
31 August 2021

National Paralympics Powerlifters Bonnie Bunyau and Yee Khie arrive home to a warm welcome!

Tokyo 2020 Paralympics: National Heroes Bonnie and Yee Khie arrive safely  home
Aug 31, 2021 

The two powerlifters landed safely at KLIA at about 5.20 pm. - Pictures/ Named

SEPANG: The two Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games national heroes, Bonnie Bunyau Gustin and Jong Yee Kahie were given a modest but warm welcome upon arrival at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) here today.

The two powerlifters, who departed from Narita International Airport, Japan at 10.20am this morning on Malaysia Airlines flight MH9117, landed safely at KLIA at about 5.20pm with national coach Jamil Adam.

Upon exiting the arrival hall, after completing the customs, immigration and COVID-19 test, they were greeted with a shout of 'Demi Malaysia' by Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu, his deputy Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker, Director General of the National Sports Council ( MSN) Datuk Ahmad Shapawi Ismail and the Malaysian Paralympic Council (MPM).

The two medalists then spent a few minutes for a brief press conference, before boarding a bus to the hotel to undergo mandatory quarantine for 14 days.

The national powerlifting camp put on a proud performance, when Bonnie, who competed in the men's 72kg category, won her first gold medal at the Tokyo Paralympics with a weight of 228 kg, which is also a new Paralympic record, last Saturday.

Yee Khie, on the other hand, won silver in the men's 107kg category yesterday, when he managed to do the 237kg weightlifting at the Tokyo International Forum.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Faizal, who was met by reporters afterwards, hoped that the success of the two bodies would ignite the spirit of the national contingent to achieve more success at the games.

"Grateful to be able to welcome the return of Bonnie and Yee Khie, they all arrived safely and they were quite enthusiastic to set foot on Malaysian soil on the 64th National Day. They proved that Malaysians are also able to stand tall on the world stage.

"We see another of our athletes in the sport of boccia, Chew Wei Lun has made it to the semi -finals, but will meet world number one athlete, David Smith of Great Britain in the final tomorrow. I am confident in his abilities," he said.

Earlier, Wei Lun advanced to the final after beating world number 18 Andre Ramos of Portugal, 9-5, in the semi-finals of the BC1 mixed individual event (physical disability), thus making history as Malaysia's first bocce athlete to win a medal in Paralympics.


BONNIE'S Golden Moment.

Ziyad Zolkefli Robbed Of His Gold Medal After Breaking World Record in Men's Shot Put - F20 at the #Tokyo2020 #Paralympics, Malaysia Protest Being Deliberated Tomorrow

NATIONAL paralympic athlete, Muhammad Ziyad Zolkefli, missed out on the gold medal when his victory was annulled after he was deemed eliminated for allegedly entering the call room late before the competition started.
According to Team Malaysia's Facebook page , the gold medal was officially awarded to Ukrainian athlete Maksym Koval, who protested after Ziyad's victory.
TeamMalaysia Facebook Source
Astro ARENA reported that the protest involved three athletes, including Ziyad, who were said to be late to the call room before the competition started.
"There were protests from Ukrainian athletes. Ziyad was one of the 3 athletes who were late to enter the call room before the competition started. So, Ziyad's participation was canceled.
"Therefore, Ziyad's participation was canceled. Ziyad's gold victory was canceled immediately. The gold was won by Ukrainian athlete Maksym Koval," Astro ARENA reported .
Earlier, Ziyad unofficially won the second gold medal for the country and broke the world record in the F-20 shot put final, through his third throw, with a record of 17.94 meters.

Malaysian Contingent Officers are currently making an appeal and it is understood it is being discussed by the organizers, according to an Astro ARENA update.


Minister of Youth and Sports, Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu informed that for now, the decision of the organizers on the cancellation of the gold medal of the national shot put champion Muhammad Ziyad Zolkefli, has not changed.
However, he said protests from the Malaysian, Australian and Ecuadorian Contingents would be brought to the Chef de Mission (CDM) Meeting of the competing teams, tomorrow morning.

