31 May 2024
Acting Sultan Of Johor, Tunku Mahkota Ismail Has Urged The Police To Investigate The Assault Of A Grab Driver By One Of His Police Escort.
Merujuk kepada kejadian yang berlaku di St Regis Hotel Kuala Lumpur pada 28 Mei 2024, saya telah dimaklumkan pada hari berikutnya dan dengan segera saya menggesa pasukan pengiring keselamatan Polis Diraja Malaysia untuk bekerjasama dengan pihak penyiasatan.
— HRH Crown Prince of Johor (@HRHJohorII) May 31, 2024
Saya tidak…
The OKU Driver Assaulted By An Escort of TMJ, has now said he was ordered to sign the second police report
An e-hailing driver, who was allegedly assaulted by an entourage of Johor Regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, claimed the police had prepared a second police report and he was ordered to sign it.
The second police report stated that the 46-year-old disabled individual said he had resolved the matter and did not want to prolong it.
In a press conference in Petaling Jaya this afternoon, Ong Ing Keong also claimed that representatives of the palace were present at the police station.
Asked how he identified the person as coming from the palace, he replied: "A police officer wrote for me."
Digital billboard on the Federal Highway on fire
A digital billboard along the Federal Highway in Petaling Jaya near here caught fire today at around 1.25 pm today.
News of the fire went viral on social media after videos of the fire and thick smoke billowing from the billboard were uploaded by various witnesses.
Also, there were claims posted by several social media accounts stating that there were individuals, who they said were workers, conducting maintenance work on top of the billboard when the fire occurred.
Videos of the fire do show individuals coming down from the billboard and firefighters at the scene trying to put out the fire.
Deputy Petaling Jaya district police chief Supt M Hussin Sollehuddin Zolkifly confirmed the fire when contacted, adding that investigations were ongoing.
Meanwhile, the Selangor Fire and Rescue Department operations centre said in a statement that the department received a distress call on the MERS 999 line at 1.15 pm about the digital billboard fire near Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan Katholik, Petaling Jaya.
A total of 17 firefighters from the Petaling Jaya, Jalan Penchala, Subang Jaya and Shah Alam Fire and Rescue Stations, along with state operations assistant director Ahmad Mukhlis Mukhtar were present at the scene of the fire.
"When firefighters arrived, they found the fire did involve the digital billboard. Nine victims were involved in the fire, all of whom were rescued and handed to Health Ministry officers for further action," the operations centre said/
Pekerja asing 'banjiri' KLIA kerana majikan bawa masuk saat akhir - Imigresen

Dalam satu kenyataan, Jabatan Imigresen menyatakan bahawa jumlah ketibaan pekerja asing telah meningkat sejak 22 Mei dan dijangka terus meningkat menjelang tarikh akhir esok.
The police arrested an online trader who showed his private parts during a video call to a woman he met on Instagram
KUALA LUMPUR - The police arrested an online trader who behaved indecently by showing his private parts and speaking obscenities through a video call to a woman.
Wangsa Maju District Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner, Mohamad Lazim Ismail said, his party received a report from the woman involved at 4.50pm on May 17.
"The 24-year-old complainant claimed that when she was home in Taman Melewar near here, she received the video call from a suspect she knew.
"The suspect who is also a content creator showed his private parts and spoke obscenely to the woman and the complainant has made a police report for further investigation," he said in a statement on Thursday.
Mohamad Lazim said, as a result of the preliminary investigation, it was found that the woman involved had met the suspect since the beginning of May through the Instagram application.
"The woman had met the suspect before," he said.
Mohamad Lazim said, following the report, the police managed to arrest the 27-year-old suspect for further investigation, at 2.25pm, Wednesday.
"The suspect has been given police bail, the case is being investigated under Section 509 of the Penal Code and Section 14 of the Petty Offenses Act 1955," he said.
He said, the public is advised to be careful when using social media and not be easily fooled by newly known individuals.
"If they have any information, the public can contact the Kuala Lumpur Police Hotline at 03-2115 9999, the Wangsa Maju Police Hotline at 03-92899222 or the nearest police station," he said.
30 May 2024
Zeti: 80% of AmBank's wrongdoing was during tenure of former MD Ashok Ramamurthy
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Ashok Ramamurthy |
Zeti: 80% of AmBank's wrongdoing was during tenure of former MD Ashok Ramamurthy
30 May 2024,
KUALA LUMPUR (May 30): Former Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz told the High Court that 80% of AmBank’s wrongdoing during the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) debacle happened during AmBank group managing director Ashok Ramamurthy’s tenure, and that his statement, which was recorded by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), was a “cover up”.
Zeti, who is the 46th prosecution witness in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd-Tanore (1MDB-Tanore) trial, had resumed her testimony on the stand at the trial on Thursday, where she was asked about the statement which was taken from Ashok by the MACC when he was residing in Singapore. The statement was recorded on March 11, 2019, by MACC investigating officer Nur Aida Arifin in Singapore.
According to lead defence counsel in the case Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, who obtained the MACC statement, Ashok had said that he and his then-predecessor Cheah Tek Kuang had gone to see Zeti on Sept 21, 2012. Zeti claims that this was merely a courtesy call from the two men.
She said that Ashok had lied in his statement to cover up his wrongdoings in AmBank by remitting funds accrued from PetroSaudi International.
She said that Ashok had seen the wrongdoing of 1MDB from the very beginning, before he took over from Cheah. She also said that other banking institutions had flagged the remittance from PetroSaudi into a fake entity called Good Star Ltd controlled by fugitive businessman Low Taek Jho (Jho Low).
