
30 June 2022

Sogok polis RM200,000: Peniaga makanan didenda RM100,000

 Sogok polis RM200,000: Peniaga makanan didenda RM100,000


Jun 30, 2022 Sogok polis RM200,000: Peniaga makanan didenda RM100,000

Hakim Rushan Lutfi Mohamed menjatuhkan hukuman itu terhadap Mohd Zaed Asan, 34, selepas dia mengaku bersalah sebaik pertuduhan dibacakan terhadapnya. - Foto ihsan SPRM

Sogok polis RM200,000: Peniaga makanan didenda RM100,000

Hakim Rushan Lutfi Mohamed menjatuhkan hukuman itu terhadap Mohd Zaed Asan, 34, selepas dia mengaku bersalah sebaik pertuduhan dibacakan terhadapnya. - Foto ihsan SPRM

SEREMBAN: Seorang peniaga makanan didenda RM100,000 oleh Mahkamah Sesyen di sini hari ini kerana memberi suapan RM200,000 kepada anggota polis bagi mengelakkan tindakan undang-undang terhadap lima rakannya yang ditahan dalam satu serbuan pada tahun lepas.

Hakim Rushan Lutfi Mohamed menjatuhkan hukuman itu terhadap Mohd Zaed Asan, 34, selepas dia mengaku bersalah sebaik pertuduhan dibacakan terhadapnya.

Mahkamah turut memerintahkan tertuduh dipenjara 24 bulan jika gagal membayar denda. Tertuduh membayar denda itu.

Menurut pertuduhan pilihan, Mohd Zaed bersama seorang yang masih bebas, pada 14 Nov 2021, pada kira-kira pukul 1.20 pagi bertempat di dalam kereta Volkswagen Passat 2, di tepi jalan berhampiran stesen minyak di Nilai Square Commercial Centre dengan niat secara rasuah memberikan suatu suapan, iaitu wang tunai RM200,000 kepada Koperal Mohamad Taufiq Sudiman.

Suapan itu sebagai balasan supaya tidak mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap lima rakan tertuduh yang ditahan semasa serbuan oleh pihak polis Ibu Pejabat Daerah (IPD) Nilai pada 13 Nov 2021 di sebuah unit Residensi Mesa Putra Nilai atas kesalahan jenayah penipuan pelaburan.

Kesalahan itu didakwa di bawah Seksyen 214 Kanun Keseksaan (Akta 574) dibaca bersama Seksyen 34 akta yang sama.

Pertuduhan dikendalikan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Datuk Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin manakala tertuduh diwakili peguam Kamal Adha Mohd Harozi.

Wan Shaharuddin turut memuji tindakan tiga anggota polis yang terbabit dalam kes berkenaan yang tidak terpedaya dengan wang rasuah bernilai ratusan ribu ringgit.

Mahkamah turut memerintahkan wang rasuah berjumlah RM200,000 bagi kes ini dilucut hak melalui Ketua Pesuruhajaya SPRM kepada kerajaan Malaysia.


Bella was thin, in state of fear when I met her at HKL - Witness

 Bella was thin, in state of fear when I met her at HKL - Witness


Jun 30, 2022Bella was thin, in state of fear when I met her at HKL - Witness

Mohamad Imran said he had never agreed to Bella being placed under Siti Bainun's care because he did not know the woman personally and was unsure about her background. - BERNAMA

Bella was thin, in state of fear when I met her at HKL - Witness

Mohamad Imran said he had never agreed to Bella being placed under Siti Bainun's care because he did not know the woman personally and was unsure about her background. - BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: A Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Social Welfare Department (JKMWPKL) assistant officer today told the Sessions Court here that Bella was thin and in a state of fear when he met the girl for the first time at Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) last year.

Mohamad Imran Mohamed Zanyuin, 35, said when he visited the teenager with Down syndrome on July 4, 2021, she was seen to be sad as she walked with her head bowed, not looking at anyone and her hands were bandaged.

"I met Bella when she was in the COVID ward and she had scars on her face. She never smiled and she looked scared," he said during examination-in-chief by deputy public prosecutor Fazeedah Faik at the trial of Rumah Bonda founder, Siti Bainun Ahd Razali before Judge Izralizam Sanusi.

Elaborating, the 12th prosecution witness said that on June 24, 2021, Siti Bainun messaged him on WhatsApp to inform that Bella had fallen and was scalded.

"Siti Bainun sent the message at 3.03 pm and included several photographs of Bella's injuries on the hands and head. Siti Bainun said she had gone to the hospital and bought a disinfectant spray.