YDP Agong menyertai operasi mencari dan menyelamat (SAR) seorang anggota tentera yang dilaporkan hilang di Sungai Pahang

Agong berkenan sertai operasi SAR anggota tentera hilang di Sungai Pahang
Ogos 31, 2021

Al-Sultan Abdullah, yang mengenakan seragam tentera darat, mencemar duli menaiki bot disediakan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM) Pahang pada 4.40 petang. - Gambar/ Bernama

BERA: Sikap prihatin dan berjiwa rakyat Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah hari ini terserlah apabila baginda berkenan mencemar duli menaiki bot meskipun dalam keadaan hujan bagi menyertai operasi mencari dan menyelamat (SAR) seorang anggota tentera yang dilaporkan hilang di Sungai Pahang semasa mengikuti Eksesais PARA Predator siri 1/2021 pada Ahad lepas.

Al-Sultan Abdullah, yang mengenakan seragam tentera darat, mencemar duli menaiki bot disediakan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM) Pahang pada 4.40 petang ketika hujan renyai sebelum bertukar lebat kira-kira 10 minit selepas Seri Paduka menyertai operasi SAR Lans Koperal Mohamad Azrin Mohamad Isa.

Turut menyertai operasi yang berlangsung kira-kira setengah jam sebelum terpaksa ditangguhkan ekoran cuaca semakin buruk ialah Panglima Tentera Darat Jeneral Tan Sri Zamrose Mohd Zain dan Pengarah JBPM Pahang Wan Mohammad Zaidi Wan Isa.

Turut hadir Ketua Polis Pahang Datuk Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerja Raya, Pengangkutan dan Kesihatan negeri Datuk Seri Norolazali Sulaiman.

Terdahulu, Al-Sultan Abdullah, yang berangkat tiba di lokasi SAR pada 3.45 petang, turut berkenan mendengar sembah taklimat operasi oleh Wan Mohammad Zaidi selain mencemar duli bertanya khabar kepada isteri mangsa, Nur Aqila Syafiqa Safuan, 23, yang tiba di lokasi pada kira-kira 5 petang.

Mohamad Azrin, 25, dari Sungai Petani, Kedah dilaporkan hilang pada 4.40 petang Ahad semasa menjalani latihan penyusupan menyeberangi Sungai Pahang dari Kampung Batu Bor ke Kampung Bohor Baru, yang merupakan sebahagian daripada modul eksesais itu.

Mangsa, yang merupakan anggota tinjau daripada Kompeni PANDURA, dikatakan tenggelam semasa hampir tiba ke tebing sungai dan cubaan rakannya untuk menarik Mohamad Azrin gagal sebelum bapa kepada seorang anak perempuan berusia sembilan bulan itu hilang daripada pandangan.

Eksesais PARA Predator, yang merupakan latihan berskala besar bermula 24 Ogos dan dijadualkan berlangsung selama dua minggu, bertujuan memberikan pendedahan keadaan ancaman sebenar melalui latihan, gambaran kesiagaan dan keupayaan sebenar atur gerak tentera darat selain mendidik serta berkongsi pengetahuan mengenai peranan tentera dalam aspek keselamatan.

Wan Mohammad Zaidi berkata operasi SAR yang masuk hari ketiga itu membabitkan 116 pegawai dan anggota pelbagai pasukan keselamatan dengan kawasan pencarian diperluas sehingga tujuh kilometer dari lokasi mangsa dilihat buat kali terakhir.

"Pencarian hari ini juga melibatkan dua anjing pengesan bomba yang dibawa dari Kuala Lumpur untuk membantu tugas Pasukan Penyelamat di Air dari Temerloh, Pekan dan Kuantan. Cuaca yang tidak menentu merupakan cabaran utama selain keadaan sungai yang walaupun kelihatan tenang namun arus di dasar adalah kuat," katanya.