“In the case of other financial institutions, they saw that the money was going to this entity called Good Star, and they did their due diligence… The fraud by AmBank is that they were remitting money to Good Star, and they did not do due diligence,” she said.
She added that AmBank had been remitting 1MDB funds to Good Star by writing that the money was going into a legitimate entity, PetroSaudi Ltd.
“They (AmBank) fabricated that the money was going into PetroSaudi. It is a serious offence, they gave wrong information,” she said.
Despite having his statement recorded by the MACC, Ashok had declined to testify in the trial, and he is not listed as a prosecution witness.
Zeti was responding to deputy public prosecutor Ahmad Akram Gharib’s re-examination.
Akram then asked Zeti about the fines AmBank had to pay to the Malaysian government.
It was reported in 2021 that AMMB Holdings Bhd had agreed to pay RM2.83 billion to the Malaysian government as settlement on all outstanding claims and actions in relation to AmBank Group's involvement in the 1MDB corruption scandal. It also had to pay BNM RM53.7 million for non-compliance with certain regulations by AmBank (M) Bhd and AmBank Islamic Bhd.
Akram: Was it the fault [the non-compliance] that caused AmBank to pay the highest ever penalty in history of the country? Was it during Ashok’s tenure, was it his fault?
Zeti: Yes, 80% of it was during his time, and the most serious fault is reporting false information.
Zeti was then released from the stand as a witness.
Najib is on trial on four counts of abuse of power and 21 counts of money laundering involving RM2.28 billion of 1MDB funds.
Najib tidak pernah ambil tindakan terhadap pihak pengurusan 1MDB - Pegawai penyiasat
Najib tidak pernah ambil tindakan terhadap pihak pengurusan 1MDB - Pegawai penyiasat

Pada prosiding hari ini, Nur Aida turut membacakan kenyataan bekas Perdana Menteri itu yang direkodkan oleh SPRM pada 2018 semasa siasatan terhadap 1MDB selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14. - Gambar fail/Bernama
Pada prosiding hari ini, Nur Aida turut membacakan kenyataan bekas Perdana Menteri itu yang direkodkan oleh SPRM pada 2018 semasa siasatan terhadap 1MDB selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14. - Gambar fail/Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan terhadap pihak pengurusan 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) walaupun terdapat banyak tanda amaran yang ditunjukkan oleh mereka semasa berkhidmat dalam syarikat pelaburan strategik negara itu.
Pegawai Penyiasat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Penguasa Kanan Nur Aida Ariffin, 37, berkata Najib selaku Perdana Menteri, Pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat dan Menteri Kewangan yang memiliki sepenuhnya 1MDB melalui Kementerian Kewangan Diperbadankan ketika itu tahu tentang tindakan pihak pengurusan yang tidak mematuhi tadbir urus baik namun tidak mengambil sebarang langkah untuk menghentikannya.
Saksi pendakwaan ke-49 itu berkata demikian ketika pemeriksaan semula oleh Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Ahmad Akram Gharib semasa perbicaraan kes rasuah dan pengubahan wang haram Najib membabitkan RM2.3 bilion dana 1MDB.
Ahmad Akram: Ada sesiapa dalam pasukan pengurusan yang dipecat oleh Datuk Seri Najib? Mohd Hazem Abdul Rahman dan Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi (bekas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif 1MDB), Jasmine Loo (bekas peguam 1MDB), Tan Sri Ismee Ismail (bekas Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif) dan Tan Sri Mohd Bakke Salleh (bekas Pengerusi).
Nur Aida: Tiada siapa.
Ahmad Akram: Pihak pembelaan telah mencadangkan bahawa semua tindakan pihak pengurusan inilah yang menyebabkan dana 1MDB diselewengkan. Berdasarkan siasatan kamu, siapakah yang mendapat manfaat daripada tindakan yang dibuat oleh Lembaga Pengarah dan pihak pengurusan 1MDB?
Nur Aida: Datuk Seri Najib.
Pada prosiding hari ini, Nur Aida turut membacakan kenyataan bekas Perdana Menteri itu yang direkodkan oleh SPRM pada 2018 semasa siasatan terhadap 1MDB selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14.
Berdasarkan petikan itu, Najib berkata beliau pada mulanya menyimpan sebahagian dana yang didakwa diterima dari Arab Saudi sebagai pelan kontingensi selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 bagi menghalang cubaan pembangkang menggulingkan kerajaan.
"Baki selepas pilihan raya umum saya simpan sementara dalam akaun sebagai simpanan luar jangka jika ada keperluan khas seperti insiden 16 Sept 2008, insiden Ahli Parlimen BN (Barisan Nasional) dicuri, ketika pembangkang cuba membeli mereka.
"Oleh itu, saya terpaksa bersedia secara kewangan walaupun saya tidak bersetuju dengan amalan ini kerana takut kemungkinan pembangkang cuba lagi.
"Bagaimanapun, apabila tiada pergerakan sedemikian berlaku, saya rasa ada keperluan untuk kembalikan ia kepada orang yang memindahkan wang ke dalam akaun saya iaitu seseorang yang dilantik oleh Arab Saudi, Tanore Finance Corp," kata Nur Aida ketika membacakan kenyataan Najib.
Saksi itu berkata sehingga hari ini, bekas Perdana Menteri itu tidak pernah membuat sebarang laporan kepada mana-mana pihak mengenai dakwaan tandatangan beliau dipalsukan seperti dibangkitkan oleh pembelaan iaitu dokumen kelulusan pinjaman oleh 1MDB adalah berbeza.
