
30 April 2016

Bayi lelaki berusia dua bulan maut selepas dipercayai telah didera.

Bayi Dua Bulan Maut, Alami Kecederaan Teruk Akibat Didera

Bintulu: Seorang bayi lelaki berusia dua bulan maut selepas dipercayai telah didera di kuarters pekerja sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi di sini semalam, lapor Harian Metro.

Bayi berkenaan telah dibawa oleh ibu bapanya yang berrumur 25 dan 30 tahun ke Hospital Bintulu selepas bayi mereka itu tidak sedarkan diri kira-kira kam 7 pagi.

Hasil siasatan awal ketika sampai di hospital terdapat kesan patah pada tulang dan lebam dipercayai akibat didera.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Sarawak, Senior Asisten Komisioner Dev Kumar berkata, polis telah menerima satu panggilan daripada seorang doktor dari Hospital Bintulu di mana beliau telah memaklumkan menerima pesakit seorang bayi yang mempunyai kesan lebam dan bengkak, sudah meninggal dunia.

"Hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan pada mayat, mendapati bayi malang itu patah tulang belikat, patah tulang rusuk kiri, kesan lebam pada badan serta calar pada mata dan dahi."

"Pasangan suami isteri ini telah ditahan kira-kira jam 2,30 petang untuk siasatan lanjut mengikut Seksyen 320 Kanun Keseksaan," katanya. -

Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei Blows Away China's Lin Dan 22-20, 15-21, 21-4 in the semi-final of Asian Badminton Championships (ABC) in Wuhan (Ful Match)

Fast Forward to Full Match from 1:36:00

Chong Wei beats Lin Dan for ABC final

PETALING JAYA: What a big statement Lee Chong Wei has just made ahead of the Rio Olympics.

The 33-year-old national badminton ace  brushed aside arch-rival Lin Dan in the rubber game en route to a 22-20, 15-21, 21-4 win in the semi-final of Asian Badminton Championships (ABC) in Wuhan on Saturday.
It was Chong Wei's 11th win over the two-time Olympic gold medallist in 36 meetings.
It was also Chong Wei's second win in as many matches against Lin Dan, having beaten his nemesis at the same stage of the China Open last November.
Chong Wei, who last won the ABC in 2006, will face world No.1 Chen Long in the final on Sunday.

On allegations that he had approved a piece of land in Tasik Kenyir to the Muslim preacher Dr Zakir Naik, Terengganu MB says he has no power to do so.

Terengganu MB: I have no powers to award land to anyone


KUALA NERUS: Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman said he had no power to award government land to anyone as there were procedures to be adhered to in the approval process.
He said this when asked by reporters on allegations that he had approved a piece of land in Tasik Kenyir to the Muslim preacher Dr Zakir Naik.
"However, anyone can apply for government land and need to go thorough specific procedures, including submission of proposal on the use of land. Any land bigger than 20 hectares must be approved by the Land and Mines Office, State Economic Planning Unit and the Exco," he said.
Razif said the procedures must be adhered to and approved at every stage of the application.
"My offer to Dr Zakir was merely a verbal offer. He needs to submit a proposal to develop the piece of land. If he agree to our procedures and is serious about developing the land for Islamic schools, we will look at the proposal first.
"I don't have the power to award anyone a piece of land as had been speculated in social and print media," he said after the ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of the Terengganu Halal Business Centre in Gong Badak today.
It was claimed that two weeks ago, Razif had announced that the state government would consider giving an island in Tasik Kenyir to Dr Zakir to set up an Islamic centre to help propagate Islamic knowledge.
Meanwhile, on the issue concerning his position as Menteri Besar, Ahmad Razif said he will continue with his duties as the administrative head of the government.
"I am still the menteri besar and will perform by duties as usual," he said briefly without taking any more questions about his position.
He also declined to comment on whether he had met the prime minister to discuss his position as the menteri besar.

