
31 March 2014


Kilafairy Ganti Hanez Suraya

Pelakon Kilafairy ditawarkan menggantikan tempat Hanez Suraya dalam pementasan teater 'Projek Kahwin' yang akan dipentaskan di Panggung Sari, Istana Budaya pada Jun ini.
Memetik kenyataan di mStar online, berikutan selepas Hanez membuat keputusan menarik diri daripada pementasan teater tersebut gara-gara kontroversi percintaannya dengan ahli perniagaan, Romie Razin Adilha yang masih bergelar suami.
Penerbit teater tersebut, Mohd Amer Shafiq Khalip atau lebih dikenali sebagai Shawn Amer berkata, bagaimanapun pihaknya di bawah syarikat Mask Team itu belum 'mengikat' aktres itu menerusi sebarang perjanjian kontrak lagi.
"Tidak dinafikan, Kilafairy antara pelakon yang dimuktamadkan untuk menggalas watak Hanez sebagai Nisa. Tetapi kami belum membuat sebarang ikatan kontrak lagi.
"Dalam pada itu, pihak kami turut membuat senarai pendek beberapa pelakon lain yang sesuai untuk menggalas watak tersebut.
"Pihak kami akan membuat pengumuman rasmi di Istana Budaya pada Selasa ini," katanya.
Sementara penerbit teater tersebut yang dikenali sebagai Shawn berkata, walaupun Hanez menarik diri, namun pihaknya masih belum memberi maklum balas secara hitam putih kepada pelakon itu lagi.
Malah pemilihan pelakon lain yang dilakukan oleh pihak produksi itu sekadar perancangan 'plan B' sekiranya Hanez benar-benar tidak terlibat dengan teater tersebut.
"Setakat ini, Hanez tidak pernah memberi masalah kepada pihak produksi, tetapi kami hormat dengan apa saja keputusannya," ujarnya.
Projek Kahwin yang akan dipentaskan bermula 6 hingga 14 Jun depan turut menampilkan barisan pelakon seperti Izzue Islam, Shah Iskandar, Imam Muda Asyraf, Sherry Alhadad dan Zulin Aziz.

sumber: mStar online

Konsert Calvin Harris Bersih Daripada Dadah - Ketua Polis Sepang

Konsert Calvin Harris di Sepang Bersih - Ketua Polis

Konsert deejay popular United Kingdom, Calvin Harris, yang berlangsung di lapangan helipad Litar Antarabangsa Sepang pada Ahad (malam tadi), bersih.
'DJ Termahal Dunia' ini tampil menghangatkan lagi acara 'post party' sempena perlumbaan Formula 1 (F1) Petronas Malaysia Grand Prix 2014.
Ketua Polis Ibu Pejabat Sepang, Mohd Yusoff Awang mengesahkan, konsert yang dibanjiri ribuan peminat muzik juga penonton F1 tempatan dan dari luar negara ini lancar tanpa sebarang tangkapan juga insiden yang tidak diingini berlaku.
"Konsert malam tadi berjalan lancar. Tiada sebarang tangkapan dibuat dan tiada insiden yang tidak diingini berlaku. Pihak kami sejak awal lagi telah memberi amaran keras kepada pengunjung yang hadir di konsert itu, sekirannya mereka disyaki menangih dadah, mengambil dada juga mengedar dadah, mereka akan dikenakan tindakan tegas.
"Dan untuk menunjukkan keseriusan pihak polis, dengan bantuan dari IPK Selangor dan Bukit Aman, semalam seramai 200 anggota polis dari jabatan Narkotik telah bertugas memantau sekaligus memastikan tiada sebarang masalah sepanjang konsert berlangsung. Serta enam ekor anjing dadah juga dibawa ke tempat konsert untuk membantu operasi. Terima kasih kepada para pengunjung yang mematuhi peraturan perturan yang tela ditetapkan", katanya Mohd Yusoff ketika dihubungi Malaysian Digest sebentar tadi.
Pihak polis melakukan pemeriksaan sebelum membenarkan pengunjung masuk ke kawasan konsert. Pihak polis melakukan pemeriksaan sebelum membenarkan pengunjung masuk ke kawasan konsert.
Ini merupakan kali pertama Calvin atau nama sebenarnya Adam Richards Wiles membuat persembahan di Malaysia.
Konsert penuh meriah itu berakhir pada tepat jam 11 malam. Bagaimanapun pihak media tidak dibenarkan merakamkan gambar dan video sepanjang konsert berlangsung.
Biarpun konsert malam tadi tidak menimbulkan sebarang isu dan kontroversi, namun sebilangan besar peminat meluahkan pendapat bahwa konsert ini sepatutnya tidak diteruskan memandangkan negara kini berdepan dengan tragedi kehilangan pesawat Malaysian Airlines, MH370. Ini kerana, mereka berpendapat pihak F1 seolah-olah tidak menghormati perasaan keluarga para penumpang persawat yang terlibat.
Sebelum ini media melaporkan beberapa konsert dan festival muzik yang berlangsung di sekitar Kuala Lumpur dibatalkan ekoran menghormati tragedi MH370. Termasuk Festival Future Music yang berlangsung selama tiga hari di Bukit Jalil juga dibatalkan pada hari terakhir festival ekoran berlaku insiden kematian beberapa pengunjung konsert akibat pengambilan
dada berlebihan.
- mD