Turut terlibat dalam operasi itu ialah tentera, polis, Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia dan penduduk kampung dengan lebih 20 bot.

SPRM Pandang Serius Kegiatan Rasuah Doktor Untuk Sijil Vaksinasi tanpa terima suntikan.

Terdapat ahli Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Swasta Malaysia ditawarkan RM1,000 oleh beberapa individu untuk memalsukan sijil digital vaksin. - Gambar hiasan

SPRM pandang serius kegiatan rasuah doktor untuk sijil vaksinasi


PUTRAJAYA: Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) memandang serius dakwaan berlakunya kegiatan merasuah doktor bagi mendapatkan sijil vaksinasi tanpa menerima suntikan vaksin COVID-19.

Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM Datuk Seri Azam Baki berkata, siasatan berhubung perkara itu sedang dilakukan dan jika ia benar-benar berlaku, perbuatan tersebut bukan saja menjejaskan reputasi profesion pengamal perubatan malah mencalarkan imej mereka.

"Setakat ini, SPRM belum menerima sebarang aduan berkaitan isu berkenaan namun akan menyiasat dan melakukan risikan ke lokasi-lokasi yang disyaki melakukan perbuatan penyelewengan tersebut," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Presiden Persekutuan Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Swasta Malaysia Dr Steven Chow pada Rabu mendakwa beberapa ahlinya ditawarkan RM1,000 oleh beberapa individu untuk memalsukan sijil digital vaksin.

Menurut Dr Steven, tidak semua individu yang membuat tawaran itu adalah golongan antivaksin malah terdapat segelintir yang memerlukan sijil berkenaan untuk melakukan perjalanan dalam tempoh segera.

Susulan pendedahan itu, Presiden Persatuan Perubatan Malaysia Prof Datuk Dr M Subramaniam semalam menggesa pihak berkuasa menyiasat laporan media berkenaan beberapa individu cuba merasuah doktor untuk mendapatkan sijil digital lengkap vaksinasi COVID-19 tanpa disuntik vaksin.

Azam dalam pada itu meminta orang ramai yang mempunyai sebarang maklumat berhubung salah laku tersebut untuk menghubungi SPRM di talian utama (hotline) 1-800-88-6000 atau portal aduan rasuah di

306 Saman Dikeluarkan Pada malam Ambang Merdeka

306 saman dikeluarkan pada malam Ambang Merdeka

Astro Awani

Ubah suai motosikal secara melampau kerana inginkan kelajuan sehingga mengabaikan keselamatan diri. Itu antara kesalahan dikesan dalam Operasi Ambang Merdeka di ibu negara malam tadi. Operasi yang bermula jam 9 malam menyasarkan Jalan Tun Razak di kedua dua hala dan di Jalan Sultan Ismail.

Sumber: Astro Awani YouTube

Shopee Boss The New Richest Person in Singapore With US$20 Billion Fortune

Forrest Li has jumped to the top of Singapore’s rich list after Sea’s shares rose 67% this year. (Reuters pic)

Singapore has a new richest person with US$20 billion fortune


SINGAPORE: Forrest Li, Sea Ltd’s billionaire co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer, has become Singapore’s richest person as shares of his company surged.

Li, who was born in China and later became a Singapore citizen, is now worth US$19.8 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, after Sea’s American depositary receipts rose 67% this year.

The city state’s second-richest person, paint tycoon Goh Cheng Liang, has a net worth of US$17.7 billion.

It’s another example of how tech billionaires are climbing up the wealth rankings in countries across Asia.

Earlier this year, Brian Kim, the founder of messaging giant Kakao Corp, became South Korea’s richest person.

Sea, Southeast Asia’s most valuable company, has been turning to fintech for further growth beyond gaming and e-commerce, while also expanding beyond the region.

It won a digital-banking licence in Singapore in December and acquired Indonesia’s PT Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi, better known as Bank BKE, people familiar with the matter said in January.