Live Badminton Asia Championships 2016 Semi Finals. 2.00PM

Matches in this live streaming event:
▓▓▓ Court 1:
►Zhang Nan/Zhao Yunlei - Ko Sung Hyun/Kim Ha Na
►Li Xuerui - Sung Ji Hyun
►Lee Chong Wei - Lin Dan
►Lee Yong Dae/Yoo Yeon Seong - Takeshi Kamura/Keigo Sonoda

Anda Sepatutnya Sembah Tuhan & Berkhidmat untuk Rakyat, Bukan Sembah PM & Berkhidmat untuk Rakyat - TMJ (Video)

Anda Sepatutnya Sembah Tuhan & Berkhidmat untuk Rakyat, Bukan Sembah PM & Berkhidmat untuk Rakyat - TMJ

Johor, 29 April - Tunku Mahkota Johor, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim mengkritik beberapa pemimpin menerusi satu temuramah ekslusif portal Straits Times(ST) baru-baru ini.

ST menemuramah TMJ berkenaan pendirian beliau dengan keadaan politik di Malaysia dan di mana pendirian Johor tentang perkara ini.

Di dalam video tersebut, TMJ mengkritik mentaliti beberapa pemimpin dan juga kenyataan-kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh mereka.

"Kamu boleh tengok orang-orang yang mewakili negara saya?", tanya TMJ kepada wartawan.

"Saya tak ada rahsia mengenai perkara itu. Kamu boleh lihat mentaliti mereka, kenyataan-kenyataan yang mereka keluarkan

"Anda(pemimpin) sepatutnya sembah Tuhan dan berkhidmat untuk masyarakat, bukan sembah PM dan berkhidmat untuk masyarakat", tegas TMJ.

"Kemudian saya mula terfikir, Oh Tuhan, kita di tempat yang sama(Malaysia). Apa yang akan berlaku pada Johor di masa hadapan? Apa yang akan berlaku pada rakyat Johor di masa hadapan?", kata TMJ sambil berkata beliau berharap agar perkara ini berubah satu masa nanti.

"Jika saya tak boleh ubah apa yang berlaku di atas sana, saya lebih selesa perbetulkan beberapa perkara di sini ", sambung beliau lagi.

TMJ juga turut berkata mereka yang mencemuh inisiatif-inisiatif yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan Johor sebagai 'takutkan bayang sendiri'.

"Sejujurnya, ramai yang akan berkata, Ooo Johor akan datang dengan bank mereka sendiri, tentera mereka sendiri blablabla itu dan ini

"Saya rasa orang-orang ini adalah mereka yang takutkan bayang-bayang sendiri

"Kerana jika anda benar-benar membuat analisa dengan betul, kami cuma mahu memberi khidmat kepada rakyat dengan sebaiknya", kata TMJ.

Video temuramah berdurasi 3 minit 31 saat itu boleh ditonton dibawah:

Tauke Kedai Berani Hentak Kepala Penyamun Berpistol

Tauke Kedai Berani Hentak Kepala Penyamun Berpistol

KLANG, 29 Apr - Seorang penyamun bertindak melepaskan beberapa das tembakan rambang selepas gagal menyamun sebuah kedai telekomunikasi dalam kejadian di Jalan Meranti Putih, Taman Desa Permai 2 di sini hari ini.

Sinar Online melaporkan, dalam kejadian 4.30 petang itu, suspek datang ke premis sendirian dengan menaiki sebuah motosikal jenis Yamaha LC dengan tujuan kononnya ingin membeli telefon bimbit.

Suspek kemudian menunjukkan pistol kepada pemilik kedai dan mengugutnya menyerahkan wang selain mengarahkan beberapa pelanggan duduk.

"Selain itu, suspek telah mengarahkan pemilik kedai berusia 50-an itu untuk mengeluarkan telefon bimbit yang diletakkan di rak pameran

"Ketika suspek yang cuba untuk mengambil telefon bimbit itu, pemilik kedai telah menghentak kepala suspek di rak pameran hingga menyebabkan suspek melepaskan satu das tembakan," kata Ketua Polis Daerah Klang Utara, Asisten Komisioner Mohd Yusoff Mamat.

Suspek kemudian cuba melarikan diri namun dikejar pemilik kedai dan berlaku pergelutan.

Kata Yusoff lagi, seorang pelanggan turut membantu menangkap suspek.

Insiden itu juga menyebabkan suspek sekali lagi melepaskan beberapa das tembakan hingga hampir mengenai seorang kanak-kanak yang berada berhampiran lokasi kejadian

"Suspek berjaya ditangkap dan polis telah merampas sepucuk pistol jenis Colt .45

"Siasatan dapati suspek berusia 44 tahun, datang dari Sungai Buloh dan mempunyai kes dikehendaki bersabit kes samun di Rawang selain turut memiliki empat rekod samun," katanya lapor Sinar Online.

