
31 May 2016

Petronas Video Goes Viral : As Sabah celebrates Pesta Kaamatan today and tomorrow while Sarawak will be celebrating Pesta Gawai on Wednesday and Thursday.

Story Of Tribal Girl Who Made Parents Proud Goes Viral As East Msians Celebrate


This week, Sabahans and Sarawakians will be celebrating the annual rice harvest celebration, or Pesta Kaamatan and Pesta Gawai respectively.
The diversity of Malaysia's social landscape allows Malaysians to celebrate and experience different festivities throughout the year.
Sabah celebrates Pesta Kaamatan today and tomorrow while Sarawak will be celebrating Pesta Gawai on Wednesday and Thursday.
Petronas released an almost four-minute web film entitled Renai last Wednesday, May 25 that portrays the values of tolerance, strong family bonds and the need to be grateful, some of the values that the two celebrations teach.
This year's Gawai-and Kaamatan-themed commercial, which has garnered more than 460,000 views since it was released, features the life of a girl named Renai, who lives with her mother in Bario, Sarawak, and the sacrifice that her parents made to secure her future.
Renai's parents had to endure being separated, with the mother making a living in Bario, while her father works hundreds of kilometres away at Mount Kinabalu, Sabah as a mountain guide.
The film ends with Renai, who is shown to have succeeded in life, returning to see her proud parents.
Philip Rom Kulle, the film director, said that the web film featured a different tribe to see the celebration from a different perspective as the Gawai is specific to the Ibans and Bidayuhs in Sarawak.
“It gives a different view of life in Sarawak, which comprises a diverse population.
“The message that we want to convey through this film is the joy and spirit of the Gawai celebration, which is also celebrated and embraced by people of different races in the state.
“And we believe the same applies to the Kaamatan festival in Sabah,” he said.
Curiously, the web film also does not show any indications of any celebrations but apparently it was an intentional decision.
“We do not want to do another story where it feels too touristy, where the media has always portrayed us (Sarawakians) in traditional costumes.
“And there are no indications of any celebrations in the film, where it ends with a greeting and that solely focuses on the moral of the story,” Philip said.

TMJ mendedahkan ada pihak cuba mengalihkan perhatian rakyat terhadap isu isu besar bagi membolehkan mereka melaksanakan misi tanpa disedari.

TMJ Dedah Rancangan 'Pihak Tertentu' Cuba Alih Perhatian Rakyat

Johor, 30 Mei - Tengku Mahkota Johor, HRH Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim (TMJ) dalam postingnya semalam mendedahkan terdapat rancangan 'orang-orang besar' dan organisasi tertentu yang cuba mengalihkan perhatian rakyat terhadap isu-isu lebih besar dalam negara bagi membolehkan mereka melaksanakan misi tanpa disedari.

TMJ berkata sedemikian menerusi satu posting di Facebook Johor Southern Tiger.

"Kadang-kadang ada antara pages-pages didalam sosial media diupah oleh sesetengah organisasi yang mempunyai kuasa supaya melaga-lagakan rakyat bagi mengalihkan perhatian isu-isu lebih besar dalam negara kerana ini membolehkan orang-orang dan organisasi tertentu melaksanakan misi mereka tanpa disedari manakala rakyat masih sibuk dengan hal hal yang lain. 

"Rakyat kena pandai menilai sendiri. Saya bertuah dengan kedudukan saya ini, saya dapat melihat dan mendengar dengan mata dan telinga saya sendiri tentang apa yang dirancangkan oleh orang-orang besar dan organisasi yang tidak akan dapat diketahui oleh rakyat-rakyat diluar sana.", kata TMJ.

Yang lebih mengejutkan, TMJ juga turut mendedahkan baginda pernah mempersoalkan kepada seorang individu yang tidak dinamakan mengapa kita tidak boleh meningkatkan taraf pelajaran dan baginda mendapat dua 'fakta' dari individu itu.

"Sebagai contoh, saya pernah mempersoalkan kepada seseorang individu (tidak menyebut nama individu tersebut) kenapa kita tidak boleh meningkatkan lagi taraf pelajaran, beliau menyatakan kepada saya kerana ada 2 fakta. 

"Fakta pertama adalah untuk mendapatkan undi dan yang kedua adalah lebih mudah untuk mengawal pemikiran orang yang bodoh dan tanpa berpelajaran.