Scores of Chinese relatives of passengers on board MH370 protested at Malaysia's embassy last week, shouting that Kuala Lumpur authorities were “murderers”. ― Reuters pic Scores of Chinese relatives of passengers on board MH370 protested at Malaysia's embassy last week, shouting that Kuala Lumpur authorities were “murderers”. ― Reuters picBEIJING, March 31 ― China should treat the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 “rationally”, a commentary in state media said today, after days of lurid accusations by relatives insisting their loved ones could still be alive.
Under the headline “Treat MH370 tragedy rationally”, the commentary in the China Daily newspaper, which is run by the government, said: “It is certain that flight MH370 crashed in the Indian Ocean and no one on board survived.”
“We should not let anger prevail over facts and rationality,” it said. “We need to comply with the fundamental norms of a civilised society and need to show the demeanour of a great power.”
Irrational words and behaviour would “not help matters”, it added, and those involved should “prepare to make arrangements for funerals”.
“Although the Malaysian government's handling of the crisis has been quite clumsy, we need to understand this is perhaps the most bizarre incident in Asian civil aviation history. It is understandable that as a developing country, the Malaysia government felt completely at a loss.”
It stressed that finding the aircraft and analysing technical data would take time.
“Why cannot we be patient and just wait until they find the wreckage and get the evidence?” it asked.
“Public opinion should not blame the Malaysian authorities for deliberately covering up information in the absence of hard evidence,” it added.
The author, Mei Xinyu, is a researcher at a commerce ministry institute who is known for his analyses of international trade disputes.
His tone was in stark contrast to that of many relatives of the 153 Chinese on board the flight, who are still clinging to hopes that they could somehow still be alive.


  • Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott meets members of Malaysia's Air Force who are currently based at RAAF Base Pearce near Perth March 31, 2014. ― Reuters pic
Some have demanded that Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak withdraw and apologise for his announcement based on satellite data and other calculations that the plane was lost in the southern Indian Ocean.
“We just have to close our eyes and we see our loved ones there, out there, in pain, desperate for someone to rescue them,” one man said yesterday at a hotel in Beijing where the relatives have been waiting for news.
“Such a long time has passed, but nevertheless the facts do give us grounds to be sure that our loved ones are still alive and that the plane is out there, somewhere.”
Some have embraced bizarre conspiracy theories involving the plane being hijacked and taken to a secret location and the passengers held hostage.
Scores of Chinese relatives were allowed by authorities in Beijing ― who normally keep a tight lid on public dissent ― to protest at Malaysia's embassy last week, shouting that Kuala Lumpur authorities were “murderers”.
A day later, relatives called the Malaysian ambassador to Beijing a “liar” and a “rogue” during a meeting.
In the first days after the plane's disappearance Chinese officials were critical of the Malaysian response, but have since moderated their tone, although they still talk of there being a “glimmer of hope” and are urging Kuala Lumpur to bring Chinese experts into the investigation. ― AFP
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Married couple found with throats slit; pet dogs killed

Selvam and Anita.
Selvam and Anita.
KUALA LUMPUR: A married couple was found dead with their throats slit in their flat at Kampung Muhibbah on Saturday.

It is learnt that in the 11pm incident at Block C of the Muhibbah People's Housing Project, the man had slit the woman's throat following a heated argument between the two before taking his own life.

The couple's bloodied bodies were found sprawled on the floor in a room with two of their pet dogs that were also killed.
A penknife, believed to have been used by the man to kill himself, was discovered lying next to his body.
Initial investigations found incision marks between 10 and 15cm long on the couple's necks.
There were also incision marks on the necks of their pet dogs.
A neighbour, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he had heard a noise coming from the couple's unit at about 10pm.
"It sounded like they were fighting with each other. Not long after that, the block was shocked with the discovery of their bodies," he said when met at the scene.

He added that the couple, known as Selvam and Anita, did not have children and have been staying there for several years.

"Selvam had a transport business while Anita had been working as a part-time beautician," he said.

Another neighbour, who also refused to be identified, admitted that this was the first time she had ever heard the couple fighting.

"I've never seen or heard them having an argument. They were so loving," she said.
Cheras OCPD Asst Comm Mohan Singh confirmed receiving the report and said the case had been classified as sudden death.
He added that investigations were ongoing and there were no elements of crime in the incident. 
The bodies have been sent to the Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for post-mortem.