Seorang pekerja sebuah zoo ditahan pada minggu lepas kerana didakwa menggelapkan duit makanan untuk harimau di zoo

Penjaga Zoo Sanggup Biarkan Harimau Kebuluran Untuk Beli Kereta

Indonesia - Seorang pekerja sebuah zoo di Yogyakarja ditahan pada minggu lepas kerana didakwa menggelapkan duit makanan untuk harimau di zoo berkenaan untuk tujuan membeli dua buah motosikal dan sebuah kereta dalam masa beberapa bulan.

Menurut polis, suspek beruai 37 tahun itu telah menggelapkan 3 juta rupiah (RM890) seminggu sejak Jun tahun lalu sehingga Februari tahun ini.

"Secara keseluruhan, dia disyaki menggelapkan 90 juta Rupiah (RM26,720)  duit untuk membeli daging kambing (untuk harimau)", kata polis Yogjakarta, Inspektor Edi Subekti, lapor Coconut Jakarta.

Menurut laporan itu juga, harimau-harimau di zoo berkenaan sepatutnya diberi 17kg daging kambing dua kali seminggu namun pekerja zoo itu telah mengambil kebanyakan dari wang terbabit. Laporan itu juga menyatakan dia hanya memberikan 5kg daging sahaja dari 17kg itu.

Pekerja zoo itu juga dituduh menggunakan wang terbabit untuk membeli dua motosikal dan membuat bayaran muka sebuah kereta.

Lelaki berkenaan ditahan berikutan satu laporan polis yang dibuat oleh seorang pelatih harimau yang mendapati harimau-harimau itu seolah-olah susut berat badan dan kehilangan bulu.

Jika disabitkan kesalahan, penjaga zoo berkenaan berhadapan penjara empat tahun kerana mengelapkan wang. -

Donald Trump had to go through fences and back door like an illegal immigrant to Eludes Protesters when attending California Republican GOP

Donald Trump had to go through fences and back door like an illegal immigrant to Eludes Protesters when attending California Republican GOP

Donald Trump Eludes Protestors in California

Doctor charged for desecrating a Hindu Temple.

Doc denies damaging idols


IPOH: The son of a former assemblyman denied desecrating a Hindu temple here.
Dr Fathi Munzir Nadzri, 29, pleaded not guilty before Sessions judge Ikmal Hishan Mohd Tajuddin.
On a charge under Section 295 of the Penal Code, Dr Fatih Munzir was accused of damaging idols at the Sree Muneeswaran Amman Kovil temple here at about 5pm on April 24.
If found guilty, he could be jailed for two years or fined.
Dr Fathi Munzir was also charged under Section 6 of the Corrosive, Explosive and Dangerous Weapons Act with having a parang during the incident.
If convicted, he faces a jail term of up to 10 years and whipping.
The accused was represented by Mohamad Hafiz Jalaludin and Mior Fadhli Mior Shaifuddin while state prosecution director Yusaini Amer Abdul Karim prosecuted.
Heavy security: Dr Fathi being led out from the Sessions Court in Ipoh.
Heavy security: Dr Fathi being led out from the Sessions Court in Ipoh.
Yusaini urged the court to allow the accused to be referred to Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta for psychological evaluation for a month, citing Section 342 of the Criminal Proce­dure Code. This request was allowed by the judge.
The judge then set bail at RM8,000 with one surety for both charges pending the evaluation.
There was heavy police presence at the court compound while waiting for the police convoy bringing in the accused.
His father, former Manjoi assemblyman Datuk Nadzri Ismail, was also in court with other family members yesterday.
The judge then fixed May 30 for mention of the case.
Dr Fathi Munzir, clad in a black and grey shirt, was hugged by his family members before being led away by policemen after the proceedings.
Meanwhile, Health Ministry director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said yesterday that Dr Fathi Munzir had not declared any psychological illness with the ministry or the Malaysian Medical Council.
He said Dr Fathi Munzir had worked for five days as a houseman at a Government hospital and resigned two days before the incident.
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar has said the accused Dr Fatih Munzir did indeed seek treatment for mental illness, but it was done at a private hospital in Ipoh.

“Let the police handle the matter,” said Dr Noor Hisham.

