging to the younger brother following the arrests.
“We consider this case as solved following these arrests, ” he said.
The brothers have been remanded until Sept 5 to facilitate investigations.
Outgoing Tabung Haji MD and CEO Datuk Seri Zukri Samat says worst is over
The worst is over for Tabung Haji, says outgoing MD & CEO
Friday, 30 Aug 20195:45 PM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR: The worst is over for Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) as the turnaround plan to stabilise the pilgrimige fund has started to bear fruit.
Outgoing TH managing director (MD) and chief executive officer (CEO) Datuk Seri Zukri Samat said the new management had been able to reduce the risk of a run on the fund and to restore its balance sheet.
He noted that a systemic risk would had happened if the turnaround plan had not taken place.
"The worst is over. Tabung Haji is now moving forward. We have subtracted the bad assets and so on. I told the Prime Minister's Office it is time for me to go. TH's excess over liability stood at more than RM1 billion.
"I have created a reserve account. During good days, you do not distribute all your profits. You keep some in the reserve. TH has no reserve before but now it has about RM400 million," he told Bernama in an interview recently.
Zukri, who was appointed to steer the TH turnaround in July last year, will make an early exit from TH due to health reasons. He will be succeeded by Nik Mohd Hasyudeen Yusoff on Sept 1,2019.
TH is the biggest shareholder of BIMB HOLDINGS BHD

TH recorded a stronger financial performance in the first half of 2019, underpinned by a sustainable investment strategy and prudent cost management measures.
The pilgrimage recorded RM1.3 billion in revenue due to its sustainable investment strategy and prudent cost management measures.
"I did not expect the situation was that bad. When I moved in, we looked at the so called issue and the whole situation is much worse than we thought. People talked about bad investments in TH Engineering and such. These are the information that the public know.
"But in reality, there is much more to that. What is more shocking is basically the revelation by the PwC report was commissioned by TH when the new leadership came on board, ” he said.
Zukri was referring to a PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) report which revealed that TH had failed to recognise a total of RM549 million in impairment losses on investments in several associate companies and subsidiaries.
The report came after the 2017 Auditor-General's Report disclosed that the pilgrim fund board had failed to report an asset impairment totalling RM227.81 million from its investment in three subsidiaries and three associates, including a RM164.58 million investment in TH Heavy Engineering Bhd

"When we see all the reports coming from PwC, the board feels that we got to check on this. When we came in, even though the account for 2017 has been done, it was not yet to be signed off.
"The board feels that we cannot signed off the account emphasis of matter being mentioned by the Auditor-General. For that reason, we appointed PwC to relook at the whole thing again," said Zukri.
The financial distress of TH was further aggravated by the weakening of the stock market in 2018, leading to a bigger deficit of RM10 billion as at Dec 31,2018 from RM4.1 billion a year earlier, as well as the adoption of a new accounting policy in the same year.
"Based on that accounting policy, certain provision has to be made in some of the investments. Because of that we are short by RM10 billion," said Zukri.
In December last year, the fund said that the Finance Ministry via special purpose vehicle (SPV) Urusharta Jamaah Sdn Bhd acquired its underperforming properties and equities in exchange for RM10 billion in sukuk and RM9.9 billion in Islamic redeemable convertible preference shares.
TH transferred RM19.9 billion worth of underperforming assets at the end of last year to the SPV as part of its restructuring plan. The fund has also reduced its exposure in equities by shifting its focus on fixed income to minimise risks.
Under Zukri’s leadership, TH managed to clean up the fund's balance sheet following years of accumulated deficit which have led to illegal dividend payments to its depositors since 2014.
"Our biggest task at the moment is how do we to make sure that we restore the balance sheet of Tabung Haji so that we are in the position to pay, not only for 2018 but also in the future," he said.
TH announced a hibah of 1.25 per cent to its depositors for the 2018 financial year, amounted to a total payout of RM913mil for TH's 9.3 million depositors.
