
29 December 2018

PPBM wing chiefs said that they had no idea about fashionable backpacks from Canadian brand Herschel that were given out to delegates

PPBM wing chiefs unaware of branded bags given to central delegates
 Azril Annuar,Malay Mail 1 hour 11 minutes ago

PUTRAJAYA, Dec 29 — Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) wing chiefs said that they had no idea about fashionable backpacks from Canadian brand Herschel that were given out to the party's division central delegates at the registration counter today.

Srikandi women's wing chief Datuk Seri Rina Harun and Armada youth chief Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman were baffled when reporters posed the question on why the rather expensive bags were given out.

“What bag are you talking about?” Rina asked the reporters.

“I didn't get any bag,” quipped Syed Saddiq who then asked journalists at the press conference to show him a picture of the bag.

A photographer showed pictures of PPBM central delegate members posing with the bag to Syed Saddiq and Rina.

“That's a nice bag. It looks good. I want one too,” said Syed Saddiq.

“I haven't gotten that bag yet,” Rina added.

Earlier online portal Malaysiakini had reported that eight PPBM central delegate members per division nationwide were given the bag which costs around RM250 to RM300 each when they registered.

Apparently, the members were unaware of the backpack's value but commented it was of “good quality”.

The bag has the PPBM logo and the words “Perhimpunan Agung Tahunan Kali Yang Kedua Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia” (Second Bersatu Annual General Assembly) stitched on it.

The delegates who received the bags were office-bearers at the division level, from division chiefs to committee members.

Bersatu backpacks make heads turn

Saturday, 29 Dec 20183:50 PM MYT
by zakiah koya

Party workers showing the different types of bags for delegates at Bersatu agm in PICC, Putrajaya, Saturday, December 29, 2018. RAJA FAISAL HISHAN/The Star.

PUTRAJAYA: Everybrows were raised at the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) annual general meeting on Saturday, when backpacks that cost about RM300 were handed out to selected central delegates.

A logo of the party had been emblazoned on the Herschel backpacks which came in a variety of colours.

Registration secretariat officer Hasnul Hadi Ahmad said that 1,382 bags will be distributed to all delegates who register on Saturday (Dec 29).

"This is for the delegates who register today. For those who registered yesterday for Youth and Women Wings, they received a folder.

Some of the delegates who registered yesterday asked why they did not get such backpacks.

Two Negeri Sembilan delegates said they were very happy to receive such "quality backpacks" from their party.

"I like it, I will definitely cherish it as it has the logo of the party," said the delegate, who preferred not to be named.

"What bag? Backpack? Let me look at the picture, Oh, it's nice," said Bersatu Youth (Armada) chief Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, when asked if he knew about the backpack.

Bersatu Women (Srikandi) chief Datuk Seri Rina Mohd Harun could only comment that she did not get the backpack.

All delegates received a simple cloth bag upon registration but some of the central delegates were seen sporting this bag, which they received upon registration.

Malaysiakini reported that the bags were limited to eight delegates per division comprising of office-bearers at the divisional level, from chiefs to committee members.


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