
30 September 2017

Trumps to Visit Philippines in November stopping in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam

Trump To Visit Asia In November, North Korea In Spotlight
PIc: ReutersWASHINGTON: Donald Trump will travel to Asia in November for the first time since becoming president, stopping in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines on a trip expected to be dominated by the North Korea nuclear threat.

Joined by his wife Melania, Trump will travel Nov. 3-14. His visit will include attending two major summits, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Vietnam and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations conclave in the Philippines.

Trump’s attendance at the Manila summit had been in doubt until recent days, with officials saying he was reluctant to show support for Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who has been responsible for a number of anti-American outbursts.

A U.S. official said Asian leaders who met Trump at the United Nations General Assembly in New York last week helped persuade him to attend in unity with key Asian allies.

An Asian diplomat welcomed Trump’s decision to visit Manila “because that reassures the region that Asia policy is not just about North Korea, it’s about Southeast Asia as well.”

The diplomat said Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal early this year had raised questions about the administration’s commitment to the region. But visits by senior officials, including the secretaries of state, defense and commerce, and Trump’s planned trip, showed Washington intended to remain engaged.

Philippine Foreign Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano said Duterte was looking forward to meeting Trump, adding that the relationship between the two countries was so resilient that ties would always recover, regardless of disagreements.

Trump, who has been locked in an increasingly bitter war of words with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, will have the opportunity to bolster allied resolve for what he calls the “complete denuclearization” of Pyongyang.

He has denounced Kim as a “rocket man” on a suicide mission for test launches of ballistic missiles and for nuclear weapon tests. He has warned North Korea would face total devastation if it threatens the United States. Kim has blasted Trump as “mentally deranged.”

“The president’s engagements will strengthen the international resolve to confront the North Korean threat and ensure the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” the White House said in announcing the trip.

Trump’s visit to China will reciprocate a trip to the United States made in April by Chinese President Xi Jinping. Trump has applied heavy pressure on China to rein in North Korea. While his efforts have had limited success thus far, he went out of his way to thank Xi on Tuesday for his efforts.

“I applaud China for breaking off all banking relationships with North Korea - something that people would have thought unthinkable even two months ago. I want to thank President Xi,” Trump said at a news conference with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

At the same time, Trump’s national security team is conducting a broad review of U.S. strategy toward China in search of ways to counter Chinese trade practices and open up market access, a senior administration official said.

The United States also considers Chinese entities behind the theft of intellectual property and cyber attacks and wants to find ways to address these concerns, the official said.

There was no definite timetable for concluding the review.

“We’re looking at all of it,” the official said.


Neelofa tidak akan tanggal tudungnya walaupun dikecam tentang peampilannya ketika berada di Itali baru baru ini

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Neelofa Tetap Pendirian Takkan Tanggal Tudung

Sungguhpun dia dihujani pelbagai kritikan dan kecaman berikutan penampilannya ketika berada di Itali, baru-baru ini namun Neelofa tetap dengan pendiriannya tidak akan sesekali membuka tudung.
Memetik laporan BH online, aktres dan pengacara berusia 28 tahun ini berkata beliau masih tahu menjaga batas penampilan agar tidak tersasar daripada imej wanita bertudung.
"Ia bukan kali pertama saya mengenakan jeans sebegitu dan orang yang komen itu mungkin baru kali pertama melihat diri saya, serta tak mengenali siapa saya.
"Saya tahu diri ini berhijab dan memang saya mengenakan 'inner' (pakaian dalam) bersama jeans itu. Biasalah, orang akan cuba mencari kesalahan memandangkan penampilan saya yang sebegini, jadi pelbagai kritikan dilemparkan," katanya.
Baru-baru ini, laman sosial Instagram miliknya dihujani pelbagai komen daripada netizen berhubung gambar dimuat naik beliau yang kononnya menampakkan bahagian lutut apabila memakai jeans koyak, begitu juga sewaktu dirinya mengenakan turban yang menampakkan rambut ketika menghadiri malam gala Swarovski di Milan, Itali.
Meskipun ada yang meninggalkan komen meminta beliau membuka saja hijab disebabkan penampilannya itu, Neelofa berkata, dirinya takkan sesekali berbuat begitu.
"Saya tahu siapa diri ini dan saya suka memakai sesuatu yang dirasakan selesa, bukannya disebabkan suruhan orang lain. Saya juga tidak pernah terfikir untuk membuka hijab kerana inilah yang saya pilih sejak awal memakainya dulu.
"Sebagai wanita berhijab, kita tak boleh terikat dengan satu fesyen saja, sebaliknya boleh jadi lebih bergaya. Dengan penampilan saya ini juga saya diterima dan dipandang orang luar ketika berada di Milan dan New York," katanya.
Mengaku tidak begitu terkesan dengan komen sedemikian, Neelofa sebaliknya mahu menumpukan perhatian kepada kerjaya dan aktiviti yang dilakukannya.