Najib, 70, berdepan empat pertuduhan menggunakan kedudukan untuk memperoleh rasuah berjumlah RM2.3 bilion milik 1MDB dan 21 pertuduhan pengubahan wang haram membabitkan jumlah yang sama.
Perbicaraan dijalankan di hadapan Hakim Datuk Collin Lawrence Sequerah.
MACC chief, AG replaced during 1MDB probe, High Court hears

Malaysia Airlines penaja utama skuad Harimau Malaya - FAM
Malaysia Airlines penaja utama skuad Harimau Malaya - FAM

Hamidin berkata kerjasama itu bukan sahaja mencerminkan kesetiaan, tetapi turut menunjukkan dedikasi serta komitmen MAB terhadap arena bola sepak negara. - Gambar fail/Bernama
Malaysia Airlines penaja utama skuad Harimau Malaya - FAM
Hamidin berkata kerjasama itu bukan sahaja mencerminkan kesetiaan, tetapi turut menunjukkan dedikasi serta komitmen MAB terhadap arena bola sepak negara. - Gambar fail/Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR: Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM) mengumumkan Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB) sebagai penaja utama skuad Harimau Malaya dan badan induk bola sepak kebangsaan itu untuk tempoh tiga tahun sehingga Disember 2026.
FAM memaklumkan perkembangan itu menerusi kenyataan tanpa mendedahkan nilai tajaan selepas kedua-dua pihak telah bekerjasama sejak 2019.
Presiden FAM Datuk Hamidin Mohd Amin berkata kerjasama itu bukan sahaja mencerminkan kesetiaan, tetapi turut menunjukkan dedikasi serta komitmen MAB terhadap arena bola sepak negara.
"Ia juga memberi mesej penting kepada penyokong-penyokong skuad kebangsaan di luar sana bahawa FAM bukan sahaja mampu memberikan nilai tambah kepada barisan penajanya, malah dapat memberi impak yang positif terhadap sektor ekonomi negara.
"Saya percaya dengan kehadiran MAB sebagai penaja utama FAM dan skuad bola sepak kebangsaan, pelbagai kejayaan akan dapat digapai bersama. Semoga jalinan kerjasama ini akan memacu dua organisasi ini ke arah kecemerlangan," katanya menerusi kenyataan sama.
FAM berkata dokumen perjanjian penajaan itu telah ditandatangani oleh Setiausaha Agung FAM Datuk Noor Azman Rahman dan Ketua Pegawai Komersial Penerbangan MAB Dersenish Aresandiran, sambil disaksikan oleh Hamidin dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Penerbangan MAB Ahmad Luqman Mohd Azmi di sebuah hotel di Sepang pada Isnin lepas (27 Mei).
Sementara itu, Ahmad Luqman berkata MAB berbangga kerana dapat terus menyalurkan khidmat kepada skuad Harimau Malaya serta memberi sokongan berterusan kepada FAM melalui kerjasama yang telah masuk tahun keenam secara berturut-turut.
"Sebagai syarikat penerbangan kebangsaan, kami amat berbesar hati dapat meneruskan kesinambungan usaha dan tanggungjawab kami dalam membawa bendera Malaysia ke arena antarabangsa, selain menyokong pembangunan sukan negara.
Malaysia Airlines pada Mac lepas menjalinkan kerjasama dengan kelab bola sepak Inggeris, Manchester United sebagai syarikat penerbangan rasmi kelab terkemuka itu.
Nahas helikopter TLDM akibat helikopter Fennec tidak berada pada ketinggian dan haluan ditetapkan.
Nahas helikopter TLDM akibat haluan salah
Astro Awani

Abdul Rahman memaklumkan kedua-dua helikopter dalam didapati berada keadaan selamat untuk terbang semasa hari kejadian. - Foto BERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR: Faktor utama nahas helikopter Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) 23 April lalu adalah akibat helikopter Fennec tidak berada pada ketinggian dan haluan ditetapkan.
Panglima TLDM, Laksamana Madya Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Ayob memberitahu, ia memasuki laluan helikopter AW-139.
Perkara ini dimaklumkan ketika mengumumkan laporan penuh nahas helikopter TLDM.
Menurut beliau, kedua-dua helikopter didapati berada dalam keadaan selamat untuk terbang semasa hari kejadian.
Beliau turut mendedahkan punca sekunder nahas helikopter TLDM adalah 'channelise attention' oleh krew helikopter AW139 tertumpu ke arah penukaran haluan dan ini telah menghadkan reaksi elak pelanggaran.
Nahas helikopter TLDM akibat salah haluan
Kejadian berlaku semasa mereka menjalani raptai lintas hormat bersempena ulang tahun TLDM ke-90 di Pangkalan TLDM Lumut.
Mangsa terdiri daripada tujuh kru helikopter Operasi Maritim (HOM-AW139) dan tiga kru Fennec TLDM.
Susulan nahas itu, lembaga siasatan telah ditubuhkan bagi mengenal pasti punca sebenar nahas dua helikopter terbabit.
Laporan interim insiden berkenaan pada 9 Mei lepas mengesahkan tahap kesihatan kesemua kru udara yang terlibat dalam nahas itu berada dalam keadaan yang baik untuk mengendalikan pesawat dan kedua-dua helikopter berkenaan berada dalam keadaan 'airworthy' (selamat untuk terbang) semasa hari kejadian.