Both moves “should allow the group to grow its SeaMoney business beyond payments to include lending, insurance, wealth management and other financial services”, said Nathan Naidu, an analyst with Bloomberg Intelligence.

SeaMoney, the company’s digital payments and financial services business, saw total payments using its mobile wallet services rise to more than US$4.1 billion in the second quarter, up almost 150% from a year earlier, Li said on Sea’s earnings call on Aug 17.

Sea’s revenue rose 159% to US$2.3 billion in the period.

Sea’s broader success has been founded on its mobile game Free Fire, which has exceeded 1 billion downloads on Google Play.

It’s also been driven by its e-commerce platform, Shopee, which has become the second-most downloaded shopping app on Android and iOS globally, Li said on the earnings call, citing App Annie data.

Sea’s three founders, Li, Gang Ye and David Chen, started the company in 2009.

Ye, chief operating officer, is worth US$10.8 billion, while Chen, Shopee’s chief product officer, has a net worth of US$3.6 billion.

Sea declined to comment on the executives’ wealth valuations.

In late March, the company gave a gift of S$50 million to the National University of Singapore to advance research in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Naidu said he remains positive about Sea’s prospects, even after the stock surged more than 20-fold since listing in 2017.

He said he expects demand for the company’s services to hold strong after being boosted by the pandemic, and pointed to Shopee’s expansion into Latin American markets including Brazil.

“After Covid, people have warmed up to digital services and online platforms,” he said.

“I don’t think they will completely give up the convenience being offered.”

Juventus has released a statement that confirms Cristiano Ronaldo's departure to Manchester United

Cristiano Ronaldo

Juventus release the official figures of Ronaldo’s move to Manchester United

Juventus Fc

Juventus has released the figures behind Cristiano Ronaldo’s return to Manchester United.

The attacker left the Bianconeri for United last weekend in a move that sees them offload their highest-earning player.

The attacker justified his huge salary by scoring most of their goals while he was at the club and found the net 101 times for them.

However, his 31m euros per season deal was a strain on Juve’s finances considering that they were losing money because of the coronavirus pandemic.

With one season left on his contract, he looked unhappy at the club and eventually left them to join United.

He had played for the English club between 2003 and 2009, and he will look to help them win trophies again from this campaign.

Juve has released a statement that confirms his departure to the Red Devils and they also disclosed the financial figures in the transaction.

An agreement between the club shows Juve has agreed to a fee of “€15.0 million payable in five financial years, which might be increased, up to a maximum of € 8.0 million, upon achievement of specific performance objectives over the duration of the employment contract with the player.”

Source: Juventus Fc

Review ‘Negative’ MM2H Conditions, Says Johor Sultan

Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar

Review ‘negative’ MM2H conditions, says Johor Sultan

Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: The new Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) conditions will dent the country’s revenues, frighten off investors and affect the country’s image overseas, Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar warned today.

Stressing that the government should be more compassionate and lenient towards foreigners keen on settling down in Malaysia, he said foreigners would lose confidence in Malaysia if the government keeps “shifting the goalposts.”

“This is not the right time to raise fees,” he said in a Facebook post.

“When we continue to flip-flop on conditions, how can we promote Malaysia as an investment destination?

“Drastic changes like this will tarnish our image and will make us a laughing stock of the world,” he warned.

Calling the recent revisions “very negative”, he added that it was “ridiculous” to subject even existing MM2H pass holders to the new conditions, and predicted that they would now leave the country.

“The review was supposed to make things better. But the new criteria are only going to drive investors and tourists away,” he said.

Sultan Ibrahim said the government should also consider reverting to the original MM2H conditions as they have been effective in promoting Malaysia as an international retirement destination.

After being frozen last year for “review and further improvements”, the home ministry announced on Aug 11 that the country’s long-term visa programme for foreigners would be back online in October.

Established in 2002, MM2H allowed foreigners to stay in Malaysia for 10 years, after which period it is renewable. The duration has now been reduced to five years, which was one of the 10 changes announced by the home ministry earlier this month.