Zukri also rubbished the perceptions that he was pressured to step down.
"There is a lot of perceptions in the market, which we can't stop. Some say that I am a non-performer -- that is why the government possibly takes me out and also there is also perceptions that Tun Daim (Tun Daim Zainuddin, ex-chairman of the Council of Elders) is impatient towards what happened in Tabung Haji.
"I am not trying to be sour grapes but even my achievements in Bank Islam was also being questioned. But you see the bank is going from strength to strength," he pointed out.
Prior to his appointment at TH, Zukri previously served as CEO of BIMB Holdings Bhd and was MD of Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd for over a decade.
Zukri also served as executive director of Khazanah Nasional Bhd and MD of Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Bhd, a national asset management company set up by the government during the 1997/1998 financial crisis to take over non-performing loans of banks.
Asked how he feels about leaving on Merdeka Day, Zukri said: "This is what I tell my friends, I celebrate double Merdeka this year," he said. - Bernama
Anwar Ibrahim tidak melayan tiga pucuk surat yang dihantar merupakan sebab naib presiden PKR Zuraida Kamaruddin tidak hadir ke mesyuarat
Tindakan Presiden PKR Anwar Ibrahim tidak melayan tiga pucuk surat yang dihantar bagi membincangkan perihal parti itu merupakan sebab naib presidennya Zuraida Kamaruddin tidak hadir ke mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (MPP).
Zuraida berkata surat itu dibuat bagi mengadakan pertemuan dengan Anwar bersama ahli MPP yang terpilih bagi menyelesaikan perselisihan yang berlaku.
“Permintaan itu untuk kita concile, buat masa ini belum dilayan. Dah tiga surat yang kami keluarkan kepada pejabat presiden.
“Surat pertama dia jawab dia ke Mekah dan kami beri surat kedua nak minta pertemuan lagi dengan beliau.
“Dan surat ketiga kita dah keluarkan Isnin lepas masih lagi minta pertemuan dengan presiden di kalangan dengan ahli pimpinan pusat yang terpilih dalam pemilihan parti,” katanya.
Sebelum itu Zuraida merasmikan Kayuhan Wanita 2019 di Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) di Putrajaya, hari ini.
Zuraida berkata demikian ketika ditanya mengapa beliau tidak menghadiri Mesyuarat MPP berkenaan.
Menurut Zaraida, perkara itu merupakan maklumat awal yang boleh didedahkan kepada pemberita.
“Mungkin peringkat awal, boleh cukup saya cakap ada beberapa perkara yang kita buat permintaan pada presiden yang belum lagi dapat beliau tunaikan.
“Itu maklumat awal,” katanya.
Ahad lalu, beberapa pemimpin PKR masih tidak hadir ke mesyuarat MPP parti itu walaupun peringatan telah dikeluarkan oleh setiausaha agungnya, Saifuddin Nasution.
Antara mereka ialah Timbalan Presiden PKR, Azmin Ali, Naib Presiden PKR, Zuraida dan Pengerusi PKR Selangor, Amirudin Shari.
Mengulas lanjut, Zuraida juga bingung Saifudin dan Pengerusi PKR Perak Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak seolah-olah tidak mengetahui berkaitan surat berkenaan.
“Ada dua kenyataan dari Farhash dan Saifudin seolah-olah macam tak tahu beliau (Anwar) terima surat tu,” katanya.
Ditanya mengapa terlalu sukar kepimpinan PKR duduk berbincang mengenai parti, Zuraida berkata:
“It’s OK, dalam parti kena ada move untuk reconcile, it’s OK,” katanya.
Tun Mahathir "THANK YOU" Saya Tak Pernah Tawar Diri Sertai Kabinet - Anwar Ibrahim
Tun Mahathir "THANK YOU" Saya Tak Pernah Tawar Diri Sertai Kabinet
Singapore has retained its position as the world’s second safest city, after Tokyo,
World’s second safest city
Friday, 30 Aug 2019

Smooth sailing: Water taxis sailing pass the ArtScience Museum (left) with the financial district at the right in Singapore. — AFP
SINGAPORE: Singapore has retained its position as the world’s second safest city, after Tokyo, in the latest edition of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Safe Cities Index (SCI).