"Itulah sebabnya saya lebih memberi keutamaan kepada rakyat Johor dalam hal-hal pelajaran kerana saya tidak mahu rakyat saya mudah dipermainkan oleh sistem yang memutarbelitkan perkara-perkara sebenar serta mengalih perhatian isu-isu besar daripada rakyat.", kata beliau. -

Malaysian leaders should follow Russian President Vladimir Putin's example in performing simple tasks says Kinabatangan MP

Bung: Be like Putin, pump your own petrol


PETALING JAYA: Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Moktar Radin said all Malaysian leaders should follow Russian President Vladimir Putin's example in performing simple tasks, like pumping their own fuel.  
Bung posted a picture of the Russian leader pumping fuel for his car, with the caption: "See this guy, can all our VVIP do the same as Russia's president?"  
"Our leaders should do these simple jobs so that the people will be pleased with you," said Bung when contacted by The Star on Monday.  
He said leaders should be seen doing everyday tasks by themselves, like any normal person.  
"I have been pumping my own petrol for a long time, especially when I am in my own kawasan (area) (Kinabatangan) and travelling in the kampung (village).  
"I am like any normal person," said Bung.

Petronas picked as the best company to work for in Malaysia in’s People’s Choice Award 2016 survey

Petronas most preferred employer in Malaysia, survey finds

Picture shows (from left) Petronas Senior General Manager of Human Capital Management  Ungku Haslina Ungku M Tahir receiving the award from Seek Asia’s CEO Suresh Thiru (right) and TalentCorp Malaysia CEO Johan Merican (centre). — Picture by JobStreet.comPicture shows (from left) Petronas Senior General Manager of Human Capital Management Ungku Haslina Ungku M Tahir receiving the award from Seek Asia’s CEO Suresh Thiru (right) and TalentCorp Malaysia CEO Johan Merican (centre). — Picture by JobStreet.comMALAYMAILONLINEKUALA LUMPUR, May 30 — Malaysians have picked Petronas for the second year running as the best company to work for in the country, putting the national oil giant ahead of Ango-Dutch firm Shell and tech giant Google, according to a survey.
JobStreet country manager Chook Yuh Yng explained that there were two parts to the’s People’s Choice Award 2016 survey that was conducted online last December; in the first, respondents were given an open-ended question on which firm they felt employees preferred, while in the second part, they were asked to state what job seekers look for when seeking employment.
According to Chook, “benefits and incentives” topped the list in the second part of the survey that interviewed a total 7,958 respondents from across different age groups, genders and educational levels.
“The second part of survey found that across all position levels, ranging from directors and CEOs to fresh graduates and unemployed, found ‘benefits and incentives’ as the number one pull factor that attracted them to a company with 85 per cent of the respondents polling this as the main factor,” she said.
A total of 77 per cent suggested “salary” as another attractive factor, while 71 per cent voted for “learning and development” and 66 per cent said the firm’s reputation was important.
“We are indeed honoured to receive this award as this is a recognition that further propels our brand as Malaysia’s preferred employer,” Petronas senior vice president of Group Human Resource Management Datuk Raiha Azni Rahman said today in response to the survey results.
Other companies that made it to the top ten list are Sime Darby, Maybank, AirAsia, Nestle, Intel, Tenaga Nasional Bhd and Public Bank.
- See more at:

10 Syarikat Yang Paling Rakyat Malaysia Mahu Bekerja Menurut Survey

31 Mei - Portal mencari pekerjaan, telah mengeluarkan senarai 10 Syarikat yang paling digemari oleh rakyat Malaysia.

Senarai tersebut dikeluarkan hasil kajian dari 7,900 peserta .

10 Syarikat Yang Paling Rakyat Malaysia Mahu Bekerja 2016

10 - Public Bank

9 - TNB

8 - Intel

7 - Nestle

6 - AirAsia

5 - Maybank

4 - Sime Darby

3 - Google

Berada di tempat pertama dan kedua, syarikat Oil & Gas.

2 - Shell

1 - Petronas.

Harap Polis Tangkap Pemandu Teksi Yang Mengeluarkan Pisau bila tegur oleh orang ramai kerana menghalang ambulan dan jalan

Halang Laluan Jalan Termasuk Ambulans, Pemandu Teksi Ini Keluarkan Pisau Bila Ditegur Orang Ramai

Seorang lelaki bernama Francis Ngu Hown Hua melalui laman Facebooknya telah memuatnaik sebuah video di mana beliau mendakwa seorang pemandu teksi telah memberhentikan teksinya di atas laluan.

