
29 February 2020

Pakatan Harapan Supports Tun Dr. Mahathir As Prime Minister. Tun to inform YDP Agong.- Check Mate?





Tan Sri Muhyiddin just arrived at Istana Negara to meet YDP Agong

A Promise To The Nation before GE14 and after, Respectfully ...Tun, Why Taint Your Legacy By Not Keeping Your Promises?

BEST FBKL: We will always Love Tun irrespective of what happens we know who the real pengkhianat's are, .....but we are dumbfounded by his actions or inaction for the last couple of days.

 Respectfully ...Tun, Why Taint Your Legacy By Not Keeping Your Promises???

Come back to Pakatan Harapan Tun and Support Anwar Ibrahim!

US President Donald Trump | Keep America Great Rally | LIVE in North Charleston, South Carolina | 2/28/20

GPS will not support a coalition that includes DAP in the ongoing political crisis, says Tan Sri James Masing.

GPS Will Not Support A Coalition That Includes DAP, Says S’wak Dep CM
By MT Webmaster On Feb 29, 2020
Malaysian Gazette

Image result for james masing
(The Star) – Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) will not support a coalition that includes DAP in the ongoing political crisis, says Tan Sri James Masing.

The Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister said this was one of the conditions the ruling state coalition will consider when it meets on Sunday (Mar 1) to decide who to back as prime minister.

“GPS will come into a coalition without DAP. Whatever the coalition is, DAP must not be in it,” he told Astro Awani’s Consider This programme on Friday night (Feb 28).

Masing said this was because of DAP’s “administrative arrogance”, adding that the party did whatever it pleased without listening to others.

He cited Lim Guan Eng as an example, saying the former Finance Minister had announced that Sarawak would go bankrupt within three years when he came to the state last year.

“It was irresponsible of Lim as Finance Minister to say that. That to us is administrative arrogance,” he said.

Masing said GPS’ other conditions were that the national and Sarawak’s interests must be taken into account.

He said GPS wanted the Malaysia Agreement 1963 to be included in the Federal Constitution and that Sarawak be given a larger share of revenue from its oil and gas.

Masing, who heads GPS component Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS), also said the state coalition would meet in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday to decide its position.

“Until that meeting has taken place, only then will we know where we stand in terms of who will be the next prime minister,” he said.

28 February 2020

Pengerusi Umno Johor, Hasni Mohammad mengangkat sumpah sebagai menteri besar baru negeri itu.

Pengerusi Umno angkat sumpah MB Johor
Robin Augustin
-February 28, 2020 4:56 PM
FMTHasni angkat sumpah sebagai menteri besar Johor hari ini susulan perpecahan Pakatan Harapan. (Gambar Bernama)

PETALING JAYA: Pengerusi Umno Johor, Hasni Mohammad mengangkat sumpah sebagai menteri besar baru negeri itu.

Hasni sedang mengangkat sumpah pada satu majlis di Istana Bukit Serene di hadapan Sultan Ibrahim Ismail.

Perkembangan ini selepas sultan memberikan izin kepada suatu gabungan baru yang terdiri daripada PPBM, Umno dan sekutunya dalam Barisan Nasional, dan PAS, untuk membentuk kerajaan negeri, susulan perpecahan Pakatan Harapan.

PH Johor hilang majoriti selepas PPBM keluar gabungan itu.

Sultan Ibrahim sudah memanggil semua 56 Adun untuk mendengar pandangan mereka.

Ketua Polis Negara Hamid Bador memberi jaminan bahawa keselamatan negara dalam keadaan terkawal

Jangan risau, keselamatan negara terkawal - Ketua Polis Negara

Hasimi Muhamad, Astro Awani | Februari 28, 2020 16:39 MYT


Abdul Hamid berkata demikian selepas selesai menghadap Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Riayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah pada sesi majlis mesyuarat khas Majlis Raja-Raja Melayu, di sini. - Foto Astro AWANI

KUALA LUMPUR: Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) memberi jaminan bahawa keselamatan negara dalam keadaan terkawal ketika kemelut politik masih belum menunjukkan tanda reda.

Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador berkata rakyat tidak perlu khuatir dengan dakwaan segelintir pihak kononnya ada pihak luar yang mahu mencampuri urusan negara.

“Satu perkara lagi tentang spekulasi kehadiran Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Jeneral Tan Sri Affendi Buang (ke Istana Negara).

“Ini satu perbuatan tidak bertanggungjawab sedangkan kehadiran kami untuk (memberikan) taklimat terkini mengenai keselamatan negara,” katanya kepada pemberita di luar perkarangan Istana Negara, hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian selepas selesai menghadap Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah pada sesi majlis mesyuarat khas Majlis Raja-Raja Melayu, di sini.

Justeru, Abdul Bador memberi amaran kepada pihak tersebut agar tidak membuat kenyataan yang boleh mencetuskan provokasi dan menganggu gugat ketenteraman awam.

Terdahulu, Raja-Raja Melayu berangkat tiba di Istana Negara bagi menghadiri mesyuarat khas bersama Al-Sultan Abdullah.

Kesemua Raja-Raja Melayu selesai berangkat meninggalkan Istana Negara sekitar 4.04 petang.

YDP Agong belum memperolehi keyakinan mengenai seorang ahli Dewan Rakyat yang pada hemat baginda mendapat kepercayaan majoriti.

Pengalaman lucu Ustadz Abdul Somad di Imigresen Malaysia.

Malaysia Covid-19 - 2 Kes Baru membawa Jumlah ke 25 & Sekatan masuk sementara pelawat yang pernah berada di Daegu dan dareah Cheongdo, Republik Korea

CPRC hotline

Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 28 Februari 2020 – Situasi Terkini Jangkitan Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) di Malaysia

Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ingin memaklumkan bahawa terdapat dua (2) kes baharu dilaporkan pada hari ini.
Kes ke-24 merupakan seorang wanita berusia 41 tahun warganegara Jepun yang bekerja di Malaysia. Beliau mempunyai sejarah perjalanan ke Jepun pada bulan Januari dan juga ke Indonesia pada awal Februari. Pesakit mempunyai gejala demam dan telah mendapat rawatan pada 17 Februari 2020. Beliau telah dimasukkan ke hospital swasta pada 20 Februari 2020. Ujian pengesanan COVID-19 diambil bagi kes ini dan disahkan positif pada 27 Februari 2020. Kini beliau sedang dirawat di wad isolasi Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
Kes ke-25 merupakan seorang lelaki berusia 54 tahun warganegara Itali yang berkahwin dengan warganegara Malaysia dan telah menetap di Malaysia. Beliau mempunyai sejarah perjalanan ke Itali atas urusan kerja pada 15 hingga 21 Februari 2020. Beliau mula mengalami gejala demam, batuk, sakit sendi dan sakit badan pada 22 Februari 2020. Beliau mendapatkan rawatan sebagai pesakit luar bagi gejala yang dialaminya selama tiga hari berturut-turut – iaitu 23 sehingga 25 Februari 2020. Ujian saringan pengesanan COVID-19 telah dijalankan ke atasnya dan disahkan positif pada 28 Februari 2020. Beliau telah dimasukkan ke wad isolasi Hospital Sungai Buloh untuk rawatan dan pemantauan selanjutnya.
Dengan pelaporan dua (2) kes terbaharu ini, jumlah kumulatif kes COVID-19 sehingga hari ini adalah sebanyak 25 kes; iaitu lima belas (15) orang dalam kalangan kes Patient-Under-Investigation (PUI), lapan (8) orang dalam kalangan kontak rapat dan dua (2) orang dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia yang dibawa pulang dengan Misi Bantuan Kemanusiaan. Daripada jumlah tersebut, lima belas (15) orang adalah warganegara China, tujuh (7) orang adalah warganegara Malaysia dan tiga (3) orang adalah lain-lain warganegara (iaitu Amerika Syarikat, Jepun serta Itali). Daripada 25 kes positif ini, sebanyak 22 kes telah sembuh dan dibenarkan discaj – menjadikan kes yang masih menerima rawatan di wad pada ketika ini seramai tiga (3) orang.
Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Kerja Kluster COVID-19 Bersama Pelbagai Agensi yang diselaraskan oleh Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara (NADMA) melibatkan Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM), Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN), Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (JIM), Kementerian Luar Negeri (KLN) dan agensi-agensi lain telah meneliti status terkini COVID-19 di seluruh dunia dan di Malaysia. Justeru, mengambilkira status semasa penularan COVID-19 ini, langkah-langkah sebagaimana berikut telah diputuskan:
  1. Sekatan masuk sementara terhadap semua pelawat dari Republik Korea, termasuk warganegara asing yang pernah berada di bandar Daegu dan daerah Cheongdo dalam tempoh 14 hari sebelum ketibaan ke Malaysia. Ini meliputi pelawat yang transit melalui Malaysia;
  2. Warganegara Malaysia, penduduk tetap dan pemegang pas (pas lawatan sosial jangka panjang dan pas pelajar) yang pernah berada di bandar Daegu dan daerah Cheongdo dalam tempoh 14 hari sebelum ketibaan ke Malaysia perlu menjalani saringan kesihatan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia;
  3. Bagi meningkatkan kawalan di Pintu-pintu Masuk Antarabangsa Negara, Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (JIM) akan turut menyediakan kaunter khas untuk pelawat dari Republik Korea, Jepun, Itali dan Iran;
  4. KKM terus memantau secara rapi perkembangan kejadian jangkitan COVID-19 di Republik Korea, Jepun, Itali dan Iran dan negara-negara lain yang turut melaporkan kes. Buat masa ini rakyat Malaysia dinasihatkan agar menangguhkan perjalanan ke wilayah-wilayah atau bandar-bandar yang diisytiharkan sebagai kawasan wabak COVID-19 di Republik Rakyat China (seperti yang dimaklumkan sebelum ini) dan juga di Republik Korea, Jepun, Itali dan Iran;
  5. Langkah-langkah di atas berkuatkuasa serta merta. Pihak Berkuasa Malaysia akan membuat penilaian beterusan dalam usaha mengawal dan menghapuskan wabak COVID-19. Langkah-langkah tersebut akan dibatalkan sekiranya keadaan pulih semula.
KKM ingin menasihatkan semua warga KKM untuk sentiasa peka kepada situasi semasa berkaitan COVID-19 bagi memperkukuhkan kesiapsiagaan dan respon terhadap penyakit ini. Orang awam juga dinasihatkan, sekiranya bergejala dalam tempoh 14 hari selepas pulang dari melawati Republik Rakyat China, Republik Korea, Jepun, Itali dan Iran – untuk memaklumkan mengenai sejarah perjalanan tersebut kepada Pengamal Perubatan apabila pergi mendapatkan rawatan.
KKM juga ingin menyeru orang ramai sekiranya memerlukan penerangan mahupun maklumat lanjut mengenai penyakit ini, sila hubungi Infoline CPRC Kebangsaan melalui saluran berikut:
No. telefon :        03-8881 0200 / 03-8881 0600 / 03-8881 0700
E-mel         :
CPRC hotline

Sekian, terima kasih.

Hung State Assembly - Johor Pakatan Harapan (PH) announces it has 28 out of 56 assemblymen

Johor Pakatan claims support of 28 reps, state effectively in
deadlock, again


Thursday, 27 Feb 2020 10:15 PM MYT

Johor Amanah chief Aminolhuda Hassan (centre) announces Johor Pakatan Harapan has 28 assemblyman tonight at the Grand Paragon Johor Baru hotel in Johor Baru. Seated beside him is Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub (in red) and Dr Chong Fat Full (far right) — Picture by Ben Tan

JOHOR BARU, Feb 27 — Johor Pakatan Harapan (PH) announced it has the backing of 28 out of 56 assemblymen tonight.

The situation continues the political impasse as Johor effectively has a hung government.

Johor Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) chief Aminolhuda Hassan said the coalition now has the solid support from 28 state lawmakers, rejecting an earlier announcement of a new government with the alliance of the state chapters of Bersatu, Barisan Nasional (BN) and PAS.

“We have the support of nine assemblymen from Amanah, 14 from DAP and five from PKR.

“The new coalition does not have any advantage to form the next government but we have and qualifies to lead the state,” Aminolhuda told reporters at the Grand Paragon Johor Baru hotel here.

Present were all 28 PH assemblymen from DAP, PKR and Amanah including Simpang Jeram assemblyman Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub, who is also Amanah deputy president.

PKR’s Pemanis assemblyman Dr Chong Fat Full, who was earlier reported to have supported the new Bersatu-BN-PAS coalition was also standing with other PH reps in a show of support.

Datuk Dr Sahruddin Jamal had earlier today said the new coalition will present the mentri besar nominees to Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar as part of its preparations to form the state government.

He said the newly formed and still unnamed coalition has already received the endorsement of Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

The Johor Palace had issued a statement earlier in which Sultan Ibrahim said he hoped the new coalition government could be formed immediately, following a deadlock in the state.

Bersatu, BN and PAS had at that time claimed to have secured a simple majority in Johor with an unidentified PH assemblyman’s pledge of support tipping the scales in their favour.

Previously, PH had 39 seats in the 56-member Johor state assembly comprising 14 from DAP, 11 from Bersatu, nine from Parti Amanah Negara and five from PKR.

Bersatu withdrew from PH on Monday, following the resignation of its chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as prime minister.

The 94-year-old has since been appointed interim prime minister and is reinstated as Bersatu chair.

Malaysia Covid-19 Update - New Case on 27 Feb- Malaysian Returning From Japan brings total to 23, 22 people recovered

UPDATE 320PM 28 FEB 2020

Malaysian back from Japan tests positive for Covid-19 - 23

The 53-year-old woman who had just returned from Japan, was referred to the Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC). - NSTP/File pic

By New Straits Times - February 27, 2020 @ 9:11pm

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia recorded a new Covid-19 case today, in the form of a 53-year-old woman who had just returned from Japan.

The Health Ministry said the Malaysian, who is the country’s 23rd case, had returned from Japan on Feb 23 after which she had a fever.

Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the woman sought treatment at a hospital in Kuala Lumpur.

“A subsequent Covid-19 test was done, and she tested positive on Feb 27,” he said, adding that the case was referred to the Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC).

Meanwhile, he said two Covid-19 patients have made full recovery and have since been discharged from hospital.

The two women are a 67-year-old Chinese national, who was the country’s 16th case, as well as an American woman - Malaysia’s 22nd Covid-19 case - who was treated at the Sungai Buloh Hospital.

Dr Noor Hisham said in total, 22 people have made successful recoveries from Covid-19.

As of today, the authorities collected samples from 1,569 people for Covid-19 testing. From this total, 23 people tested positive, 1,523 negative while the rest were still awaiting lab test results.

Meanwhile, Dr Noor Hisham also commented on the status of 66 people comprising Malaysians and their family members who were brought home from Wuhan, China in a second humanitarian aid mission on Feb 26.

“Upon arrival, they underwent medical screening and clinical samples were subjected to entry screening for Covid-19.

“All 66 people tested negative for Covid-19. However, they have been placed in a quarantine centre for 14 days of medical observation,” he said.

He also noted that as of Thursday, there were 81,398 registered Covid-19 cases worldwide, with 2,770 deaths. From that total, four per cent (3,200 cases) were outside China, with 52 deaths.

Observations, he said, showed a drastic rise of Covid-19 cases in South Korea, Japan, Italy and Iran over the past week.

He said given the current situation, the ministry is advising Malaysians to postpone their travel plans to districts or cities in China which have been declared as Covid-19 outbreak areas, as well as to South Korea, Japan, Italy and Iran.

Dewan Rakyat Speaker Mohamad Ariff rejects Dr Mahathir Mohamad's call for a special parliament sitting on March 2

Speaker rejects Mahathir’s bid to call for special Dewan sitting
FMT Reporters
-February 28, 2020 1:31 PM

Dewan Rakyat Speaker Mohamad Ariff Yusof.

KUALA LUMPUR: Dewan Rakyat Speaker Mohamad Ariff Yusof today rejected a notice by Dr Mahathir Mohamad to call for a special sitting on Monday to allow MPs to elect a new prime minister, saying it could only be convened after the Yang di-Pertuan Agong decides on the formation of a new government.

Ariff also said the notice submitted to him by the interim prime minister failed to fulfil Dewan Rakyat’s Standing Order 11(3), which required more details of a proposed motion.

“Under Standing Order 11(3), the notice and date should be issued by me in my capacity as the Speaker. So far, there is no notice issued,” he said in a short statement.

In a Series of Tweets Khalid Samad pleaded with Tun Dr Mahathir not to betray Pakatan Harapan (PH) and allow them to finish what he started.

Khalid Samad Tweets to Tun Dr. Mahathir

Khalid Samad pleads with Dr M to ‘let PH finish what you started’


Friday, 28 Feb 2020 08:54 AM MYT

Khalid Abdul Samad arrives at Istana Negara February 26,2020. — Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28 — Parti Amanah Negara’s Khalid Abdul Samad today pleaded with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to not betray Pakatan Harapan (PH), and allow the coalition to finish what he started.

In a series of Tweets this morning, the Shah Alam MP said: “Tun, let us finish what you started. Let us carry on with the mandate of 2018 for PH to govern and cleanse the administration of all forms of corruption to make Malaysia great again. Think of your grandchildren.”

He then urged the interim prime minister not to betray the coalition and the nation.

“Please Tun, do not betray us and the nation as a whole. You think what you are doing is the best for the nation but it is not.

“Your final legacy should not be that of a Prime Minister who betrayed his people after having won their hearts.

“Please Tun, respect the rule of law,” he tweeted.

Khalid added that PH lawmakers proposed PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the next prime minister not to spite Dr Mahathir, but because they were left with no other choice.

“Please Tun, concede to the will of the rakyat. It’s time to let go.

“We chose DSAI (Anwar) as our candidate for PM, not to spite you or bring you shame but as you gave us no choice. You left PH and wanted to create a new mandate for yourself based purely on yourself. “How could we agree? We stand with PH and the mandate of 2018,” he said.

Khalid also said he had learnt to respect Dr Mahathir over the past few months working with him.

Last night, Dr Mahathir said the Malaysian Parliament will have the chance to resolve the country’s political impasse during a special sitting on Monday.

In remarks after announcing the 2020 Economic Stimulus Package, Dr Mahathir said the Yang di-Pertuan Agong believed that Parliament was the correct venue to determine the crisis caused by the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan federal government.

He said after two days of interviewing federal lawmakers, the Agong could not determine any among them who commanded a distinct majority to become the next prime minister.

Malaysia's first non-Malay female 2 Star General - Creating history will be Brigadier-General Suriakala Suriabagavan who will be promoted to major-general

Suriakala, Malaysia's first non-Malay female Major-General

Brigadier-General Suriakala Suriabagavan who will be promoted to major-general. -Pic courtesy of Defence Ministry

By Adrian David
February 27, 2020 @ 4:50pm


KUALA LUMPUR: The country will have its first non-Malay, female ‘two-star’ general on Saturday.

Creating history will be Brigadier-General Suriakala Suriabagavan who will be promoted to major-general at a ceremony in conjunction with the 87th Army Day in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, on Sunday.

Army chief Gen Tan Sri Ahmad Hasbullah Mohd Nawawi commended Suriakala, a grandmother of two, for her astute leadership and top-notch officer quality.

“She is one that needs minimal (or no) supervision and can deliver when it matters most. Suriakala is a very dedicated officer and we are proud and honoured to have someone like her serving not only the Army, but the entire Armed Forces and nation.

“We need more calibre staff like her, of all ranks, as she is a fine example for others to emulate.

“The Army is very proud to present her the second ‘star’.

“Well done!” Hasbullah told The New Straits Times.

He said that despite the challenges and hindrances faced by her in her private life and at work, Suriakala carried out her duties exceptionally well.

Suriakala, who will turn 60 on Oct 26, said she was very touched by the gesture from the Army and the Armed Forces to reward her for her untiring efforts to maintain the credibility of the organisations.

“Never did I imagine that someday I will break ranks to be promoted to such an esteemed level.

“My family and I are ever grateful to the Army for where I am today and will do my utmost to continue giving my best.

"I hope my achievement will spur other Malaysian women to pursue a rewarding career in the Armed Forces,” she said.

Suriakala from Klang, Selangor, has two sons. She is from the third intake of women cadet officers from the short-service commission who enlisted with the Armed Forces in December 1981. Her coursemate includes deputy Army chief Lieutenant-General Datuk Hasagaya Abdullah.

After completion of a year’s training at the Officer Cadet School in Port Dickson, she was commissioned as a second-lieutenant in 1982.

She began as an assistant records officer with the Records and Pensions Directorate on Dec 18 that year.

From there on, Suriakala continued her 38-year career with the directorate, rising through the ranks to become a major in August 1993 and lieutenant-colonel in December 2000.

In October 2008, she was promoted to colonel and made the Army’s human resources (policy and development) director.

