
30 November 2023

Calon Presiden Indonesia Prabowo Subianto bertemu Anwar Ibrahim

Prabowo Subianto berlepas ke Malaysia untuk bertemu Anwar


November 30, 2023 17:28 MYT

Prabowo Subianto berlepas ke Malaysia untuk bertemu Anwar

Pertemuan dengan Anwar itu disifatkan sebagai langkah positif dalam mengukuhkan kerjasama dan persahabatan antara Indonesia dan Malaysia. - Gambar fail

JAKARTA: Calon presiden Indonesia Prabowo Subianto dilapor berlepas ke Malaysia pada pagi Khamis untuk kunjungan hormat ke atas Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Walaupun kempen Pilihan Raya Presiden 2024 sedang berlangsung, beliau tidak mengambil cuti pada hari ketiga dan meneruskan tugasnya sebagai Menteri Pertahanan, lapor Agensi Berita ANTARA.

"Aktiviti menteri hari ini melibatkan kunjungan hormat ke atas Datuk Seri Anwar di Putrajaya," kata jurucakap Kementerian Pertahanan Brigedier Jeneral Edwin Adrian Sumantha ketika dihubungi.

Menurut Edwin, Prabowo dijadualkan pulang ke Jakarta lewat Khamis tanpa memberikan butiran lanjut mengenai tujuan lawatan itu.

Seorang penganalisis melihat pertemuan menteri pertahanan itu dengan Anwar sebagai langkah positif dalam mengukuhkan kerjasama dan persahabatan antara Indonesia dan Malaysia.

Pada Oktober, bekas gabenor Jakarta dan calon presiden, Anis Baswedan melawat Malaysia untuk bertemu dengan Anwar di Putrajaya.

"Ia akan bermanfaat jika presiden Indonesia seterusnya, selepas pilihan raya pada 14 Feb, 2024 berkomunikasi lebih rapat dengan Datuk Seri Anwar," kata penganalisis komunikasi politik Dr Hendri Satrio kepada Bernama.

Beliau berkata hubungan rapat antara kedua-dua negara mencerminkan kekuatan demokrasi dan akan diiktiraf oleh kedua-dua negara serantau dan bukan anggota ASEAN.

Semasa ditanya jika bekas gabenor Jawa Tengah yang juga calon presiden, Ganjar Pranowo akan turut melawat Malaysia, Hendri berkata beliau tidak mengetahui sebarang rancangan sedemikian.

Indonesia memulakan kempen pilihan raya presiden 2024 pada Selasa dengan tiga calon bersaing untuk menggantikan Joko Widodo (Jokowi) yang penggal kedua sebagai presiden berakhir pada Okt 2024.


ACL: Dion Cools hampir dipukul dalam insiden pergaduhan pemain

ACL: Dion Cools hampir dipukul dalam insiden pergaduhan pemain

Astro Arena

November 30, 2023 10:45 MYT

ACL: Dion Cools hampir dipukul dalam insiden pergaduhan pemain

Dalam video tular, pergaduhan dilihat berlaku di antara pemain kedua-dua pasukan sebaik Zhejiang meraih kemenangan 3-2 ke atas Buriram dalam saingan ACL di China malam tadi. - Foto Astro ARENA

PERTAHANAN negara, Dion Cools, hampir dipukul dalam satu insiden pergaduhan pemain selepas perlawanan di antara Zhejiang dan Buriram United dalam saingan Liga Juara-Juara Asia (ACL) di China malam tadi.

Dalam video yang tular di media sosial, berlaku pergaduhan besar di antara pemain kedua-dua pasukan sebaik Zhejiang meraih kemenangan 3-2 ke atas Buriram.

Pemain nombor 10 Buriram, Ramil Sheydayev, dilihat dibelasah beramai-ramai oleh pemain tuan rumah.

Ketika Cools ingin meleraikan satu lagi insiden pergaduhan, dia ditolak dan diprovokasi oleh pemain dan pegawai pasukan lawan.

Group of 17 Thai hostages released by Hamas arrives in Thailand

Group of 17 Thai hostages released by Hamas arrives in Thailand


November 30, 2023
Thai citizens who were released from the Gaza Strip after being taken hostage by Hamas, attend a leaving ceremony after being discharged from Shamir Medical Center (Assaf Harofeh), in Be'er Ya'akov, Israel. - Shamir/via REUTERS

Group of 17 Thai hostages released by Hamas arrives in Thailand

Thai citizens who were released from the Gaza Strip after being taken hostage by Hamas, attend a leaving ceremony after being discharged from Shamir Medical Center (Assaf Harofeh), in Be'er Ya'akov, Israel. - Shamir/via REUTERS

BANGKOK: A group of 17 Thai nationals who had been held hostage by Hamas in Gaza arrived at a Bangkok airport on Thursday, Thailand's foreign ministry told reporters.

A total of 23 Thai hostages have been released in Gaza, with nine remaining in captivity.

Hamas gunmen from Gaza killed 39 Thais and abducted 32 Thai labourers during the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, according to the Thai government.

Before the war, around 30,000 Thai labourers worked in the agriculture sector, making the group one of Israel's largest migrant worker groups.

So far, 9,000 Thais have been repatriated.

Family members waited on Thursday to greet their relatives at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Thailand's Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin believes that an extended ceasefire was a good sign and hopes that all hostages including Thai hostages will be released, the government said in a statement Thursday.

Thai migrant workers in Israel come mainly from the Southeast Asian nation's rural northeast, seeking higher pay to send home to their families.

Thai Foreign Ministry Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara said he held talks with his counterparts in several Middle Eastern countries with Hamas contacts. Parnpree was previously in Cairo and Doha for talks.

A Thai Muslim group that held direct talks with Hamas said their efforts were crucial in securing the early release of Thai hostages. On the first day of the ceasefire, ten Thai hostages were released without condition.

Dewan Rakyat passes Control of Smoking Bill

Dewan Rakyat passes Control of Smoking Bill


November 30, 2023
Tabled by Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa, the bill includes the provision prohibiting the sale and purchase of tobacco products, smoking materials or tobacco substitute products and providing any services related to smoking to minors. - FREEIMAGES

Dewan Rakyat passes Control of Smoking Bill

Tabled by Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa, the bill includes the provision prohibiting the sale and purchase of tobacco products, smoking materials or tobacco substitute products and providing any services related to smoking to minors. - FREEIMAGES

KUALA LUMPUR: The Dewan Rakyat passed the Control of Smoking Products and Public Health 2023 Bill via voice vote today.

Tabled by Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa, the bill includes the provision prohibiting the sale and purchase of tobacco products, smoking materials or tobacco substitute products and providing any services related to smoking to minors.

It also witnessed the removal of the provision for the generational end-game (GEG) prohibiting the sale of tobacco products and cigarettes, as well as banning individuals born on January 1, 2007 onwards, from smoking.

Tabled for the first reading on Tuesday (Nov 28) and the second reading yesterday, the bill that contains 54 clauses was debated by 27 Members of Parliament.

Dr Zaliha expressed appreciation to former Health Ministers, namely Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam, Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba and Khairy Jamaluddin, for their efforts in tackling the smoking issue and developing the bill.

"Thank you for the dedicated efforts in addressing the smoking issue in general and specifically developing the bill that we (Dewan Rakyat) have passed today," she said.

Dewan Rakyat also passed the Food (Amendment) 2023 Bill to amend the Food Act 1983, in line with the approval of the Control of Smoking Products and Public Health 2023 Bill.


Cristiano Ronaldo faces $1bn lawsuit over Binance ads

Cristiano Ronaldo faces $1bn lawsuit over Binance ads


By Tom Gerken

Technology reporter

Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo is facing a class action lawsuit in the US over his promotion of Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world.

The plaintiffs claim his endorsement led them to make loss-making investments.

They are seeking damages of "a sum exceeding" $1bn (£790m).

The BBC has contacted both Ronaldo's management company and Binance for comment.

In November 2022, Binance announced its first "CR7" collection of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in partnership with Ronaldo, which the footballer said would reward fans "for all the years of support".

NFTs are virtual assets that can be bought and sold, but which have no real-world form of their own - in other words they only exist digitally. Generally, they are used to mark ownership of something, such as a picture or video online.

"CR7" refers to Ronaldo's initials and shirt number, and is used as branding in a range of products, from footwear to fragrances, that have helped make him one of the wealthiest athletes on earth.

In a social media video announcing the partnership, Ronaldo told would-be investors "we are going to change the NFT game and take football to the next level".

The cheapest NFT from the collection was priced at $77 when it went on sale in November 2022 - but one year later, it was priced at about $1.

The claimants allege that Ronaldo's promotion of Binance led to a "500% increase in searches" for the crypto exchange, which is registered in the Cayman Islands.

They also say it led people to use the firm to invest in what they call "unregistered securities" - such as Binance's BNB cryptocurrency.

According to the US Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC), these assets can be considered securities - and so celebrities endorsing them must follow US law.

SEC chair Gary Gensler previously said celebrities must "disclose to the public from whom and how much you are getting paid to promote investment in securities".

"When celebrities endorse investment opportunities, including crypto-asset securities, investors should be careful to research if the investments are right for them, and they should know why celebrities are making those endorsements," he said.

The claimants allege Ronaldo should have disclosed how much he was being paid, but did not.

Nigel Green, boss of consultancy firm DeVere Group, said the problems at the heart of the case went wider than just one footballer.

"It is crucial to recognise that blaming Ronaldo alone oversimplifies a complex issue," he said.

"Instead, attention should also be directed towards global regulators who have been slow to establish clear guidelines for this evolving financial landscape."

Future plans

Ronaldo and Binance appear to have plans to work together again in the future, with a recent social media post from the footballer saying they are "cooking something up".