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned under pressure from President Donald Trump for use of costly private charter planes

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WASHINGTON - U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned under pressure from President Donald Trump on Friday in an uproar over Price’s use of costly private charter planes for government business.

His abrupt departure was announced an hour after Trump told reporters he was disappointed in Price’s use of private aircraft and did not like the way it reflected on his administration.

“Secretary of Health and Human Services Thomas Price offered his resignation earlier today and the president accepted,” the White House said in a statement.

Trump named Don Wright to serve as acting secretary. Wright is currently the deputy assistant secretary for health and director of the office of disease prevention and health promotion.

“I‘m not happy. OK? I‘m not happy,” Trump told reporters on the White House South Lawn.

Candidates to succeed Price included Seema Verma, who is administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and who is close to Vice President Mike Pence, and Scott Gottlieb, a physician who serves as commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, according to industry analysts.

Several sources saw Gottlieb as a clear front runner. They said he got along well with the White House and is viewed favorably there.

Price’s resignation leaves Trump with a second Cabinet position to fill. He has yet to pick a secretary for homeland security after hiring former Secretary John Kelly as his White House chief of staff.

It was the latest blow to the Trump White House, which has struggled to get major legislative achievements passed by Congress and has been embroiled in one controversy after another since Trump took office in January.

Price, a former congressman, was instrumental in the Trump administration’s policies aimed at undercutting Obamacare, as well as working with governors across the country to slowly begin unraveling parts of the law.

In a resignation letter, Price offered little in the way of contrition. He said he had been working to reform the U.S. healthcare system and reduce regulatory burdens, among other goals.

“I have spent forty years both as a doctor and public servant putting people first. I regret that the recent events have created a distraction from these important objectives,” he said.

Trump, currently trying to sell his tax cut plan and oversee the federal response to devastation wreaked by three hurricanes, saw the Price drama as an unnecessary distraction and behind the scenes was telling aides “what was he thinking?,” a source close to the president said.

Price promised on Thursday to repay the nearly $52,000 cost of his seats on private charter flights. “The taxpayers won’t pay a dime for my seat on those planes,” Price said.

But that was not enough to satisfy Trump.

Trump told reporters that the “optics” of Price’s travel were not good, since, as president he was trying to renegotiate U.S. contracts to get a better deal for taxpayers.

“Look, I think he’s a very fine person. I certainly don’t like the optics,” Trump said.

Price had also been seen in the White House as having been ineffective in getting Congress to pass healthcare reform legislation, an effort that has fizzled on Capitol Hill.

Price was one of a handful of senior officials in Trump’s administration put on the defensive over reports about their use of charter flights and government aircraft, sometimes for personal travel, when they could have flown commercial for less money.

The White House issued an order late on Friday saying use of private planes required approval from White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and that the commercial air system was appropriate even for very senior officials with few exceptions.

The Washington Post on Friday reported that Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin attended a Wimbledon tennis match, toured Westminster Abbey and took a cruise on the Thames this summer during a 10-day trip to discuss veterans’ health issues in Britain and Denmark.

Shulkin, who traveled on a commercial airline, was accompanied on the trip by his wife, whose airfare was paid for by the government and who received a per diem for meals, the Post said, noting that the Department of Veterans Affairs said she was traveling on “approved invitational orders.”

His six-person traveling party included an acting undersecretary of health and her husband as well as two aides. They were accompanied by a security detail of as many as six people, the Post said.

Washington news media outlet Politico has reported that Price had taken at least two dozen private charter flights since May at a cost to U.S. taxpayers of more than $400,000. Politico also reported he took approved military flights to Africa and Europe costing $500,000.

Senior U.S. government officials travel frequently, but are generally expected to keep costs down by taking commercial flights or the train when possible.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin have also been in the spotlight for their travel habits.