The index, which ranks 60 countries across five continents, looks at more than 50 qualitative and quantitative indicators spread across four categories of security: digital, infrastructure, health and personal.
A total of 10 new indicators were added this year, including the existence and speed of emergency services, the existence of a disaster plan and the ability to defend infrastructure against cyberattacks.
The EIU said the ability of cities to bounce back from shocks or disasters defined their “resilience”, which is increasingly a key component of urban safety.
This is the third time in three editions of the SCI – the centrepiece of a research project sponsored by NEC Corporation – that Singapore has come in second overall. The last two reports were published in 2015 and 2017.
The republic did especially well in infrastructure and personal security, coming tops in both categories.
Singapore also ranked high in terms of digital security, finishing in second place.
In terms of health security, it moved up from 13th in 2017 to eighth this year.
Naka Kondo, senior editor of the EIU and editor of the SCI 2019 report, said: “The research highlights how different types of safety are thoroughly intertwined – that it is rare to find a city with very good results in one safety pillar and lagging in others.”
Six cities in the Asia-Pacific moved into the top 10 in the index this year. Besides Tokyo, Singapore, and Osaka (third), they were Sydney (fifth), Seoul (eighth) and Melbourne (10th). Rounding out the list were Amsterdam (fourth), Toronto (sixth), Washington DC (seventh) and Copenhagen (which tied with Seoul for eighth).
Hong Kong dropped out of the top 10 and was placed at No. 20, although this had nothing to do with the ongoing protests in the territory, as the data used for the SCI was collated before the protests began. Should the protests continue, they could impact the city’s ranking in future.
A spokesman for EIU said: “If there are sustained attacks on infrastructure, an ongoing increase in political instability, civil unrest or if relations between the police and the community cannot be repaired, then it is likely that Hong Kong’s score would fall.” — The Straits Times/ANN
Italian DJ duo Gioli & Assia’s KL show a no-go due to LGBT orientation
Italian DJ duo Gioli & Assia’s KL show a no-go due to LGBT orientation
Published 50 minutes ago on 30 August 2019

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 30 — A two-woman Italian group that was supposed to perform at the W Hotel tomorrow night has cancelled its show, ostensibly after local authorities discovered their lesbian sexual orientation.
The show organiser and the hotel have both confirmed that Gioli & Assia will no longer be performing and will be replaced by two other DJs Gracie and Dora, but did not give the reason for the change.
“Gioli & Assia won’t be able to perform for WET Sessions at WET Deck due to unforeseen circumstances. However, the show goes on! DJs Gracie and Dora will take centre stage.
“We hope you will still party with us as we will be waiving off all door charges for our WET Sessions. We will also be reaching out to those who made reservations for 31/08,” the organiser posted on its Facebook page, which was also carried by W Hotel KL.
In an earlier Facebook post, the younger of the Italian duo Gioli wrote that they cancelled the show after contact from the Central Agencies Committee for Applications for Filming and Performances by Foreign Artistes (Puspal).
“We have to sadly announce that our show at W Hotel in Kuala Lumpur has been cancelled due to our LGBT orientation.
“The government agency which regulates and approves artist performance permit usually do a background check for all artists that performs in Malaysia prior to show. In their research, hey have concluded that Gioli & Assia is of LGBT orientation and are seen to be promoting LGBT therefore not fit to perform in Malaysia as this could cause a threat to national security.
“Sad that this can still happen in 2019, Sad that love is still a cause of discrimination. Sad,” she wrote.
Malay Mail has contacted the organiser and Puspal for clarity.
The post is no longer available for public viewing but has been screencaptured by some internet users.