Neither have responded to the BBC's requests for comment.

PMX Anwar Ibrahim di Ceramah Mega MADANI PRK Kemaman, Terengganu




Kerjasama rapat antara agensi elak pertindihan usaha noktah kemiskinan - PM

Kerjasama rapat antara agensi elak pertindihan usaha noktah kemiskinan - PM


November 29, 2023
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata kerjasama lebih 'rapat' antara pelbagai agensi termasuk di bawah KKDW dapat mengelakkan pertindihan dalam usaha kerajaan menoktahkan kemiskinan tegar. - Foto FB Anwar Ibrahim

Kerjasama rapat antara agensi elak pertindihan usaha noktah kemiskinan - PM

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata kerjasama lebih 'rapat' antara pelbagai agensi termasuk di bawah KKDW dapat mengelakkan pertindihan dalam usaha kerajaan menoktahkan kemiskinan tegar. - Foto FB Anwar Ibrahim

KEMAMAN: Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata kerjasama lebih 'rapat' antara pelbagai agensi termasuk di bawah Kementerian Kemajuan Desa dan Wilayah (KKDW) dapat mengelakkan pertindihan dalam usaha kerajaan menoktahkan kemiskinan tegar.

Beliau berkata usaha mengeluarkan golongan miskin tegar daripada garisan kemiskinan juga boleh dilaksanakan bersama Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) yang banyak membantu kerajaan mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan negara sejak penubuhannya pada 1987.

"Saya akan minta KKDW di bawah Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi supaya beri kerjasama dan badan-badan seperti Felcra, Risda serta Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) mencari jalan bagaimana aspek membantu rakyat termiskin itu tidak bertindih.

"... kerah tenaga dan bantuan supaya dapat tingkatkan khidmat serta usaha untuk tingkatkan prestasi AIM. Saya harap ada mesyuarat dan penyelarasan dengan AIM. Bangunkan AIM bukan sebagai satu badan biasa tetapi satu gergasi supaya terkenal seantero dunia dalam menyelesaikan kemiskinan," katanya.

Anwar berkata demikian semasa berucap pada majlis Kenduri Rakyat AIM bersama Perdana Menteri di Kolej Universiti TATI (TATIUC) di sini hari ini, yang turut dihadiri Pengerusi Lembaga AIM Datuk Seri Dr Syed Hussian Syed Junid.

Anwar berkata rekod AIM dalam membantu orang miskin membolehkan kerajaan meletak kepercayaan dengan menyalurkan peruntukan RM100 juta kepada agensi itu supaya ramai golongan sasar menerima bantuan.

Beliau berkata ini kerana dana itu memerlukan 'pengurusan lebih cermat serta cekap dan setiap sen yang dibelanjakan, perlu dipertanggungjawab' supaya mendatangkan keberhasilan.

Anwar juga berkata pelbagai bantuan lain seperti Tabung Ekonomi Kumpulan Usaha Niaga Nasional (TEKUN) dan Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) turut menunjukkan usaha Kerajaan Perpaduan dalam membasmi kemiskinan tegar namun masih terdapat segelintir golongan yang tidak mengakui perkara itu.

"Semua orang boleh bercakap hendak membantu Melayu tetapi ujiannya adalah semasa kita berkuasa. Bila bercakap dalam kempen, apa yang kita dengar ialah Anwar dan Kerajaan Perpaduan tidak tolong Melayu, Islam. Saya sebutkan ini kerana ia berbeza (daripada apa yang diperkatakan).

"Apa yang kita buat? Contohnya harga (lantai) getah dahulunya RM2.50 sekilogram, tidak pernah naik dan bila kita ambil alih tahun lepas, dinaikkan kepada RM2.70 malah kini naik kepada RM3 sekilogram, begitu juga dengan hutang FELDA," katanya.

Sehubungan itu, Perdana Menteri menekankan kepentingan untuk negara terus berada dalam situasi aman, stabil dan kuat supaya lebih banyak program membantu rakyat boleh dilaksanakan.


Applications for electric motorcycle scheme to begin in December - PM

Applications for electric motorcycle scheme to begin in December - PM


November 29, 2023
PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said this scheme is open to people with an annual income of RM120,000 and below with a rebate of up to RM2,400 to buyers. - Screengrab/Astro AWANI

Applications for electric motorcycle scheme to begin in December - PM

PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said this scheme is open to people with an annual income of RM120,000 and below with a rebate of up to RM2,400 to buyers. - Screengrab/Astro AWANI

KUALA LUMPUR: Applications for the Electric Motorcycle Use Promotion Scheme to encourage the use of electric motorcycles will be opened to Malaysians in December this year.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said this scheme is open to people with an annual income of RM120,000 and below with a rebate of up to RM2,400 to buyers.

In the Budget 2024 presentation, the government introduced the Electric Motorcycle Use Promotion Scheme with a rebate of up to RM2,400 to help users switch to electric motorcycles.

Anwar said that the government welcomes the investment of more than RM170 million by Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB), Gentari Sdn Bhd and Tesla Malaysia to install 180 electric vehicle charging stations.

"In line with the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR), the government is providing an easy financing fund of RM2 billion for the national energy transition plan," he said when presenting the Supply Bill 2024 for the second reading at the upper house of parliament Dewan Negara on Wednesday.

In terms of investment priorities, he said focus will also given to the 'high growth high value' sector while a results-based incentive approach using a 'tiering' system would be implemented.

"To begin with, reinvestment tax incentives in a 'tiering' manner will be given in the form of investment tax allowances of 70 or 100 per cent," he added.

"To facilitate foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic direct investment (DDI) investment until it is approved, the Investment and Trade Coordination Action Committee (JTPPP) has been established and will report directly to the National Investment Council," he added.


COP28: Agong, Raja Permaisuri adakan lawatan khas ke UAE

COP28: Agong, Raja Permaisuri adakan lawatan khas ke UAE


November 29, 2023
Al-Sultan Abdullah dan Tunku Azizah berkenan mengadakan lawatan khas ke UAE mulai hari ini hingga 4 Dis depan. - Gambar IG Istana Negara

COP28: Agong, Raja Permaisuri adakan lawatan khas ke UAE

Al-Sultan Abdullah dan Tunku Azizah berkenan mengadakan lawatan khas ke UAE mulai hari ini hingga 4 Dis depan. - Gambar IG Istana Negara

KUALA LUMPUR: Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah dan Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah berkenan mengadakan lawatan khas ke Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE) mulai hari ini hingga 4 Dis depan.

Kementerian Hal Ehwal Luar (Wisma Putra) dalam kenyataan memaklumkan lawatan itu adalah sempena Persidangan ke-28 Pihak-Pihak Konvensyen Rangka Kerja Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu mengenai Perubahan Iklim (COP28) yang akan berlangsung dari 30 Nov hingga 12 Dis di Dubai.

Baginda berdua akan diiringi oleh paduka anakanda Pemangku Raja Pahang Tengku Mahkota Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah.

Rombongan diraja itu juga terdiri daripada Menteri Pelaburan, Perdagangan dan Industri Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz, Menteri Sumber Asli, Alam Sekitar dan Perubahan Iklim Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, Menteri Besar Pahang Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail serta para pegawai kanan kerajaan.

Semasa lawatan itu, Al-Sultan Abdullah dijadual berangkat ke Sidang Kemuncak Tindakan Iklim Dunia serta Segmen Peringkat Tinggi bagi Ketua-Ketua Negara dan Kerajaan.

Menurut kenyataan itu, Seri Paduka juga berkenan melancarkan Pavilion Malaysia serta berangkat ke upacara pertukaran dokumen membabitkan syarikat Malaysia dan rakan sejawat mereka di luar COP28.

Baginda turut berkenan untuk mengurniakan darjah kebesaran tertinggi negara kepada Presiden UAE Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan dan ahli keluarga pemerintah Abu Dhabi itu.

Al-Sultan Abdullah dan Sheikh Mohamed juga akan menyerikan majlis pertukaran dokumen berkaitan pelaburan sebanyak US$8 bilion oleh Masdar UAE dalam tenaga boleh diperbaharui di Malaysia.

Ini susulan pemeteraian Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) di antara Lembaga Pembangunan Pelaburan Malaysia (MIDA) dan Masdar yang disaksikan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim semasa kunjungan beliau ke UAE pada 5 dan 6 Okt lepas.

UAE adalah rakan dagangan kedua terbesar Malaysia, destinasi eksport dan sumber import di Timur Tengah.

Nilai dagangan Malaysia dengan UAE direkodkan berjumlah RM38.73 bilion (US$8.79 bilion) pada 2022, peningkatan sebanyak 73.5 peratus berbanding RM22.23 bilion (US$5.39 bilion) bagi tahun sebelumnya.


Courier was arrested for indecent acts against children

Courier was arrested for indecent acts against children

November 30, 2023

Polis Daerah Putrajaya telah membuat satu tangkapan ke atas seorang lelaki berusia 32 tahun di pekarangan IPD Putrajaya pada Selasa jam 4.30 petang.

PUTRAJAYA: The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) arrested a man believed to have committed indecent acts against children in three separate incidents.

Putrajaya District Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner Asmadi Abdul Aziz said, in an incident on Monday at 6pm, a 10-year-old girl was reportedly harassed by an unknown man in a residential lift in Precinct 5, near here.

He said that the man who was wearing a helmet had removed his penis and showed it to the victim.

"Four police reports have been made regarding the same incident in the residential area.

"The total number of victims involved in the incident is five people," he said in a statement yesterday.

As a result of the incident, Asmadi said, his party made an arrest on a 32-year-old man at the Putrajaya District Police Headquarters (IPD) on Tuesday at 4.30pm.

