
25 May 2016

TEENAGER in Sungai Petani has been living with the foetus of his twin inside him, The foetus was a parasite, had hair, hands, arms and genitalia

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A TEENAGER in Sungai Petani has been living with the foetus of his twin inside him for the past 15 years, making him look like he has a paunch, Sinar Harian reported.
The foetus was a parasite and had hair, hands, arms and genitalia and it was removed from the boy – identified only as Shahril – at a hospital recently. When he was young, the teen’s abdomen strangely started getting paunchy and he went for a medical examination which found the foetus.
But since there was no pain and there appeared to be no danger, the question of surgery to remove it never came up.
A source close to Shahril said the condition never affected the boy, “and he could even play football”.
Shahril would eat a lot, though, and always joked that he has to eat more to feed the “baby” inside of him, said the source.
But about a month ago, the teen started getting sharp pains in his abdomen, he also started vomiting any food that he ate.
The family brought him to the hospital and the surgical procedure was conducted.
This phenomenon is known as “fetus in fetu” and it is believed that Shahril’s is the first case reported in the country.


Teenager's horror as doctors find a parasite twin in his stomach... with hair and teeth

  • Narendra Kumar had suffered sickness and weight loss from a young age
  • His family, in Allahabad, India, did not know what was making him unwell
  • Hospital scans and X-rays showed an unusual growth in his abdomen
  • Doctors diagnosed him with the extremely rare 'foetus in fetu' condition
An Indian teenager with chronic stomach pains was shocked to be told they were caused by the malformed foetus of his twin.
Doctors were astonished to find the 2.5kg mass of bone, hair and teeth inside Narendra Kumar's abdomen.
The parasite had been feeding off Narendra, 18, after forming an umbilical cord-like structure that leached its twin's blood supply.
He was finally diagnosed with 'foetus in fetu,' a rare condition with only 200 cases ever reported worldwide.
Narendra Kumar, 18, had suffered from chronic stomach problems and had no idea why. An ultrasound and X-rays revealed he had foetus in fetu, 
Narendra Kumar, 18, had suffered from chronic stomach problems and had no idea why. An ultrasound and X-rays revealed he had foetus in fetu, 

The condition occurs when during the early stages of pregnancy with twins, one foetus enters the other through the umbilical cord.
There, it becomes a parasite, living off its sibling's body for survival.

According to doctors of Swaroop Narayan Hospital in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, it had been living like a parasite inside his body since his birth.
Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Dr Rajeev Singh said his patient had suffered from bouts of vomiting and lost weight but his family had no idea why.
It was only when surgeons operated on Monday that they discovered the grim cause behind his illness.
X-rays revealed the growth, circled right, was what had been causing his bouts of sickness and weight loss
Narendra Kumar had the operation to remove the growth from his abdomen on Monday after doctors discovered the unusual cause
Narendra Kumar had the operation to remove the growth from his abdomen on Monday after doctors discovered the unusual cause
'The boy's stomach grew, but his plight went undiscovered for years because neither his parents were of his medical condition nor the doctors could diagnose the condition at an early stage,' he said. 


Foetus in fetu is an incredibly rare condition that affects only one in five million live births.
It is a condition where the malformed foetus is found in the body of its twin. 
The foetus is found in the abdomen in 80 per cent of cases, although there have been reports of it occurring in the skull. 
There are only 200 reports of it ever happening.
While the diagnosis is gaining popularity, the World Health Organisation has classified 'foetus in fetu' as a variant of mature teratoma, a type of cancer where the tumour is well-developed.
'Technically, the foetus was alive and was growing due to metabolic activity in his body.'
Narendra's father Prem Chandra, a farmer, said it was a relief that his son was finally well again.
'That evil has been tormenting him for years,' he said.
'Now that it has been removed, I am relieved. He can now go back to school and lead a healthy life.'
Dr Singh was the first to perform a proper medical investigation, including an ultrasound and CT scan, before diagnosing the condition. 
Doctors then went ahead with surgery to remove the growth, which measured 20 cms in length and had a trunk of hair that was two metres long.
He said: 'In the three hour-long surgery, we removed a mass of malformed baby having hair, teeth, a poorly developed head, a bony structure of chest and spine with lots of yellowish amniotic like fluid in the sac. 
'We have witnessed two to three cases like this in India so far,' the doctor told MailOnline.
Last October, a similar case was reported from east Indian state of Bengal where a dead foetus was found inside the abdomen of a four-year-old boy in West Midnapore district. 
Surgeons removed the growth, which measured 20cms in length and had a trunk of hair that was two metres long, circled above
Surgeons removed the growth, which measured 20cms in length and had a trunk of hair that was two metres long, circled above
The mass had been growing inside Narendra all of his life
An X-ray shows the parasite growing with him since before birth
An X-ray, left, revealed the mass which weighed 2.5kg and had teeth teeth and hair, pictured right
Narendra, pictured with his father Prem Chandra, a farmer, who said it was a relief that his son was finally well 
Narendra, pictured with his father Prem Chandra, a farmer, who said it was a relief that his son was finally well 

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