- Reuters

JITN akan menjejas kebebasan MACC, Siapa Menteri Ini? Ketua MACC Tidak Puas Hati

SWM want to take legal action against blog.after ire of Netizen's for skin whitening cream video

Another skin whitening product earns the ire of netizens

A screengrab of the video posted on Kokom Facebook page.
PETALING JAYA: A video promoting a skin whitening and weight loss product has earned the wrath of netizens for its portrayal of domestic abuse.
The 4-minute video, which was originally posted on the Kokom Facebook page, depicts a husband who divorces his wife over her physical appearance.
The video first shows the wife being mistreated by her husband who finds fault with everything she does.
This is in stark contrast to his loving nature shown in flashbacks, presumably before marriage, where he said he would love her no matter what she looks like.
At one point of the video, the husband throws his wife out of the house and divorces her with the "talak tiga" – an irrevocable divorce with the husband declaring three times that he divorces his wife.
The video then shows the woman confiding in her friend, who in turn gives her a beauty product that ultimately transforms her into a beauty.
Later in the video, the man notices his now beautiful ex-wife passing by and tries to win her back. The "transformed" wife is portrayed by a different actress altogether.
The woman, however, refuses to take him back.
"Kokom" is actually Cocombee Studio, the production house that produced and directed the video for a cosmetics brand, SlimmeWhite Malaysia.
The video, which was uploaded on Sept 25, has garnered over 7,000 reactions and close to 9,000 shares.
While some praised the video for portraying "the reality of life", many have also questioned the message it was trying to convey to the public.
They have accused it of objectifying women, saying the message it sends is that a woman who maintains her looks is less apt to face domestic abuse.
As the video went viral and received public backlash, Cocombee Studio said in a Facebook comment it had no ill-intention in producing the video.
It said the violent scenes in the video were just to make it more "dramatic".
"The video tells you, if you don't like how your wife looks, don't treat them like they're nothing because they have been working hard for you and do everything to make you happy.
"The main point of the video is, appreciate your spouse. It is based on some true events," the company said, adding that there have been cases where men want their ex-wives back as they look prettier than before.
In a statement to The Star, Cocombee Studio said SlimmeWhite Malaysia would be taking legal action against an English language entertainment and lifestyle blog site that first brought the issue to light.
The company alleged that the blog site had "twisted" the message behind the video.
"They have also spread the video on the Internet without our permission, neither have they approached us or SW (SlimmeWhite Malaysia) for an explanation.
"They have also implied that our advertisement is demeaning towards women because they think we urge women to be fair and thin to prevent their husbands from being violent," the company said in a statement.


DBKL has issued a formal apology on its Facebook page over a visitor’s complaint on dress code enforcement in one of their buildings.

A file picture from 2015 showing the signage on permitted dress codes at the entrance to Menara DBKL.
KUALA Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) has issued a formal apology on its Facebook page over a visitor’s complaint on dress code enforcement in one of their buildings. 
Malaysian Institute of Architects past president Datuk Tan Pei Ing said in a Facebook post on Sept 28 that she was stopped from entering Menara DBKL 3 because of the skirt she was wearing.
She added that the security guard was rude to her.
DBKL Enforcement Department director Salim Mansor said they had investigated the case and taken the necessary action.
“DBKL would like to apologise for the actions of the new security guard who did not follow the regulations,” he said on their Facebook page, adding that they have spoken to the guard on this matter.
Tan’s post, which included a photo of her in the skirt, had gone viral with 1,039 shares and more than 1,200 likes at press time. 
When contacted, Kuala Lumpur mayor Tan Sri Mohd Amin Nordin Abd Aziz said: “My policy is simple. I would allow it. We are checking who didn’t allow (her in)”, adding that he considered Tan’s dressing to be decent.


29 September 2017

T.Navheen's Mom Meets Killers

GEORGE TOWN: The mother of a teenager who was bludgeoned to death could not hold back her tears when she saw, for the first time since her son’s death, the youths accused of murdering him.