He said, the initial investigation found that the suspect works as a courier, is married and has a child.

According to him, the suspect has no past record, but admitted to being involved in all three cases investigated.

He said the urine screening test conducted on the suspect was negative.

He added that the remand application was made on Wednesday and approved for four days until Saturday for further investigation.

"Identification parade by the five victims will be held on Thursday," he said.

Asyraf Wajdi assures that no UMNO MP would defect

Asyraf Wajdi assures that no UMNO MP would defect

November 30, 2023 07:50 MYT

Asyraf Wajdi while speaking at the Civil Unity Mega Talk of the Kemaman PRK in Geliga, last night. - Facebook Ashraf Wajdi Dusuki

Asyraf Wajdi while speaking at the Civil Unity Mega Talk of the Kemaman PRK in Geliga, last night. - Facebook Ashraf Wajdi Dusuki

KEMAMAN: UMNO has given assurances that no member of parliament from the party will defect to support Perikatan Nasional (PN) to form the government.

Its Secretary General, Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said it was impossible because they were bound by an agreement.

"This Kemaman by-election (PRK) is not about changing the government. Three days ago, Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang said that this Kemaman is important for them to start changing the government.

"This is either a delusion or a dream. Every time he speaks, one jumps (supports the Prime Minister). Today, there are 153 members of Parliament who support the Unity Government, PN alone has 69.

"How do you want to form a government? There have to be 112 people. (There are) 69, where else are you going to find? It is said that he is persuading our members of Parliament. I am the Secretary General of UMNO, I assure you that no one will defect. There is none, " he said.

He said this while speaking at the Civil Unity Mega Talk of the Kemaman PRK in Geliga on Wednesday night.

Asyraf Wajdi explained that every member of Parliament already has an agreement that whoever disobeys the party's decision will voluntarily give up membership in UMNO and BN.

"What is the effect? ​​The effect is the Anti-Party Jumping Act. When he leaves the party, he has to vacate the parliamentary seat.

"Secondly, they also signed an agreement, everyone has to pay a bond of RM100 million if they disobey the party's decision," he explained.

Abdul Hadi on November 22, admitted that PN is still trying to attract the support of UMNO leaders who do not support the party's cooperation in the Unity Government to join them.

In fact, he said, the nomination of Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar in the Kemaman Parliament is part of their preparations to take over the administration of the government.

Manchester City's amazing comeback vs RB Leipzig to win 3-2!

Arsenal thrash RC Lens 6-0

Galatasaray comeback to hold Manchester United 3-3 after two Onana blunders


Galatasaray comeback to hold Manchester United 3-3 after two Onana blunders

29 November 2023

Suami isteri warga Indonesia mengaku salah bunuh majikan

Suami isteri warga Indonesia mengaku salah bunuh majikan


November 29, 2023
Hakim Datuk Abu Bakar Katar menetapkan 11 Dis ini sebagai tarikh menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap pasangan suami isteri itu. - Gambar Bernama

Suami isteri warga Indonesia mengaku salah bunuh majikan

Hakim Datuk Abu Bakar Katar menetapkan 11 Dis ini sebagai tarikh menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap pasangan suami isteri itu. - Gambar Bernama

JOHOR BAHRU: Sepasang suami isteri warga Indonesia mengaku bersalah di Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini atas pertuduhan membunuh majikan mereka di Kulai, tiga tahun lepas.

Bartolomeus Fransceda, seorang tukang kebun dan Ekalia, pembantu rumah, masing-masing berusia 20 tahun ketika itu, mengaku bersama-sama membunuh wanita warga emas, Lau Yen Na di sebuah rumah di Jalan Anak Bukit, Palm Resort Senai, Kulai, pada 2 petang, 17 Mac 2020.

Mereka dituduh mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa hukuman gantung sampai mati atau jika tidak dihukum dengan hukuman gantung hendaklah dihukum penjara tidak kurang 30 tahun tetapi tidak lebih 40 tahun dan hendaklah disebat tidak kurang daripada 12 sebatan, jika sabit kesalahan.

Mengikut fakta kes, berdasarkan siasatan dan analisis rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) di tempat kejadian, kedua-dua mereka didapati membunuh Lau, 73 tahun ketika itu, menggunakan sebatang cangkul kecil dua mata tajam berukuran 50 sentimeter.

Rakaman CCTV menunjukkan mereka memukul bahagian kepala warga emas itu dengan cangkul berkenaan ketika mangsa sedang berehat sebelum melarikan sebuah kenderaan jenis Toyota Alphard dan telefon bimbit milik mangsa.

Pasangan suami isteri itu telah ke Kuala Lumpur untuk bertemu dengan rakan mereka untuk mencari kerja baharu sebelum kedua-duanya ditangkap di sebuah restoran di Petaling Jaya, Selangor pada 21 Mac 2020.

Hasil analisis patologi mendapati punca kematian mangsa adalah akibat beberapa luka tetakan di kepala manakala analisis ujian asid deoksiribonukleik (DNA) mendapati DNA mangsa ada pada senjata itu selain DNA tertuduh wanita turut dikesan pada sarung bantal.

Terdahulu, peguam Ooi Pen Lyn yang mewakili kedua-dua tertuduh, memohon mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 30 tahun kepada anak-anak guamnya memandangkan mereka sebenarnya menjadi mangsa pemerdagangan manusia setelah ditipu ejen pekerja tidak berdaftar.

"Kedua-dua tertuduh memaklumkan mereka bukan sahaja diseksa secara mental dan fizikal oleh warga emas itu, malah diperhambakan dengan tidak diberi makan dan diarahkan tinggal di pondok di luar kediaman mangsa," kata peguam.

Bagaimanapun, Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Muhammad Syafiq Mohd Ghazali berkata alasan diseksa dan diperhambakan bukanlah tiket untuk kedua-dua tertuduh meletakkan undang-undang di tangan sendiri apatah lagi membunuh seorang warga emas dengan kejam.

"Walaupun hukuman Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan telah dipinda dengan meletakkan hukuman penjara, namun adalah menjadi hak mahkamah untuk menjatuhkan hukuman gantung sampai mati berdasarkan situasi," kata Muhammad Syafiq.

Hakim Datuk Abu Bakar Katar menetapkan 11 Dis ini sebagai tarikh menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap pasangan suami isteri itu.


‘Macai’ and ‘celaka’ - Dewan Rakyat heats up over derogatory words


Terengganu hold Australia's Central Coast Mariners 1 - 1 away | AFC Cup


Three friends charged with gang armed robbery involving jewellery worth RM1.4 million

Three friends charged with gang armed robbery involving jewellery worth RM1.4 million


November 29, 2023
R. Gunasellan, 52, A.F. Adrian Raj Dominic, 29, and R. Anandan, 35, pleaded not guilty to the charge before Judge Rohaida Ishak.

Three friends charged with gang armed robbery involving jewellery worth RM1.4 million

R. Gunasellan, 52, A.F. Adrian Raj Dominic, 29, and R. Anandan, 35, pleaded not guilty to the charge before Judge Rohaida Ishak.

KUALA KANGSAR: Three friends were charged in the Sessions Court here today with armed robbery, involving jewellery worth RM1.4 million.

They are R. Gunasellan, 52, A.F. Adrian Raj Dominic, 29, and R. Anandan, 35, and all of them pleaded not guilty to the charge before Judge Rohaida Ishak.

The three men, along with six others still at large, are charged with gang-robbing Chong Yong Seng and Tan Kang Chiat, both 26, when armed with a machete of jewellery worth RM1.4 million at the Jalan Dato Maharajalela parking area here, at about 9.40 am last Nov 6.

They are charged under Sections 395 and 397 of the Penal Code and face imprisonment for up to 20 years and whipping, upon conviction.

Judge Rohaida allowed them bail of RM20,000 with two sureties each, where one of the surety should be a family member. They are also required to report themselves at a police station once a month pending disposal of the case.

The judge also set Dec. 29 for mention of the case.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Muhammad Firdaus Nor Azlan prosecuted, while the three accused were represented by lawyer Tulasi Ayaoo.

Meanwhile, Gunasellan and Anandan were each fined RM2,500, in default six months in jail, and placed under police probation for two years by the same court after pleading guilty to self-administration of drugs.

Gunasellan was charged with self-administration of morphine at the Narcotics Office of the Kuala Kangsar District Police Headquarters (IPD) at about 3 pm last Nov 7.

As for Anandan, he was charged with self-administration of the 11-nor-delta type -9-tetrahydrocannabinol drug at the same place and date at about 3.20 pm.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Muhammad Fahmi Kamaluddin prosecuted in the case.


Yasin acquitted, discharged of drug related charges

Yasin acquitted, discharged of drug related charges


November 29, 2023
Judge Faiz Dziyauddin ordered Muhammad Yasin Sulaiman to be placed at Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta, Perak, at the pleasure of the Sultan of Selangor. - Astro AWANI

Yasin acquitted, discharged of drug related charges

Judge Faiz Dziyauddin ordered Muhammad Yasin Sulaiman to be placed at Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta, Perak, at the pleasure of the Sultan of Selangor. - Astro AWANI

PETALING JAYA: The Sessions Court here today acquitted and discharged nasyid singer and composer Muhammad Yasin Sulaiman on three drug charges.

However, Judge Faiz Dziyauddin ordered Muhammad Yasin, 48, to be placed at Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta, Perak, at the pleasure of the Sultan of Selangor.

When handing out the decision, Faiz said that after examining the testimony of the prosecution and defense witnesses, the court found that the accused had committed the acts as stated in the three charges.