Among the other changes are an increase in an applicant’s compulsory fixed deposits (FD) in local banks from between RM150,000 and RM300,000 to RM1 million, and an increase in offshore monthly income from RM10,000 to RM40,000.

Applicants would also need to have at least RM1.5 million in liquid assets, compared with between RM300,000 and RM500,000 previously – conditions which stakeholders agree would deter potential applicants.

Successful applicants, who numbered nearly 39,000 as of last year, have brought in RM40.6 billion throughout the 19 years of the programme, mostly from property purchases and compulsory FDs in local banks.

The programme’s participants spent an estimated RM4.9 billion in 2017 and RM4.4 billion in 2018 on property, rent, vehicles and immigration fees. Among the other sectors they have contributed to are medical, education, travel, hospitality, retail, F&B (food and beverage) and entertainment.

Last week, the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI) said MM2H residents were “hard pressed” to meet the new rules, warning of a significant outflow of funds sparked by existing participants opting out.

Donal Crotty, the general manager of the Irish Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia, also last week labelled the new rules “disastrous” for the country and called for a review before October, when they are due to come into effect.

STAR Not Represented In Cabinet Due To Miscommunication says Jeffrey Kitingan

Datuk Seri Panglima Jeffrey Kitingan

Kitingan says STAR not represented in Cabinet due to miscommunication

Borneo Post

KOTA KINABALU, Aug 30 — Sabah STAR president Datuk Seri Panglima Jeffrey Kitingan said that the reason there wasn’t a representative from the party in the federal cabinet is due to miscommunication.

“It is just a miscommunication,” he said to reporters today.

He explained that STAR is part of Perikatan Nasional (PN).

“Because we are in the Perikatan Nasional (PN), they thought the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob) would ask me directly,” he said.

“So, we were hoping, and they were also hoping. So, that was how it was,” he added during a press conference held at the Penampang Native Court today.

Nevertheless, Jeffrey also hinted that there will be something else in store for the party.

“Ada itu (there is something),” he said.
STAR is not represented in the new federal Cabinet after its secretary-general Guan Dee Koh Hoi who was deputy tourism, arts and culture minister in Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s cabinet, was dropped.

Guan Dee, 68, replaced Jeffrey who took up the Sabah deputy chief minister post following Gabungan Rakyat Sabah’s victory in the state election last September.

Earlier, Jeffrey attended a mediation linked to lawyer Marcel Jude Joseph’s case concerning the Unduk Ngadau beauty pageant.

Marcel was present during the event which was also attended by Penampang district chief Charles Masuil and Sabah Native Affairs Council president Benedict Topin as well as district leaders.

According to Jeffrey, the meeting at the Penampang Native Court was to record and endorse the decision made during the mediation at the Native Court whereby both parties have agreed to accept the decision made to resolve the matter.

“Marcel has agreed to accept the penalties of seven buffaloes which are the seven groups of the KDMR (Kadazan, Dusun, Murut and Rungus). Both parties also agree that Marcel Jude will not take legal action against any association, likewise, the KDCA and associations will not take further action against Marcel Jude,” said Jeffrey.

“We hope for the peace agreement to be recorded,” he added.

Jeffrey also said that once the matter is endorsed at the Native Court, no further action can be taken at the Native Court.

“The matter is deemed solved,” he said.

A 74 year old asthma patient just discharged from quarantine was killed when the ambulance he was in skidded into a drain

senior citizen who had just been discharged from hospital quarantine for Covid-19 was killed when the ambulance he was in lost control 

Elderly man killed in ambulance accident after hospital quarantine


KUANTAN: A senior citizen who had just been discharged from hospital quarantine for Covid-19 was killed when the ambulance he was in lost control and skidded into a drain at KM 21 Jalan Pekan - Batu Balik in Pekan yesterday.