Lainie Yeoh

It’s offensive. Malaysian government agencies describe sexuality as a threat to national security. Discriminates against queer artists performing here.
Oppressing LGBT people is the real threat to Malaysia. Not us.
6:52 PM - Aug 29, 2019
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The show cancellation is the second incident affecting Malaysia’s performing arts scene after Puspal stepped in.
Earlier this week, the organisers of Indian superstar singer SP Balasubrahmanyam’s concert at the Plenary Hall in the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre said it was told to shift up the time of the SPB’s Live In Concert Illaya Nila from 7pm to 3pm tomorrow.
The reason given was supposedly because the concert clashes with the Islamic Maal Hijrah celebrations, which starts from sunset on August 31 until the sunset on September 1.
Zynakal - Artis 'baru nak up' didenda RM2,800
Artis 'baru nak up' didenda RM2,800

ZYNAKAL dijatuhi hukuman denda RM2,800 Mahkamah Majistret Ampang. FOTO Farah
Nor Azura Abdul Jalil
PADAH mencederakan pekerja stesen minyak dan menghalang polis daripada menjalankan tugas, penyanyi dan komposer, Zynakal menerima pembalasan apabila dia didenda RM2,800 Mahkamah Majistret Ampang.
Majistret Mohamad Firdaus Sadina Ali menjatuhkan hukuman itu terhadap Zynakal, 21, atau nama sebenarnya Muhammad Raziq Rosli, selepas tertuduh mengaku salah ke atas kedua-dua pertuduhan itu.
Bagi kesalahan mendatangkan kecederaan, Zynakal didenda RM800 dan bagi pertuduhan menghalang penjawat awam, dia didenda RM2,000.
Tertuduh berdepan hukuman penjara enam bulan sekiranya gagal membayar denda. Tertuduh membayar denda itu.
Mengikut pertuduhan, Zynakal didakwa mendatangkan kecederaan terhadap pekerja stesen minyak yang juga seorang warga Bangladesh, Ahmad Mostakdi stesen minyak di Pandan Prima, Ampang, 3 petang, pada 28 Ogos lalu.
Pendakwaan terhadapnya dikemukakan mengikut Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan, yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara maksimum setahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya.
Tertuduh turut didakwa dengan sengaja menghalang anggota polis dengan tidak menunjukkan kad pengenalannya bagi tujuan pemeriksaan di tempat sama, 3.30 petang, pada 28 Ogos lalu.
Bagi pertuduhan itu, Zynakal didakwa mengikut Seksyen 186 Kanun Keseksaan yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara maksimum dua tahun atau denda maksimum RM10,000 atau kedua-duanya.
Terdahulu, tertuduh yang tidak diwakili peguam memohon dikenakan hukuman denda yang rendah, dengan alasan tidak mempunyai pendapatan tetap dan hanya bekerja sebagai penulis lirik dan komposer.
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, S Sangitaa bagaimanapun memohon mahkamah memberikan hukuman setimpal bagi memberi pengajaran kepada tertuduh.
Four local burger joints have been named among the 50 best burgers in Asia by international travel website, BurgerLab 2nd in Asia.
Four Malaysian burger joints voted among 50 best burgers in Asia, myBurgerLab listed as No. 2
Friday, 30 Aug 201912:14 PM MYT

PETALING JAYA: Four local burger joints have been named among the 50 best burgers in Asia by international travel website, Big Seven Travel.
Topping the list was myBurgerLab, where its signature "The Flatliner" was listed as the second best burger in Asia.
Indonesia's Three Buns took the top spot while Philippines' Sweet Ecstasy got third placing.
"The Flatliner shows just what this place is about. Four perfectly seared beef patties, four pieces of sharp cheddar cheese, paired with their signature charcoal buns, topped with the sweet and tangy onion jam. Time to get down here and try one of these bad boys out!"
Listed on 15th spot was Killer Gourmet Burgers, or known as KGB.
