
18 November 2019

Former CEO and musician Jason Lo has claimed trial at a magistrate's court here to a charge of trespass

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Jason Lo pleads not guilty to trespassing

Monday, 18 Nov 20191:50 PM MYT


KUALA LUMPUR: Former CEO and musician Jason Lo has claimed trial at a magistrate's court here to a charge of trespassing under Section 448 of the Penal Code.

The 44-year-old was accused of criminally trespassing a residence at Bangsar Park.

He allegedly committed the offence at 10pm on Oct 30.

He faces jail time up to three years or a maximum fine of RM5,000 or both, upon conviction.

Lo pleaded not guilty after the charge was read out in Malay.

DPP Wan Ahmad Hakimi Wan Ahmad Jaafar offered bail at RM5,000 in one surety.

Magistrate Wong Chai Sia fixed bail at RM2,000 in one surety.

The case is set for mention on Dec 17.

Ex-telco head sues English daily over malicious articles

Soo Wern Jun
Malay Mail4 November 2019

Former telco chief and musician Jason Lo has filed a defamation suit against English daily The Star over articles that he deems to be malicious and in bad faith, portraying him as a paedophile father who sexually abused his children. — Reuters picMore

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 4 — Former telco chief and musician Jason Lo has filed a defamation suit against English daily The Star over articles that he deems to be malicious and in bad faith, portraying him as a paedophile father who sexually abused his children.

Lo, together with his three children, in August named the daily, along with its editor-in-chief Datuk Leanne Goh, the daily’s senior online editor Asohan Aryaduray and its reporter Tarrence Tan as defendants.

Lo is seeking an injunction restraining the defendants from further publishing or causing to be published words defamatory to the plaintiffs; for the defendants to print a full retraction on the front page of the print and online versions stating the actual facts in relation to the plaintiffs and to remove all traces of the defamatory articles.

Lo is also seeking an injunction to prevent further publications, as well as other general, libel, aggravated as well as exemplary or punitive damages.

The articles in question were published on May 16 and 25 respectively. The former was titled “Ex-telco CEO arrested for alleged death threats against ex-wife and family, trespass” while the latter was titled “In Public Company CEO in Private Accused of being a Molester”.

In his statement of claim, Lo said the articles were false, defaming, misleading and “are in effect a bitter as well as unjustifiable attack upon all plaintiffs”.

“The articles have caused the plaintiff to suffer loss of personal professional reputation; loss of business opportunities; limitations in future business prospects with his companies; subjected to unwanted negative media attention and negative reviews; and emotional distress, embarrassment and personal humiliation.

“The second, third and fourth plaintiffs have suffered loss and damage approximately at RM12 million each as they will forever have the stigma of having been sexually assaulted by their ‘so-called’ paedophile father.

“The second and third plaintiffs have also been shunned by their friends and peers causing them to be incapable to focus on their school work,” he claimed.

The Star, in its defence a month later, is standing by the published articles, denying the statements made in Lo’s originating summons. The daily stated that the burden of proof is on the plaintiff.

The daily stated that as a responsible media organisation, it had the obligation to report on issues concerning the well-being of young children, especially when allegations of molest are believed to have taken place at a period of time.

It also stated that they had carried out due diligence in getting and verifying the information contained in the May 25 article, and stressed that the article carried issues of public interest.

“In all circumstances, the defendants are under moral and social obligation to publish information in the May 25 article to the public, who have a corresponding interest in the matter,” it said.

The Malay Mail has reached out to Lo for comments and is awaiting his response.

The Star had on May 25 published a story claiming that Lo had molested his children based on police reports filed by his wife who made the allegations of the alleged actions.

The English daily also reported, based on a counseling session is sighted, which was recorded on video, what Lo purportedly did to his children. — — —

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