Tindakan pemandu teksi berkenaan yang tidak mahu mengubah kenderaannya telah membuatkan laluan tersekat dan ambulans yang berada di sebelahnya tidak dapat keluar.

Kerana tindakan pemandu teksi tersebut yang dilihat tidak menghiraukan kejadian itu, orang ramai telah pergi untuk menegurnya supaya mengubah teksinya itu.

Namun dia dilihat marah dan telah masuk ke dalam teksinya dan mengeluarkan sesuatu dipercayai sebilah pisau sebagai tanda ugutan menyebakan orang ramai tidak berani menegurnya lagi.

Menurut Francis kejadian berkenaan berlaku di Sibu, Sarawak.

Dari pemerhatian admin, teksi berkenaan mungkin berada di atas laluan teksi, tetapi mungkin boleh bertolak ansur kerana keadaan sesak. -

Indian-Muslim restaurant owner in Puchong and his workers had to run for their lives after being attacked by four men with parang

For illustration purposes only

Men with parang wreck eatery in Puchong


THE owner of an Indian-Muslim restaurant in Puchong and his workers had to run for their lives after being attacked by four men with parang, reported Tamil dailies.
In his police report, the shop owner said he recognised two of the men.
They allegedly had a vendetta against him after losing a court case against him, and had been looking for an opportunity to attack.
The two men and two accomplices rushed into the shop on Saturday while customers were dining.
They damaged the shop, overturning carts and tables. The owner and his workers escaped through the back door.

The attackers also stole RM1,000 from the cash counter.

Road users travelling on emergency lanes whose pics showing vehicle and number plate are posted on Facebook may be hauled up by police

Cops turn to social media to nab motorists who use emergency lanes


KUALA TERENGGANU: The police may haul up road users travelling on emergency lanes to assist in investigation, including those with their vehicle pictures and number plates posted on Facebook, said Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Noor Rashid Ibrahim.
Those found guilty will be imposed the maximum fine of RM300 and no discount will be given, Noor Rashid told a press conference yesterday after the closing of the national-level police contingent Tilawah Al-Quran which was held in Terengganu.
Noor Rashid said using the emergency lane was an offence as it would hinder teams reacting to emergency cases.

It was reported that cars travelling on the emergency lane at KM228 of the North-South Express­way had hindered an ambulance from reaching the accident site.
After viewing a video recording of the vehicles on the emergency lane, the Road Transport Department issued 91 notices to the vehicle owners to come forward to assist investigations and they have 14 days to appear at the JPJ office.
Noor Rashid said the same rule would be applied by the police as the use of emergency lanes by private vehicles has to be stopped.
On the Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar by-elections, Noor Rashid said that some 7,000 police personnel will be deployed.
Two thousand will be deployed in Kuala Kangsar and 5,000 in Sungai Besar.
“We hope supporters of the political parties do not behave unruly. We are also hoping for it to take place peacefully and do not wish to see any untoward incidents.”

A factory worker, who was hit by her husband in a hospital elevator three years ago, is glad that justice is served

Facing the law: Mohamad Affandi being taken away by policemen after he was found guilty of hitting his wife Siti Khadijah (pic right).

Hubby jailed and fined for hitting wife


BUKIT MERTAJAM: A factory worker, who was hit by her husband in a hospital elevator three years ago, is glad that justice is served following a magistrate’s court’s decision to jail the accused eight months.
Siti Khadijah Ahmad Ramli, 40, who is in the midst of a divorce with veterinary officer Mohammad Affandi Ismail, 39, said the sentence would also serve as a lesson to other men not to hurt their wives.
Mohammad Affandi from Jerantut, Pahang, was also fined RM2,000 in default two months’ jail for hitting Siti Khadijah at the KPJ Hospital lift in Bandar Perda at about 4pm on Aug 12.