Pahang Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (JSPT) head Supt Kamarulzaman Jusoh said the 74 year-old victim died while receiving treatment at Pekan Hospital emergency ward at 10.20pm last night.

“The accident occurred at 4.15pm when the ambulance was en route to send the victim home in Felda Chini after he was discharged from quarantine at Pekan Hospital. The van skidded as it was being driven through a stretch of road undergoing upgrading work.

“The accident also caused the ambulance driver and a nurse to suffer minor injuries,” he said when contacted.

Kamarulzaman said the victim was a chronic asthma patient who had undergone quarantine at the hospital after coming into close contact with a Covid-19 patient.

Semua ADUN Perak diarah jalani kuarantin selepas seorang daripada mereka positif Covid-19

Mohd Akmal berkata, wakil rakyat kerajaan itu disahkan positif selepas menjalani ujian saringan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) COVID-19. - Gambar fail

Semua ADUN Perak diarah jalani kuarantin selepas seorang daripada mereka positif Covid-19
Astro Awani

IPOH: Semua Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Perak yang menghadiri Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) semalam dikehendaki menjalani kuarantin kendiri selepas seorang daripada mereka disahkan positif COVID-19.

Exco Kesihatan, Sains, Alam Sekitar dan Teknologi Hijau Perak, Mohd Akmal Kamarudin berkata, wakil rakyat kerajaan itu disahkan positif selepas menjalani ujian saringan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) COVID-19.

Menurutnya, individu tersebut mula mengalami simptom demam sejak malam tadi sebelum menjalani ujian PCR bagi tujuan pengesahan.

"Ujian PCR menunjukkan ADUN berkenaan disahkan positif dan dengan keputusan itu, semua yang terlibat pada Persidangan Dewan Negeri Isnin lalu telah diarahkan menjalani kuarantin diri bermula hari ini bagi tujuan keselamatan.

"Arahan ini termasuklah kepada Speaker, petugas DUN dan semua pegawai khas ADUN yang berada dalam Dewan Negeri," katanya hari ini.

Sementara itu, ADUN Pengkalan Baharu yang juga Penasihat Khas kepada Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Abdul Manaf Hashim berkata, ADUN terbabit menjalani ujian PCR pagi tadi.

Beliau berkata, mereka belum dimaklumkan lebih lanjut berhubung tempoh kuarantin.

"Tak tahu lagi berapa lama (kuarantin), tetapi kami kena buat ujian calitan dulu, mungkin dalam masa empat lima hari, tapi kalau ada simptom, kena buat ujian segera,” ujarnya.

Persidangan DUN Perak berlangsung selama empat hari bermula 25 Ogos lepas hingga semalam dengan mengguna pakai konsep gelembung selepas mengambil kira situasi semasa penularan pandemik COVID-19.

Sumber: Astro Awani

20,465 (98%) Out of 20,897 Cases Are In Category 1-2 with light / no symptoms.



20,897 cases of covid -19 today (31 August 2021): 

- Category 5 (critical with ventilator): 79 cases, 0.4% (84.8% no complete vaccination) 
- Category 4 (need oxygen): 119 cases, 0.6% (55.5% incomplete vaccination) 
- Category 3 (pneumonia2): 224 cases, 1% (78.6% incomplete vaccination)
- Category 2 (mild symptoms): 12,136 cases, 58.1% (75.8% incomplete vaccination) 
- Category 1 (no symptoms): 8,339 cases, 39.9% (70.2% incomplete vaccination) 

2.0% of cases today are in category 3- 5 and 98% of cases in categories 1 and 2. It was found that 73.6% of cases were incomplete vaccination.