On June 3, 2015, she was made a brigadier-general to become personnel services division (manpower branch) director at the Armed Forces Headquarters.

Suriakala has a ‘double’ Masters degree in management from University of Malaya, and social science (defence studies) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

In May 2012, she attended a defence resource management course at the United States Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

For the record, dental specialist Major-General (Rtd) Datuk (Dr) Roshidah Ishak was the first ‘one-star’ woman in the military in January 2007, before becoming a ‘two-star’ general in November 2015.

Brigadier-General Datuk Dr Thavachelvi Tangarajah became the second woman to be made a ‘one-star’ in 2009, and is still serving as an obstetrics and gynaecology specialist at the Tuanku Mizan Armed Forces Hospital in Wangsa Maju.

However, military intelligence officer and former Armed Forces sportswoman-of-the-year, Brigadier-General (Rtd) Datuk Norhuda Ahmad, was the first woman non-medical officer to became a ‘one-star’ general in February 2011.

The Defence Ministry’s former public relations deputy director, Major-General (Rtd) Datuk Fadzlette Othman Merican Idris Merican was the second woman ‘two-star’ general, but as Press secretary to former Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, in November 2017.

The Royal Malaysian Air Force had its first ‘one-star’ woman in Brigadier-General (Rtd) Datuk Yohanez Ahmad in August 2016.

The Royal Malaysian Navy has yet to see its first ‘one-star’ admiral.

Netflix Documentary Series "Dirty Money" to feature Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in one of the episodes

Najib and Rosmah featured on Netflix documentary about corruption

Friday, 28 Feb 20209:20 AM MYT

Datuk Seri Najib Razak in a still shot provided by Netflix.

Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor are set to appear on an episode of the Netflix documentary series, Dirty Money.

Najib and Rosmah can be seen on the trailer of the second season of the show, which premieres March 11.

"Dirty Money provides an up-close and personal view into untold stories of scandal, financial malfeasance and corruption in the world of business," reads a description of the new season provided by Netflix.

"This season offers a look inside Jared Kushner’s real estate empire, the Wells Fargo banking scandal and Malaysia’s 1MDB corruption case."Najib, 66, is currently undergoing trial for charges of corruption and money laundering involving 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) funds.

The 68-year-old former first lady is also undergoing court proceedings, facing graft charges over her involvement in a solar hybrid project in Sarawak.

Police Helicopter Crash in Tawau- A police personnel was severely hurt, while 4 others suffered minor injuries

Police helicopter crashes in Tawau; 5 injured, 1 seriously

A police personnel was severely hurt, while four others suffered minor injuries when the helicopter they were in crashed at the General Operations Force's (GOF) 14th Battalion camp here, last night. - NSTP/ ABDUL RAHEMANG TAIMING

By Abdul Rahemang Taiming - February 28, 2020 @ 9:54am

TAWAU: A police personnel was severely hurt, while four others suffered minor injuries when the helicopter they were in crashed at the General Operations Force's (GOF) 14th Battalion camp here, last night.

The severely injured was identified as Sergeant Wedrich Sindih, 34, who is being treated in the red zone of the district hospital’s emergency department.

“There were five policemen and a technician in the chopper when it crashed.

“The severely injured personnel was trapped, while the remaining passengers managed to exit the helicopter by themselves.

“Personnel from the district Fire and Rescue Department extricated Wedrich from the aircraft at 8.43pm, before he was handed to medical personnel,” the district Fire and Rescue department said in a statement.

The other five passengers on the helicopter were Sergeant Mohamad Radzie Radaie, 40; ASP Shaike Faiqzal Johari, 34; DSP Norhashim Ahmad, 44; Corporal Andyrian Shah Mohd Saufi, 33; and technician Harry Joinin, 36.

The department said it received a distress call at 8.02pm informing them that the force’s Augusta Westland (AW139 model) helicopter crashed while landing at the camp here.

District police chief Assistant Commissioner Peter Umbuas said a control centre has been set up at the crash site to facilitate investigations into the accident.

"The personnel were in a routine operation, flying from Lahad Datu to Tawau airport (and were to spend) the night at the camp.

"However, when it was attempting to land, (the pilot) lost control and the chopper hit the roof of an administrative building before crashing,” he said.

Peter added that the cause of the accident is under investigation.

The Augusta Westland helicopter was handed to the police on April 18 last year.

UMNO Sec-Gen Annuar Musa - Reject March 2 sitting as it's unconstitutional, disrespectful to King

Annuar Musa: Reject March 2 sitting as it's unconstitutional, disrespectful to King

Friday, 28 Feb 202011:50 AM MYT

By Zakiah Koya

PETALING JAYA: The Dewan Rakyat sitting on March 2 called by interim Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad should not be allowed to take place as it is unconstitutional, says Tan Sri Annuar Musa (pic).

The Umno secretary-general said that as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong has yet to make any announcement on what he has decided pertaining to the appointment of a new Prime Minister, it was not right for Dr Mahathir to precede the King in this manner.

Annuar further said that all MPs from all parties "must say no to the March 2 sitting as announced by Dr Mahathir, as it is unconstitutional, procedurally improper and disrespectful to the King".

He tweeted this on Friday (Feb 28).

Annuar had said on Thursday (Feb 27) that the Umno leadership at all levels had been directed not to speculate on the decision of the King and to show respect for the due process, according to the Constitution.

He added that the party intends to wait for the decision by the King on the matter.

Article 43 (2)(a) of the Federal Constitution states that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong will appoint a Prime Minister who in his judgment is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Dewan Rakyat.

Dr Mahathir resigned as prime minister on Feb 24 but the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, in accepting his resignation, requested he take on the role of interim prime minister until the premiership was clearly resolved.

In an unprecedented move, Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah met almost all MPs over two days to determine who commands the confidence of the majority.

Dr Mahathir, who had an audience with the Sultan Abdullah on Thursday, said the King had one-to-one interviews with all Members of Parliament (MPs).

Despite that, there was no prime minister candidate with a distinct majority.

"And because there is no distinct majority, the King said the right forum would be the Dewan Rakyat.

"So the Dewan Rakyat will be called on March 2 in order to determine who has the majority support to become the next prime minister," he said.

Manchester United 5-0 Club Brugge (Agg: 6-1) | UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE | 27 Feb 2020

Ighalo Scores First Goal Against Brugge

27 February 2020

Not Only in Malaysia, The U.S. stock futures were down sharply Thursday and Asian markets continued to fall Thursday

U.S. stock futures drop after Trump fails to reassure traders, new California case

Published: Feb 27, 2020 4:20 a.m. ET

Futures down following a fifth straight day of losses for Dow, S&P 500

Associated PressPresident Donald Trump speaks Wednesday night at the White House, along with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, right.


U.S. stock futures were down sharply Thursday, after a news conference by President Donald Trump failed to reassure investors and as a new case of coronavirus with no known origin was discovered in California.

In choppy action reminiscent of recent days, Dow Jones Industrial Average futures YM00, -0.51% sank more than 200 points, but nearly 400 points at one stage, while S&P 500 ES00, -0.51% and Nasdaq Composite futures NQ00, -0.48% were also off by 0.7%. European stocks opened sharply lower, with the Stoxx Europe 600 index SXXP, -1.99% dropping 2.3%.

