
30 December 2018

A promise is a promise, says Dr M on stepping down in 2020

A promise is a promise, says Dr M on stepping down in 2020
Melissa Darlyne Chow
-December 30, 2018 8:21 PM

Dr Mahathir Mohamad says he is sticking to his promise to vacate the prime minister’s post in two years.

PUTRAJAYA: Dr Mahathir Mohamad today says his decision to step down after two years as prime minister is something that has already been finalised with other Pakatan Harapan parties.

“One of the conditions is that this prime minister (referring to himself), their former archenemy, can only be prime minister for a short while,” he said in his speech to delegates attending the PPBM general assembly here.

He said PPBM agreed to the condition although “it is not something nice to hear”.

“But what was more important at the time, was to bring down (former prime minister) Najib Razak. This is why we need to sacrifice. This is why I need to sacrifice and accept the condition, because the main thing here is not about being prime minister, but to topple Najib,” he said.

During the debate, a PPBM delegate from Kelantan urged Mahathir to remain as prime minister until the 15th general election due in 2023.

Under an agreement reached between PPBM, PKR, DAP and Amanah in November last year, Mahathir would hand over the top post to PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

“I promise I will not stay long as prime minister. Maybe two years, maybe more, maybe less,” he had said previously.

Speaking to reporters after his speech today, Mahathir again said he would serve as prime minister for two years as promised.

“I made a promise, I keep my promise. Some people think that the tenure is too short.

“But people are entitled to their own views and opinions,” he said.

Mahathir also said that during a recent meeting with Anwar, the issue was not raised.

“He felt comfortable that he would succeed me in the short term. I am not going to be prime minister until the next election comes.”

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