"In the WhatsApp message, Siti Bainun also stated that Bella was COVID-19 positive but she did not take her for a swab test because she was afraid that she would be questioned on Bella's physical condition," said the witness.

According to Mohamad Imran, Siti Bainun told him that hot water was accidentally spilled on Bella two days before Hari Raya.

To Fazeedah's question what action was taken after Siti Bainun informed about the hot water scalding, the witness replied: I urged Siti Bainun to take Bella to the hospital and she said she would do so after the teenager's quarantine ends on June 29, 2021

"On June 24, 2021, I discussed with the other shelter workers to take Bella to the hospital and I talked to the JKM Children Unit chief the next day (June 25) and tried to get an ambulance to take Bella to the hospital. Siti Bainun then informed that she has been warded at Sungai Buloh Hospital as she was tested positive for COVID-19.

"I asked Siti Bainun how was Bella's condition at home and Siti Bainun only informed that the other children in the house were taking care of Bella," said Mohamad Imran.

The witness said the first time he met Bella after she was taken care of by Siti Bainun was on Feb 17, 2021 at the Kuala Lumpur Court for Children and Bella looked cheerful and was seen hugging Siti Bainun.

Mohamad Imran said he had never agreed to Bella being placed under Siti Bainun's care because he did not know the woman personally and was unsure about her background.

However, Mohamad Imran said the Magistrate's Court for Children allowed Siti Bainun temporary custody from July 14 to Sept 20, 2020 while permanent custody to begin from Sept 24, 2020.

Earlier, the witness said Siti Bainun had conveyed her wish to take care of the teenager to a child welfare officer known as Siti Sarah and based on discussions with Siti Bainun, the child was to be placed at Siti Bainun's family residence in Ampang.

"Bella is a child with disabilities (OKU) who needs to be supervised by others besides Siti Bainun and family support is important in ensuring that her safety is always maintained," he said.

The witness said Bella was previously placed at Taman Sinar Harapan Tuanku Ampuan Najihah Seremban from 2011 to 2020 before Siti Bainun took care of her, adding that Bella stopped schooling when she was under Siti Bainun's care.

Siti Bainun, 30, faces two charges of neglecting and abusing the 13-year-old girl, causing the victim to suffer physical and emotional injuries.

She is charged with committing the offences at a condominium in Wangsa Maju here between February and June 2021. The charge framed under Section 31 (1) (a) of the Child Act 2001 provides a maximum fine of RM50,000, or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both, if found guilty.

The trial before Judge Izralizam continues.


Kedudukan Nazlan di Maybank sebelum ini tiada kaitan dengan kes Najib - TPR

 Kedudukan Nazlan di Maybank sebelum ini tiada kaitan dengan kes Najib - TPR


Jun 29, 2022

Kedudukan Nazlan di Maybank sebelum ini tiada kaitan dengan kes Najib - TPR
Kedudukan hakim perbicaraan Datuk Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali di Maybank Berhad sebelum ini adalah tidak relevan dengan kes terhadap Najib Razak. - Gambar fail

Kedudukan Nazlan di Maybank sebelum ini tiada kaitan dengan kes Najib - TPR

Kedudukan hakim perbicaraan Datuk Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali di Maybank Berhad sebelum ini adalah tidak relevan dengan kes terhadap Najib Razak. - Gambar fail

PUTRAJAYA: Pihak pendakwaan dalam kes penyelewengan dana SRC International Sdn Bhd yang melibatkan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hari ini berkata, kedudukan hakim perbicaraan Datuk Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali di Maybank Berhad sebelum ini adalah tidak relevan dengan kes terhadap bekas perdana menteri itu.

Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR) Mohd Ashrof Adrin Kamarul dalam afidavit balas yang difailkan di Mahkamah Persekutuan hari ini bagi membantah permohonan Najib untuk mengemukakan bukti baharu berkata, bukti yang didakwa dicari itu mempunyai lebih banyak kaitan dengan satu lagi kes perbicaraan yang sedang dihadapi Najib melibatkan 1Malaysia Development Berhad berkaitan RM2.3 bilion.


"Tuduhan pemohon (Najib) ini tidak lain hanyalah untuk mengalih perhatian umum semata-mata bagi mengisytiharkan perbicaraan SRC sebagai terbatal. Saya katakan bahawa isu pengambilalihan 1MDB terhadap Tanjong Energy Holdings, penglibatan Maybank dan Hakim Mohd Nazlan dalam perkara 1MDB ini, tidak relevan dengan fakta berhubung pertuduhan SRC yang dihadapi oleh pemohon dalam rayuan ini.