Guards at a school in Johor Baru handcuffed a parent to a signpost during a scuffle over parking space,

Unruly parent handcuffed


SECURITY guards at a school in Johor Baru handcuffed a parent to a signpost during a scuffle over parking space, reported China Press.
The daily published a picture of the man handcuffed to a signpost at SJK(C) Foon Yew (5), which had been posted on Facebook.
During the incident on Wednesday afternoon, a security guard at the school had asked the man to move his car because it was blocking rush-hour traffic.
But the man put up a fight with the guard, who then handcuffed him with the help of two colleagues.
The school’s Parent-Teacher Association chairman Hou Wen Fu said the guards did it because the man wanted to pick a fight.
However, the guards and the man managed to resolve the matter before the police arrived, he said, urging parents to heed traffic rules at the school.

Father Holds On To Son On Roller Coaster Ride at Amusement Park after seat belt malfunction

Father rescues son after seat belt malfunctions on roller coaster

TEXAS: A video meant to capture a six-year-old boy's roller coaster experience went viral after the ride's seat belt malfunctioned mid-way, forcing his father to hold onto him for the remainder of the ride. - The Straits Times/ANN
TEXAS: A video meant to capture a six-year-old boy's roller coaster experience went viral after the ride's seat belt malfunctioned mid-way, forcing his father to hold onto him for the remainder of the ride. - The Straits Times/ANN
TEXAS: A video meant to capture a six-year-old boy's roller coaster experience went viral after the ride's seat belt malfunctioned mid-way, forcing his father to hold onto him for the remainder of the ride.

Delbert Latham and his son, Kaysen, were visiting the Wonderland Amusement Park in Amarillo, Texas, on Friday when they went on the Mousetrap roller coaster for a second time, local news affiliate KVII reported.

The duo were placed in the same seat as the first time, but when Latham latched on his son's seat belt, it came undone as he tightened the band, he told KVII.

"I just thought I didn't get it clicked in well enough," Latham said. "I re-clicked it and tightened it up. It was fine. There were no problems with it."

On the first drop of the ride, Latham said he felt the seat belt release, and the motion threw Kaysen to the bottom of the cart.

He then grabbed his son and held him for the rest of the ride. He had begun to record Kaysen on the ride for his wife to see, according to KVII.

In the video, which has been shared over 4,000 times on Latham's Facebook page since it was posted on Friday, Kaysen's facial expressions visibly changed from cheery to frightened after he slid to the bottom of the cart.

"I've got you," Latham is overhead telling his son in the video. "You're fine. I promise. There are no more big hills."

Latham said he was not aware he was still filming at that point.

"I was just trying to make sure that he held on and that he didn't start panicking or start trying to move or anything, because I knew that there was another drop coming up," he said.

After being informed of the incident by Latham, an operator apologised to the family and said it had been "happening sometimes", according to KVII.

People were allowed back onto the ride, but not in the cart Latham and his son were sitting in.

"That's when it made me more angry," Latham said, adding that the amusement park should have shut the ride down for safety checks.

In 2014, four people sustained injuries on the same ride, KVII reported, citing a Texas Department of Insurance injury report.

In a media statement, Wonderland Amusement Park said the ride was originally built without seat belts, but they were added in as an extra safety precaution.

"Wonderland immediately reached back out to Latham the evening it happened and promptly removed the back cart from service and ensured all other seat belts were in proper working order. The Mouse Trap was back in full operation on Saturday."

Latham told KVII that he was offered a "couple of WOW passes if I wanted to come back", but he would not be doing so. - The Straits Times/ANN

Malaysian High Jumper Nauraj soars to a personal best of 2.29 to win ticket to Rio Olympics at SIngapore Open Athletics Championship