No contract awarded to Asia Mobiliti Technologies for DRT project, says Fahmi
29 May 2024
Culik, rogol, liwat, bunuh gadis, hukuman gantung terhadap Shahril kekal
Culik, rogol, liwat, bunuh gadis, hukuman gantung terhadap Shahril kekal
29/05/2024 19:10 MYT

PUTRAJAYA: Mahkamah Persekutuan di sini hari ini mengekalkan hukuman mati dihadapi seorang bekas ahli perniagaan yang disabitkan kesalahan membunuh seorang eksekutif pemasaran wanita 18 tahun lepas.
Ringkasan AI
Mahkamah Persekutuan mengekalkan hukuman mati terhadap Shahril Jaafar atas kesalahan membunuh Chee Gaik Yap 18 tahun lalu, menolak permohonannya untuk hukuman dikurangkan kepada penjara seumur hidup.
Chee Gaik Yap mengalami kekerasan luar biasa, diculik, diliwat, dirogol, dan dibunuh oleh Shahril, dengan jenayah ini menggemparkan orang ramai.
Shahril melarikan diri ke Australia selama tiga tahun untuk mengelak siasatan sebelum ditahan pada 2012 di KLIA; rayuannya di Mahkamah Rayuan dan Mahkamah Persekutuan ditolak masingmasing pada 2016 dan 2018.
Barisan panel tiga hakim terdiri daripada Hakim Datuk Harmindar Singh Dhaliwal, Datuk Nordin Hassan dan Datuk Abu Bakar Jais mengetepikan permohonan semakan semula Shahril Jaafar untuk menggantikan hukuman mati kepada penjara seumur hidup di bawah Akta Semakan Hukuman Mati dan Pemenjaraan Sepanjang Hayat (Bidang Kuasa Sementara Mahkamah Persekutuan) 2023.
"Kami ingin ulangi mahkamah ini mempunyai belas kasihan. Pada pandangan kami ini kes luar biasa dengan fakta yang luar biasa," kata Hakim Harmindar.
Beliau berkata si mati (Chee Gaik Yap) telah menghadapi keganasan yang luar biasa di tangan Shahril dan wanita berusia 25 tahun itu diculik, diliwat, dirogol serta dibunuh oleh Shahril.
Hakim Harmindar berkata jenayah itu menggemparkan orang ramai, dan kejadian pula berlaku pada waktu siang.
"Kami memutuskan untuk menolak permohonan Shahril dan hukuman mati dikekalkan," kata Hakim Harmindar.
Pada 2015, Shahril, 43, didapati bersalah oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Alor Setar atas pertuduhan membunuh Chee, siswazah Universiti Utara Malaysia, berhampiran Kelab Cinta Sayang di Taman Ria Jaya, Sungai Petani, antara 5.30 petang pada 14 Jan dan 3.05 pagi pada 15 Jan 2006.
Dia dijatuhi hukuman mati dan rayuannya di Mahkamah Rayuan dan Mahkamah Persekutuan telah ditolak masing-masing pada 2016 dan 2018.
Terdahulu, peguam Rosli Kamaruddin meminta mahkamah meringankan hukuman mati yang dijatuhkan ke atas anak guamnya kepada penjara seumur hidup.
Beliau berkata anak guamnya yang sudah insaf, merayu mahkamah untuk memberinya peluang menebus kesalahannya, dan Sharil juga aktif menyertai program pemulihan penjara sebagai bukti komitmennya untuk bertaubat.
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (DPP) Datuk Dusuki Mokhtar yang dibantu oleh DPP Solehah Noratikah Ismail membantah permohonan Shahril dan meminta mahkamah mengekalkan hukuman mati memandangkan ini ialah kes yang amat jarang sekali berlaku.
Beliau berhujah ini kes penculikan kejam, rogol, liwat dan pembunuhan seorang wanita muda yang sedang berjoging bersama adik perempuannya dan mayatnya ditemukan dalam keadaan separuh bogel di dalam semak berhampiran trek joging, sembilan jam kemudian.
Dusuki berkata pakar patologi forensik menemukan 50 luka pada badan Chee termasuk di sekitar bahagian sulit yang DNA Shahril dikesan.
Shahril kemudian dilaporkan melarikan diri ke Australia selama tiga tahun bagi mengelak disiasat dan ditahan. Dia akhirnya ditahan enam tahun kemudian di Lapangan Terbanga Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) sebaik tiba dari Perth pada Jan 2012.
TRX was not developed using 1MDB's own investment money
1MDB investment did not bring profit - Investigating officer

Nur Aida (second, right) appeared as the 49th prosecution witness in the 1MDB fund embezzlement case that Najib faced in the High Court today.
1MDB investment did not bring profit - Investigating officer
Nur Aida (second, right) appeared as the 49th prosecution witness in the 1MDB fund embezzlement case that Najib faced in the High Court today. - Named Pictures
KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here today was told that the investment made by 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) did not bring any profit, and even caused the country's strategic investment company to suffer losses.
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Investigating Officer Senior Superintendent Nur Aida Ariffin, 37, said this when refuting the suggestion of advocate Wan Azwan Aiman Wan Fakhruddin regarding 1MDB which generates profits through its investments in various sectors.
Wan Azwan Aiman then gave an example of 1MDB's investment in the power acquisition sector (IPP) from Mastika Lagenda Sdn Bhd and Tanjong Energy Holdings Sdn Bhd which is said to give 1MDB a profit but Nur Aida disagreed and stated that the power was eventually sold to investors from China to pay off debt 1MDB.
The 49th prosecution witness said this when cross-examined by Wan Azwan Aiman, who represented Datuk Seri Najib Razak, during the trial of the corruption and money laundering case of Najib, who is also the former Prime Minister, involving RM2.3 billion in 1MDB funds.
