
02 November 2020

Sabah Fire And Rescue Operations Officer's Death A Big Loss - State JBPM Director


Sabah fire and rescue operations officer's death a big loss - State JBPM Director

KOTA KINABALU, Nov 2 -- An officer from the Sabah Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) died due to COVID-19 at the Queen Elizabeth I Hospital, here, this morning.

State Fire and Rescue Department director, Kamarulzaman Malik Abdullah said JBPM state headquarters Fire and Rescue Operations Branch head Alias Abu, 56, died here, at 9.15 am today.

Kamarulzaman said the deceased was one of the 15 Sabah firefighters who tested positive for COVID-19 after undergoing a screening test on Oct 16, and was understood to have heart problems and asthma.

“His remains were buried at the Kampung Kuala Papar Cemetery this afternoon. He was the first firefighter in Sabah to die of COVID-19. This is a big loss for JBPM Sabah.

“He was a very dedicated officer, responsible and highly disciplined in carrying out his duties, besides being very patient and committed where work was concerned.

“We feel the loss because the deceased was a friendly person, very calm and does not easily panic when there is an emergency. Moreover, he served in the operations department which is the ‘heart’ or the main task of the fire department,” he said.

Kamarulzaman on behalf of JBPM Sabah expressed his condolences to the family of the late Alias Abu, and prayed for strength to help them persevere through this difficult time.

Meanwhile, Kamarulzaman said, a total of 400 officers and firefighters in Sabah have undergone the COVID-19 screening test from Oct 13-23.

Other firefighters who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19, are still undergoing treatment at the quarantine centre provided and some have already recovered.


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