"Isu-isu ini tidak relevan dengan rayuan SRC, sebaliknya ia berkaitan dengan kes 1MDB yang tidak didengar oleh Hakim Mohd Nazlan. Tiada bukti sebarang konflik kepentingan oleh hakim yang diterjemahkan kepada bahaya sebenar berat sebelah dalam perbicaraan SRC," katanya.

Hakim Mohd Nazlan yang kini hakim Mahkamah Rayuan telah disahkan bahawa pada 2006 beliau memegang jawatan sebagai Peguam Am dan Setiausaha Syarikat Maybank Investment Bank Berhad.

Mohd Ashrof seterusnya berkata peranan Hakim Mohd Nazlan dalam bank itu memang diketahui umum dan memang diketahui oleh Najib sepanjang masa, termasuk semasa permulaan dan penerusan perbicaraan seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh dokumen awam dan dokumen yang dimiliki pemohon.

Bagaimanapun beliau berkata Najib tidak membantah untuk beliau (Nazlan) menjadi hakim perbicaraan ketika itu.

Pendakwa Raya itu menambah, tiada bukti bahawa hakim terlibat dalam penubuhan atau pemerbadanan SRC, kerana 1MDB adalah pihak yang menubuhkan SRC pada ketika itu.

Mohd Ashrof berkata dakwaan Najib mengenai pengetahuan yang dikatakan oleh Hakim Mohd Nazlan mengenai pinjaman Maybank kepada 1MDB tidak menghalang hakim itu daripada mendengar kes SRC.

Beliau berhujah bahawa bekas perdana menteri itu gagal menunjukkan sebarang kaitan antara dakwaannya dengan pertuduhan SRC yang didengar oleh hakim.

Beliau berkata 1MDB dan SRC adalah entiti undang-undang yang berbeza, dengan SRC beroperasi secara berasingan dan bebas daripada 1MDB pada setiap masa.

"Semua bukti relevan dan material telah dikemukakan pada perbicaraan. Tiada penyembunyian bukti seperti yang didakwa, dan pemohon tidak dinafikan perbicaraan yang adil. Permohonan yang difailkan ini adalah untuk memanjangkan prosiding SRC bagi tujuan kolateral.

"Saya menegaskan bahawa bukti terkumpul yang kini ingin dikemukakan oleh pemohon tersedia kepada pemohon dan dalam apa jua keadaan, tidak relevan dengan rayuan di Mahkamah Persekutuan," katanya sambil menambah bahawa perkara itu telah ditetapkan untuk pengurusan kes di Mahkamah Persekutuan esok.

Pada 7 Jun Najib memfailkan permohonan untuk mengemukakan bukti lanjut kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan bagi membatalkan keseluruhan perbicaraan kes penyelewengan dana SRC International Sdn Bhd berjumlah RM42 juta yang mendapati beliau bersalah atas tujuh pertuduhan.

Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menetapkan 10 hari dalam bulan Ogos untuk mendengar rayuan terakhir Najib terhadap sabitan dan hukuman penjara bagi kesalahan menyeleweng RM42 juta dana SRC International.

Pada 8 Dis 2021, Mahkamah Rayuan mengekalkan sabitan dan hukuman penjara 12 tahun serta denda RM210 juta yang dijatuhkan ke atas Najib bagi kesalahan itu.

Hakim Datuk Abdul Karim Abdul Jalil yang bersidang bersama-sama Datuk Has Zanah Mehat dan Datuk Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera, sebulat suara menolak rayuan Najib terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi pada 28 Julai 2020.


Lelaki nyaris tertimbus ketika buat kerja pembaikan paip

Lelaki nyaris tertimbus ketika buat kerja pembaikan paip


Jun 30, 2022

Lelaki nyaris tertimbus ketika buat kerja pembaikan paip
Mangsa yang mengalami kecederaan dan pendarahan di mulut telah diberikan rawatan awal oleh anggota EMRS. - Foto PDRM

Lelaki nyaris tertimbus ketika buat kerja pembaikan paip

Mangsa yang mengalami kecederaan dan pendarahan di mulut telah diberikan rawatan awal oleh anggota EMRS. - Foto PDRM

CYBERJAYA: Seorang lelaki warga Indonesia berdepan detik cemas apabila separuh badannya tertimbus dalam lubang ketika melakukan kerja pembaikan paip di Laman View Cyberjaya , sini, petang semalam.