“It is her first time attending the court proceedings of her son’s death,” said lawyer Datuk Baljit Singh yesterday.
D. Shanti, 43, who is mother to 18-year-old T. Nhaveen, appeared solemn as she arrived around 10.40am. She was accompanied by her relatives and Baljit, who held a watching brief for her family. A hush fell over the courtroom when the four were led into the dock in handcuffs at around 11am.
J. Ragesuthen and S. Gokulan, both 18, along with two other youths, one aged 16 and another who turned 18 in July, were charged with murdering Nhaveen between 11pm and midnight on June 9 near a learning centre in Jalan Kaki Bukit, Bukit Gelugor.
They were jointly charged in June under Section 302 of the Penal Code, which carries the mandatory death sentence on conviction.
When the case was brought up for mention yesterday, DPP Mohamad Syafiq Mohd Sazalli asked for a new date as the post-mortem report was not ready.
Senior assistant registrar Nur Fadrina Zulkhairi fixed Dec 6 for case management as the four accused needed to be brought in by the police from the Sungai Petani juvenile detention facility.
Baljit later told reporters that Nhaveen’s family paid RM1,000 to Penang Hospital for a copy of the post-mortem report.
“Only when the report is obtained, then the case can be transferred to the High Court.
“We are not pushing for it to be ready quickly. We want a complete and error-free post-mortem,” he said.
The four teenagers will also be brought to the Sessions Court today for the case mention of another charge of causing grievous hurt to Nhaveen’s friend, T. Previin, 19, with a helmet at the same time and place.
The accused were represented by lawyers Datuk Ranjit Singh, S. Yagoo and Maanveer Singh.


Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Richard Riot arrived at the MACC here to give his statement


Riot arrives to give his statement at the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya
PUTRAJAYA: Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Richard Riot arrived at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission here Friday to give his statement in the probe into misappropriation of funds of the Skills Development Fund Corp (SDFC).
He arrived at the headquarters at about 10am accompanied by his bodyguard.
On Thursday, Riot's 61-year-old political secretary was remanded for six days to assist the MACC in the investigations.
Five people have been detained over the case. The others are the corporation's chief executive, secretary, assistant financial officer, and a company director.
All the suspects are said to have collaborated with the company director to siphon the Government allocations over the past two years.
SDFC is a statutory body under the Human Resources Ministry. It is responsible for providing financial assistance in the form of loans to individuals such as school leavers, graduates and others interested in pursuing skills training at public or private institutions


Another launderette serving only Muslims has been found to be operating in Perlis

Not for all: The green sign on the left inside the launderette in Kangar, Perlis, states that it is for Muslims only.
KANGAR: Another launderette serving only Muslims has been found to be operating in Perlis – just as the Sultan of Johor and the Government have sent out a message that such segregation must not happen in Malaysia.
The self-service outlet in Jalan Kampung Bakau here has a sign that says: “This laundry is dedicated for Muslim use only”.
The main signboard stated the shop practises “Islamic laundry concept.”
A call made to the handphone number listed at the shop was answered by a man claiming to be the owner. He said he opened the laundry to serve only Muslims.
Asked why, the man said it was done for the “comfort” of the Muslim customers. He urged non-Muslims to use other launderettes and stressed the matter should not be turned into a controversy.
Perlis Mufti Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin, one of the vocal critics against the “Muslim-only” launderette in Muar, was not having any of that. He came down hard on the shop, making it clear that the state would not agree to any approach which segregated the people.
“I have received an instruction from Tuanku (the Raja Muda of Perlis) to investigate the matter and we will do it right away,” he said in a WhatsApp message.
On Wednesday, the controversial self-service launderette in Taman Seri Cempaka in Muar abandoned its Muslim-only policy and opened its business to all.
After a dressing down by the Sultan of Johor on Tuesday, the owner apologised for his action in putting up a signage at his outlet saying that it was for Muslim customers only.
Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar ordered the launderette in Muar to immediately stop its discriminatory practice or risk being shut down.
“I cannot accept this nonsense. This is Johor, which belongs to Bangsa Johor and it belongs to all races and faiths. This is a progressive, modern and moderate state.
“This is not a Taliban state and as the Head of Islam in Johor, I find this action to be totally unacceptable as this is extremist in nature,” His Majesty had said.
The Muar launderette owner, who refused to be named, said he had obeyed Sultan Ibrahim’s decree.
“I regret the issue and I will obey His Majesty’s command,” said the owner, adding that he took down the sign on Wednesday morning.


KR’s Batu MP Tian Chua has been jailed for a month after he withdrew his appeal before the Court of Appeal

PUTRAJAYA: PKR’s Batu MP Tian Chua has been jailed for a month after he withdrew his appeal before the Court of Appeal on Friday.