“There’s no reason to be panicked,” Trump said Wednesday evening at a White House press briefing, as he played down the risks and said the nation is well-prepared for a possible Covid-19 outbreak. He also announced Vice President Mike Pence has been put in charge of the country’s outbreak response.

Meanwhile a new coronavirus case was confirmed in Northern California, the first in the U.S. by someone who hasn’t traveled to infected areas or been in known contact with anyone who has, raising the worrisome prospect that the virus is spreading by other means.

Jeffrey Halley, senior Asia Pacific market analyst at Oanda, wrote in a note: “President Trump finally addressed the arrival of coronavirus on U.S. shores, and the government’s response to controlling its potential spread. . . .Neither inspired an already shaky North American market.”

Stephen Innes, chief market strategist at AxiCorp, had a grim prediction as he addressed the new California case, in a note: “If this virus spread intensifies stateside, it will most definitely be the straw that breaks the market back.”

Also rattling investors, Germany’s health minister said Wednesday that the country was at the “beginning of an epidemic,” as it struggled to track the contacts of a 47-year old, hospitalized in a serious condition with the virus.

Earlier Wednesday, Microsoft Corp. MSFT, +1.25% warned it won’t meet its quarterly forecasts due to the effects of the outbreak, likely signaling more widespread guidance misses across the tech industry.

On Wall Street, the Dow and S&P 500 index fell for a fifth straight day on continued fears of the coronavirus outbreak’s impact on global economic growth. The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.46% fell 123.77 points, or 0.5%, to settle at 26,957.50, marking the worst five-day point drop for the blue-chip index on record. The S&P 500 SPX, -0.38% shed 11.82 points, or 0.4%, to close at 3,116.39, while the Nasdaq Composite COMP, +0.17% added 15.16 points, or 0.2%, to close at 8,980.77, snapping a four-day losing streak.

Asian markets continued to fall Thursday, with Japan’s Nikkei NIK, -2.13% down 2%, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng HSI, +0.31% off 0.7% and South Korea’s Kospi 180721, -1.05% slipping 0.8%.

After falling for a fourth consecutive session Wednesday, oil futures continued to drop overnight, with West Texas Intermediate crude for April delivery CLJ20, -1.68% and Brent crude, the global BRNJ20, -1.65% down more than 1%.

LIVE Sidang media Setiausaha Agung UMNO

Interim Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today announced RM20 billion Economic Stimulus Package -Full Speech

Last Update :
27/02/2020 05:24 PM

PUTRAJAYA, Feb 27 -- Interim Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today announced RM20 billion Economic Stimulus Package to ensure risks to the economy due to COVID-19 can be addressed effectively.

He said three strategies were outlined under the package, namely addressing the impact of the disease, catalysing people-based growth, and encouraging quality investment.

Several plans have also been lined up for implementation to ensure Malaysia’s economy will continue to be on the right track to sustainable growth.


Perdana Menteri Interim Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (kanan) menerima buku Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi 2020 daripada Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan Tan Sri Ahmad Badri Mohd Zahir di Perdana Putra hari ini. - Foto BERNAMA
TEKS ucapan ‘Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi 2020’ oleh YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Perdana Menteri Malaysia “Memperkukuh keyakinan, merangsang pertumbuhan, melindungi pekerjaan”.

1. Pertama sekali, saya ingin ucap setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada para doktor, jururawat, kakitangan perkhidmatan kesihatan, pegawai imigresen dan pegawai lain di barisan hadapan yang bertungkus lumus melindungi Malaysia dari wabak Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).
Penularan penyakit COVID-19 di Malaysia telah terkawal, dengan semakin ramai pesakit telah
beransur pulih daripada penyakit ini.

2. Walaupun kesan COVID-19 ketika ini adalah terkawal, namun wabak ini telah memberikan impak besar kepada ekonomi global termasuk Malaysia.
3. Justeru, Kerajaan akan memperkenalkan Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi 2020 bagi memastikan risiko ekonomi berkaitan penularan wabak ini dapat ditangani dengan berkesan. Dalam masa yang sama, beberapa strategi dan rancangan juga akan dilaksanakan bagi memastikan ekonomi negara di landasan yang mampan.

4. Pakej rangsangan ekonomi yang bernilai RM20 bilion ini ditunjangi oleh tiga (3) strategi seperti berikut:
Strategi Pertama : Menangani impak COVID-19;
Strategi Kedua : Memangkin pertumbuhan berteraskan rakyat; dan
Strategi Ketiga : Menggalakkan pelaburan berkualiti


5. Antara impak serta merta terhadap ekonomi akibat penularan COVID-19 di peringkat serantau adalah penurunan kedatangan pelancong. Kesan yang lebih ketara turut melibatkan hotel, penerbangan, syarikat pelancongan dan ke atas industri peruncitan secara meluas.

6. Bagi menangani keadaan ini, Kerajaan akan mengambil tiga langkah pendekatan dalam strategi yang pertama tersebut. Pertamanya, memudahkan aliran tunai bagi perniagaan yang terkesan. Keduanya, bantuan kepada individu yang terjejas dan ketiganya, merangsang permintaan dalam industri pelancongan.


7. Bagi membantu aliran tunai dan mengurangkan kos perniagaan bagi syarikat yang terjejas oleh COVID-19, Kerajaan mencadangkan bagi tempoh enam (6) bulan mulai April hingga September 2020 tindakan seperti berikut:
* Pertama: Membenarkan penundaan ansuran bulanan cukai pendapatan bagi perniagaan yang terjejas dalam sektor pelancongan. Di samping itu, syarikat yang terjejas turut dibenarkan menyemak semula anggaran keuntungan tahun 2020 bagi menentukan ansuran bulanan cukai pendapatan tanpa dikenakan penalti;
* Kedua: Menyediakan diskaun sementara selama enam (6) bulan sebanyak 15% daripada bil elektrik secara bulanan bagi hotel, agensi pelancongan, syarikat penerbangan, pusat membeli belah, pusat konvensyen dan pameran;
* Ketiga: Mengecualikan levi Tabung Pembangunan Sumber Manusia bagi hotel dan syarikat pelancongan.
* Keempat: Mengecualikan cukai perkhidmatan bagi hotel. Walau bagaimanapun inisiatif ini akan bermula lebih awal iaitu pada bulan Mac hingga Ogos 2020;

8. Kerajaan juga akan menyediakan tabungan pinjaman kewangan kepada syarikat yang terkesan, iaitu:
* Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) akan menyediakan Kemudahan Jaminan Bantuan Istimewa berjumlah RM2 bilion, terutamanya pembiayaan modal kerja untuk Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) pada kadar 3.75%.
* Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) akan memperuntukkan RM200 juta kemudahan mikro kredit pada kadar 4%. Di samping itu, proses kelulusan dana sedia ada di Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB) di bawah Tabung Infrastruktur Pelancongan berjumlah RM1.5 bilion akan dipercepatkan.