Nauraj soars high with national record and ticket to Olympics 


PETALING JAYA: A three-month training stint in Australia has paid off handsomely for national high jumper Nauraj Singh Randhawa.
The athlete from Johor, who went to Australia in January, broke the national record to emerge victorious in the Singapore Open Athletics Championships at the National Stadium on Thursday – and qualify for the Rio de Janeiro Olympics in August.
The 24-year-old Nauraj soared to a personal best of 2.29m to better the eight-year national record by two centimetres and equal the Rio Olympics qualifying mark.
High jumper Nauraj Singh Randhawa sets the new national record of 2.29m in the Singapore Open Athletics Championships.
A proud moment for Nauraj Singh
The previous national record of 2.27m was set by Lee Hup Wei in the China Open in 2008. He went on to qualify for the Beijing Olympics.
Only seven athletes took part in the men’s high jump event in Singapore and Noor Shafie Mohamed made it a one-two for Malaysia by winning the silver after clearing 2.09m.
Lin Thin of Myanmar cleared 2.03m for the bronze.
Nauraj began well, clearing 2.00m before steadily progressing to 2.09m, 2.13m, 2.17m, 2.20m, 2.23m. Once he cleared his previous personal best of 2.26m, he asked for the bar to be raised to 2.29m.
And he coolly cleared it.
Nauraj, who returned from Australia on April 17, has been training without a coach.
Alim Ahmejanov, who has been training him for the last eight years, has returned to Uzbekistan for good.
But it did not matter as Nauraj said that he knew he was capable of doing a personal best after his three-month stint in Australia.
Malaysia's Nauraj Singh clear the bar to win the gold medal in High Jump at Wunna Theikdi stadium  Nay Pyi Taw at Myanmar yesterday.(18/12/2013/ S.S.KANESAN/The Star)
Nauraj in action during the high jump event
“I’m physically in good shape and I must thank coach Alex (Stewart), who helped me improve on my techniques and also build up my confidence level,” said Nauraj.
“I made steady progress in Australia and won all four competitions I took part in.
“I learned of lot of from Alex and the Singapore Open has to be the best outing of my career,” added Nauraj, who is majoring in exercise science at Universiti Malaya.
Nauraj also said that he would request the National Sports Council (NSC) and the Malaysian Athletics Federation (MAF) to send him for another training stint in Australia to prepare for the Rio Olympics.

“Training under Alex will definitely help me to further improve on my personal best. I’m willing to skip my studies to train in Australia,” said Nauraj.

The police will abide by the Federal Court's decision and execute the arrest warrant for Mohamad Riduan Abdullah, says Inspector-General of Police

IGP: Police will carry out Federal Court order and arrest Muslim convert

    PETALING JAYA: The police will abide by the Federal Court's decision and execute the arrest warrant for Mohamad Riduan Abdullah, says Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar .
    In a tweet on Friday, Khalid said that the police "will abide by the finding of the Federal Court" and act on the arrest warrant.
    Earlier on Friday, the Federal Court allowed an appeal by kindergarten teacher M. Indira Gandhi for the police to execute the warrant of arrest against her ex-husband Riduan on an inter-faith custody issue.
    This came after Riduan disobeyed an Ipoh High Court order to compel him to deliver their daughter Prasana Diksa to Indira Gandhi.
    Khalid's stand on the issue had been that police were caught in a quandary because there were two conflicting custody orders, one each from the High Court and Syariah High Court respectively.
    In Sept 2009, the Ipoh Syariah High Court, granted custody of the couple's three children to the father, who had converted to Islam.
    Riduan had also converted Prasana, then 11 months old, as well as her siblings Tevi Darsiny, then 12, and Karan Dinish, then 11.
    However, the Ipoh High Court on March 2010, placed the children in Indira's custody, with once-a-week access given to the father.
    When Riduan failed to return Prasana to his wife, the court cited him for contempt and ordered the police to return the child to its mother.

    A female immigration officer who allegedly beat a foreign detainee is now under investigation after the video went viral

    Immigration officer transferred after videos on assault go viral

    PETALING JAYA: A female immigration officer who allegedly beat a foreign detainee is now under investigation.
    Three videos uploaded onto Facebook showing the woman punching and kicking the man have gone viral with one of them garnering over 400,000 views.
    Immigration Department director-general Datuk Seri Sakib Kusmi said the officer has been transferred out of the enforcement unit to the administration unit of Negri Sembilan’s immigration department.
    "The Immigration Department of Malaysia will conduct a detailed investigation on the case.
    "If the outcome of the investigation finds the officer guilty of breaching regulations as a civil servant, the department will not hesitate to take disciplinary action,” said Sakib in a press statement on Friday.
    Crime watchdog MyWatch chairman R. Sri Sanjeevan uploaded the three videos on his Facebook page separately on Monday and Tuesday.
    The videos showed the woman attacking the foreigner as another man, presumably also an immigration officer, reads through documents given to them by the foreigner earlier on.
    Two other foreign men were seen sitting on the floor watching the assault.

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