
10 November 2020

Helicopter Crash Victim Mohd Irfan Fikri Laid To Rest (1 Video)

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Heli crash victim Mohd Irfan Fikri laid to rest


PETALING JAYA, Nov 9 -- Mohd Irfan Fikri Mohamed Rawi, who died in yesterday’s helicopter crash, was buried at the USJ 22 Muslim cemetery here today.

His remains were laid to rest at about 4.30 pm after prayers at Surau Al-Ikhwan, Taman Puncak Jalil.

Family members and friends of the businessman paid their last respects at the funeral.

Mohd Irfan Fikri leaves a wife and five children, aged between three and 15.

According to the deceased’s mother, Nafisah Hamad, 73, she only knew about Mohd Irfan Fikri’s involvement in the accident when another son identified his watch and the helicopter registration number through pictures circulated on social media.

“Allahyarham (the deceased) had always contacted me and he had told me that he was going to fly a helicopter on that day causing me to immediately taught of him upon seeing photos of the incident on social media,” she said.

Meanwhile, the deceased’s eldest son Farid Ridhwan, 15, said he was upset that nobody had answered calls from his father’s mobile phone number before the incident.

“When my mother checked her mobile phone, there were many missed calls so she tried to call back but to no avail.

“Later, I checked out the social media and started to realise that my father was involved in the crash,” he said.

The remains of another victim Commander (Rtd) Mohamed Sabri Baharom, 56, were laid to rest at the Raudhatul Sakinah Muslim cemetery in Batu Caves at 2.20 pm.

Mohamed Sabri and Mohd Irfan Fikri, 41, were killed when their helicopter, which was believed to have collided with another helicopter mid-air, crashed at around noon yesterday in Taman Melawati, Ampang.

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