Pengarah Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM) Selangor, Norazam Khamis, berkata ketika kejadian, mangsa, Samsul Maarif, 43, sedang menjalankan kerja-kerja pembaikan paip di dalam lubang yang digali sedalam 3.04 meter.


"Ketika sedang membuat kerja-kerja pembaikan itu, secara tiba-tiba tanah yang digali telah runtuh lalu menimbusi sebahagian badan mangsa dari paras pinggang dan ke bawah," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini pada Rabu.

Norazam berkata bomba yang tiba di tempat kejadian pada jam 2.16 petang, tidak membuat sebarang penyelamatan kerana mangsa telah dikeluarkan oleh rakan sekerja sebelum pihak bomba sampai.

Beliau berkata mangsa yang mengalami kecederaan dan pendarahan di mulut telah diberikan rawatan awal oleh anggota Pasukan Perkhidmatan Penyelamatan Perawatan Kecemasan (EMRS) di lokasi kejadian dan dihantar ke Hospital Putrajaya untuk tindakan lanjut.


COVID-19 Malaysia: 2,605 kes baharu, 5 kematian dicatat


COVID-19: 2,605 kes baharu, lima kematian dicatat

Astro Awani

Jun 30, 2022 07:40 MYT

COVID-19: 2,605 kes baharu, lima kematian dicatat

Kes baharu meningkat ke 2,605 kes dengan tiga daripadanya merupakan kes import. - Foto fail/BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: Lima kematian akibat COVID-19 dicatatkan pada Rabu berbanding empat pada hari sebelumnya.

Menurut data KKM di portal COVIDNOW, jumlah kematian dalam negara ketika ini adalah 35,763 kes.

Daripada lima kematian, satu melibatkan kes di luar fasiliti hospital, 'brought-in-dead'(BID).

Sementara itu, kes baharu meningkat ke 2,605 kes dengan tiga daripadanya merupakan kes import.

Manakala kes aktif COVID-19 dalam negara ketika ini sebanyak 28,714.

27,465 individu atau 95.7 peratus sedang menjalani kuarantin di rumah manakala hanya 22 individu ditempatkan di PKRC.

Seramai 1,187 pesakit dirawat di hospital dengan 40 ditempatkan di unit rawatan rapi (ICU).

Australian Foreign Minister : 'Balik kampung' to Kota Kinabalu an act of hope, respect and affection

 'Balik kampung' to Kota Kinabalu an act of hope, respect and affection - Australia's FM Penny Wong


Jun 30, 2022

'Balik kampung' to Kota Kinabalu an act of hope, respect and affection - Australia's FM Penny Wong
Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong (four, left) from Sabah with her friends from Sabah at a friendly gathering with friends in Sabah yesterday. - BERNAMA

'Balik kampung' to Kota Kinabalu an act of hope, respect and affection - Australia's FM Penny Wong

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong (four, left) from Sabah with her friends from Sabah at a friendly gathering with friends in Sabah yesterday. - BERNAMA

KOTA KINABALU: Australia's Foreign Minister Penny Wong has described her balik kampung trip to Kota Kinabalu as more than an act of homecoming.

She said the two-day trip which started yesterday is an act of hope, respect and affection.

"Act of hope that my story and my family story can contribute to the relationship between the nation of my birth and nation to which I belong. The story can bring human and personal relations to strenghten the relationship between our nations.

"It is an act of respect to the place and the people, my family to have enabled me to be who I am to stand here this evening for you as Menteri Luar Negeri Australia," she said here last night.

She was speaking at a reception with prominent Sabahans in a hotel tonight, attended by Sabah Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun, and Australian High Commissioner to Malaysia Dr Justin Lee.

Wong said it is an act of respect for her grandmother Lai Fung Shim whose courage inspired all, and her father Francis Wong whose determination and ambition had provided her so many opportunities.

"It is also an act of affection for this place, for its people and its rhythms for Sabahan childhood Tanjung Aru Beach, Pulau Mamutik, Gunung Kinabalu, Bridge of Tamparuli, River of Tambunan, Poh-Poh (grandmother) mushroom chicken, and dad buys fresh fish and prawn for lunch," she said.

All these memories and so many more live in her heart.

Wong said her story is a Malaysian story as well as an Australian story, the experience of migration so many Australians shared where they had been born overseas and have parents born overseas.

"When you walk down the street in an Australian city you see and hear this story, and I say to you this is modern Asutralia, this is today Australia, an Australia that understands that our prosperity, our security and our future is shared with yours," she said.