"Their burgers are super original in terms of a wide range of toppings, with something for everybody. Throw in some cracking cocktails and this is the sort of place where you'll never have a bad night."
The remaining two burger joints were Buns Burger Bar (29th) and Burger on 16 (43rd).
"Buns Burger Bar serves great salads, chicken and pasta dishes, but you should really only go for one thing when you get here – the burger. An absolute delight of a dish. If you team it up with their legendary sweet potato fries, you are in for a serious treat."
Burger on 16, was also described by the international travel website as "classic American style food with really good shakes and some proper tasty desserts".
"The burgers are big so you'll want to come with a serious appetite, but one thing is for sure... You will be leaving with a big smile on your face.
"One bite and you'll realise why this is one of the best burgers in Asia.
PSC rates to non-Asean destinations reduced to RM50 on Oct 1.....More people are going to regret voting PH
BEST FBKL- PSC and Departure Levy from September 1.... This is crazy. More people are going to regret voting for Pakatan Harapan
Loke: PSC rates to non-Asean destinations reduced to RM50 on Oct 1
Friday, 30 Aug 201912:36 PM MYT

Transport minister Anthony Loke speaking to media over reducing Airport Passenger Service Charge - PSC in Putrajaya.
PUTRAJAYA: The Cabinet has decided to reduce the Passenger Service Charge (PSC) for passengers using airports other than the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to destinations beyond Asean from RM73 to RM50.
Transport Minister Anthony Loke said the new PSC rates will take effect on Oct 1.
Passengers who have paid for PSC for flights after said date can make a refund claim from their airlines.
Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB) had in July last year raised the PSC for KLIA2 passengers travelling to non-Asean destinations to RM73 from RM50, which is the same rate as the full-service terminal KLIA.
The PSC is not the same as the government's new Departure Levy that will take effect on Sept 1.
Loke said the Cabinet's decision to reduce PSC was to balance with the Departure Levy, as well as encourage the growth of the tourism sector.
"The departure levy was announced by the Finance Minister during the Budget 2019 presentation, as a means to add government revenue and improve the country's fiscal position.
"But at the same time, we hear the people's views on the increased costs, so the Cabinet has decided to reduce the PSC to balance with the Departure Levy," he said.
PSC for Asean destinations remain at RM35 and RM11 for domestic destinations
Police Should Act on Viral social media posting, which featured the pictures of several MyKad owned by alleged Chinese nationals, this was a document falsifying case in 2015.
BEST FBKL : Action should be taken for such a mischevious post
MyKad issued to Chinese nationals? No such thing, says NRD
Friday, 30 Aug 20191:33 PM MYT
PETALING JAYA: The National Registry Department (NRD) has denied allegations on social media that MyKad was distributed to Chinese nationals.
In a statement issued on Friday (Aug 30), the NRD explained that the viral social media posting, which featured the pictures of several MyKad owned by alleged Chinese nationals, was a document falsifying case in 2015.
The NRD said the document falsifying case was already addressed by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in 2015.
“The NRD states here that all of the MyKad which became viral are fake, and it wasn’t issued by this department.
“Every information, such as IC number, picture and fingerprints on those MyKad does not exist in the JPN system, ” said JPN.
The NRD is urging the public to stop circulating those pictures on social media, in order to avoid confusion as well as a potential public disorder.
“NRD reminds that legal action can be taken to stop the spread of inaccurate information by irresponsible individuals.”
The NRD was referring to a Facebook posting by Tam Abata IV, who claimed that the department had issued MyKad’s to Chinese nationals.
Foreign Condo Tenants of Murdered Couple Who was found in luggage bags Arrested by Police
Hubby, wife found dead in luggage bag
Friday, 30 Aug 2019
SHAH ALAM: Police have found the body of a man believed to be the husband of a woman, who was found dead in a luggage bag at Alam Megah.