Magistrate Mohd Fitri Sadardin ordered Mohammad Affandi to serve his jail sentence effective yesterday.
Before the decision yesterday, Mohammad Affandi was seen in a jovial mood outside the courtroom.
He was even heard telling newsmen to respect all women.
It is learnt that Mohammad Affandi is now married to Norzilawati Ab Aziz, 26, who is four months pregnant.
Earlier, Siti Khadijah, who is a mother of three children aged between seven and 12, told the court how the incident had affected her.
“I suffered trauma. It caused me to feel threatened and to be in fear, and made me feel ashamed.
“My head was also swollen after being hit,” she said from the witness dock.
Mohammad Affandi’s counsel R. Palaniappan pleaded for a lighter sentence as his client had no past criminal record and was educated.
“If the accused is jailed, it will cause him to lose his income.
“The accused has been cooperative with the police and the court, and has realised his wrongdoing and regrets it.
“Furthermore, he has already gone through a lot of punishment from the public after a video of the incident went viral on YouTube and the social media,” said Palaniappan.
He added that the case was merely a family argument and a minor offence.
However, DPP Kamaliza Md Zain begged to differ, saying the case involved public interest and the offence was serious as the accused hit his wife in a public place and in the presence of their two children.
“If leniency is to be given, it may send out a message to the public that such offences can be taken lightly and may encourage it to be repeated,” said Kamaliza.
“Twelve witnesses were called to testify and all agreed that the complainant had done nothing wrong to cause the accused to hit her,” said Kamaliza.
In passing sentence, Mohd Fitri said the punishment would send out a message not only to the accused but to others to respect their wives.
“The act of hitting the wife in front of two children is unacceptable by the court, regardless of reasons given.”

Photographs showing a traffic policeman giving a disabled man a lift on his motorbike have gone viral

PETALING JAYA: Photographs showing a traffic policeman giving a disabled man a lift on his motorbike have gone viral, with many Malaysians praising the officer for his kindness.
Netizen Mohd Shahrin shared some of the images and described the incident in a social media posting.
“A police corporal from the Taman Tun Dr Ismail police station was making his patrol rounds on motorcycle. The policeman willingly gave a ride to a disabled man who lacks both legs and his left hand. The disabled man moves around only with the strength in his right hand and his torso. I was touched to see him. Congratulations Corporal Ropi from the TTDI station who provided help to the needy,” Mohd Shahrin wrote on Sunday.

The deed did not go unnoticed by Malaysia’s top cop.
“Syabas URB @PDRMsia #PolisDanMasyarakatBerpisahTiada (Well done PDRM motorcycle unit),” Inspector General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar tweeted on Monday together with pictures of the episode.
The images, which were shared again on the Royal Malaysian Police Facebok page, received some 5,700 likes in just 12 hours.
The policeman also received positive feedback from Malaysians who lauded him in the Facebook comments section.
According to a Sin Chew Daily report, Kpl Ropi met the man while on patrol along Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 1 at 8pm on Sunday.
“I was worried that a car might not see him because it was already dark, so I offered to send him to the nearest bus station,” Kpl Ropi was quoted as saying.
The person who took the images was another police officer on patrol duty with Kpl Ropi. He did not expect the images to go viral when he uploaded it to Facebook.

30 May 2016

A businessman was hauled to court today over a hoax bomb threat which led to panic onboard a Singapore-bound Firefly flight

Businessman charged over bomb threat on Firefly flight


PETALING JAYA: A businessman was hauled to court today over a hoax bomb threat which led to panic onboard a Singapore-bound Firefly flight two weeks ago.
Wong Choon Loong, 41, dressed in a black hooded sweater, pleaded not guilty to the offence before Magistrate Atiqah Abdul Karim@Husaini.
The father of two was charged with threatening a Firefly staff via a phone call from the Subang Airport, saying that there was a bomb onboard the Firefly 3251 flight.
He was accused of committing the offence at the Firefly Airlines customer service office in Citta Mall, Jalan PJU 1A/48 here at 7.30pm on May 17.
In pleading for a low bail, Wong who is a director of several companies, said he needed to take care of his businesses.
The magistrate granted him RM8,000 bail with one surety and fixed June 28 for mention.
Deputy public prosecutor Siti Fatimah Yahya prosecuted while the accused was represented by counsel L.H Yap.
It was reported that a Firefly flight from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur had to make an emergency landing at the Subang Airport following a bomb threat.
All 30 passengers on board the ATR 72-600 were evacuated.
The bomb threat turned out to be a hoax.

Veterinary officer get 8 months jail for beating his wife in an elevator three years ago.