Wong will continue her balik kampung trip tomorrow morning with a visit to her former school Kinabalu International School, and a walking tour to Luyang Chinatown here.


R&B singer R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison in sex case

 R&B singer R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison in sex case


Jun 30, 2022 R&B singer R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison in sex case

R. Kelly stands with his lawyer Jennifer Bonjean during his sentencing hearing for federal sex trafficking at the Brooklyn Federal Courthouse in Brooklyn, New York, U.S., June 29, 2022 in this courtroom sketch. - REUTERS

R&B singer R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison in sex case

R. Kelly stands with his lawyer Jennifer Bonjean during his sentencing hearing for federal sex trafficking at the Brooklyn Federal Courthouse in Brooklyn, New York, U.S., June 29, 2022 in this courtroom sketch. - REUTERS

NEW YORK: R. Kelly was sentenced on Wednesday to 30 years in prison, following the multiplatinum R&B singer's conviction for exploiting his stardom and wealth over decades to lure women and underage girls into his orbit for sex.

The sentence was imposed nine months after Kelly, 55, was convicted of racketeering and sex crimes, in a trial that amplified accusations that had dogged the singer of the Grammy-winning hit "I Believe I Can Fly" for two decades.

U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly in Brooklyn federal court said the evidence reflected Kelly's "indifference to human suffering" and "sheer brutality" toward his victims.

"This case is not about sex. It's about violence and cruelty and control," Donnelly told Kelly. "You left in your wake a trail of broken lives."

Kelly, whose full name is Robert Sylvester Kelly, is among the most prominent people convicted of sexual misbehavior during the #MeToo movement against such conduct by prominent men.

He did not speak during Wednesday's hearing, but has repeatedly denied sexual abuse accusations.

After the sentence was read, his lawyer, Jennifer Bonjean, told reporters Kelly was "devastated" by the sentence but that he would appeal.

"Thirty years in prison is like a life sentence for him," Bonjean said.


The sentencing came after several accusers, some of whom were tearful, told the judge about how Kelly promised to mentor them and help them attain stardom, only to subject them to degrading sexual treatment and physical harm.

Many said the abuse led to mental health problems that persist.

"As a teenager, I didn't know how to say no to R. Kelly when he asked me to perform oral sex on him," said a woman identified as Jane Doe No. 2.

She then paused, looked at Kelly, and asked, "Do you remember that?"

Kelly wore a black face mask and beige prison clothing to his sentencing.

Several accusers testified during the 5-1/2 week trial about how Kelly would demand that his victims strictly obey his rules.

These included needing his permission go to the bathroom, calling him "Daddy," and writing "apology letters" that purported to absolve Kelly of wrongdoing, among others.

The alleged victims included the singer Aaliyah, who prosecutors said Kelly fraudulently married when she was 15 to conceal earlier abuse. Aaliyah died in 2001.

"This is a significant outcome for all victims of R. Kelly and especially for the survivors who so bravely testified about the horrific and sadistic abuse they endured," Breon Peace, the top federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, told reporters after the hearing.


He was convicted on nine criminal charges, including one count of racketeering and eight counts of violating the Mann Act, which bars transporting people across state lines for prostitution.

Prosecutors had urged a prison sentence of more than 25 years, saying Kelly had demonstrated a "callous disregard" for his victims and shown no remorse.

"I never thought that I would be here to see him be held accountable for the atrocious things that he did to children," Lizzette Martinez, one of the accusers who spoke in court, told reporters after the hearing.

Defense lawyers said Kelly deserved no more than 10 years, the mandatory minimum, arguing that his history as an abused child may have led to his adult "hypersexuality," and that he no longer posed a threat.

Kelly has been in jail since July 2019.

He will likely be transported soon to a jail in Chicago, where he faces an August trial in federal court on child pornography and obstruction charges. He also faces various state charges in Illinois and Minnesota.

29 June 2022

Hari Raya Aidiladha 2022 Falls on July 10, 2022

 Hari Raya Aidiladha falls on July 10

KUALA LUMPUR: Keeper of the Ruler's Seal Tan Sri Syed Danial Syed Ahmad announced that the date of this year's Hari Raya Aidiladha is on July 10. 2022

Aidiladha is one of two major festivals celebrated by Muslims every year. It falls on the 10th day of Zulhijjah, according to the Hijra calendar.