This was in relation to his charge of refusing a police order to leave the restricted Police Training Centre (Pulapol) area following the Bersih 3 rally in 2012.

He had appealed against the Kuala Lumpur High Court’s decision to uphold the Sessions’ Court sentence of one month’s jail and a fine of RM1,000.

The panel chaired by Court of Appeal judge Justice Moktaruddin Baki, which included Justices Zakaria Sam and Abdul Karim Abdul Jalil, unanimously upheld the conviction.

The facts of the case are that in the early morning hours of April 29, 2012, the police ordered Tian Chua and other Bersih 3 participants who had been arrested the day before to leave Pulapol.

Tian Chua was then arrested for failing to leave Pulapol. Police said Pulapol was listed as a protected area according to the Protected Areas Order (No 2) 1975.

On May 15 the same year, Tian Chua was charged under Section 4(2) of the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act 1959 after he allegedly disobeyed police orders by refusing to leave Pulapol after his release.

Under Article 48 of the Federal Constitution, lawmakers are disqualified from holding office if they are sentenced to not less than a year in prison or fined not less than RM2,000.


Lelaki yang menggelarkan dirinya Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Muhammad dari Kerabat Diraja Kelantan diburu polis

KUALA LUMPUR 28 Sept. - Seorang lelaki yang menggelarkan dirinya Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Muhammad dari Kerabat Diraja Kelantan diburu polis untuk membantu siasatan berhubung kes mendatangkan kecederaan di sini.


Menurut kenyataan Ibu pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Dang Wangi, suspek, Muhammad Nazula Mat Nazir, 40, tidak mempunyai pekerjaan dan beralamat terakhir di Kelantan.

“Suspek sebelum ini mengaku sebagai Tengku Besar Kelantan, bagaimanapun hasil siasatan mendapati dia bukan terdiri daripada golongan kerabat mana-mana negeri.

“Dia disyaki mencederakan seorang mangsa pada 1 Julai lalu di sebuah hotel di Jalan Ampang kira-kira pukul 11 malam,” katanya.

Sehubungan itu, orang ramai yang mempunyai maklumat atau mengenali suspek diminta menghubungi Pegawai Penyiasat Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah IPD Dang Wangi, Inspektor S. Praveen Kumar di talian 03-2600 2222 atau mana-mana balai polis berhampiran. - UTUSAN ONLINE

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Konsert Bersiri di Tasik Taman Titiwangsa Meraikan Kemerdekaan ke 60 Malaysia bermula dengan konsert Amelina 29 September 2017

Ratu Dangdut Malaysia Amelina

Di dalam suatu sidang media petang di Taman Titiwangsa, D’Saji KL Titiwangsa dan BEST FB KL Concerts mengumumkan bahawa  untuk Merayakan Kemerdekaan ke 60 Malaysia, mereka akan menganjurkan suatu konsert bersiri  daripada bulan September 2017 sehingga August 2018.

“Kami berasa tidak ada aktiviti yang secukupnya untuk merayakan 60 Tahun Kemerdekaan Malaysia. Kami ingin menyokong initiatif kerajaan dengan menganjurkan konsert bersiri ini” kata En. Kamaluddin Kasim GM BEST FB KL Concerts.

Di  konsert bersiri yang akan dianjurkan ini, artis-artis pujaan ramai yang A-List Sahaja akan ditampilkan. Kebanyakan artis yang kita telah membuat perbincangan memamg berminat untuk mengambil bahagian dalam initiatif ini tambah beliau.

3 konsert pertama yang akan diadakan akan menampilkan 3 artis yang memang ada ramai peminat diantara masyarakat umum.

Amelina – 29 September 2017
Zamani Slam – 6 Oktober 2017
Nassier Wahab – 27 Oktober 2017

Di semua konsert yang akan dianjurkan, ada persembahan pembukaan.
Untuk konsert Amelina , artis  muda dangdut Baby Shima akan membuat persembahan
Baby Shima

Untuk Konsert Zamani Slam, Zul daripada Kumpulan Rock Balada Tempatan Electric 5 akan membuat persembahan.

Kedua- dua artis ini akan diiringingi oleh Patriot Band.