Wife beater in viral video slapped with eight months jail


BUKIT MERTAJAM: A veterinary officer was sentenced to eight months jail by the Magistrate's Court here today for beating his wife in an elevator three years ago.
Magistrate Mohd Fitri Sadarudin also fined Mohammad Affandi Ismail, 39, RM2,000, in default of two months jail.
Affandi was found guilty at the end of the defence's case for beating Siti Khadijah Ahmad Ramli, 40, inside the elevator of the KPJ Hospital at 4pm on Aug 12, 2013.
He was charged under Section 323 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing hurt.
Fitri, in handing down the sentence, said the defence had failed to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt.
He also told Affandi that the court is unable to accept the fact that he hit his wife inside the elevator, in the presence of their two children.
"I hope this sentence will give you the chance to re-think what you had done.
"I also hope it will serve as a lesson to the community at large," he said.
Speaking to newsmen outside the court, Siti Khadijah said she was thankful for the sentence.
Counsel R. Palaniappan appeared for Affandi while Deputy Public Prosecutor Kamaliza Md Zain prosecuted.

Private Companies bunting should not overshadow Tourism Malaysia brand, Tourism Malaysia Chairman Justifies action at Expo

PETALING JAYA: Tourism Malay­sia chairman Wee Choo Keong has denied causing a commotion at the 4th China (Beijing) International Tourism Expo 2016.
He said the alleged incident was blown out of proportion and expressed regret that some people had tried to portray it as a personal issue related to his stand on AirAsia.
Wee explained that he had requested local staff to clear the two bunting belonging to AirAsia and another company from the entrance and move them to the back.
“I saw two bunting at the entrance, and they were overshadowing the Tourism Malaysia brand.
“I admit that I did ask our local staff to clear the bunting from the entrance.
“My stand is no bunting from private companies should be allowed to overshadow the Tourism Malaysia brand unless they are bunting from the agency or the Government.
“However, I categorically deny that I tore the bunting with my hands as alleged,” he said in a statement yesterday.
It was reported that Wee had allegedly lambasted his staff during the expo after seeing the AirAsia buntings put up alongside other promotional material at the Tourism Malaysia booth.
Wee said he had been consistent in voicing his concern over AirAsia’s business model, claiming that the airline had yet to settle its passenger service charge as well as other debts to Malaysia Airports Holding Bhd (MAHB).
“Tan Sri Tony Fernandes (AirAsia Bhd Group CEO) should ensure AirAsia fully settle all its huge outstanding debts to MAHB so that MAHB can have more funds to provide better facilities and services to the public,” Wee said.
Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said Wee should explain his alleged outburst during the event last week.
AirAsia CEO Aireen Omar said the airline had consistently paid the passenger service charge to MAHB.

“We deem these latest statements by Wee as intended to further injure the reputation of AirAsia which are now already a subject to a defamation litigation,” she said in a statement.

TMJ asked the police not to arrest those who make allegedly seditious remarks against him, but rather, arrange a face-to-face meeting

TMJ: Don't arrest those who make seditious remarks against me
- Bernama
- Bernama
PETALING JAYA: Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim (pic)has asked the police not to arrest those who make allegedly seditious remarks against him, but rather, arrange a face-to-face meeting between them instead.
"I would prefer it if the authorities can organise a meeting for me to meet with these people and give them the privilege of saying what they want to say to my face, man to man," the Johor Crown Prince said in a statement posted on the Johor Southern Tigers Facebook page on Monday.
He said that he knew about the incident, but could not do anything as someone else lodged the police report against the suspect.
A Pahang football fan, Masyhur Abdullah, 29, was recently arrested for allegedly insulting Tunku Ismail, the owner of the Johor Darul Takzim (JDT) football club, on Twitter.
He claimed that they are pages in social media that are paid to instigate the people to fight and quarrel amongst themselves so that their attention was diverted away from issues that truly matter.
"This enables the people in big organisations and in power to implement their mission without the people even knowing. The people should judge for themselves.
I'm lucky as I am in the position to hear and see with my own eyes and ears what these people in big organisations are orchestrating without the knowledge of the people," he said.
Tunku Ismail also said that he had questioned an unnamed VIP why the education level could not be improved, with two simple reasons being given.
"The first is to obtain votes, and the second is to make it easy to control the minds of the stupid and uneducated.
"This is why I prioritise Johoreans' education because I don't want my people to be easily manipulated by the system," he said