Wan Azwan Aiman: Although you have concluded that all the projects that 1MDB participated in failed, agree with me that we now have the Tun Razak Exchange Tower (TRX) building.
Nur Aida: Correct, I said 1MDB suffered a loss because TRX was not developed using 1MDB's own investment money as found in the joint venture agreement at the initial stage, instead 1MDB had to get separate investment by getting other companies to invest to develop TRX.
The witness said the results of his investigation found that the funds obtained for the development of TRX or its original name Kuala Lumpur International Financial District (KLIFD) had been misappropriated and that the development of TRX was actually financed by foreign investors.
"Meanwhile, to bear the impact of 1MDB's debt from the acquisition of IPP through the guarantee of the International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), Datuk Seri Najib has instructed his Special Officer, Datuk Amhari Efendi Nazarudin to conclude a confidential agreement called the Binding Term Sheet (BTS) between IPIC and Malaysian government," he said.
On 4 Sept 2019, Amhari Efendi when testifying as a witness in this trial revealed that Najib had ordered him to meet the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Mubadala in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Khaldoon Mubarak for confidential work to discuss the 1MDB debt guaranteed by IPIC without having to be taken to the International Court.
Amhari Efendi said he was instructed by Najib to do that because at that time, the Abu Dhabi side wanted to bring the BTS issue between IPIC and 1MDB to the International Court of Arbitration.
Amhari Efendi said "Datuk Seri Najib said I have to go to confirm with the Abu Dhabi side that the two countries agree to resolve this problem without going to the International Court. This is one of Datuk Seri Najib's confidential gestures to me because at that time The issue of 1MDB's debt to IPIC is being hotly debated."
In today's proceedings, the defense finished cross-examining important prosecution witnesses after a 16-day cross-examination session.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Ahmad Akram Gharib then began a re-examination of Nur Aida involving bank documents through Joint Legal Assistance (MLA) from Barbados, Singapore and Hong Kong.
Najib, 70, faces four charges of using his position to obtain bribes amounting to RM2.3 billion belonging to 1MDB and 21 charges of money laundering involving the same amount.
The trial before Judge Datuk Collin Lawrence Sequerah continues tomorrow.
OKU Driver retracts report, considers the case of being beaten by a bodyguard to be just a misunderstanding - KL Police
Complainant retracts report, considers the case of being beaten by a bodyguard to be just a misunderstanding - KL Police
Complainant retracts report, considers the case of being beaten by a bodyguard to be just a misunderstanding - KL Police
KL Police Chief, Datuk Rusdi Mohd Isa said the second police report was made by the complainant to resolve the matter amicably, and did not want to prolong the case.
KUALA LUMPUR: The driver of an e-hailing vehicle who claimed to have beaten a security guard of a dignitary entourage in the lobby of a hotel in the nation's capital on Tuesday, has withdrawn his report on the same day.
Summary of AI
An ehailing driver who claimed to have been beaten by a bodyguard of a dignitary in the lobby of a hotel in Kuala Lumpur has withdrawn his report on the same day.
The individual, who is also a disabled person (OKU), has filed a second police report to withdraw the first police report, because he does not want to prolong the case.
Kuala Lumpur Police Chief, Datuk Rusdi Mohd Isa in a statement on Wednesday said that the individual, who is also a disabled person (OKU), had made a second police report to withdraw the first police report.
"On 28/05/2024, at approximately 9.59pm, the complainant made a second police report stating that he had resolved the matter that happened amicably, and did not want to prolong the case," he said in a media statement.
Rusdi in the same statement said, Kuala Lumpur Police have received a police report, on 28/05/2024 at approximately 1.00 pm by the complainant who is a Grab driver.
He said the complainant claimed to have been attacked by an individual who was an escort to a dignitary.
"The incident occurred due to a misunderstanding of the instructions to move the vehicle and this case is being investigated under Section 323 of the Penal Code," said Rusdi.
Earlier the media reported that the e-hailing driver filed a police report after claiming to have been beaten by a bodyguard while waiting for passengers at a hotel in Brickfields, yesterday.
The 46-year-old driver claimed to have been punched in the head and asked to move his vehicle. Following that, the victim then made a police report after receiving treatment at Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL).
In this regard, Rusdi said, the public is advised not to make any speculations regarding this matter.
MPV penyamun rumah pemain Selangor "Jimmy’ guna plat palsu
Polis mengesahkan suspek pecah rumah pemain pertahanan Selangor FC, Ahmad Khuzaimi Piee menggunakan kenderaan jenis Toyota Estima seperti dalam beberapa rakaman video yang tular, pada 27 Mei.
Customs seize electric scooters, beedis, cigarettes and plast scrap worth RM121.65 mln
Customs seize electric scooters, beedis, cigarettes and plast scrap worth RM121.65 mln

Central Zone Customs principal assistant director Norlela Ismail said for the confiscation of used electric scooters, her team found the goods has no import permit after seizing a container in North Port. - BERNAMA/Filepic
Customs seize electric scooters, beedis, cigarettes and plast scrap worth RM121.65 mln
Central Zone Customs principal assistant director Norlela Ismail said for the confiscation of used electric scooters, her team found the goods has no import permit after seizing a container in North Port. - BERNAMA/Filepic
KLANG: The Royal Malaysian Customs Department (JKDM) Central Zone II (Selangor) busted a smuggling syndicate of used electric scooters, beedis, cigarettes, iron and plastic scrap estimated to be worth RM121.65 million through several raids around Port Klang from March to April.
