
20 January 2014

4 Dead and 7 Missing in Longboat Tragedy Carrying Guest From A Rural Wedding

Missing father’s precious last words

DARO: Sobbing at the operations centre in Kampung Saei, Mahidi Ripi said he did not expect that the call from his father on Saturday morning would be the last time he would hear his dad’s voice.

His father, Ripi Dalol, 60, is among seven passengers still missing in Sungai Besar, after strong waves caused the longboat carrying guests from a rural wedding, to overturn at Batang Lassa.
Survivors told rescuers they had attended the wedding in Kampung Saei and were taking the boat back to their home village in Kampung Tekajong when disaster struck.
Four bodies have been fished out so far from the treacherous waters. Sixteen people survived the tragedy, which different sources said had occurred between 11.40am and 1pm on Saturday.
Masidi, who works with a palm oil mill in Sibu, said during his last phone conversation with his father, hours before the tragedy, he was told to “take good care of the family and to work diligently.”
He said at around 2.45pm he had another call, this time from a village friend who told him the longboat carrying his father had capsized.
“I was shocked,” said Masidi, his teary-eyed sister by his side.
Meanwhile Hasbi Maiji, 24, sobbed that his father-in-law’s cherished dream to go perform the haj in Mecca has now been buried in the watery grave.
“He was on the standby list,” said Hasbi, adding that he learned his father-in-law Borhan Berdan, 65 was on the “missing persons” list when he heard the devastating news at about 2pm. The others still missing are Madini Akim, 55; Naibi Saibi, 60; Abu Bakar Mahli, 62; Kalsum Mat, 50; and Ibong Rais, 60.
The victims pulled out from the river were identified as Melati Zerae, 50; Sekiah Kipli, 49; Meliah Murni, 55; and Nursiah Abdullah, 40.
Meanwhile, Daro district police chief DSP Wagner Lisa said the longboat carrying the 27 passengers was believed to have been hit by strong waves, causing the craft to overturn.
“Along the ride home, according to the survivors, they saw big waves.
“They decided to make a detour but somehow the waves hit the back, causing the boat to overturn,” he told reporters yesterday.
DSP Wagner, who is heading the search and rescue operations, said they have not completed their investigation on the tragedy.
He said, at the moment, they had only accepted the story from the survivors

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