
29 June 2021

Khazanah appoints new managing director

Amirul Feisal would take over from Datuk Shahril Ridza Ridzuan who will be leaving to pursue his personal interest upon the expiry of his contract with the group. - BERNAMApic

Khazanah appoints new managing director


KUALA LUMPUR: Khazanah Nasional Bhd has appointed Datuk Amirul Feisal Wan Zahir as its managing director, effective July 16, 2021.

In a statement today, Khazanah said Amirul would take over from Datuk Shahril Ridza Ridzuan who will be leaving to pursue his personal interest upon the expiry of his contract with the group.

"The board would like to welcome Datuk Amirul and is confident that with his expertise and experience, Khazanah will progress further in delivering on its mandate.

"The board also thanks Datuk Shahril for his service and contribution throughout his tenure as the managing director, particularly for his leadership in successfully implementing a strategy that has made Khazanah more resilient and capable of navigating challenges posed by the pandemic," it said.

It said that Amirul had served as Malayan Banking Bhd's (Maybank) group chief financial officer, and was also the group managing director of Chemical Company of Malaysia Bhd.

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