9. Semua bank dikehendaki mengurangkan beban kewangan dalam bentuk penangguhan bayaran atau penjadualan semula pinjaman. BNM akan memantau pelaksanaan dan memastikan pematuhan di kalangan institusi kewangan.

10. Pihak industri seperti perhotelan dan pusat membeli-belah digalakkan untuk turut memainkan peranan dengan menawarkan diskaun dan mengurangkan kadar sewa premis.

11. Malaysia Airport Berhad Berhad (MAHB) akan mengurangkan kadar sewa premis kepada penyewa di lapangan terbang, dan juga akan mengurangkan caj pendaratan dan parkir.


12. Kerajaan mengakui kadar ketibaan pelancong yang berkurangan telah memberi impak negatif kepada pihak-pihak yang yang bergantung kepada industri pelancongan. Kerajaan akan memberikan bayaran secara one-off sebanyak RM600 kepada pemandu teksi, pemandu bas persiaran dan pemandu pelancong dan penarik beca yang berdaftar.

13. Sebagai tanda penghargaan kepada petugas awam barisan hadapan di dalam memerangi COVID-19, kerajaan akan memberi elaun khas sebanyak RM400 sebulan kepada doktor serta kakitangan perubatan, dan RM200 kepada Imigresen dan kakitangan lain yang terlibat. Bantuan elaun khas ini berkuatkuasa Februari 2020 hingga wabak ini berakhir.

14. Sehingga ini, Kementerian Kesihatan telah membelanjakan sebanyak RM150 juta bagi pembelian peralatan, ubat dan barangan guna pakai dalam usaha pengawalan wabak COVID19. Kerajaan akan menyediakan peruntukan yang mencukupi bagi memastikan wabak
COVID-19 dapat diuruskan dengan baik dan terkawal


15. Kerajaan juga menggalakkan majikan supaya menambah pelaburan dalam meningkatkan produktiviti modal insan pada ketika aktiviti ekonomi perlahan. Oleh itu, Kerajaan akan menawarkan potongan berganda kepada perbelanjaan ke atas latihan bagi sektor pelancongan. Kerajaan juga akan menyediakan RM100 juta geran-padanan kepada Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (HRDF) untuk membiayai tambahan 40 ribu pekerja daripada sektor pelancongan dan sektor lain yang terkesan.

16. Kerajaan seterusnya akan memperuntukkan RM50 juta untuk subsidi pembiayaan kursus jangka pendek dalam bidang digital dan berkemahiran tinggi. Insentif ini dijangka memberi manfaat kepada 100,000 rakyat Malaysia.

17. Pekerja yang terjejas boleh bergantung kepada Sistem Insurans Pekerjaan (SIP) yang dananya kini berjumlah RM1.1 billion. Selain itu, SIP akan ditambah baik melalui kos latihan yang boleh dituntut ditingkatkan daripada RM4,000 kepada RM6,000. Sebagai tambahan, elaun latihan harian sebanyak RM30 sehari juga disediakan kepada pelatih.


18. Bagi merangsang industri pelancongan pula, Kerajaan akan menyediakan inisiatif seperti berikut:
* Pertama: Pelepasan cukai individu sehingga RM1,000 untuk perbelanjaan pelancongan domestik;
* Kedua: Rakyat Malaysia diberi baucer digital bagi pelancongan domestik sehingga RM100 seorang untuk penerbangan domestik, keretapi dan penginapan di hotel berlesen.
Di samping itu, Kerajaan juga akan menyediakan geran padanan untuk mempromosi pelancongan. Peruntukan sebanyak RM500 juta disediakan untuk langkah ini; dan
* Ketiga: Melonggarkan arahan untuk mengehadkan penggunaan hotel oleh agensi kerajaan.


19. Selain industri pelancongan, sektor lain seperti pengeksportan turut terjejas akibat ganguan rantaian bekalan. Banyak kilang dan pelabuhan di negeri China tidak beroperasi akibat wabak COVID-19 ini.

20. Justeru, untuk merangsang permintaan domestik, Kerajaan akan menyalurkan peruntukan secara langsung kepada rakyat melalui langkah-langkah berikut:
* Pertama: Kadar caruman minimum Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja dikurangkan sebanyak empat peratus iaitu daripada 11 peratus kepada 7 peratus. Ini bermakna, RM10 bilion akan kekal di tangan pencarum berkuatkuasa sehingga akhir tahun ini.
* Kedua: Awalkan bayaran ansuran Bantuan Sara Hidup bulan Mei sebanyak RM200 ke bulan Mac 2020.
* Ketiga: Kerajaan juga akan membayar kepada setiap penerima BSH tambahan RM100 dikreditkan ke dalam akaun bank pada bulan Mei dan seterusnya tambahan RM50 akan disalurkan secara e-tunai.

21. Untuk meningkatkan pendapatan rakyat dan mengurangkan kos sara hidup, Kerajaan akan
mengambil inisiatif berikut:

Tabung AgroFood sebanyak RM1 bilion oleh BNM pada kadar 3.75% bertujuan bagi menggalakkan aktiviti pengeluaran makanan bagi memenuhi permintaan domestik dan eksport.

* RM10 juta kepada FAMA untuk menyediakan kemudahan simpanan makanan supaya harga dapat dikurangkan.
* Geran sebanyak RM1,000 kepada 10,000 usahawan tempatan yang menjual produk dan barangan mereka di dalam platform e-dagang.
* Peruntukan tambahan RM20 juta kepada Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) untuk program Perkhidmatan e-Dagang Setempat (PeDAS) bagi menaik taraf Pusat Internet Desa kepada hab e-dagang.


22. Kerajaan juga akan menyediakan peruntukan tambahan sebanyak RM2 bilion bagi pelaksanaan segera kerja-kerja penyelenggara dan pembaikan infrastruktur kecil seluruh negara, terutamanya di luar bandar. Bagi memastikan pelaksanaan projek dapat dilaksanakan dengan berkesan dan memberi manfaat ke peringkat akar umbi, peruntukan akan disalurkan melalui usahasama dengan Kerajaan negeri, pihak berkuasa tempatan dan komuniti.

23. Projek-projek yang terbabit perlu dilaksanakan dengan segera agar dapat memberi impak yang positif untuk merangsangkan ekonomi. Bagi mempercepatkan lagi pelaksanaan semua projek, Kementerian Kewangan akan memudahkan tatacara kewangan khas untuk tahun 2020 seperti berikut:

* Pertama: Meningkatan nilai untuk perolehan melalui kaedah cabut undi dari RM50,000 kepada RM100,000 dan kaedah sebut harga daripada RM500,000 kepada RM800,000;
* Kedua: Memastikan kementerian menyalurkan peruntukan yang secukupnya kepada agensi pelaksana masing-masing menjelang suku pertama tahun 2020. Seterusnya, Kementerian Kewangan akan memantau pematuhan kepada jadual perolehan agar aktiviti dilaksanakan mengikut jadual.


24. Untuk meningkatkan lagi keyakinan masyarakat perniagaan, Kerajaan komited untuk memastikan kesinambungan pelaburan awam dan mempercepatkan pelaksanaan projek pembangunan tahun 2020.