The body believed to be that of Lim Ah Kee @Lim Kok Hoe, was found in a similar luggage bag that Tan Siew Mee, 52, who was found dumped in the area.
Shah Alam OCPD Asst Comm Baharudin Mat Taib said two suspects who were arrested earlier in connection with Tan’s death led police to the discovery of the second body.
He said the suspects, arrested in Kota Kemuning, are foreigners and believed to have been Lim’s house tenants.
“They led the investigating team to a drain near the Alam Megah LRT station at 5pm, ” he said, adding that the suspects confessed that they had assaulted the two.

He added that the police are in the midst of locating the weapons used and gathering other crucial evidence.
ACP Baharudin said Tan was from Pokok Sena, Kedah.
He said she was working as a restaurant manager at a shopping centre in Subang Jaya near here.
During a press conference earlier, ACP Baharudin said that police are looking for Tan’s husband, Lim Ah Kee@Lim Kok Hoe, also known as William, from George Town, Penang to facilitate investigations.
ACP Baharudin said that the identity of the woman was obtained via a finger print scan at the National Registration Department.
He said initial investigations revealed that the victim was found renting a condominium in Subang Jaya with her unemployed 79-year-old husband.
“The post-mortem report found 13 stab wounds on the chest and stomach of the woman apart from a slash wound on her neck, believed to be due to a sharp weapon.
“The cause of death was due to multiple stab wounds to the abdomen’ and was believed to have died more than 72 hours ago when her body was found on Monday.
“To date, the body of the victim is still at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital in Klang and has not been claimed, ” he told reporters here yesterday.
He said the victim’s friend lodged a report at USJ 8 police station last Saturday after failing to contact her friend since last Friday, while attempts to reach the victim’s husband were also unsuccessful.
He said initial investigations also revealed that the woman was not a robbery victim as her valuables were found on her body.
ACP Baharudin said the case was being investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder and investigations on the motive are ongoing.
In the incident on Monday, the woman’s body was found inside a suitcase at the location by two telecommunication company workers who were inspecting underground cable works at about 5.30am
Police have identified the body of a woman stuffed in a brown luggage bag in a drain in Persiaran Kuala Selangor
Police identify dead woman found stuffed in suitcase in Shah Alam
Thursday, 29 Aug 20198:17 PM MYT

SHAH ALAM (Bernama): Police have identified the body of a woman stuffed in a brown luggage bag in a drain in Persiaran Kuala Selangor, Section 27 here on Monday (Aug 26).
Shah Alam police chief, ACP Baharudin Mat Taib said that the woman was identified as Tan Siew Mee, 52, from Pokok Sena, Kedah.
He said she was working as a restaurant manager at a shopping centre in Subang Jaya near here.
He added that police are looking for the victim’s husband, Lim Ah Kee@Lim Kok Hoe, who is also known as William, from George Town, Penang to facilitate investigations.
He said members of the public with information on the incident can contact the case investigation officer, ASP Mohamad Daniel Lee Abdullah at 03-5520 2222, or any nearest police station.
ACP Baharudin said that the identity of the woman was obtained via a finger print scan at the National Registration Department.
He said initial investigations revealed that the victim was found renting a condominium in Subang Jaya with her unemployed 79-year-old husband.
"The post-mortem report found 13 stab wounds on the chest and stomach of the woman apart from a slash wound on her neck, believed due to a sharp weapon.
"The cause of death was due to multiple stab wounds to the abdomen’ and the victim was believed to have died more than 72 hours when her body was found on Monday.
"To date, the body of the victim is still at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital in Klang and has not been claimed, ” he told a media conference here Thursday (Aug 29).
He said the victim’s friend lodged a report at USJ 8 police station on Saturday (Aug 24) after failing to contact her friend since last Friday (Aug 23), while attempts to reach the victim’s husband were also unsuccessful.
He said initial investigations also revealed that the woman was not a robbery victim as her valuables were found with her possession when the body was found.