"However, the court decided that the accused be acquitted and discharged of all the charges on the grounds that during the incident, as alleged on March 24, 2022, the accused was in an unsound mental state even though he was aware of his actions.

"Nevertheless, the symptoms of 'mania' (unstable emotions) experienced by the accused at that time caused cognitive impairment to such a severe level that the accused was unable to know that the act was wrong and against the law.

"Thus, in accordance with Section 348 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code, the court hereby rules that the accused be placed under safe custody at Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta, Perak, at the pleasure of the Sultan of Selangor as provided under Section 348(2) of the law," he said.

Soon after the judge handed out the decision, Muhammad Yasin who was clad in a black t-shirt, was seen hugging his family members.

The Mimpi Laila singer was charged with self-administration of the drug "11-nor-delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol-9- carboxylic acid" at the Narcotics Office of the Petaling Jaya District Headquarters at 11.05 pm on March 24 last year.

The charge framed under Section 15(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 and punishable under Section 15(1) of the same Act, carries a fine not exceeding RM5,000 or a maximum jail term of two years if convicted.

He was also charged with possessing cannabis-type drugs weighing 193.7g and cultivating 17 cannabis plants in plastic pots at his residence at Persiaran Surian Damansara Indah Resort Homes, PJU 3, Kota Damansara here at 5.30 pm on the same date.

The charge, framed under Section 6 of the Dangerous Drugs Act and punishable under Section 39A(2) of the same Act, carries a penalty of life imprisonment or not less than five years and shall also be liable to whipping of not less than 10 strokes, as well as Section 6B(1)(a) of the same law which is punishable under Section 6B(3), which carries a penalty of life imprisonment and whipping of not less than six strokes if convicted.

The prosecution was conducted by deputy public prosecutors Ahmad Zuhaini Mahamad Amin and Raja Zaizul Faridah Raja Zaharudin, while lawyer Ariff Azami Hussein represented Muhammad Yasin.

On Sept 15, the prosecution closed its case after calling seven witnesses in the trial that started on Aug 28 while the defence called one witness.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Yasin, when met after the court proceedings, said he was grateful for the court's decision in acquitting and discharging him of the charges.

"After 20 months of going up and down the court, Alhamdulillah, today it ended well. Now I have to go back to Tanjung Rambutan (Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta, Perak) and will be there at the pleasure of the Sultan of Selangor to complete my bipolar treatment.

"After that, I will apply to be allowed to return to my hometown," said the singer.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Yasin's brother, Zain Sulaiman, 51, said he would continue to support his younger brother throughout the latter's stay at the hospital.

"Distance is not a problem, the important thing is that he gets treatment. We are not worried because we know he is looked after well and given specialist treatment there," said Zain, who also attended today's court proceedings with several close family members.


US military aircraft crashes in sea off Japan killing at least one

US military aircraft crashes in sea off Japan killing at least one


November 29, 2023
A wreck believed to belong to the US military aircraft MV-22 Osprey that crashed into the sea off Yakushima Island, Kagoshima prefecture, western Japan November 29, 2023. - Japan Coast Guard/via REUTERS

US military aircraft crashes in sea off Japan killing at least one

A wreck believed to belong to the US military aircraft MV-22 Osprey that crashed into the sea off Yakushima Island, Kagoshima prefecture, western Japan November 29, 2023. - Japan Coast Guard/via REUTERS

TOKYO: A U.S. military aircraft carrying six people crashed into the sea in western Japan on Wednesday, killing at least one crew member with the condition of at least two hauled from waters unclear.

Japan's coast guard said it found what appeared to be wreckage from the tilt-rotor V-22 Osprey and one person who was later confirmed to have died some 3 km (2 miles) from Yakushima island.

Fishing boats in the area found three people in the surrounding waters, a representative of a local fisheries cooperative said, adding their condition was unknown.

Another Osprey landed safely at the island's airport on Wednesday afternoon around the time of the crash, a spokesperson for the local government said.

U.S. forces in the region were still gathering information, a spokesperson said.

The United States has about 54,000 U.S. troops in Japan, many in the strategically important southern island chain, amid growing Chinese military assertiveness in the South China Sea.

The crash happened just before 3 p.m. (0600 GMT) with witnesses saying the aircraft's left engine appeared to be on fire as it approached an airport for an emergency landing, despite clear weather and light wind, media reported.

The coast guard corrected the number of people on board the plane to six from an initially announced eight.

Yakushima is in Japan's Kagoshima prefecture, some 1,040 km (650 miles) southwest of the capital Tokyo and known for its World Heritage-accredited wildlife and forests.

Japan, which also operates Osprey aircraft, said on Wednesday it had no plans to ground the aircraft but had asked the U.S. military to investigate the crash.

Developed jointly by Boeing BA.N and Bell Helicopter, the Osprey can fly both like a helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft and is operated by the U.S. Marines, U.S. Navy and the Japan Self-Defense Forces.

The deployment of the Osprey in Japan has been controversial, with critics saying it is prone to accidents. The U.S. military and Japan say it is safe.

In August, a U.S. Osprey crashed off the coast of northern Australia while transporting troops during a routine military exercise, killing three U.S. Marines.

Another crash-landed in the ocean off Japan's southern island of Okinawa in December 2016, prompting a temporary U.S. military grounding of the aircraft.

Penurunan duti hiburan bukan untuk galak maksiat - Anwar

Penurunan duti hiburan bukan untuk galak maksiat - Anwar

November 29, 2023
Pengurangan duti hiburan itu antaranya merangkumi lima peratus bagi taman tema, pusat rekreasi keluarga, pusat permainan indoor dan simulator. - Gambar hiasan

Penurunan duti hiburan bukan untuk galak maksiat - Anwar

Pengurangan duti hiburan itu antaranya merangkumi lima peratus bagi taman tema, pusat rekreasi keluarga, pusat permainan indoor dan simulator. - Gambar hiasan

KUALA LUMPUR: Penurunan kadar duti hiburan bagi Wilayah Persekutuan daripada 25 peratus kepada kadar baharu bukan bertujuan menggalakkan maksiat, kata Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Perdana Menteri menegaskan, kerajaan masih meletakkan syarat-syarat ketat yang mesti dipatuhi bagi penganjuran sebarang aktiviti hiburan.

"Ini saya nak beritahu bukan lah maksudnya bukan untuk mengalakkan maksiat (penurunan duti hiburan).

"Hiburan untuk anak-anak muda dengan syarat-syarat yang terkawal itu... kita kurangkan kadar duti hiburan walaupun kita dikritik (kerana) keputusan ini (dituduh) sebagai galakan yang tidak baik.

"(Tetapi) syarat-syarat masih diketatkan dan mesti dipatuhi," kata Perdana Menteri ketika membentangkan Rang Undang-undang Perbekalan 2024 bagi bacaan kali kedua di Dewan Negara hari ini.

Anwar yang juga Menteri Kewangan menambah kerajaan turut memperuntukkan RM160 juta untuk melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif untuk manfaat penggiat seni dalam Belanjawan 2024.

Ketika membentangkan Belajawan 2024 pada 13 Oktober lalu, Perdana Menteri memaklumkan pengurangan duti hiburan itu antaranya merangkumi lima peratus bagi taman tema, pusat rekreasi keluarga, pusat permainan indoor dan simulator.

Selain itu, pengurangan kepada 10 peratus duti hiburan bagi persembahan pentas oleh artis antarabangsa dan acara hiburan lain seperti tayangan filem serta acara sukan dan permainan.

Nine cases of monkeypox reported in Malaysia

Nine cases of monkeypox reported in Malaysia


November 29, 2023
Nine cases of monkeypox infection (mpox) involving a foreign national and eight locals were reported in the country between July and November this year. - BERNAMA

Nine cases of monkeypox reported in Malaysia

Nine cases of monkeypox infection (mpox) involving a foreign national and eight locals were reported in the country between July and November this year. - BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: Nine cases of monkeypox infection (mpox) involving a foreign national and eight locals were reported in the country between July and November this year.

Deputy Health Minister Datuk Lukanisman Awang Sauni said the first two cases were recorded in Kuala Lumpur in July, the third and fourth cases in Selangor last month, the fifth case in Sarawak last Nov 5, while the remaining four latest cases were also reported in the federal capital.

"The ministry is intensifying measures to control and prevent mpox infection including conducting monitoring at the country's international entry points in collaboration with the Malaysian Immigration Department for early detection of travellers with symptoms.

"For the admission of foreign students to higher education institutions, especially from countries that have reported cases of mpox or endemic mpox, they are required to monitor themselves for any symptoms for 21 days and to seek treatment if they have the symptoms," he said.

He said this during the question and answer session at the Dewan Rakyat today in response to a question from Sabri Azit (PN-Jerai) regarding preventive measures taken by the ministry to ensure that the mpox infection that has been reported to exist in Malaysia is not contagious like the COVID-19 virus.

Referring to the Malaysia Mpox Management Guidelines 2023, Lukanisman said those infected with the virus and close contacts are required to go through a period of isolation in their homes or appropriate locations until they are confirmed free of infection.

"For monitoring purposes, we have 11 sentinel clinics consisting of seven government and four private facilities, while for early detection of infection, we have a virus detection test service through 12 laboratories including four private facilities," he added.

Meanwhile, Lukanisman told Parliament that the release of Aedes mosquitoes with Wolbachia bacteria was proven to be able to control and overcome the increase in dengue outbreaks.

He said the initiative was first implemented in 2019 which saw 19 mosquito-release localities recording a 100 per cent decrease in dengue cases.

"Until now, there are 31 mosquito-release locations throughout the country with plans to add 10 new locations every year," he added.

He was responding to a question by Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kasim (PN-Arau) about drastic measures by the ministry to curb the increasing number of dengue cases.

