
03 August 2015

PM Should take action against Negeri Sembilan MB says Wanita MCA Chief after arrogant go it alone statement.

PM should take action against Negri MB, says Heng

IPOH: Wanita MCA chief Datuk Heng Seai Kie has called on the Prime Minister to sack Negri Sembilan Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan.
This came after Mohamad’s claim two days ago that Umno alone can win big in the next general election without help from other Barisan Nasional component parties.
“Such a shallow statement shows that he scorns the Barisan spirit, while completely disregarding the contribution of component parties,” she said yesterday at the Wanita MCA annual general meeting here, which was opened by MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan.
Mohamad had said that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak should look into focusing solely on Umno to strengthen the Government in the next general election, and not allocate seats for other Barisan component parties.
In Petaling Jaya, MIC Youth chief C. Sivarraajh said the continuous support of all races, including the Chinese, Indians and Kadazans, was the secret and strength of Barisan’s formula.
“The simple fact is that we need each other to survive. No one race can hope to rule Malaysia on its own, let alone Negri Sembilan.
“What about the minorities in Malay-majority seats? If you do not include them in the Barisan family, their votes will go to opposition parties,” he said in a statement.
He cited the Jeram Padang state seat in Negri Sembilan, which was the only seat won by MIC.
Sivarraajh acknowledged that it was due to the support of Malays in the constituency who voted for an Indian candidate.
He said it should work the same way when the Indian and Chinese communities vote for Malay candidates in constituencies contested by Barisan candidates.
“Please think first before you make a statement and do not damage Barisan’s chances in many other areas.
“What might work in Negri Sembilan might not work in Johor, Selangor or Pahang, which have sizeable minority communities.”

BESTFBKL - Without the indian and chinese votes in the areas UMNO won i doubt they will be able to win as many seats. What a shallow minded statement by the MB

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