Di konsert -konsert ini pihak penganjur ingin juga memupuk semangat patriotik masyarakat  awam yang hadir dengan mainkan lagu Negaraku pada permulaan semua konsert dan beberapa lagu patriotik.

Tiket Tiket untuk Konsert- konsert yang akan diadakan boleh dibeli melalui 4 cara:
Ø  Di Kaunter pertanyaan D’Saji Titiwangsa KL
Ø  Di Laman Web MyTicket.Asia
Ø  Atau di talian box office +6011 1695 0047, di mana tiket boleh dibayar melalui Bank Transfer dan diambil pada hari konsert atau dihantar melalui kurier.
Ø  Untuk tempahan tiket 10 ke atas home/office delivery boleh diaturkan.

Untuk merayakan Kemerdekaan Ke 60 Malaysia, setiap pembeli tiket akan dapat menikmati juadah lazat yang disediakan oleh pihak D’Saji.

Pada minggu pertama setiap bulan,  pihak penhanjur akan mengumumkan nama nama artis – artis yang akan mengadakan konsert mereka untuk bulan itu.

Antara para hadirin yang hadir dalam sidang media petang tadi ialah Ratu Dangdut Malaysia Cik Amelina, Raja Balada Pop Malaysia Zamani Slam dan Tuan Haji Ahmad Zaki Bin Abdullah, CEO Felda D’Saji

Raja Pop Balada Zamani Slam

: Two Cameroon men were arrested on Thursday for allegedly gang raping a Thai woman in a hotel room

BANGKOK: Two Cameroon men were arrested on Thursday for allegedly gang raping a Thai woman in a hotel room in Ubon Ratchathani’s Muang district last week.
The 25-year-old suspect identified only as Carauwas was apprehended at noon at a Kalasin school where he worked as an English-language teacher, said Muang Ubon Ratchathani police inspector Pol Lt-Colonel Bowornsak Khamrangsi, who led the operation.
The suspect’s compatriot, William Inkokumokoko, also 25, was arrested later.
The Ubon Ratchathani Court issued arrest warrants for the pair following a 24-year-old victim’s complaint to police on Friday.
She said she had gone clubbing on Thursday night and then went to meet Carauwas, her boyfriend of four months, at a hotel room at about 4am on Friday.
Carauwas and his friend were in the room when she arrived.
She said the two men raped her and she later was able to push them off the bed and ran out of the room before alerting police at about 5am.
The men had fled the hotel by the time police arrived. Police investigated the scene and applied for arrest warrants based on the hotel’s CCTV footage. - The Nation/Asia News Network


Sarawak Tourism Minister says he has no problem with Oktoberfest

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Sarawak government welcomes Oktoberfest, says good for tourism

The Malay Mail Online28 September 2017

KUCHING, Sept 28 — Sarawak Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said today he does not have any problem with Oktoberfest 2017 being held in Sarawak.

“It is a festival of cultures during which time there will be plenty of food being served, and you know the Germans, it comes with beer,” he said told reporters after chairing the main organising committee of the Sarawak Regatta to be held here on November 17 to 19 this year.

“So, I don’t agree with what some extremists say that Oktoberfest is a beer festival. It is not,” he said when asked to respond to some groups, including PAS, seeking to stop Oktoberfest being held at the One Utama Shopping Complex in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

PAS recently opposed the “Better Beer Festival” in Kuala Lumpur, which was subsequently cancelled by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).

He said there should not be any attempt to stop the German festival of cultures being held in Malaysia since “we are also showing our cultures in other places.”

Karim said the German festival is similar to the Gawai Dayak celebration where there will be plenty of food and drinks served.

“I don’t think it is an offence for you to drink beer,” he said, advising the people to know their limit when to stop, and not get too drunk.

Karim said the Oktoberfest is good for the state’s tourism industry, expressing the hope that more domestic and international tourists would come down to Kuching and other towns to enjoy the German culture.