#Covid-19 Malaysia 31/8 : 282 New Deaths | New Cases- 20,897 | Active- 267,863 |Total - 1,746,254 |

Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 31 Ogos 2021 – Situasi Semasa Jangkitan Penyakit Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) di Malaysia



31 OGOS 2021

Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ingin memaklumkan status terkini kes COVID-19 di Malaysia sehingga 31 Ogos 2021 (jam 12:00 tengah hari);

  • Kes sembuh : 18,465 kes (1,461,727 kes kumulatif, 83.7%);
  • Kes baharu : 20,897 kes (1,746,254 kes kumulatif);
  • Kes import : 1 kes (warganegara);
  • Kes tempatan : 20,896 kes [18,326 warganegara (87.7%);  2,570 bukan warganegara (12.3%)];
  • Kes aktif : 267,863 kes;
  • Kes yang memerlukan rawatan di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU):1,005 kes;
  • Kes memerlukan bantuan pernafasan : 464 kes;
  • Kes kematian : 282 kes [16,664 kes kumulatif, 0.95%;
  • 238 warganegara, 44 bukan warganegara;
  • 98 kes BID (63 warganegara; 35 bukan warganegara)];
  • Jumlah kluster : 4,731 kluster;
  • Jumlah kluster baharu : 22 kluster;
  • Jumlah kluster yang telah tamat : 3,256 kluster; dan
  • Jumlah kluster aktif : 1,475 kluster.

Daripada 20,897 kes harian yang dilaporkan pada hari ini, sebanyak 422 kes (2.0 peratus) adalah daripada kategori 3, 4 dan 5. Manakala sebanyak 20,475 kes (98.0 peratus) lagi adalah terdiri daripada kategori 1 dan 2. Ini adalah berdasarkan keadaan klinikal kes semasa baharu didiagnosa COVID-19. Ada di antara kes kekal di kategori yang sama sepanjang tempoh jangkitan, namun ada juga yang berubah status kesihatan kes sama ada bertambah baik ke kategori lebih rendah atau merosot ke kategori lebih tinggi.

Secara keseluruhan, 15,371 kes (73.6 peratus) daripada jumlah kes yang dilaporkan pada hari ini tiada atau tidak lengkap vaksinasi. Dapatkan vaksin COVID-19 bagi mengurangkan risiko jangkitan yang serius. Diharapkan ini akan mengurangkan jangkitan COVID-19 di dalam negara, terutamanya kes di kategori 3 hingga 5. Status vaksinasi COVID-19 mengikut kategori adalah seperti Rajah 1. 

Rajah 1 Status Imunisasi COVID-19 Harian Mengikut Kategori

Sebanyak 282 kes kematian pada hari ini yang melibatkan 139 kes di Selangor, 52 kes di Johor, 21 kes di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, 15 kes di Sabah, 12 kes di Pulau Pinang, 11 kes di Kedah, sembilan (9) kes di Kelantan, tujuh (7) kes di Pahang, lima (5) kes di Melaka, masing-masing tiga (3) kes di Negeri Sembilan dan Perak, dua (2) kes di Terengganu, sertamasing-masing satu (1) kes di Perlis, Sarawak, dan Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya.


Berdasarkan data terkini pada 30 Ogos 2021, nilai RT Malaysia adalah sebanyak 1.02. Negeri yang mencatatkan nilai RT yang tertinggi adalah Perlis (nilai RT 1.22), diikuti oleh Sarawak (nilai1.19), dan Sabah (nilai RT 1.12). Semua negeri mencatatkan nilai RT melebihi 1.0 kecuali Melaka, Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan, dan Negeri Sembilan.

Perincian jumlah dan purata kes mengikut negeri, kes-kes kematian, kluster-kluster baharu, dan  nilai RT mengikut negeri adalah seperti di Lampiran 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5 yang disertakan bersama kenyataan media ini.


Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) dengan besar hatinya mengucapkan Hari Kebangsaan Ke-64 kepada semua warga Malaysia. Sempena hari yang bersejarah ini juga, KKM ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pejuang barisan hadapan dan petugas balik tabir yang telah bertungkus lumus berjuang menentang musuh Negara yang kini sedang mengancam dunia, iaitu COVID-19. Tidak dilupakan penghargaan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang tetap patuh kepada Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP).  Bersama-samalah kita sebagai satu pasukan dalam memelihara kesejahteraan ibu pertiwi kita ini dengan segera mendapatkan vaksin bagi yang layak dan mematuhi SOP. Semoga Malaysia ‘merdeka’ daripada ancaman virus ini dan dapat segera hidup seperti sediakala.