Lukanisman said Aedes mosquitoes with Wolbachia bacteria are not dangerous to humans, instead, they eliminate the dengue virus when they mate with normal Aedes mosquitoes.

Although it is an effective method, he said, the ministry could not implement it on a large scale as it is costly, with the average price of an Aedes mosquito carrying Wolbachia ranging from 30 to 45 cents each.

He said based on the data of the 47th epidemiological week (ME47) for the period from Nov 19 to 25, the cumulative number of dengue cases was 108,429 compared to 56,304 cases for the same period in 2022, which is an increase of 52,125 cases or 92.6 per cent.


Pendaftaran, tuntutan kredit eMADANI RM100 bermula Isnin ini - PM Anwar

Pendaftaran, tuntutan kredit eMADANI RM100 bermula Isnin ini - PM Anwar


November 29, 2023
Anwar Ibrahim ketika Persidangan Dewan Negara di Bangunan Parlimen hari ini. -fotoBERNAMA

Pendaftaran, tuntutan kredit eMADANI RM100 bermula Isnin ini - PM Anwar

Anwar Ibrahim ketika Persidangan Dewan Negara di Bangunan Parlimen hari ini. -fotoBERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: Pendaftaran dan tuntutan kredit eMADANI, iaitu tawaran e-kredit tunai RM100 secara sekali bayar akan dibuka mulai Isnin ini hingga 20 Feb depan, kata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Beliau yang juga Menteri Kewangan berkata ia akan memanfaatkan 10 juta rakyat dewasa yang layak melibatkan peruntukan RM1 bilion.

Perdana Menteri berkata demikian ketika membentangkan Rang Undang-undang Perbekalan 2024 bagi bacaan kali kedua di Dewan Negara hari ini.

Bantuan bagi rakyat berpendapatan tahunan RM100,000 ke bawah yang melibatkan golongan dewasa berusia 21 tahun ke atas dalam kalangan B40 serta M40 diumum Anwar semasa melancarkan kerangka Ekonomi MADANI: Memperkasa Rakyat, 27 Julai lepas.


Malaysia's JDT Thrashed by Japan's Kawasaki Frontale 5 - 0 in AFC Champions League


9 dikhuatiri terperangkap selepas bangunan dalam pembinaan runtuh
November 28, 2023 

Sembilan individu dikhuatiri terperangkap selepas bangunan yang dalam pembinaan runtuh di Tapak Pembinaan Bangunan DHL, berhampiran LKIM di Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang malam ini. - Foto JBPM

BAYAN LEPAS: Sembilan individu dikhuatiri terperangkap selepas bangunan yang dalam pembinaan runtuh di Tapak Pembinaan Bangunan DHL, berhampiran LKIM di Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang malam ini.

Jurucakap Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Pulau Pinang memaklumkan pihaknya menerima panggilan kecemasan kira-kira jam 9.58 malam tadi dan kerja- kerja penyelamatan sedang dijalankan ketika ini.

Jentera bomba dari Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat (BBP) Bayan Baru, BBP Seri Balik Pulau dan BBP Jalan Perak (Bantuan) bergegas ke lokasi kejadian dan mendapati terdapat runtuhan bangunan yang sedang dalam pembinaan.

Sembilan individu dikhuatiri terperangkap. - Foto JBPM

"Maklumat awal terdapat sembilan orang mangsa terperangkap dan kerja-kerja penyelamatan sedang dilakukan.

"Maklumat akan dikemaskini dari semasa ke semasa," kata kenyataan tersebut.

Saved after 17 days underground: Moment Indian workers are rescued from collapsed tunnel

All 41 victims of the tunnel collapse in India were rescued

Astro Awani

November 29, 2023 09:30 MYT

All 41 victims of the tunnel collapse in India were rescued

Among the workers who were rescued from a collapsed tunnel in India. - AP photo

UTTARAKHAND: All 41 victims of the tunnel collapse in India were rescued after 17 days trapped in the rubble.

According to the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Pushkar Singh Dhami, all the victims are in good condition, however they need to receive treatment and monitoring from the hospital.

The difficult search and rescue mission took 17 days to drill the tunnel's collapsed site.

In addition, none of the victims suffered serious injuries, and some of them were still able to crawl out of the tunnel when the rescue mission was carried out.

In the meantime, all the victims were also given compensation worth 100,000 rupees by the Indian government.

It is understood that they have been trapped since November 12 when part of a tunnel in Uttarakhand in northern India collapsed blocking the only exit.

The rescue mission also had to be stopped several times due to weather conditions and the topography of the area at risk.

The tunnel is part of the Char Dham Expressway, the brainchild of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

It is the most controversial project to upgrade the estimated cost of millions of dollars in what will become the country's most important transportation network.

Australia begins crackdown on vaping, to ban import of single-use devices

Australia begins crackdown on vaping, to ban import of single-use devices


November 28, 2023
Vape pens stand in a display cabinet at a vape store, in Melbourne, Australia. - REUTERS

Australia begins crackdown on vaping, to ban import of single-use devices

Vape pens stand in a display cabinet at a vape store, in Melbourne, Australia. - REUTERS

SYDNEY: Australia will ban imports of disposable vapes in January, the Health Minister said on Tuesday, the first step in a crackdown aimed at curbing the growing popularity of these nicotine-filled devices with young people.

The ban will be expanded in March to include all non-therapeutic vapes, including refillable devices, while importers of vapes for medical purposes will need permit from the Office of Drug control, Health Minister Mark Butler said in a statement.

The legislative package will also include a total A$75 million in extra funding for the Australian Border Force and the Therapeutic Goods Administration to enforce the new rules.

Additional legislation next year will apply the same prohibitions to domestic manufacturers.

"These are the vapes that have pink unicorns on them, bubblegum flavouring, disguised in order for them to hide them in their pencil cases," Butler told a news conference.

"This is not a therapeutic good to help hardened smokers kick the habit. This is a good that is deliberately targeted at kids to recruit them to nicotine addiction."

Despite one of the lowest rates of smoking in the OECD, a group of mostly rich countries, vaping in Australia is growing rapidly, especially among the young. Around one-in-five people aged 18 to 24 vape, according to government data.

First flagged in August, the reforms aim to curb the device's popularity in response to research showing the potential for long-term harm.

To ensure the bans don't limit access for smokers looking to quit, doctors and nurses will be given expanded powers in January to prescribe therapeutic vapes where clinically appropriate.

But therapeutic vapes will be restricted from using flavours, have limited nicotine levels and be sold in pharmaceutical packaging under new rules to be introduced next year, with a transition period for manufacturers to comply.

Wan Junaidi among five new appointments to special committee on corruption

Wan Junaidi among five new appointments to special committee on corruption


November 28, 2023
Dewan Negara Speaker Tan Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said his focus was on updating the legal infrastructure and improving transparency and accountability within the MACC structure. - File Pic

Wan Junaidi among five new appointments to special committee on corruption

Dewan Negara Speaker Tan Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said his focus was on updating the legal infrastructure and improving transparency and accountability within the MACC structure. - File Pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Five new members have been appointed to the Special Committee on Corruption (JKMR) for a period of three years from Oct 9, 2023 to Oct 8, 2026.

They are Dewan Negara Speaker Tan Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, Datuk Mohd Shahar Abdullah (BN-Paya Besar), Mohd Shafizan Kepli (GPS-Batang Lupar), Lo Su Fui (GRS-Tawau), and Young Sefura Othman (PH-Bentong).

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim presented the letters of appointment in a brief ceremony at the Parliament Building here today.

Also present was Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Datuk Seri Azam Baki.

In a statement today, the office of Dewan Negara Speaker said the members were appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to advise the Prime Minister on any aspect of the problem of corruption in Malaysia and to examine the annual report of the MACC.

"This special committee also has the role to examine the comments of the Anti-Corruption Advisory Board and seek clarification and explanation on the Commission's annual report, it said.

The JKMR comprise seven members from the Dewan Negara and the Dewan Rakyat, representing both the ruling and opposition parties.

Another two members still within their period of appointment are Bersatu Senator Nasir Hashim and Hassan Abdul Karim (PH-Pasir Gudang).

MACC, in a statement, hoped the appointment of the JKMR members would help fulfil the community's expectations of the Commission's independence, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability in the performance of its duties.

Speaking to reporters after the ceremony, Wan Junaidi said his focus was on updating the legal infrastructure and improving transparency and accountability within the MACC structure.

He said the matter should be handled with attention due to his previous experience as a minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Parliament and Law).

"I have found many things called legal infrastructure that have not been implemented to improve the legal situation in our country, for example, related to political funding, which the government has not yet implemented," he said.


Lebanese jeweller fails in bid for summary judgment against Rosmah over missing jewellery worth RM67.4million

 Lebanese jeweller fails in bid for summary judgment against Rosmah over missing jewellery


November 28, 2023 Lebanese jeweller fails in bid for summary judgment against Rosmah over missing jewellery

The High Court dismissed Lebanon-based jeweller Global Royalty Trading SAL's bid to enter into summary judgment against Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in a lawsuit filed by the company to recover 43 pieces of jewellery worth RM67.4 mln. - BERNAMA/Filepic

Lebanese jeweller fails in bid for summary judgment against Rosmah over missing jewellery

The High Court dismissed Lebanon-based jeweller Global Royalty Trading SAL's bid to enter into summary judgment against Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in a lawsuit filed by the company to recover 43 pieces of jewellery worth RM67.4 mln. - BERNAMA/Filepic

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here today dismissed Lebanon-based jeweller Global Royalty Trading SAL's bid to enter into summary judgment against Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in a lawsuit filed by the company to recover 43 pieces of jewellery worth RM67.4 million.

