
03 October 2013

Time For An "Ops Cantas" Khas To Clean Up the Government After Auditor Generals Report 2012, Otherwise Malaysians Will Do It in GE 14

This Blogger is a die hard Barisan Nasional Supporter, the Auditor General Report 2012 does not come as a surprise to many as the same issues have cropped up before year in and year out. However with the wake up call Barisan Nasional got in GE 13 I am hoping this time we really show that we can change within and we don't need a change of the whole Government to put a stop to the  mismanagement and wastage of public funds.

In every developed country, the Minister is accountable for the performance or non performance of his Ministry I am not sure why in Malaysia politician think otherwise. Why is is that an ex Minister likeTun Ling Liong Sik can be brought to court for PKFZ saga  but the authorities hesitate to take action against Secretary Generals of Ministries or those who signed the expenditure or purchase.

Courtesy of The Star

Many bloggers who were part of the BN cyber warrior team will remember how we told voters No Need To Have A Change of Government to institute change and fight corruption, as change will start within the Barisan Nasional, well now it's time to show the public that the Barisan Nasional Government really means business. If Barisan Nasional fails the people in the next few years no one will be able to stop the opposition becoming the next new Federal Government,

The Education Ministry squandering RM2Billion on poorly trained guards at schools is unforgiveable especially when we are talking about the safety of our children. Officers in this ministry who have failed in their duties, should be suspended and those found to been negligent in carrying out their duties should be charged accordingly.

The MERS 999 project is another project riddled with corruption and mismanagement. I know for a fact this matter was raised to the Highest Office of the Government, but no action was taken as there was lack of hardcore evidence. In fact some officers were even promoted  in the GLC Company after the implementation of MER999. 

The Money Laundering Act should be used against any Government Servant who cannot account for any cash in his or immediate families account or asset purchased. One can just note the lifestyle of  Government Servants to know if he/she is living beyond her income means.

I have no choice but to agree with the Malaysian Insiders report attached below:

How the Barisan Nasional Government reacts to this report is going to be the key factor to it's future survival. Like how "Ops Cantas Khas" cleaned up the Gangsters to a certain degree, we need similar action to clean up the Government going right up the organization chart to those who have been negligent and corrupt. We have to balance up the Dacing our BN symbol.

The Fight against corruption must be prioritised to eradicating it at public facing departments. The people must be able to see the difference, it will motivate them to join the fight against corruption and mismanagement. 

As an independent consultant on National Security and Technology I have constantly raised issues with various Ministries, such as the Ministry of Communications, DBKL, but some of them just sit on the advise and information provided to them on mismanagement of the Ministries. On this matter I salute the Royal Malaysian Police who are contiously making an effort to change the force for the better although much more needs to be done.

Does Everything have to come from the Prime Minister's Office before any action is taken?

Time For Action Mr. Ministers... while you still can do something about it !!!!


The Auditor-General’s report, a tale of greed from top to bottom

OCTOBER 02, 2013
One really troubling fact about the 2012 Auditor-General Report released yesterday is that the poison of corruption, wastage and negligence has seeped right down to the lowest levels of government.
Not only have Malaysians got to be worried about corrupt politicians but also civil servants from the top to the bottom. How else do you explain nearly RM200 million being spent on incinerators without the know-how to operate the technology or RM3,000 on wall clocks or custom-made shoes left to rot because they did not meet the specifications?
Money is being spent and wasted like water. And the disease has infected every ministry, government-linked company and institution across the nation. Perhaps it was inevitable given that civil servants have witnessed politicians milking the system for decades and getting away with it.
So why not also jump on the gravy train? After all it is public funds, and it belongs to them to waste it as they see fit. Even more troubling is that no heads have rolled over the years for such sheer wastage and corruption. When was the last time anyone took responsibility for purchasing expensive printers, inks, shoes, clocks and scanners?
Which minister or secretary-general or director-general or even chief clerk has admitted they slipped up and quit to take responsibility for such negligence. Is there any concern that policemen can lose guns or even police cars without anyone having their knuckles rapped for it? Or that money is still being paid out to dead people? One can suppose these dead people are still on the electoral roll.
Is there any shame that clocks are bought for such a hefty price? Or that money is spent despite work not done? The quick answer is no. If a government servant can claim RM300,000 for a four-day trip to study the 999 system, and no one bats an eyelid, what more the millions that are wasted in the name of the people?
The Auditor-General's Report is now just another book trotted out annually for the government to lament and promise to do better and for the people to anguish over the sheer audacity of such extravagance. The ruling government can claim to do its best and set up more panels to look into the waste or ask the Public Accounts Committee to analyse the Auditor-General's Report but if nothing is done, the trust deficit gets wider.
It is no use to assuage the people with BR1M cash aids or affordable housing if that comes with closing an eye on the corruption and wastage in Putrajaya and every government department or public agency or state firm. The cancer of corruption is very deep that it has become institutionalised and all we can do is read about the sheer pillage by those who say they work for the people of Malaysia.
The question to ask is simple. Are there any honest people left in the government or civil service that will do anything about the Auditor-General's Report? - October 2, 2013.

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