Salam kemerdekaan. #MalaysiaPrihatin


KKM ingin menasihati orang ramai termasuk individu-individu yang telah menerima vaksin COVID-19 agar terus mematuhi saranan serta nasihat-nasihat kesihatan yang sering ditekankan iaitu;

  • Elakkan 3S: (elakkan kawasan yang sesak, sempit dan sembang dengan jarak yang dekat).
  • Amalkan 3W: (Amalkan Wash, Wear dan Warn).
  • Sentiasa memakai pelitup muka di kawasan awam yang tertutup. Pemakaian pelitup muka berganda adalah digalakkan.

Patuhlah kepada S.O.P sebagai norma baharu dan dapatkan vaksin COVID-19 bagi mengurangkan risiko jangkitan yang serius, bilangan kes kematian sekaligus membina imuniti kelompok. Dengan pengambilan vaksin, kita dapat melindungi orang di sekeliling daripada kemungkinan jangkitan COVID-19. Dengan imuniti kelompok yang terbentuk, kumpulan yang belum layak diberi imunisasi seperti kanak-kanak dapat dilindungi. Perlindungan untuk semua bermula daripada diri kita.

KKM akan terus memantau perkembangan kejadian jangkitan di dalam negara, dan juga luar negara melalui maklumat yang diperolehi daripada pihak WHO. KKM akan memastikan langkah pencegahan dan kawalan yang sewajarnya dilaksanakan secara berterusan.

Sekian, terima kasih.



31 Ogos 2021 @ 6:45 petang.




Perincian 20,897 kes positif COVID-19 baharu yang dilaporkan di Malaysia pada 31 Ogos 2021 mengikut jenis saringan adalah seperti berikut: 

PULAU PINANG1,7321275651,040
WP KUALA LUMPUR1,0037503493
JUMLAH KESELURUHAN20,8971,08711,71818,091

Import A merujuk kepada kes penularan dari luar negara



1Paku Minyak BekuTempat KerjaJohorBatu Pahat1547
2Industri Parit JuTempat KerjaJohorBatu Pahat1186
3Jalan Tanjung LabohTempat KerjaJohorBatu Pahat1166
4Jalan Sawit Baru EnamTempat KerjaJohorKulai9113
5Kawasan Perindustrian 11Tempat KerjaKelantanKota Bharu, Bachok, dan Pasir Mas1426
6Jalan Pasar Pengkalan ChepaTempat KerjaKelantanKota Bharu1222
7Ladang RenjokTempat KerjaPahangBentong56155
8Ladang Sri TelangTempat KerjaPahangLipis3597
9Industri Dua Batu 16 Setengah RawangTempat KerjaSelangorGombak5663
10Industri Meranti Jaya 10Tempat KerjaSelangorSepang1371
11Sawit JerocoTempat KerjaSabahLahad Datu55249
12Kampung NipahKomunitiKelantanBachok1422
13Beris PanchorKomunitiKelantanBachok1114
14Kampung ChandangKomunitiKelantanPasir Mas717
15Kampung Kubang Gendang ChetokKomunitiKelantanPasir Mas510
16Kampung Sungai SiaKomunitiPahangRaub9299
18Kampung Pecah RotanKomunitiTerengganuKuala Nerus dan Kuala Terengganu95548
19Kampung Nelayan BenutKomunitiJohorPontian25159
20Jalan USJ 1/3BKumpulan Berisiko TinggiSelangorPetaling1626
21Dah Gajah MatiKumpulan Berisiko TinggiKedahKota Setar, Pendang, Kuala Muda, Kulim, dan Bandar Baharu2958
22DTI Sepang 3Pusat TahananSelangorSepang185336






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