Lawyer Rajivan Nambiar, representing Rosmah as the defendant, said Judge Ong Chee Kwan dismissed Global Royalty's application with costs of RM7,500.

"The court held that this is not a fit and proper case to enter into a summary judgment as there are issues which need to be ventilated at trial," he said when contacted after the proceedings, which were conducted online.

A summary judgment is where a court decides a case without a trial if the factual or legal position is not in dispute.

Rajivan said the court also allowed the application by the wife of former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for security for costs against Global Royalty with costs of RM5,000.

"Security for costs was fixed at RM75,000 with liberty to apply to vary the amount before trial once parties exchange documents or in the event experts are going to be called.

"Costs of RM75,000 are to be paid by Global Royalty into court within one month from today," said Rajivan, who is assisted by lawyer Mohd Reza Rahim.

Rajivan also said that Rosmah's application for third-party proceedings against the police and the government of Malaysia was fixed for case management on Dec 14.

Meanwhile, Datuk David Gurupatham, who is acting for Global Royalty as the plaintiff, confirmed this when contacted.

On March 29, 2023, Global Royalty filed the suit against Rosmah and claimed that she had lied by saying that 44 pieces of jewellery, including diamond necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets and tiaras, sent to her by the company's agent were seized by the Malaysian authorities for offences under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001.

According to the Beirut-based company, this was because only one of the 44 pieces of jewellery was kept by the police and the remaining 43 pieces were not in the custody of the authorities.

Global Royalty also claimed that Rosmah had shifted the burden to the Malaysian government when in fact, the jewellery had gone missing.

The company first sued Rosmah on June 26, 2018, demanding that she return the 44 pieces of jewellery that had been sent to her for selection or pay the full price of all the jewellery, amounting to US$14.79 million.

That lawsuit, however, was withdrawn in 2019.


The president of the MNCF Datuk Abu Samah passed away at the Malacca Crown Hospital, around 7 last night.

November 28, 2023

The president of the National Cycling Federation of Malaysia (PKBM) Datuk Abu Samah Abd Wahab died at the Malacca Crown Hospital, around 7 last night. - BERNAMA

The news of the deceased's death was confirmed by his second son, Norazman who is also the Vice President of PKBM when contacted by reporters.

He said the deceased breathed his last at the age of 82 after a year of stage four prostate cancer.

"His health has been deteriorating for the past two weeks before being admitted to the hospital last Sunday because he had no appetite," he said.

The deceased is survived by his wife, Datin Halimah Ali, 82, seven children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The remains will be buried at the Kampung Semabok Islamic Cemetery around 12 noon tomorrow.

Abu Samah has held the position of PKBM President since 1990 and made new history in the sporting arena of his country when he received the ASEAN Cycling Federation (ACF) Merit Award last May, thus being the first sports figure in this country to receive the Merit Award from the world's governing body - International Cycling Union (UCI), continental - Asian Cycling Confederation (ACC) and regional region - ACF.


'Hrithik Roshan Stars On Fire Kuala Lumpur' Bollywood Concert Postponed!

Apart from Hrithik, the concert will line up other great artists like Malaika Aurora, Kanika Kapoor, Sanya Malhotra, Vaani Kapoor and Prabhu Deva. — Facebook/Yessbossgroup

The Bollywood Concert , 'Hrithik Roshan Stars On Fire Kuala Lumpur' which was supposed to be held at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium, this Friday has been officially postponed.

The event caught the attention of football fans ahead of a week of the 2023 Malaysia Cup final involving Johor Darul Takzim (JDT) and Terengganu FC scheduled for 8 December.

The Coldplay concert held last week raised the questions about the condition and quality of the new Zeon Zoysia type of grass that was planted.

Screenshot of the transmission. — Facebook/Yessbossgroup

Yessboss Groups via their social media as the organizer of the event announced the postponement of the concert which also lined up other great artists such as Malaika Aurora, Kanika Kapoor, Sanya Malhotra, Vaani Kapoor, Prabhu Deva, Aastha Gill, Maarshi and Bharti.

"We regret to inform you that the highly anticipated event, 'Hrithik Roshan Stars On Fire Kuala Lumpur' scheduled for 1 December 2023, has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances.

"This decision was taken with mutual agreement and consideration among the organizers, namely Yessboss Groups, Dembi Productions, and Heart Art Production Pvt Ltd.

"We will announce the setting of a new date with the artists involved," they informed.

In the meantime, Yessboss Groups also apologized for the inconvenience and will return the ticket purchase money to the audience.

"We understand the inconvenience and sincerely apologize for any disruption to your plans.

"Following the postponement of this event, we have restructured the refund process in collaboration with our ticket agents.

"If you have any questions or concerns regarding the refund process, please contact our ticket agent customer support team at or by phone at +6011-2186-8055/ +6011-2146-6055," he added

28 November 2023

Remaja lelaki acu pisau cuba samun pemandu e-hailing, ditahan polis dan direman

Remaja lelaki acu pisau cuba samun pemandu e-hailing


November 28, 2023
Pemandu e-hailing selamat setelah cuba menggigit tangan penumpang remaja itu, menyebabkan suspek bertindak melarikan diri. - Foto polis

Remaja lelaki acu pisau cuba samun pemandu e-hailing

Pemandu e-hailing selamat setelah cuba menggigit tangan penumpang remaja itu, menyebabkan suspek bertindak melarikan diri. - Foto polis

SUNGAI PETANI: Seorang pemandu e-hailing warga emas berdepan saat cemas diacu sebilah pisau oleh seorang remaja lelaki dalam kejadian di Taman Keladi, di sini, semalam.

Pemandu berusia 65 tahun itu bagaimanapun terselamat setelah cuba menggigit tangan remaja berusia 13 tahun tersebut, menyebabkan suspek bertindak melarikan diri.

Ketua Polis Daerah Kuala Muda ACP Zaidy Che Hassan berkata, kejadian lebih kurang jam 5.43 petang itu dipercayai bermula setelah pemandu berkenaan menerima pesanan mengambil penumpang di Taman Keladi untuk dihantar ke Bandar Sri Astana.

Menurutnya, semasa dalam perjalanan ke Bandar Sri Astana, penumpang tersebut meminta untuk meminjam wang sebanyak RM50 bagi membayar sewa rumah.

"Pemandu itu memberitahu, sekiranya tidak mempunyai wang, suspek terpaksa diturunkan di lokasi yang dijanjikan.

"Namun, suspek enggan dan minta pemandu itu membawanya ke rumah di Bandar Sri Astana untuk mengambil wang bagi membayar perkhidmatan Grab.

"Bagaimanapun, apabila sampai di Bandar Sri Astana, dia telah minta untuk membawanya semula ke Taman Keladi.

"Terdahulu, warga emas itu telah menerima bayaran sebanyak RM18, sebelum remaja itu melengah-lengahkan sehingga meminta melalui ke beberapa lorong kecil," katanya ketika dihubungi Astro AWANI.

Remaja itu direman sehari dan kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 393 Kanun Keseksaan kerana cubaan merompak.

Remaja itu direman sehari dan kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 393 Kanun Keseksaan kerana cubaan merompak.

Disebabkan laluan tambahan, remaja itu kemudian diminta menambah bayaran sebanyak RM9 ketika sampai ke destinasi.

"Penumpang tersebut memberikan wang RM20 namun semasa pemandu mahu memulangkan bakinya, dia mengacukan sebilah pisau ke dada warga emas tersebut dan mahu merampas wang dari poketnya.

"Tindakan pantas warga emas tersebut berjaya merampas pisau serta menggigit tangan remaja itu untuk mempertahankan diri menyebabkan suspek kemudian melarikan diri,"katanya.

Jelasnya, dalam kejadian itu, pemandu warga emas tersebut tidak mengalami sebarang kecederaan.

Difahamkan, remaja terbabit merupakan anak sulung dari empat beradik dan bukan dari keluarga yang berpecah.

"Punca suspek bertindak sedemikian adalah kerana berasa marah dengan pengadu disebabkan dia dimaki, dan dia cuba mengambil semula wang bayaran tambang.

"Terdapat rakaman melalui 'dashcam' yang dipasang dalam kenderaan e-hailing berkenaan," katanya.

Menurut Zaidy, laporan polis dibuat sekitar jam 8 malam dan remaja berkenaan ditahan dua jam kemudian.

Katanya, polis turut merampas sebilah pisau berhulu hitam panjang lebih kurang 25 sentimeter yang dipercayai digunakan remaja itu ketika kejadian.

Remaja itu direman sehari dan kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 393 Kanun Keseksaan kerana cubaan merompak.

Agong, Putera Albert II lawat pusat konservasi Harimau Malaya, gajah

Agong, Putera Albert II lawat pusat konservasi Harimau Malaya, gajah


November 28, 2023
Al-Sultan Abdullah dan Putera Albert II melawat Pusat Konservasi Gajah Kuala Gandah (PKGKG) di Temerloh. - Gambar/ Bernama

Agong, Putera Albert II lawat pusat konservasi Harimau Malaya, gajah

Al-Sultan Abdullah dan Putera Albert II melawat Pusat Konservasi Gajah Kuala Gandah (PKGKG) di Temerloh. - Gambar/ Bernama

TEMERLOH: Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah dan Putera Monaco Putera Albert II berkenan melawat dua pusat konservasi haiwan yang terletak di Lanchang di sini hari ini.

Turut berangkat Tengku Mahkota Pahang Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah dan ketibaan tetamu kenamaan diraja itu disambut Menteri Besar Pahang Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail.