ACP Baharudin said the case was being investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder and investigations on the motive are ongoing.
In the incident on Monday, the woman’s body was found inside a suitcase at the location by two telecommunication company workers who were inspecting underground cable works at about 5.30am. - Bernama
29 August 2019
Sidang Media Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad selepas mempengerusi mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Bersatu atau PBBM. Tiada Posisi Chief Strategist ....
"Tiada Kekosongan Jawatan Untuk Anwar Ibrahim" - Tun Mahathir
Dr M: We'll take action against Bersatu members who make damaging statements
Thursday, 29 Aug 2019
8:50 PM MYT

PUTRAJAYA: Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia members should exercise discipline and be cautious when making statements that could damage the party's reputation, says Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
While not naming any particular individual, the Bersatu chairman said the party was considering taking action against a party leader who made remarks that were deemed to be damaging.
"There needs to be discipline in the party, particularly among members of the presidential council and the supreme council.
"Those who hold positions in the party need to be careful when making statements.
"If they say things that damage the party's image, we will take action against them.
"This is following a statement made by someone that Pakatan Harapan would lose in the next election," said Dr Mahathir at a press conference after chairing a Bersatu meeting here on Thursday (Aug 29).
Dr Mahathir said the matter would be forwarded to the party's disciplinary committee, who will then propose the next step of action to the supreme council.
Recently, Bersatu's Datuk Rais Hussein Mohamed Ariff had said at a forum that Pakatan would lose if a general election was held the next day.
Rais is often referred to as the party's "chief strategist", but Dr Mahathir has come out to deny that such a post exists.
"We have never had a chief strategist.
"I have no idea who appointed who here. That is a self-proclaimed title," said Dr Mahathir.
Asked if the party discourage freedom of speech, Dr Mahathir said,"no".
"Members are free to say what they want, but they cannot go and say the party will lose. That is damaging our image," he said.
He also announced that the party's annual general meeting as well as party elections would be held on June 20 next year.
He added that Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar Syed Jaafar had been appointed the party's election committee chairman.
‘No room’ for Anwar in my Cabinet for now, says PM
Vinodh Pillai
-August 29, 2019 9:10 PM
FMTAnwar Ibrahim (left) is supposed to succeed Dr Mahathir Mohamad under an arrangement in Pakatan Harapan.
PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said tonight there is “no room” for PKR president Anwar Ibrahim in his Cabinet at present.
“We are not having any change or any increase in the number of members of the Cabinet,” the PPBM chairman told reporters after chairing a party Supreme Council meeting at the Perdana Leadership Foundation.
“Since nobody has indicated they want to resign, we have no vacancy,” he added.
“If we have a vacancy, we will consider suitable candidates.”
Anwar is supposed to succeed Mahathir under an arrangement in Pakatan Harapan.
In May, Mahathir assured that while he would hand over the reins to Anwar as promised, no time frame had been given for the transfer of power.
Mahathir was asked if the time was ripe for Anwar to join his Cabinet, amid talk of a reshuffling of portfolios and calls to hasten the succession plan for Anwar to replace him.
Mahathir had recently quashed rumours that there would be a Cabinet reshuffle after a report claimed he had informed ministers at their weekly Cabinet meeting that there would be a reshuffle of portfolios.
Mahathir, at the time, said he had mentioned to his Cabinet members that there might be slight changes in terms of the portfolios.
“But there is none yet. When I decide to do so, I will inform you,” he had said, adding he could not reveal which portfolios he wanted to “adjust” but would do so at a later time “if there is a necessity”.
Mahathir, meanwhile, warned of a split in the Pakatan Harapan coalition, brought about by PH members themselves.
“It looks like there is dissatisfaction with the present government. They are thinking about changes. But this is a very bad move because if you do anything, your whole party will split up,” he warned.
Mahathir also said he was in the dark about the appointment of Jalil Rasheed as the new CEO of Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB).
