Breaking: Minnesota Negro Shot, Killed By White Officer in Broken Tail Light Traffic Stop Creating Yet Another Sh*tstorm
It’s been a busy night for news involving black males and violence. This post is the third one pinned to the top of the homepage.
The shooting death of Philando Castile looks bad for the police officer who killed him. But they all look bad until “the rest of the story” comes out.
Philando’s girlfriend livestreamed the aftermath of the shooting claiming that he (all together now) DINDU NUFFINS. Philando was still alive, bleeding and moaning in the video. Philando allegedly had a gun with a permit to carry it. The officer can be heard screaming that Philando was reaching for his gun in spite of instructions to keep his hands away from it.
This is a breaking story. So far, there’s no information about other witnesses, police bodycam footage, Philando’s criminal record, or anything else.
All we know is that a Negro is dead at the hands of the police and yet another shitstorm is forming. Obama, Hillary, and other parasite leech politicians will be pandering to the black mobs on this one, as will Al Sharpton and the national media.
A woman named Lavish Reynolds has posted a dramatic Facebook Live video showing a bleeding man, Philando Castile, next to her in a car as a police officer who just shot him points a gun at him through a car window. Philando Castile, 32, died at the hospital a short time later, WCCO confirmed through his family. “Police shot him for no apparent reason, no reason at all,” she says at one point.The police shooting occurred in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. Falcon Heights, which is located 10 minutes from Minneapolis/St. Paul, is the home of the Minnesota State Fair and dubs itself a “village within the city.” A child (she was 4-years-old, said the St. Paul Pioneer Press) was in the car when the police officer, who has not been identified, shot Philando Castile. The child could be heard crying in the background as the emotional-sounding officer continues to point his gun through the car window as Castile bleeds through his white T-shirt and an upset Reynolds talks live on Facebook, imploring God to save him. Facebook Live allows people to stream live video directly from their cell phone onto their Facebook page.
Here’s the video. More copies of it are being posted online as I write.
KTSP notes that protests have already broken out in Minnesota over the shooting.