
26 February 2018

IGP - tackling cyber crime a priority this year.

Cops to come down hard on cyber criminals, online scammers

By Emmanuel Santa Maria Chin
The Malay Mail Online26 February 2018

With increasing reports of online scam cases over the last three years, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun declared tackling cyber crime a priority this year.— Picture by Miera ZulyanaMore

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 26 — Authorities will place added focus on cyber crimes, online scams, and bogus investment schemes that have caused thousands of Malaysians to lose millions of ringgit.

With increasing reports of online scam cases over the last three years, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun declared tackling cyber crime a priority this year.

“We are not just trying to handle the current problems, but issues that can potentially take place in the future as well.

“Following this, we are in talks on ways to increase the capability of the department from all aspects when handling cyber threats and online scams, as cyber crime is our priority at the moment,” he said.

Mohamad Fuzi revealed the total number of scams being reported to the Commercial Crimes Investigation (Department (CCID) rose from 19,509 cases in 2015 to 26,277 cases in 2016 and 28,271 reports last year.

“This year alone there have already been 2,333 cases being reported and this is a worrying figure and trend.

“We are looking to control the situation and bring down the number of cases, as this is our target for this year,” he said after attending the police monthly assembly, among all departments, in Bukit Aman this morning.

He said the CCID has since formed a special unit aimed at tackling the rising trend of cyber crimes and online scams.

“The unit was formed to enhance the capabilities of the department in tackling cyber crime.

“Steps are being taken to further empower the unit, such as trainings, exposure, and collaboration with counterparts from other countries,” he said.

He said besides Singapore and China, the Royal Malaysia Police has had collaborative training sessions with other regional and international countries.

“Logistically we are also looking to improve our capabilities, as we look to train experts in the field who would be able to handle such complicated issues concerning cyber crime.

“Proactive steps are also being taken to make sure officers at all levels, around the entire country can improve their performance for this year,” he said.

Mohamad Fuzi revealed in 2017, a total of 12,203 raids and operations were carried out by the CCID, leading to 11,691 arrests.

Among the other successes of the department highlighted include the arrest of 13 people for cheating, with three charged last month for their involvement in a bogus property loan application scheme.

A total of seven financial institutions have since fallen prey to the scammers, who used forged documents to apply for the property financing loans, which have since incurred losses of more than RM10 million.

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