
14 June 2020

KPDNHEP has issued 633 notices to owners of barbershops, hair salons

14/06/2020 06:43 PM

KUALA TERENGGANU, June 14 -- The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) has issued 633 notices to owners of barbershops and hair salons throughout the ‘Ops Catut 7.0’ operation from June 10.

Its Deputy Minister Datuk Rosol Wahid said the notices were issued to seek clarification and feedback from the shopowners on the increase in service charges at their premises.

The entrepreneurs would be given three to five days to respond to the notice, failing which, further action would be taken against them.

"So far, we have conducted inspections at 369 premises nationwide, and in general, they have complied with the Government's Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) under the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO).

“However, we had to issue notices to the owners of the premises found to be charging some different and unreasonable prices," he told reporters after reviewing prices and supply of goods at the Pacific Supermarket at the Kuala Terengganu City Centre today.

Earlier, Rosol had visited the Mat Barber Shop Premium here to observe the pricing and compliance with the SOP. Terengganu KPDNHEP director Shaharudin Mohd Kia was also present.

In the meantime, Rosol advised consumers to refer to prices of goods in the 'Price Catcher' application developed by KPDNHEP before making purchases, especially for controlled items.

This follows reports of a sharp increase in the price of chicken to RM10 per kg in several wet markets during the RMCO period.

"If we check in the app, chicken prices at supermarkets like Mydin, Giant and Pacific Supermarket are about RM7.50 per kg and it does not exceed the set control prices," he said while urging consumers to make smart choices when making purchases.

Rosol, however, said the ministry would continue to monitor wet markets to see if there was a sudden spike in the prices of chicken as claimed.

"So far we have not received a formal report or complaint regarding the increase, but monitoring will be enhanced to prevent traders from profiteering," he said.


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