Wartawan : Assalamualaikum Tunku. Salam Jumaat. Terima kasih kerana memberi masa untuk kami mewawancara Tunku pada hari yang mulia ini. Tunku didapati sebagai seorang yang 'straight forward' dimana apabila Tunku mengeluarkan kenyataan, Tunku jarang bertapis-tapis dalam sesuatu perkara. Kami sebagai wartawan dan penyokong bolasepak begitu teruja apabila mendapat berpeluang mewawancara Tunku sendiri.
TMJ : Waalaikumsalam. Terima Kasih.
Wartawan : Tunku, Kami dapati didalam sosial media ada seseorang mengata sesuatu yang tidak elok terhadap Tunku yang kemudian telah ditangkap untuk disoalsiasat oleh pihak polis. Dan ada juga media-media sosial lain yang cuba membesar-besarkan cerita ini bagi menghangatkan lagi suasana.
TMJ : Ya. Saya dimaklumkan tentang perkara ini tetapi apa yang boleh saya lakukan sekiranya ada orang yang ingin membuat laporan polis mengenainya. Terus terang saya cakap yang saya tidak peduli apa sahaja orang mengatakan kerana saya amat bersyukur dengan apa yang Allah SWT berikan kepada saya. Saya tiada masa untuk melayan orang-orang seperti ini.
Kadang-kadang ada antara pages-pages didalam sosial media diupah oleh sesetengah organisasi yang mempunyai kuasa supaya melaga-lagakan rakyat bagi mengalihkan perhatian isu-isu lebih besar dalam negara kerana ini membolehkan orang-orang dan organisasi tertentu melaksanakan misi mereka tanpa disedari manakala rakyat masih sibuk dengan hal hal yang lain. Rakyat kena pandai menilai sendiri. Saya bertuah dengan kedudukan saya ini, saya dapat melihat dan mendengar dengan mata dan telinga saya sendiri tentang apa yang dirancangkan oleh orang-orang besar dan organisasi yang tidak akan dapat diketahui oleh rakyat-rakyat diluar sana.
Sebagai contoh, saya pernah mempersoalkan kepada seseorang individu (tidak menyebut nama individu tersebut) kenapa kita tidak boleh meningkatkan lagi taraf pelajaran, beliau menyatakan kepada saya kerana ada 2 fakta. Fakta pertama adalah untuk mendapatkan undi dan yang kedua adalah lebih mudah untuk mengawal pemikiran orang yang bodoh dan tanpa berpelajaran.
Itulah sebabnya saya lebih memberi keutamaan kepada rakyat Johor dalam hal-hal pelajaran kerana saya tidak mahu rakyat saya mudah dipermainkan oleh sistem yang memutarbelitkan perkara-perkara sebenar serta mengalih perhatian isu-isu besar daripada rakyat.
Akhir sekali, saya dengan rendah diri mencadangkan kepada PDRM agar tidak menangkap mana-mana individu yang telah membuat sebarang kenyataan yang menghina terhadap saya. Saya lebih suka jika pihak berkuasa dapat menganjurkan pertemuan antara saya dan individu-individu tersebut dan memberikan mereka peluang untuk menyuarakan apa yang mereka mahu katakan kepada saya secara berhadapan, dan bersemuka antara mereka dan saya sahaja. Saya akan menghargainya jika anda bersetuju dengan cadangan ikhlas saya ini.
Wartawan : Terima kasih Tunku dengan penjelasan ini. Untuk pertanyaan yang terakhir, apa perasaan Tunku dengan pencapaian Tunku hari ini?
TMJ : Awak nak saya jawab dengan cara merendah diri dan berkias atau awak nak perkara yang sebenar-benarnya..?
Wartawan : Sudah tentu kami ingin mendengar dari hati Tunku.
TMJ : Baiklah. Saya berjaya meningkatkan RM30 juta wang kelab kepada RM120 juta dalam masa satu tahun sementara yang lain kehilangan wang mereka.
Saya berjaya membantu kelab dapat 6 piala dari tiada piala dalam masa 3 tahun.
Saya berjaya mengubah sebuah kelab menjadi sebuah empayar.
Saya berjaya letakkan nama negeri saya di mata dunia sementara mereka yang lain hanya memberi janji palsu kepada penyokong mereka semata-mata ingin mendapat sokongan dan undi.
Saya berjaya ubah satu nama kepada sebuah jenama.
Saya berjaya mengubah pemain professional menjadi pemain superstar.
Saya berjaya mengubah individu-individu dalam industri bolasepak jadi jutawan.
Saya memenangi piala pertama saya ketika bermain polo sewaktu saya berumur 11 tahun.
Saya satu-satunya pemain polo di dalam negara dan pemain asing yang memenangi Kejohanan Terbuka Metropolitan (high gol 24) di Argentina untuk dua tahun berturut-turut.
Saya satu-satunya kerabat diraja yang menerima latihan 'Special Forces' dan 'Airbone'.
Saya hanya satu-satunya warga asing yang mengetuai Perbarisan semasa Hari Kemerdekaan iaitu salah satu askar terkuat di dunia yang dikenali sebagai kuasa nuklear iaitu India.
Nama saya dinyanyikan ribuan orang apabila saya memasuki stadium.
Saya adalah seorang insan yang 'real' manakala sesetengah mereka (anak-anak orang kenamaan) di KL cuba berlagak 'gangster'.
Saya disayangi oleh rakyat saya, dihormati di negeri-negeri dan negara lain, ditakuti oleh orang-orang yang mementingkan diri sendiri demi kuasa, dan billionair berusia 31 tahun yang paling dibenci oleh mereka yang mempunyai penyakit mental.