25. Sebagai tambahan, Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan (GLCs) dan agensi awam akan mempercepatkan projek pelaburan untuk 2020, termasuk:

* Kementerian Tenaga, Sains, Teknologi, Alam Sekitar & Perubahan Iklim (MESTECC) akan membuka untuk bidaan janakuasa tenaga solar 1,400MW. Ini akan melibatkan pelaburan swasta bernilai RM5 bilion dan menjana pekerjaan untuk 25,000 pekerja;
* Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) akan melabur sebanyak RM3 bilion untuk kerja berkaitan Pelan Gentian Optik dan Kesalinghubungan Negara; dan
* Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC) seperti Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) merancang untuk melabur sebanyak RM13 bilion, termasuk mempercepatkan projek seperti lampu jalan LED, grid transmisi dan pemasangan panel solar bumbung.

26. Demi meningkatkan daya saing, Kerajaan akan mempromosikan pelaburan sektor swasta yang bernilai tambah yang lebih tinggi melalui;
* Pertama: Kerajaan akan memperuntukkan RM500 juta untuk Dana Pelaburan Bersama dengan pelabur swasta pada padanan sekurang-kurangnya 1 nisbah 3 yang akan menjadikan keseluruhannya RM2 billion untuk pelaburan di peringkat awal dan awal pertumbuhan;

* Kedua: Suruhanjaya Sekuriti dan Bursa Malaysia akan mengecualikan bagi tempoh 12 bulan, yuran penyenaraian di papan Leading Entrepreneur Accelerator Platform (LEAP) dan di papan Access, Certainty, Efficiency (ACE), serta syarikat yang bermodal pasaran kurang RM500 juta yang ingin tersenarai dalam papan utama;

* Ketiga: BNM akan menyediakan Kemudahan Automasi dan Pendigitalan PKS bernilai RM300 juta;

* Keempat: Kerajaan akan membenarkan Elaun Modal Dipercepatkan selama tempoh dua tahun untuk perbelanjaan ke atas mesin dan kelengkapan, termasuk ICT.

* Kelima: Kerajaan akan menyediakan potongan cukai ke atas kos pengubahsuaian premis perniagaan sehingga RM300,000;

* Keenam: Mengecualikan duti import dan cukai jualan ke atas pengimportan dan pembelian peralatan untuk operasi pelabuhan untuk tempoh 3 tahun bermula 1 April 2020;


27. Pada tahun 2003, Malaysia pernah mengalami situasi yang sama ketika penularan wabak Sindrom Pernafasan Akut Teruk (SARS) yang melanda Asia Timur. Ia telah menyebabkan jumlah pelancong merosot dengan ketara. Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) telah menurun daripada 7.1% pada suku ketiga tahun 2002 kepada 4.6% bagi suku ketiga 2003.

Namun begitu, susulan daripada pakej rangsangan ekonomi yang komprehensif, kedudukan ekonomi telah mencapai tahap pemulihan yang kukuh kepada 6.5% pada suku ke-empat 2003. Insya-ALLAH, ini boleh kita ulangi dengan pakej rangsangan ini.

28. Berikutan senario ekonomi global dan impak Covid-19, pertumbuhan ekonomi negara bagi tahun 2020 diunjurkan dalam julat 3.2% hingga 4.2%. Saya yakin pelaksanaan pakej ini akan membolehkan ekonomi negara meningkat pada tahap tertinggi dalam julat tersebut. Di dalam rangka pakej rangsangan ini, kerajaan turut mengambil berat prestasi fiskal negara. Defisit fiskal dianggarkan meningkat sedikit kepada 3.4% daripada KDNK berbanding anggaran asal 3.2%.

29. Kerajaan juga menyedari bahawa pelaksanaan Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi tidak boleh dilaksanakan hanya satu pihak sahaja. Oleh yang demikian, kerajaan menyeru pihak swasta secara langsung dan tidak langsung turut terlibat bagi memastikan pakej ini berjaya.

30. Pada masa yang sama, kerajaan berharap rakyat terus cekal, berani dan tekun bagi menghadapi cabaran yang dihadapi sekarang dan menjadi lebih mampan dalam melalui episod ini.

31. Insya-ALLAH, dengan kerjasama, usaha yang gigih dan jati diri yang kukuh, Negara tercinta kita akan kembali dengan lebih makmur dan berdaya tahan.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Astro Awani

Parliament will convene special sitting on March 2nd to determine who commands the majority support and be Prime Minister

Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said the next prime minister may have to be decided when the Dewan Rakyat convenes next month, as there is no clear majority established on the formation of the next government. If parliament fails to find someone who has a simple majority snap polls will have to be called.

“The king has asked all MPs. They have made statutory declarations but he is not sure, so he wants them to make another statement.

“He cannot find anyone with a distinct majority,” he told reporters today after announcing the economic stimulus package at the Prime Minister’s Office here.

Live Sidang Media oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir - Pembentangan Pelan Rangsangan Ekonomi Covid-19

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has agreed to return as Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) chairman on Thursday (Feb 27), says Bersatu Sec-Gen

BEST FBKL: Tun Just tained himself with this move.

Dr M agrees to return as Bersatu chairman, says Marzuki
Thursday, 27 Feb 20204:33 PM MYT

By Zakiah Koya

PETALING JAYA: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has agreed to return as Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) chairman on Thursday (Feb 27), says party secretary-general Datuk Marzuki Yahaya.

"Due to the high request from Bersatu supreme council members, Dr Mahathir has graciously agreed to return as chairman," said Marzuki.

He said that Dr Mahathir was keen to serve the party in this capacity, as he felt he had to adhere to those who wanted him to continue as chairman.

On Monday (Feb 24), Dr Mahathir resigned as prime minister and Bersatu chairman.

Bersatu then exited from the Pakatan Harapan coalition, resulting in the collapse of the government.

On Tuesday (Feb 25), the Bersatu supreme council announced that it had unanimously agreed to reject Dr Mahathir's resignation.

Dr Mahathir was then appointed as interim Prime Minister by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong until the King appoints a new premier according to the constitution.

Malaysia Covid-19 Update: No New COVID-19 positive cases since 15 Feb 2020 , Total Cases remain at 22 (20 discharged)


Tiada Lagi Perbincangan Dengan Tun Mahathir kata Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Tiada Lagi Perbincangan Dengan Tun Mahathir kata Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ,ketika meninggalkan Hotel Eastin, PJ, setelah selesai mempengerusikan mesyuarat Pakatan Harapan

Kami masih Pakatan Harapan (PH) dan dia sudah meninggalkan PH,” katanya ketika ditemui selepas Mesyuarat Majlis Presiden Pakatan Harapan (PH), hari ini.

Terdahulu, beliau hadir bersama pimpinan utama PKR, DAP dan Amanah bagi menghadiri Mesyuarat Majlis Presiden PH

Umno, PPBM join forces to form government in Johor


Covid-19 Arab Saudi menghentikan sementara kemasukan jemaah untuk memasuki negara itu bagi mengerjakan umrah

COVID-19: Saudi gantung kemasukan jemaah umrah

Astro Awani, Agensi | Februari 27, 2020 07:56 MYT

Penggantungan turut membabitkan individu yang menggunakan visa pelancong dari negara-negara yang terjejas akibat COVID-19.