Nice Imperial buses offer first-class travel experience

Luxury ride: Four Nice Imperial buses are currently in service with 16 more expected to launch within a year.
Luxury ride: Four Nice Imperial buses are currently in service with 16 more expected to launch within a year.
PETALING JAYA: The ride is nice with cocoon seats and Ogawa back-massagers, 4G WiFi and even a steward to serve the 27 passengers.
This is the Nice Imperial – Malaysia’s maiden first-class express bus service from Kuala Lumpur to Penang or Singapore and back again.
“What makes this bus different is that each person sits in an isolated cocoon, so you don’t see the other person’s head in front of you during a recline,” Konsortium Transnasional Berhad (KTB) executive director Tengku Hasmadi Tengku Hashim said.

The double-decker Nice Imperials were launched by KTB in mid-March.
Tengku Hasmadi said commuters could also book seats that placed them at a 45-degree angle towards a window if they liked to look at passing scenery.
“And if they had enough of that, each passenger could play with an Android tablet and browse through over 50 movies and 200 songs,” he added.
Tengku Hasmadi also said Nice Imperial drivers were the “cream of the cream” and had the best driving track record in the company.
Adding that the Nice Imperial was the first Perdana-class model in the country, he said that to date, other comfort-style buses resembled business-class transport.
“We felt we needed another category... We have regular members who travel on our Nice executive coaches and now they can get an upgrade,” he said.
Tengku Hasmadi said KTB was running four Nice Imperial buses, with another 16 more planned to hit the highways within a year.

Currently, the Nice Imperials ply the KL-Singapore, Singapore-KL, KL-Penang and Penang-KL routes.
The one-way fares from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and Penang are RM141 and RM103 respectively.
Tickets can be purchased online 60 days ahead, including return trips, and with possible hotel packages. Those with Nice membership cards enjoy discounted fares, earn points and redeem them for future tickets.
Riders heading to Singapore can board the Nice Imperial at the KL Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM) railway station, KL Sentral and Terminal Bersepadu Selatan.
Those heading to Penang can board the bus from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan and the KL KTM railway station.


MH370 crash: US lawmakers see no evidence of terrorism

WASHINGTON: Senior United States lawmakers said investigators had found no evidence thus far pointing to terrorism in the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 three weeks ago, and that it was critical to find the plane to understand what happened on board.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (pic) and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, speaking on Sunday talk shows, said they had seen no evidence of foul play.
"I have seen nothing yet that comes out of the investigation that would lead me to conclude that (this was) ... anything other than a normal flight that something happened and something went wrong," Rogers told Fox News Sunday.
US officials close to the investigation last week said the FBI examined data it received from a home-made flight simulator and other computer equipment used by MH370's pilots, but found nothing illuminating.
More than two dozen countries and 60 aircraft and ships continued to search for the missing Boeing Co 777 airliner on Sunday, days before the batteries in the locators attached to its black boxes are set to die.
Alan Diehl, who has 40 years experience investigating accidents for the US government and military, urged President Barack Obama to offer Malaysia the use of larger numbers of US P-3 Orions, Air Force MC-130 special forces transports, and US submarines to hunt for the wreckage before the pingers die.

He said such efforts would be costly, but were needed for the victims' families, to deal with possible safety issues with the 1,100 777s now flying, and to avert a negative impact on future sales of Boeing's newest 777 model, the 777X.
"If in the next few years, we are still wondering about the 'Malaysian Mystery', (airlines) may be reluctant to purchase aircraft suspected of having a flaw," Diehl said. "This could cost the company billions and America thousands of jobs."
Feinstein told CNN the Malaysian government was in charge of the search effort, and it would have to ask for additional search or intelligence resources from the US government.
"You can offer but you cannot demand," Feinstein told CNN. "And so the Malaysians would have to ask.”
The Malaysian government has said it believes the plane's course was deliberately altered, but it remains unclear by whom, or whether the change was made in response to a technical fault.
The Boeing 777 has one of the best safety records of any commercial aircraft in service. The only fatal crash came last July when Asiana Airlines Flight 214 struck a seawall on landing in San Francisco, killing three of the 307 people aboard.
Rogers said US investigators would conduct a detailed forensic analysis of the computer equipment, even as they continue to investigate the crew and passengers of the plane, but he warned it would take "a tremendous amount of time."
"We're just going to have to be patient... as this thing unfolds and the only way to really find out what happened is to try to find the airframe itself or as much of it is intact so they can do the forensic investigation on that," Rogers said.
Feinstein echoed those remarks on CNN's "State of the Union" program, saying she had not seen any evidence indicating a terrorist act brought the airplane down.
Asked if she had seen higher resolution satellite images of the possible debris spotted in the Indian Ocean than those made public, Feinstein said she had not, and suspected intelligence officials did not have additional data to offer the Malaysians.
She said the lack of sharpness in the images made public could be linked to the sophistication of the satellite that gathered the imagery, but declined to provide further details.
"You have to understand that American intelligence doesn't gear itself to be ready for plane crashes. That is not its job.
"Our job is terrorism and missile defence and that kind of thing," she said. - Reuters

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