Fraziali Ismail appointed BNM asst governor, Donald Joshua Jaganathan retires
Thursday, 31 Oct 20194:48 PM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Negara has appointed Fraziali Ismail as assistant governor, overseeing the areas of financial surveillance, prudential regulations, consumer and market conduct, money services business regulations as well as communications.
According to a statement by the central bank, Fraziali formerly served in the economics and monetary policy departments.
He holds a Master’s degree in economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Bachelor's degree in economics and accounting from the University of Bristol.
Bank Negara also announced the retirement of assistant governor Donald Joshua Jaganathan, after 36 years of service with the central bank.
Prior to his appointment as assistant governor in 2011, he had served in a number of areas, including in banking and insurance regulation and supervision, financial surveillance, strategic management and finance.
Donald also played an instrumental role in driving various talent development initiatives in the financial industry including the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers and Asian Banking School (ABS).
"The Bank would like to record its utmost appreciation to Encik Donald for his contributions and wishes him all the best in his future endeavours," it said.