People are praising Youth Minister Syed Saddiq for his calm reply to a now-deleted tweet from the Johor Crown Prince

- Malaysia’s Youth and Sports minister, Syed Saddiq, took to Twitter to wish Tunku Temenggong Johor a happy birthday on Dec 25.
- Facebook/Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman
Christmas day was also the 31st birthday of Johor prince Tunku Idris Iskandar Al-Haj Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, the third of the Johor sultan’s six children.
But amid the birthday wishes pouring in, a post by Malaysia’s Youth and Sports minister Syed Saddiq was publicly singled out by Tunku Idris’ eldest brother, Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, for “sucking up” to the royal.
In a now-deleted tweet, Tunku Ismail retweeted Saddiq’s birthday wish, with the caption: “Please… do what you want. Just leave my family alone and save your sucking up for other people.”
Saddiq responded to the tweet with another post, saying his prayers would always be with the royal family.
Netizens commented on the exchange, with many commending Saddiq for his gracious reply to Tunku Ismail.
On Thursday (Dec 27), Tunku Ismail posted a photo of his Christmas trip to a children’s home, with the caption: “It’s amazing how good things like this don’t make the news. But a sarcastic remark does.”
It is believed he is referencing his now-deleted tweet.

Kelmarin, Ahli Parlimen Muar, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun kelahiran ke-31 kepada Tunku Temenggong Johor Tunku Idris Sultan Ibrahim, di Twitternya.
Lapor NST, Menteri Belia dan Sukan itu memuat naik tweet itu secara umum di Twitternya memandangkan Tunku Idris tidak mempunyai akaun rasmi di laman sosial itu.
“Happy Birthday Tunku Idris. Patik will always pray for Tunku and Tunku family’s wellbeing. Keep on inspiring!” tulis Syed Saddiq.

Beberapa jam kemudian, tweet itu diretweet oleh abang Tunku Idris, Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, berserta dengan ayat berikut:
“Please, do what you want. Just leave my family alone and save your su¢king up for other people.”

Menurut laporan NST, tweet dari TMJ yang dimuat naik pada jam 10.05 malam telah diretweet lebih dari 1,200 kali.
Sementara itu, semakan di Twitter mendapati, Syed Saddiq memberi respon kepada tweet itu sebelum ia dipadamkan.
“My prayers will always be with Tunku and family.”

Sumber: NST, Syed Saddiq , the reporter