Central Zone Customs principal assistant director Norlela Ismail said for the confiscation of used electric scooters, her team found the goods has no import permit after seizing a container in North Port on March 20.
He said an inspection of the container found 700 units of electric scooters with an estimated value and duty of RM573,000.
"Investigation found that a false declaration had been made on the item as aluminum alloy, which is an item that is not subject to an import permit to avoid being detected by the Customs.
"The case is being investigated under Section 135(1)(a), Customs Act 1967 and if convicted can be punished with a fine, a maximum of five years imprisonment or both," she said at a press conference here today.
As for the seizure of beedi or leaf cigarettes, Norlela said the Selangor JKDM had found 500,000 beedi sticks with an estimated value and duty of RM12.5 million with the syndicate declaring the items as foodstuff.
She said the confiscation followed the detention of a container in North Klang Port on April 15 where based on the Customs Act 1967, those found guilty could be fined, imprisoned for a maximum of five years or both.
Regarding the cigarette case, Norlela said the Selangor JKDM on March 19 and April 2 detained 11 containers in the West Port and found and confiscated the prohibited goods with an estimated value and duty of RM102.8 million.
She said both cases are being investigated under Section 135(1)(a), Customs Act 1967 because they are suspected of not complying with the conditions under the Customs (Prohibition on Import) Order 2023 i.e. not having an import permit for cigarettes transiting the port.
As for the scrap iron case, Norlela said the Selangor JKDM had confiscated 34 containers with an estimated value of RM5.3 million in the West Port that were believed to not have a valid import permit with the goods pledged as aluminum flakes and aluminum alloy.
"For the case of scrap plastics, the Selangor JKDM has placed a hold on six containers with an estimated value of RM355,102 which also have no imports permit and have been falsely declared as plastics and PE Flakes," he said.
Israeli forces press Rafah offensive despite global outcry
Israeli forces press Rafah offensive despite global outcry

Palestinians put out a fire at the site of an Israeli strike on an area designated for displaced people, in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 27, 2024. - REUTERS
Israeli forces press Rafah offensive despite global outcry
Palestinians put out a fire at the site of an Israeli strike on an area designated for displaced people, in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 27, 2024. - REUTERS
CAIRO: Israel pounded Rafah with airstrikes and tank fire on Tuesday, pressing its offensive in Gaza's southern city despite international condemnation of an attack that sparked a blaze in a tent camp for the displaced, killing at least 45 people.
At least 16 Palestinians were killed in strikes overnight on Tuesday, officials in the enclave run by Hamas said. Israeli tanks pushed towards western neighbourhoods in one of the worst nights of bombardment reported by residents.
Reacting to Sunday night's strike and fire in a camp where thousands of families displaced from assaults elsewhere in the Gaza Strip had sought shelter, global leaders urged the implementation of a World Court order to halt Israel's assault.
Before the latest advancement, Israeli tanks had probed around the edges of Rafah, near the crossing point from Gaza into Egypt, and entered some of its eastern districts, residents said, but have not yet entered the city in full force.
Residents said Israeli tanks were stationed on and around the Zurub hilltop, a high ground overlooking western Rafah, having advanced from the area near the Egyptian border crossing where Israeli forces launched an incursion three weeks ago.
They said the Tel Al-Sultan area, the scene of Sunday's deadly strike, was still being heavily bombarded.
"Tank shells are falling everywhere in Tel Al-Sultan. Many families have fled their houses in western Rafah under fire throughout the night," one resident told Reuters over a chat app.
Around one million people have fled the Israeli offensive in Rafah since early May, the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) reported on Tuesday.
Israel has kept up attacks despite a ruling by the top U.N. court on Friday ordering it to stop, arguing that the court's ruling grants it some scope for military action there.
Spain, Ireland and Norway will officially recognise a Palestinian state on Tuesday, despite an angry reaction from Israel, which has found itself increasingly isolated after more than seven months of conflict in Gaza.
The three nations have painted their decision as a way to speed efforts to secure a ceasefire in Israel's war with Hamas.
More than 36,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's offensive, Gaza's health ministry says. Israel launched the operation after Hamas-led militants attacked southern Israeli communities on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 people and seizing more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.
Israel says it wants to root out Hamas fighters holed up in Rafah and rescue hostages it says are being held in the area.
In Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, one of the largest of the enclave's eight historic refugee camps, Israeli forces have been engaged in fierce fighting with Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters, residents said.
On Tuesday, medics said an Israeli air strike killed and wounded several Palestinians in a house in the Falouja neighbourhood. Civil emergency teams said they believed many bodies were under the rubble of buildings where they can't be reached.
MOH halts sales of Everest Fish Curry Masala, MDH Curry Powder
MOH halts sales of Everest Fish Curry Masala, MDH Curry Powder

MOH has issued an order to immediately stop the sales of two Indian spice products, Everest Fish Curry Masala and MDH Curry Powder, suspected to contain ethylene oxide.
MOH halts sales of Everest Fish Curry Masala, MDH Curry Powder
MOH has issued an order to immediately stop the sales of two Indian spice products, Everest Fish Curry Masala and MDH Curry Powder, suspected to contain ethylene oxide. - Astro AWANI
PUTRAJAYA: The Ministry of Health (MOH) has issued an order to immediately stop the sales of two Indian spice products, Everest Fish Curry Masala and MDH Curry Powder, suspected to contain ethylene oxide.
The ministry called on traders, including online sellers with stocks of these products, to cease sales, while all e-commerce platforms and social media were urged to immediately stop advertisements for these food items.