Turut hadir, Menteri Sumber Manusia V. Sivakumar dan Timbalan Menteri Sumber Asli, Alam Sekitar dan Perubahan Iklim Datuk Seri Huang Tiong Sii dan Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara (Perhilitan) Datuk Abdul Kadir Abu Hashim.

Al-Sultan Abdullah dan Putera Albert II terdahulu melawat Pusat Konservasi Harimau Malaya (MTCC) yang mula beroperasi sejak Februari 2022 yang kini menempatkan lima ekor Harimau Malaya termasuk dua yang diselamatkan daripada konflik harimau-manusia.

Harimau Malaya itu ialah Atan, berusia empat tahun yang ditangkap di Kerteh, Terengganu dan Bihai yang berumur empat tahun setengah yang ditemukan di Gua Musang, Kelantan.

MTCC yang beroperasi di kawasan seluas 80 hektar itu juga menjadi 'lokasi perlindungan' kepada tiga lagi Harimau Malaya yang diterima daripada tiga zoo di Malaysia.

Usai lawatan di MTCC, Seri Paduka dan Putera Albert II seterusnya menuju ke Pusat Konservasi Gajah Kuala Gandah (PKGKG) yang terletak kira-kira lapan kilometer, dengan lawatan bermula di Galeri Warisan Rizab Hidupan Liar Tengku Hassanal di situ.

Sementara itu, Putera Albert II ketika menandatangani Buku Pelawat PKGKG selepas lawatan itu menzahirkan penghargaan atas usaha yang dilakukan MTCC dan PKGKG, sambil menambah bahawa langkah itu 'sangat penting'

"Ribuan terima kasih atas kerja-kerja berharga dalam usaha perlindungan biodiversiti yang diterajui oleh MTCC dan PKGKG. Gajah dan Harimau Malaya patut diberi perhatian penuh untuk memastikan spesies ini tidak pupus," coret baginda dalam buku tersebut.

PKGKG menempatkan 25 ekor gajah dan gajah yang membuat penampilan di hadapan tetamu Diraja ialah anak gajah betina berusia enam tahun bernama Elly yang 'sinonim' dengan PKGKG kerana menggunakan kaki palsu pada kaki kanan hadapannya, akibat terkena jerat dawai pemburu haram di Jeli, Kelantan.

Turut dipersembahkan ialah pertunjukan berinformatif oleh tujuh ekor gajah iaitu Kasturi, Pian, Abot, Alam, Rambai, Timor dan Lasah yang masing-masing 'ditemani' dua penjaga termasuk gembala mereka.

Seterusnya, Al-Sutan Abdullah dan Putera Albert II juga berkenan memberi makan serta menyaksikan gajah bermain air di anak sungai yang terdapat di pusat konservasi itu.


"Bukit Gantang Ada Masalah Integriti & Lobi Untuk Sambung Projek RM30 Juta" - Pendang

'I didn't say you have to support or lick PM for allocation' - Anwar hits back at Takiyuddin

Saya tak letak syarat ketat beri peruntukan kepada pembangkang - PM

Penganjur konsert Loy Krathong Semalam di Kelantan gagal patuhi peraturan dan akan didenda???

Penganjur konsert di Kelantan gagal patuhi peraturan akan didenda


November 28, 2023
Konsert berkenaan tidak melanggar Enakmen Kawalan Hiburan Kelantan kerana ia mempunyai permit, namun gagal mematuhi sebahagian peraturan ditetapkan. - Gambar/ Media sosial

Penganjur konsert di Kelantan gagal patuhi peraturan akan didenda

Konsert berkenaan tidak melanggar Enakmen Kawalan Hiburan Kelantan kerana ia mempunyai permit, namun gagal mematuhi sebahagian peraturan ditetapkan. - Gambar/ Media sosial

KOTA BHARU: Kerajaan Kelantan akan mengenakan denda melebihi RM10,000 berikutan pelanggaran syarat oleh pihak penganjur konsert sempena Pesta Loy Kratong di Bachok, Jumaat lepas.

Pengerusi Kerajaan Tempatan, Perumahan, Kesihatan dan Alam Sekitar, Hilmi Abdullah berkata konsert berkenaan tidak melanggar Enakmen Kawalan Hiburan Kelantan kerana ia mempunyai permit untuk penganjuran, namun gagal mematuhi sebahagian peraturan ditetapkan.

"Pihak penganjur memohon permit untuk acara berkenaan pada 25 Jun dan permit hanya diluluskan pada 20 Sept selepas kita menjelaskan syarat dan peraturan yang perlu dipatuhi termasuk lokasi penganjuran tertutup serta hanya dihadiri penganut agama mereka sahaja.

"Bagaimanapun pihak penganjur gagal mematuhi sebahagian peraturan ditetapkan dan antara kesalahan dikenal pasti adalah menampilkan penyanyi dari Thailand yang tidak mematuhi etika pemakaian selain membenarkan pengunjung beragama Islam ke konsert berkenaan," katanya kepada pemberita selepas Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) di Kompleks Kota Darulnaim di sini hari ini.

Beliau mengulas kenyataan Ketua Wanita PKR Kelantan Nor Azmiza Mamat yang menuntut kerajaan negeri menyiasat satu konsert memaparkan kumpulan penyanyi wanita dari Thailand yang berpakaian mencolok mata didakwa dianjurkan di Kampung Balai, Bachok, Jumaat lepas.

Beliau berkata susulan video berkenaan, pihaknya sudah melakukan siasatan dan proses pendengaran semalam yang dihadiri beberapa pihak termasuk wakil Majlis Daerah Bachok Bandar Pelancongan Islam, pihak polis, pejabat agama dan penganjur.

"Pihak penganjur di Bachok mengakui seorang anggota Rela yang diupah di konsert berkenaan, gagal mengawal keadaan sehingga acara itu turut dikunjungi pengunjung beragama Islam.

"Sedangkan poster berhubung acara berkenaan sudah dibuat dalam bahasa Thailand dan konsert keagamaan yang diadakan secara tahunan itu hanya untuk penganut beragama Buddha," katanya.


Dua lelaki ditahan hina Agong, ugut Perdana Menteri - KPN

Dua lelaki ditahan hina Agong, ugut Perdana Menteri - KPN


November 28, 2023
Razarudin berkata kedua-dua lelaki terbabit yang merupakan warga tempatan masing-masing berusia 37 dan 34 tahun. - Gambar fail

Dua lelaki ditahan hina Agong, ugut Perdana Menteri - KPN

Razarudin berkata kedua-dua lelaki terbabit yang merupakan warga tempatan masing-masing berusia 37 dan 34 tahun. - Gambar fail

KUALA LUMPUR: Dua lelaki ditahan di Kelantan, masing-masing bagi membantu siasatan kes berbaur penghinaan terhadap Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan ugutan jenayah terhadap Perdana Menteri melalui media sosial.

Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Razarudin Husain berkata kedua-dua lelaki terbabit yang merupakan warga tempatan masing-masing berusia 37 dan 34 tahun.

Tangkapan pertama ialah di Kota Bharu pada Ahad (26 Nov) melibatkan lelaki disyaki pemilik atau pengendali akaun Facebook 'Che Mat Cik Po' kerana memuat naik komen kecenderungan menghasut bagi mendatangkan kebencian atau membangkitkan perasaan tidak setia terhadap mana-mana raja.

Lelaki terbabit direman selama empat hari bermula semalam hingga 30 Nov bagi membantu siasatan, katanya dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Razarudin berkata tangkapan kedua dibuat pada 28 Nov di Jalan Padang Tembak, juga di Kota Bharu melibatkan seorang lelaki dipercayai pemilik atau pengendali akaun TikTok @jaiadani89 berhubung hantaran berbaur ugutan jenayah terhadap Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Lelaki itu direman tiga hari mulai 28 hingga 30 Nov, katanya sambil memberitahu kedua-dua kes masih di peringkat siasatan oleh Unit Siasatan Jenayah Terkelas, Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman.

Beliau berkata tangkapan pertama disiasat mengikut Seksyen 4 (1) Akta Hasutan 1984 kerana mendatangkan kebencian serta penghinaan terhadap mana-mana raja dan Seksyen 233 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1988 iaitu penggunaan tidak wajar kemudahan rangkaian atau perkhidmatan rangkaian dan lain-lain.

Lelaki kedua pula disiasat mengikut Seksyen 507 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu kesalahan menakutkan secara jenayah dengan jalan perhubungan sembunyi nama dan Seksyen 233 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998 iaitu penggunaan tidak wajar kemudahan rangkaian atau perkhidmatan rangkaian dan lain-lain, katanya.

Sehubungan itu polis menasihatkan orang ramai agar tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi yang boleh mengganggu siasatan.

Polis turut mengingatkan orang ramai agar cakna dan prihatin terhadap isu-isu sensitif terutama melibatkan kegentaran awam dan keselamatan negara melalui media sosial.


Permanent disaster relief centres to be set up immediately in nine states - PM

Permanent disaster relief centres to be set up immediately in nine states - PM


November 28, 2023
PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the PPKB involves a ceiling cost of RM5 million for each centre and is set to provide better protection for flood victims than temporary relief centres. - JAPEN/Filepic
Permanent disaster relief centres to be set up immediately in nine states - PM

PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the PPKB involves a ceiling cost of RM5 million for each centre and is set to provide better protection for flood victims than temporary relief centres. - JAPEN/Filepic

KUALA LUMPUR: Permanent Disaster Relief Centres (PPKB) will be established immediately, with the pilot project to begin in nine states, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar, who is also Finance Minister, said the PPKB involves a ceiling cost of RM5 million for each centre and is set to provide better protection for flood victims than temporary relief centres (PPS).

"We are faced with floods every year, it's unreasonable to only have PPS, that's why the government decided to set up the PPKB.