ARAB Saudi pada Khamis menghentikan sementara kemasukan jemaah untuk memasuki negara itu bagi mengerjakan umrah, bertujuan membendung jangkitan wabak COVID-19.

Kementerian Luar Arab Saudi dalam satu kenyataan memaklumkan, penggantungan itu termasuk bagi program ziarah Masjid Nabi di Madinah.

Menurut kenyataan itu lagi, penggantungan turut membabitkan individu yang menggunakan visa pelancong dari negara-negara yang terjejas akibat COVID-19.

Menurut laporan Arab News, garis panduan yang dikeluarkan dalam usaha mengekang virus itu juga termasuk menggantung perjalanan ke dan dari Arab Saudi bagi warganegara Majlis Kerjasama Teluk (GCC) yang menggunakan kad pengenalan kebangsaan.

Dilaporkan hampir 7 juta jemaah mengerjakan umrah di Arab Saudi setiap tahun, dengan majoriti daripada mereka mendarat di lapangan terbang di Jeddah dan Madinah.

Setakat ini, tiada kes positif COVID-19 dilaporkan di Arab Saudi kecuali melibatkan seorang warganya yang ketika ini berada di Kuwait dan ditahan di sana untuk menerima rawatan.


Now PAS Sec-Gen Denies PAS MP's Signed SD for Muhyiddin for PM, All official statement can only come from him and president

Sec-gen denies PAS MPs signed SD for Muhyiddin for PM

Thursday, 27 Feb 202012:07 PM MYT


Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan

PETALING JAYA: It is not true that PAS MPs have signed a statutory declaration saying they support Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for Prime Minister, says the PAS secretary-general.

“The report is totally untrue, ” said Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan.

“Umno and PAS have agreed that the consensus is for dissolution of Parliament, as we said in our press conference yesterday (Feb 26), after our audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

“All official statements pertaining to PAS stand can only come in written form from either party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang or the secretary-general, which is me, ” he told The Star on Thursday (Feb 27).

He also tweeted the same.

Takiyuddin was denying reports that PAS deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man had said that all PAS and Umno MPs have signed an SD in support of Muhyiddin, the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia president, as their candidate for prime minister.

He said that PAS and Umno had initially signed a statutory declaration in support of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad continuing as prime minister.

“When Dr Mahathir announced his resignation and refused to give positions, Muafakat Nasional (the Umno-PAS alliance) signed an SD for Muhyiddin.

“But if there isn't a clear (Parliament) majority, we propose Parliament be dissolved, ” he said.

Tuan Ibrahim's comments come after the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government when Bersatu – which has 26 MPs – pulled out of the coalition and 11 PKR MPs resigned from their party.

Dr Mahathir, who resigned and was then appointed as interim Prime Minister on Monday (Feb 24), on Wednesday (Feb 26) in a televised address to the nation said that he hopes to lead a non-partisan administration which prioritises the national interest.

“Rightly or wrongly, politics and political parties must be set aside for the time being, ” he said.

The remaining parties in Pakatan – PKR, DAP and Amanah – meanwhile said that they nominated Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as their prime minister candidate after Dr Mahathir failed to turn up for a presidential council meeting on Tuesday (Feb 25).

Netizens Slam YouTuber who was Reprimanded by the Police for trying to distribute RM10,000 to the crowd outside Istana Negara instead of food

Cops reprimand YouTuber for attempting to distribute RM10,000 to Istana Negara crowd (VIDEO)

Thursday, 27 Feb 2020 12:04 PM MYT


Social media users slammed Isa's (right) antics, saying he was being disrespectful. — Facebook screengrab

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 27 — A Malaysian YouTuber landed in hot water after being reprimanded by the authorities for trying to distribute up to RM10,000 in cash to the crowds gathered outside the Istana Negara.

Isa Isarb, known for staging pranks and then sharing them on social media, uploaded a seven-minute plus video on his Facebook page detailing his latest stunt.

“The Agong gave away McDonalds yesterday, today it is KFC, so I want to give away RM10,000 in RM1 notes to everybody,” he said at the start of the clip.

Although acknowledging that it was risky to do so, Isa said he was determined to do it anyways.

“We want to bring about an anti-corruption awareness. But who knows what the police might think? They might think we are trying to cause a riot or offer bribes to people for their support in politics,” he said while en route to the palace.

Upon arriving, Isa and his group proceeded to distribute the RM1 notes to the public, including reporters, photographers, and cameramen on duty outside the palace gates. Many of them, at first surprised by his act, returned the notes upon being clued in on what was happening.

Isa was able to give away up to RM600 before being approached by several uniformed police officers, who demanded to know what he was trying to do. Despite his repeated claims of doing it ‘for fun’, the officers insisted he leave the premises.

As they left the palace, the group discovered that their vehicle was being tailed by another, and when they pulled over, were stopped by two individuals who appeared to be with the authorities.

Isa and his friends were sternly advised not to repeat their stunt again. The video concluded with him telling viewers that one ought to always be against corruption.

Since it was uploaded yesterday evening, the video has garnered over 258,000 views, with over 6,500 likes and over 1,700 comments. Most Facebook users were not amused with his decision to give away RM1 notes in front of Istana Negara, chastising Isa for being disrespectful, attention-seeking and hungry for fame.


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Tuan Ibrahim: All PAS and Umno MPs signed statutory declaration (SD) in support of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to be PM

Tuan Ibrahim: All PAS, Umno MPs signed SD for Muhyiddin to be PM


Thursday, 27 Feb 202010:32 AM MYT


PETALING JAYA: All PAS and Umno MPs have signed a statutory declaration (SD) in support of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as the candidate for prime minister, says Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (pic).

According to the PAS deputy president, the party, together with Umno, initially signed a statutory declaration in support of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as prime minister.

"When Dr Mahathir announced his resignation and refused to accept positions, Muafakat Nasional signed an SD for Muhyiddin.

"But if there isn't a clear (Parliament) majority, we propose for Parliament to be dissolved," he said.

Tuan Ibrahim's comments come following the political crisis which saw the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan coalition due to the exit of 26 Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia MPs and 11 PKR MPs.

Dr Mahathir, who resigned and then appointed as interim Prime Minister on Monday (Feb 24), had said on Wednesday (Feb 26) in a televised address to the nation that he hopes to lead a non-partisan administration which prioritises national interest.

The interim Prime Minister had said,"rightly or wrongly, politics and political parties must be set aside for the time being".

The remaining parties in Pakatan – PKR, DAP and Amanah – meanwhile, said on Wednesday that it nominates Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister candidate after Dr Mahathir failed to turn up for a presidential council meeting on Tuesday (Feb 25).

In a press conference on Tuesday (Feb 25), Barisan and PAS had called for the dissolution of Parliament and a snap election to be called due to the current political uncertainty in the country.

Umno secretary-general Tan Sri Annuar Musa said the power to decide should be returned to the people.

"The people's mandate should not be neglected. We ask that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to allow for Parliament to be dissolved," he had said.

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