"Ethylene oxide, often used to kill pests, also controls microbiological contamination in spices from bacteria, viruses and fungi, and acts as an active ingredient in cleaning agents.
"Its use in food and food-contact materials is not permitted due to its carcinogenic nature," the ministry said in a statement today.
MOH said a review of data through Malaysia's Food Safety Information System (FoSIM) until last April revealed only one importation of the Everest Fish Curry Masala brand.
MOH reported no imports of the MDH Curry Powder brand into Malaysia.
"The ministry, via the Food Safety and Quality Programme (PKKM), conducts ongoing inspections and enforcement at entry points nationwide," read the statement.
Currently, the ministry is monitoring aflatoxin, heavy metals and pesticide residues in spice products at all entry points into the country.
Monitoring from 2019 to last April found that 43 samples met legal food safety requirements.
"MOH remains vigilant and concerned about anything that might endanger consumer safety," said the statement.
28 May 2024
Two High Ranking senior CCID Police Officers face graft charges to close case involving Israeli firearms purchase
Two senior police officers from Bukit Aman's Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) were charged at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on Tuesday (May 28) with accepting a RM1 million bribe from a businessman to close an investigation allegedly linked to the purchase of firearms by an Israeli citizen last month.
They were accused of agreeing to receive a RM1 million bribe from Khoo Zixian, who was being investigated by the police.
ACP Chin Khiam Kong, 54, the senior assistant director of CCID's Forensic Accounting Investigations unit, and Deputy Supt Suhairon Abdullah, 42, the Cryptocurrency Crime Investigation head, pleaded not guilty to the charges before Judge Azura Alwi.
Garnacho's goal against Everton crowned best goal of the English Premier League (EPL) this season.

Garnacho scored a stunning goal as early as the third minute during an EPL action against Everton last September. Photo X/Alejandro Garnacho Club
Alejandro Garnacho's goal against Everton was crowned as the best goal of the English Premier League (EPL) this season.
The goal through an acrobatic kick by the 19-year-old player was realized as early as the third minute during the EPL action at Goodison Park on November 27 last year.
In the match, Garnacho calmly received Diogo Dalot's cross and fired a shot in the air before the ball hit the corner of the goal past goalkeeper Jordan Pickford.
Garnacho celebrated the goal by running to the corner of the field doing 'siu' which is the style of celebrating a goal synonymous with club legend, Cristiano Ronaldo.
The scissor kick goal almost equaled Wayne Rooney's impressive goal in the Manchester derby against Manchester City in 2011.
For the record, Garnacho, who was once linked to Indonesian player Asnawi Mangkualam, also scored a goal when United beat City 2-1 in the FA Cup final at Wembley Stadium.
DPM Zahid wants PDRM to redouble monitoring, surveillance of terrorist activities
DPM Zahid wants PDRM to redouble monitoring, surveillance of terrorist activities

DPM Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said Malaysia has also established cooperation with counter-terrorism organisations at the international level, as a joint effort to address the threat. - BERNAMA/FilepicDPM Zahid wants PDRM to redouble monitoring, surveillance of terrorist activities
DPM Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said Malaysia has also established cooperation with counter-terrorism organisations at the international level, as a joint effort to address the threat. - BERNAMA/Filepic
SHANGHAI: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has asked the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) to redouble its surveillance and monitoring of online information, to address any threat of terrorist activities.
Ahmad Zahid, who is also National Security Council deputy chairman, said this follows the disclosure of the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Counter-Terrorism (SEARCCT), that there are terrorist groups which are now using online video games to recruit young people to join their movement.
"Don't take (the matter) lightly, even though we know it (terrorist activity) is under control in Malaysia," he told the Malaysian media, after witnessing the signing of a memorandum of understanding, memorandum of agreement and letter of intent, respectively, between SKS Coach Builders Sdn Bhd (SKS) and CRRC Corporation; MARA Liner and SKS; as well as MARA Corp and China Electrical Equipment Group, here today.
Ahmad Zahid, who is also the Minister of Rural and Regional Development, expressed his confidence that PDRM, through the Special Branch Counter Terrorism Unit, has the ability to intensify monitoring of terrorist activities, and then take appropriate action.
"It is not easy to monitor, but the PDRM has the ability to monitor, and of course, ASEANAPOL (ASEAN Police), by doubling their monitoring and surveillance programmes.
"We see this capability in line with the POTA (Prevention of Terrorism Act 2015), which was tabled when I served as the Home Minister before, and POTA will be fully used for the implementation of control, so that strict monitoring can be carried out," he said, adding that PDRM should consolidate efforts with the International Police (Interpol), so that it can be addressed comprehensively.
Apart from that, he said that Malaysia has a manual for deradicalisation for rehabilitation purposes since 2015, and the country has been very successful in its implementation.
"Malaysia also cooperates with many countries which do joint ventures, in addition to sharing manuals with many other countries, because we have wider experience when facing the communist threat in the 1940s to the late 1960s," he said.
Ahmad Zahid said that Malaysia has also established cooperation with counter-terrorism organisations at the international level, as a joint effort to address the threat.
"We are ready to work with all countries which have the same training facilities and equipment and experience to combat terrorism, because this problem is not limited to a particular country, but rather throughout the world," said Ahmad Zahid.