"So, the PPKB can perhaps also be a community activity centre (outside the flood season) but is reserved with one preparation (to deal with floods) so that it is better," he said during the Minister's Question Time in the Dewan Rakyat today.

He was replying to a supplementary question from Datuk Shamshulkahar Mohd Deli (BN-Jempol) as to whether the government has plans and actions to improve basic PPS facilities nationwide

I've never objected, imposed strict conditions to allocations for opposition MPs - PM

I've never objected, imposed strict conditions to allocations for opposition MPs - PM


November 28, 2023
PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today stressed that he has never objected or imposed strict conditions in the allocation of funds to opposition members of Parliament (MPs). - JAPEN/Filepic

I've never objected, imposed strict conditions to allocations for opposition MPs - PM

PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today stressed that he has never objected or imposed strict conditions in the allocation of funds to opposition members of Parliament (MPs). - JAPEN/Filepic

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today stressed that he has never objected or imposed strict conditions in the allocation of funds to opposition members of Parliament (MPs).

In fact, he said he wants the rules to be respected, meaning that the opposition MPs must engage in negotiation with Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof first, especially in matters concerning development allocation, as practised in the democratic system.

"...just negotiate first. I have never set any condition or prerequisites for anyone to support the Prime Minister...there is no need for that.

"But there are several rules (regarding negotiation with the government on allocations) that were followed in previous meetings (when Pakatan Harapan was the opposition).

"I find it strange sometimes, the MPs (of the previous government) who used to insist on that negotiation process are now on the other side (opposition)...they know the process, they know negotiations are required, but still acting like they don't know anything," he said during Minister's Question Time at the Dewan Rakyat sitting.

Anwar said this in reply to Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim (PN-Arau) regarding the allocations for opposition MPs which have yet to be finalised.

The Prime Minister said there had been no official negotiations regarding the allocations conducted by the opposition bloc.

"Hence, I suggest to YB Arau that the matter of allocations shall not be prolonged...just negotiate and resolve it, no strict conditions.

"I hear (opposition) campaigns cursing me, accusing me of being a useless Prime Minister who asks for support before providing allocations...I have never said that," he said.

Anwar also described it as unreasonable if the opposition refuses to engage in negotiations while they themselves desire a spirit of government-opposition democracy.

Bukit Gantang Isytihar Sokong PMX |


30-day visa-free entry for visitors from China, India beginning Dec 1

30-day visa-free entry for visitors from China, India beginning Dec 1


November 27, 2023
PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that the visa exemption is subject to security screenings. - BERNAMA/Filepic

30-day visa-free entry for visitors from China, India beginning Dec 1

PM Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that the visa exemption is subject to security screenings. - BERNAMA/Filepic

PUTRAJAYA: The government will grant a 30-day visa-free entry for citizens of China and India from Dec 1, as part of the celebration of the 50-year strategic partnership between Malaysia and China next year, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

He said it is an additional facility to the existing visa exemptions currently enjoyed by citizens from Gulf countries and other West Asian nations, including Turkiye and Jordan.

However, Anwar, who is also Finance Minister, said that the visa exemption is subject to security screenings.

"Initial screenings will be conducted for all tourists and visitors to Malaysia. Security matters are a different matter; if there are criminal records or the risk of terrorism, they will not be allowed to enter.

"That comes under the authority of the security forces and Immigration," Anwar, who is PKR president, said in his winding-up speech at PKR's 2023 Annual National Congress which was attended by 1,391 delegates and 1,269 observers at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) yesterday.

Additional facilities regarding the visa exemption will be announced by Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail tomorrow, Anwar said.

The prime minister also thanked China for its decision to implement a unilateral visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders from Malaysia from Dec 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024.

Meanwhile, Anwar urged all parties, including the opposition, not to underestimate international relations as they significantly contribute to enhancing strategic ties and direct benefits to the country and its people.

He said that his travels abroad are not wasteful and that 90 per cent of the visits were considered a 'must attend' by the government, such as the 43rd ASEAN Summit and the 30th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in the United States (US) recently.

"At each gathering (during official visits abroad), we make a lot of effort, initiated by the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry, to connect with companies and return home with investments," he said.

Anwar also said that Malaysia's ties with Singapore have been enhanced by dispelling long-standing sentiments and prejudices, adding that the Unity Government administration had been very positive on developments, especially during his meeting with his counterpart, Lee Hsien Loong.

"I received his (Lee Hsien Loong) acknowledgment that all matters, whether it's about water, airspace or border issues, we've been waiting for decades and there must be political determination to resolve them and which will benefit both countries," he said.

The prime minister also said that he will be meeting his counterpart from Thailand, Srettha Thavisin, tomorrow in Sadao, Songkhla Province, to ensure that bilateral travel between the two countries is smooth and efficient.

This is in addition to encouraging tourism between both nations to hit higher levels, he said.

He said that both leaders are committed to ensuring development in the northern region of the Peninsula and southern Thailand, particularly in the four regions, to ensure economic growth, security and peace.

Anwar also said that the government would take immediate steps to improve public transportation facilities and airports across the country in an effort to attract more foreign tourists to Malaysia.


27 November 2023

23 individuals arrested for being involved in a fight between supporters of Perak FC and Selangor FC football teams

PM Anwar Ibrahim & PM Thailand Srettha Melawat Tapak Titik Pertemuan ICQS Bukit Kayu Hitam & Sadao

PDRM Nafi Terowong Genting Sempah Runtuh


Bayi perempuan tujuh bulan rentung selepas kenderaan yang dinaiki bersama ibu bapanya terbabas dan terbakar

Bayi tujuh bulan rentung kereta dipandu bapa terbakar


November 27, 2023
Seorang bayi perempuan berusia tujuh bulan maut selepas kereta yang dinaiki bersama ibu bapanya terbakar selepas melanggar tiang lampu di hadapan sebuah bank di Jalan Gua Musang-Kuala Krai, awal pagi tadi. -Facebook IRDK

Bayi tujuh bulan rentung kereta dipandu bapa terbakar

Seorang bayi perempuan berusia tujuh bulan maut selepas kereta yang dinaiki bersama ibu bapanya terbakar selepas melanggar tiang lampu di hadapan sebuah bank di Jalan Gua Musang-Kuala Krai, awal pagi tadi. -Facebook IRDK

KUALA KRAI: Seorang bayi perempuan berusia tujuh bulan maut selepas kereta yang dinaiki bersama ibu bapanya terbakar selepas melanggar tiang lampu di hadapan sebuah bank di Jalan Gua Musang-Kuala Krai, awal pagi tadi.

Pegawai Operasi Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Kuala Krai Mohd Fadzil Musa berkata mangsa Wan Sabeena Arisha Wan Shahrizat ditemukan rentung berhampiran kenderaan itu, manakala pemandu yang juga bapa bayi berkenaan, Wan Shahrizat Azwan Wan Shahril, 28, cedera parah akibat melecur seluruh tubuh.

"Pihak bomba terima panggilan kecemasan mengenai kemalangan jalan raya di lokasi berkenaan pada pukul 4.04 pagi membabitkan sebuah kereta Honda Jazz yang terbabas dan melanggar tiang lampu sebelum kenderaan dinaiki tiga beranak itu terbakar.

"Mayat bayi berkenaan diserahkan kepada pihak polis untuk tindakan selanjutnya manakala bapa dan ibu mangsa Nur Hasidah Razmi, 25, yang cedera ringan diserahkan kepada pihak hospital untuk rawatan lanjut," katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.


Garnacho scores stunning goal with overhead kick in Manchester United's 3-0 Win Over Everton as Tottenham Fall To Aston Villa

 Everton 0 - 3 Manchester United | Astro SuperSport

Polis nafi iring pemilik kilang di Skudai

Polis nafi iring pemilik kilang di Skudai


November 26, 2023
Datuk Kamarul Zaman Mamat berkata sebaliknya pihaknya hadir bagi mengawal kekecohan yang berlaku di lokasi berkenaan. - Gambar fail

Polis nafi iring pemilik kilang di Skudai

Datuk Kamarul Zaman Mamat berkata sebaliknya pihaknya hadir bagi mengawal kekecohan yang berlaku di lokasi berkenaan. - Gambar fail

JOHOR BAHRU: Polis menafikan dakwaan bahawa kenderaan pengiring polis digunakan untuk mengiringi seorang pemilik kilang keluar dari kawasan premisnya di Skudai, semalam.

Ketua Polis Johor Datuk Kamarul Zaman Mamat berkata sebaliknya pihaknya hadir bagi mengawal kekecohan yang berlaku di lokasi berkenaan.

"Polis Johor menafikan video tular menerusi aplikasi TikTok berkaitan pihak polis memberi kebenaran menggunakan kenderaan pengiring polis untuk eskot pemilik sebuah kilang di Skudai keluar dari kawasan kilangnya.

"Hasil semakan mendapati, kira-kira 12.30 tengah hari semalam telah berlaku kekecohan di hadapan kilang tersebut melibatkan beberapa individu," katanya dalam satu kenyataan malam ini.

Beliau sehubungan itu, menasihatkan orang ramai supaya tidak mudah percaya dan menyebar berita tidak sahih kerana boleh mengelirukan masyarakat dan mengganggu-gugat ketenteraman awam.

Orang awam atau saksi, katanya diminta tampil membuat laporan sekiranya mempunyai sebarang maklumat bagi membantu siasatan.

Terdahulu, tular beberapa video menerusi TikTok memaparkan seorang individu mempersoalkan tindakan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) mengiringi pemilik kilang yang juga wanita didakwa berasal dari Kemboja itu meninggalkan kilangnya ketika kekecohan berlaku, semalam.


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