He said PNB group chairman Zeti Akhtar Aziz would have informed him about this.
Jalil is currently the CEO of the South Asian operations for Invesco Ltd, a leading global investment firm, according to news reports.
His appointment as PNB CEO is effective from Oct 1 this year.
Dr M: We'll take action against Bersatu members who make damaging statements
Thursday, 29 Aug 2019
8:50 PM MYT

PUTRAJAYA: Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia members should exercise discipline and be cautious when making statements that could damage the party's reputation, says Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
While not naming any particular individual, the Bersatu chairman said the party was considering taking action against a party leader who made remarks that were deemed to be damaging.
"There needs to be discipline in the party, particularly among members of the presidential council and the supreme council.
"Those who hold positions in the party need to be careful when making statements.
"If they say things that damage the party's image, we will take action against them.
"This is following a statement made by someone that Pakatan Harapan would lose in the next election," said Dr Mahathir at a press conference after chairing a Bersatu meeting here on Thursday (Aug 29).
Dr Mahathir said the matter would be forwarded to the party's disciplinary committee, who will then propose the next step of action to the supreme council.
Recently, Bersatu's Datuk Rais Hussein Mohamed Ariff had said at a forum that Pakatan would lose if a general election was held the next day.
Rais is often referred to as the party's "chief strategist", but Dr Mahathir has come out to deny that such a post exists.
"We have never had a chief strategist.
"I have no idea who appointed who here. That is a self-proclaimed title," said Dr Mahathir.
Asked if the party discourage freedom of speech, Dr Mahathir said,"no".
"Members are free to say what they want, but they cannot go and say the party will lose. That is damaging our image," he said.
He also announced that the party's annual general meeting as well as party elections would be held on June 20 next year.
He added that Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar Syed Jaafar had been appointed the party's election committee chairman.
‘No room’ for Anwar in my Cabinet for now, says PM
Vinodh Pillai
-August 29, 2019 9:10 PM
FMTAnwar Ibrahim (left) is supposed to succeed Dr Mahathir Mohamad under an arrangement in Pakatan Harapan.
PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said tonight there is “no room” for PKR president Anwar Ibrahim in his Cabinet at present.
“We are not having any change or any increase in the number of members of the Cabinet,” the PPBM chairman told reporters after chairing a party Supreme Council meeting at the Perdana Leadership Foundation.
“Since nobody has indicated they want to resign, we have no vacancy,” he added.
“If we have a vacancy, we will consider suitable candidates.”
Anwar is supposed to succeed Mahathir under an arrangement in Pakatan Harapan.
In May, Mahathir assured that while he would hand over the reins to Anwar as promised, no time frame had been given for the transfer of power.
Mahathir was asked if the time was ripe for Anwar to join his Cabinet, amid talk of a reshuffling of portfolios and calls to hasten the succession plan for Anwar to replace him.
Mahathir had recently quashed rumours that there would be a Cabinet reshuffle after a report claimed he had informed ministers at their weekly Cabinet meeting that there would be a reshuffle of portfolios.
Mahathir, at the time, said he had mentioned to his Cabinet members that there might be slight changes in terms of the portfolios.
“But there is none yet. When I decide to do so, I will inform you,” he had said, adding he could not reveal which portfolios he wanted to “adjust” but would do so at a later time “if there is a necessity”.
Mahathir, meanwhile, warned of a split in the Pakatan Harapan coalition, brought about by PH members themselves.
“It looks like there is dissatisfaction with the present government. They are thinking about changes. But this is a very bad move because if you do anything, your whole party will split up,” he warned.
Mahathir also said he was in the dark about the appointment of Jalil Rasheed as the new CEO of Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB).
He said PNB group chairman Zeti Akhtar Aziz would have informed him about this.
Jalil is currently the CEO of the South Asian operations for Invesco Ltd, a leading global investment firm, according to news reports.
His appointment as PNB CEO is effective from Oct 1 this year.
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