Pemilik kenderaan diesel golongan B40, M40 di Semenanjung layak mohon subsidi RM200 sebulan BUDI MADANI
Pemilik kenderaan diesel golongan B40, M40 di Semenanjung layak mohon BUDI MADANI

Pemilik kenderaan diesel persendirian bagi individu daripada golongan B40 dan M40 di Semenanjung, layak memohon bagi sumbangan tunai kerajaan melalui Program Bantuan Subsidi MADANI atau BUDI MADANI, mulai esok (28 Mei). - Gambar fail/dpa
KUALA LUMPUR: Pemilik kenderaan diesel persendirian bagi individu, petani kecil dan pekebun kecil komoditi daripada golongan B40 dan M40 di Semenanjung, layak memohon bagi sumbangan tunai kerajaan melalui Program Bantuan Subsidi MADANI atau BUDI MADANI, mulai esok (28 Mei).
Kementerian Kewangan menerusi kenyataan hari ini memaklumkan pemilik kenderaan diesel persendirian berdasarkan kriteria kelayakan tertentu, boleh membuat permohonan di bawah kategori BUDI Individu, manakala petani kecil dan pekebun kecil boleh memohon di bawah kategori BUDI Agri-Komoditi.
"Penerima yang layak di bawah kedua-dua kategori, akan disalurkan BUDI MADANI sebanyak RM200 sebulan seiring dengan pelaksanaan penyasaran subsidi diesel," menurut kenyataan itu.
Kementerian Kewangan memaklumkan, pelaksanaan itu susulan Perutusan Negara oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada minggu lepas, berhubung keputusan Jemaah Menteri untuk melaksanakan penyasaran subsidi bahan api diesel melibatkan pengguna di Semenanjung.
Menurut kenyataan itu kriteria kelayakan bagi kategori BUDI Individu ialah, pemohon merupakan warganegara Malaysia; memiliki kenderaan diesel persendirian yang berdaftar dengan Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) selain kenderaan mewah di bawah usia 10 tahun.
Selain itu, kenderaan dimiliki mempunyai cukai jalan yang aktif; dan pendapatan tahunan individu atau pasangan berjumlah RM100,000 dan ke bawah.
"Setiap permohonan diterima akan disemak silang dengan data di bawah Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN), bagi mengecualikan pemilik kenderaan mewah di bawah usia 10 tahun dan individu berpendapatan tinggi (T20)," menurut kenyataan itu.
Bagi BUDI Agri-Komoditi, kriteria kelayakan adalah pemohon berdaftar sebagai petani atau pekebun kecil dengan agensi berkaitan di bawah Kementerian Pertanian dan Keterjaminan Makanan (KPKM) atau Kementerian Perladangan dan Komoditi (KPK), serta pemohon merupakan petani atau pekebun kecil komoditi yang aktif dengan hasil jualan pertanian tahunan antara RM50,000 dan RM300,000.
Menurut kenyataan itu permohonan BUDI MADANI boleh dibuat secara dalam talian di laman web, yang akan dibuka sepanjang tahun.
"Bagi permohonan yang dibuat dan diluluskan sebelum 3 Jun 2024, pemohon akan menerima BUDI MADANI pertama mereka menjelang pertengahan Jun 2024 dan bantuan seterusnya akan disalurkan secara bulanan.
"Bagi permohonan yang diluluskan selepas 3 Jun 2024, akan menerima BUDI MADANI pertama dalam tempoh dua minggu dan seterusnya secara bulanan," menurut kenyataan.
Kementerian Kewangan memaklumkan BUDI MADANI akan dikreditkan ke dalam akaun bank penerima setiap bulan, manakala penerima tanpa akaun bank boleh menuntut BUDI MADANI secara tunai di mana-mana cawangan Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) seluruh Semenanjung.
Untuk memohon dan mengetahui lebih lanjut berhubung syarat kelayakan BUDI MADANI, orang ramai boleh melayari atau boleh menghubungi talian bantuan BUDI MADANI di nombor 1-800-88-2747 / 03-8882 4565 / 03-8882 4566 atau secara e-mel di alamat
Pertanyaan dan maklumat lanjut juga boleh diperoleh di semua pejabat LHDN seluruh Semenanjung.
Sementara itu, Kementerian Kewangan dalam kenyataan sama memaklumkan program BUDI MADANI melengkapi usaha sedia ada kerajaan dalam menyasarkan subsidi diesel, melalui sistem MySubsidi Diesel kendalian Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup.
Setakat ini, hampir 90,000 Fleet Card dikeluarkan kepada syarikat di bawah sektor pengangkutan awam darat dan sektor pengangkutan barangan darat.
Fleet Card membolehkan syarikat logistik yang layak untuk membeli diesel bersubsidi di stesen-stesen minyak, bagi memastikan kesan kos yang minimum kepada rantaian nilai logistik dan bekalan, secara langsung mengurangkan risiko kenaikan harga barangan keperluan rakyat.
Menteri Kewangan II Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan berkata menerusi pelaksanaan BUDI MADANI, kerajaan telah memperluas bantuan tunai kepada individu dan petani kecil dan pekebun kecil komoditi, menjelang pelaksanaan penyasaran subsidi diesel.
"Seperti yang sering kali ditekankan oleh Perdana Menteri, penyasaran subsidi diesel merupakan antara langkah reformasi fiskal di bawah kerangka Ekonomi MADANI, bagi membina kemampanan kewangan kerajaan serta Malaysia yang lebih berdaya saing.
"Ikhtiar BUDI MADANI mencerminkan usaha bersepadu jentera Kerajaan MADANI dalam memastikan mekanisme penyasaran subsidi diesel adalah komprehensif, cekap dan berkesan supaya sektor logistik dan majoriti rakyat terus dilindungi," katanya.
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