Earlier, Karim received sponsorship for the Sarawak Regatta from Petra Energy Berhad, Cahaya Mata Sarawak Berhad and Sarawak Timber Development Corporatio

A woman lost RM117,630 to a snatch thief from a car who stole the money while she was having a meal

PETALING JAYA: A woman lost RM117,630 to a snatch thief who stole the money while she was having a meal last Friday at a restaurant in Taman Equine, Seri Kembangan here.
In a video posted by the restaurant on Facebook, the victim is seen having a meal by herself when the snatch thief approaches her from behind on the road next to the eatery.
He then snatches a red bag placed on the chair next to her and quickly gets into a car which speeds away, before the victim and those around her can react.
It is learnt that some of the money was hers and the rest were loans from family members.
A report has been lodged at the Seri Kembangan police station.
Serdang OCPD ACP Megat Mohamad Aminuddin Megat Alias confirmed the incident when contacted Thursday.
He said two Indonesian men have been remanded to assist investigations.
"We believe that there are more suspects and we are in the midst of tracking them down," he said.


Police are seeking "A Royal", who threw a bottle at a waitress at Corus Hotel KL

Cops seeking 'royal' who allegedly threw a bottle at waiter
PETALING JAYA: Police are looking down a man who threw a wine bottle at a waiter and claimed to be part of the Kelantan royal family.

The suspect, Muhammad Nazula Mat Nazir  40, is wanted by the police under Section 324 of the Penal Code for causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means.
A statement released by Dang Wangi police Thursday said that the suspect had claimed to be "Y.A.M Tengku Muhammad" from the Kelantan royal family.
"Members of the public with information regarding the suspect are urged to contact Insp Praveen Kumar Subramaniam at 03-2600 2222, or the nearest police station," said the statement.
Sources said that the incident occurred early July at the Corus Hotel in Kuala Lumpur.
It is learnt that it was late at night and the suspect wanted to eat at the coffeehouse there.
However, as it was already after closing hours, the wait staff there could not accommodate him.
An argument then ensued, during which the suspect threw a wine bottle at one of the waiters there.
The victim lodged a police report after the fight.


28 September 2017

10 year old gGirl admits she was molested by stepfather after Headmaster spots change of mood

Image result for child molested
Headmaster spots change of mood in Year 4 pupil; girl admits she was molested by stepfather

New Straits Times27 September 2017

KANOWIT: Police have arrested an unemployed man for allegedly molesting his 10-year-old stepdaughter twice since July this year.

The case came to light when the school’s headmaster noticed a change in the victim’s mood, who appeared morose, for the past three months.

“The headmaster, on Monday, had approached the victim to check on whether she was having any problems.

“He was shocked when the victim confided that she had been sexually harassed by her stepfather.

“On the following day, the headmaster took the victim to undergo a medical examination at the Kanowit Hospital before lodging on a police report,” sources told the New Straits Times.

The suspect, 42, was arrested when he surrendered himself at the Kanowit police station here at about 2pm today.

“Preliminary investigation revealed that the suspect had molested the victim twice at their house in a village here.

“Both incidents allegedly occurred when the mother of the victim was away working at a farm near the village,” the source said, adding that the suspect would be produced before the magistrate’s court tomorrow morning for remand.

Sarawak Criminal Investigation Department chief Datuk Dev Kumar, when contacted, confirmed the arrest.

He said the case is being investigated under Section 14 (d) and Section 16 (1) of the Sexual Crimes Against Children Act 2017

Police need Information on motorcyclist who knocked down a woman on Monday that was captured on video

Motorcyclist knocks down woman at pedestrian crossing, video goes viral

New Straits Times27 September 2017

GEORGE TOWN: Police have urged those with information on a motorcyclist, who knocked into a woman at a pedestrian crossing here on Monday, to contact them immediately.

A 29-second video footage of the incident, believed to have happened outside a school in Sungai Nibong, has since gone viral today.

The video showed a woman, dressed in white, crossing the road before she was knocked down by the man on a motorcycle and thrown to the ground.

The motorcyclist stopped for a brief moment to check on her condition before speeding off.

The woman then got up by herself, put on her sandal and continued walking across the road.

According to the timestamp on the video, the accident occurred on Monday at 6.54pm.

This was not the first such incident had happened here.

On April 6, a 58-year-old woman, who was captured on camera being knocked down by a speeding motorcycle, succumbed to her injuries several hours after seeking treatment at the Penang Hospital.

The 1.20pm incident happened while Foo Swee Wah was crossing the busy Jalan Burma here.

A 12-second video footage released by police showed Foo walking along the zebra crossing.

Three seconds later, a motorcycle slammed into her, dropping a motorcycle helmet in the process.

Foo fell to the ground and a loud scream was subsequently heard. She was immediately rushed to the Penang Hospital for treatment. © New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd

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