Kebenaran menyakitkan? Teruskan membenci.
Wartawan : Terima Kasih Tunku.
TMJ : Sama-sama
DYAM Brigadier Jeneral Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor
Journalist: Assalamualaikum Tunku. Thank you very much for sparing us the time for today's interview with you. Tunku, you've adapted this "straight forward" approach whereby you do not filter much whenever you come up with a statement. Nonetheless, we from the media are very excited and honored to have been given this opportunity to personally interview you today.
TMJ : Waalaikumsalam and thank you.
Journalist : Tunku, we have read in the social media that there was an individual who has been reprimanded by the Malaysian Police for making rude and inappropriate remarks towards you. Following this, other media portals have been trying to sensationalize this report and blowing it up out of proportions.
TMJ : Yes, I have been informed about this incident, but what can I do about it when someone lodged a police report. I can honestly say that I don't really care about what other people may say about me as I am truly thankful with what God as given me in my life. I have no time to entertain people as such.
Sometimes there are pages in the social media who are paid to instigate the people to fight and quarrel amongst themselves so that their attention is diverted from the problems and issues that matters. This enables the people in big organizations and in power to implement their mission without the people even knowing. The people should judge for themselves. I'm lucky as I am in the position to hear and see with my own eyes and ears what these people in big organisations are orchestrating without the knowledge of the people.
For example, I've questioned a certain important individual (not mentioning names here) why can't we improve the education level? The individual answered that it was for 2 simple reasons. The first is to obtain votes, and the second is to make it easy to control the minds of the stupid and uneducated.
This is why I prioritise Johoreans' education because I don't want my people to be easily manipulated by the system. People who twists and turn from the truth as well as distract the people from the main issues.
Last but not least, I would humbly share my opinion with PDRM not to arrest anyone making seditious remarks about me. I would prefer it if the authorities can organise a meeting for me to meet with these people and give them the privilege of saying what they want to say to my face, man to man. I would appreciate it if you can agree to my humble proposal.
Journalist: Thank you Tunku for your explanation. For my last question, what are your thoughts on your accomplishments up to today?
TMJ: Would you like me to answer candidly or truthfully?
Journalist: But of course we would like to hear truthfully from your heart Tunku.
TMJ: Very well then, I've successfully increased the club's budget from RM30m to RM120m in the span of a year whilst other clubs have managed to lose theirs.
I've successfully helped the club win 6 trophies from nothing in 3 years.
I've succeeded in changing a club into an empire.
I've managed to put the name of my state in the eyes of the world whilst others only provide empty promises to their supporters simply to get support and votes.
I've succeeded in changing a name into a brand.
I've turned my professional players into superstars.
I've succeeded in changing the individuals in the football industry into millionaires.
I won my first ever trophy at the age of 11 playing polo.
I am one of the only polo players in the country and the only foreigner to have won the Metropolitana Open Championship (high goal 24) for 2 consecutive years.
I am one of the the only royalties who has completed the 'special forces' and 'airborne' training.
I am the only foreigner who has led the National Day parade for one of the strongest armies with nuclear capabilities, which is India.
I have Thousands chanting my name as I enter the stadium.
I am a man who is 'real' whilst some (children to prominent people) socialites in KL trying to act like 'gangsters'.
I am loved by my people, respected by other states and countries, and feared by those who are selfish for money and power.
I'm the most hated 31 year old billionaire by those suffering from mental illnesses. The truth hurts? Continue hating.
Journalist : Thank you very much Tunku
TMJ : You're welcome.
HRH Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor

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