Police deny leaking pictures on Bella's injuries to public

 Police deny leaking pictures on Bella's injuries to public


Jun 29, 2022 Police deny leaking pictures on Bella's injuries to public

The founder of Rumah Bonda Siti Bainun Abd Razali (right) arriving for the trial of the case he is facing at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex today. - BERNAMA

Police deny leaking pictures on Bella's injuries to public

The founder of Rumah Bonda Siti Bainun Abd Razali (right) arriving for the trial of the case he is facing at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex today. - BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: A police officer told the Sessions Court here today that photographs showing the injuries suffered by a 13-year-old girl with Down syndrome known, who is known as Bella, which were posted on a women's right activist Facebook, were not leaked by the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM).

An analyst at the Audio Video Investigation Unit, Forensic Laboratory of the PDRM, Inspector Mior Samsul Abdul Rahman said he did not know where the activist concerned, known as Mona Din, got the pictures that were posted on her Facebook on Aug 12, 2021.


Questioned by lawyer Asiah Abd Jalil, representing Rumah Bonda founder, Siti Bainun Ahd Razali, that the pictures were leaked by Mona Din from a mobile phone that was under police's custody, the witness answered: That I don't know.

Asiah: I put it to you that when the Inspector was analysing the mobile phone's content and completing a report on Aug 9, 2021, the mobile phone was with the police at all times. Agree?

Mior Samsul: Yes, the mobile phone was with me all the time.

However, he disagreed with Asiah when put to him that there were other officers, besides him, that handled the mobile phone and leaked the pictures to the public, and the 10th prosecution witness said: Disagree.

Earlier, Mior Samsul, who is the 10th prosecution witness, said all the case items were analysed according to the stipulated procedures and the equipment used to analyse was in good condition.

Mior Samsul, in his witness statement, stated that on July 22, 2021, he received an application for an analysis to be conducted on the case and received an iPhone with a Maxis SIM card which was sent by Inspector Suhaili Mahad.

He said the request was from an investigating officer on the injuries as seen on the photographs of injuries taken from the videos dated June 24, 2021.

Siti Bainun, 30, has pleaded not guilty to two charges of neglect and abusing Bella, to the point of causing the victim to suffer physical and emotional injuries.

She is charged with committing the act at a condominium in Wangsa Maju between February and June 2021 under Section 31 (1) (a) of the Child Act 2001, which provides for a maximum jail term of 20 years or a fine of RM50,000 or both on conviction.

The trial before Judge Izralizam Sanusi continues.

Cops tracking down illegal prepaid SIM card syndicate mastermind

 Cops tracking down illegal prepaid SIM card syndicate mastermind


Jun 29, 2022 Cops tracking down illegal prepaid SIM card syndicate mastermind

State police chief, Datuk Surina Saad said police had identified the suspect who was currently in the north of Malaysia. - BERNAMA

Cops tracking down illegal prepaid SIM card syndicate mastermind

State police chief, Datuk Surina Saad said police had identified the suspect who was currently in the north of Malaysia. - BERNAMA

PADANG BESAR: Police are tracking down the mastermind who allegedly supplied thousands of personal data to an illegal prepaid SIM card registration syndicate.

State police chief, Datuk Surina Saad said police had identified the suspect who was currently in the north of Malaysia.


"Police, together with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), are completing the investigation to bring the suspect to justice.

"Cases related to technical aspects, such as communication equipment, are handed over to MCMC while those involving commercial crime, such as personal data, are investigated by police," she told reporters after witnessing ketum leaves and liquid disposal, here, today.

On June 24, Bernama reported that police detained seven individuals including three women, believed to be involved in a prepaid SIM card registration scam in a raid on June 22.

The case is being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code and Section 239 of the Communications and Multimedia Act.

Meanwhile, Surina said the Perlis Criminal Investigation Department (JSJN) disposed of 58 tonnes of case items involving ketum leaves worth an estimated RM1.23 million.

She said that until June 26 this year, Perlis JSJN had arrested 1,149 suspects for offences involving drugs and ketum leaves, and seized 369.12 kilogrammes (kg) of drugs and 35 tonnes of ketum leaves.

"The cases and arrests this year have so far dropped by 50 per cent, and the seizures by about 60 per cent," she said.

Surina attributed the drop to continuous enforcement by police and the related agencies, as well as external factors when Thailand allowed the use of ketum leaves.

"Also, the market price of ketum leaves has dropped from RM180 to RM40 per kg, according to police intelligence," she said.


Police in northwest India ban public gatherings, suspend internet after Hindu slain

 Police in northwest India ban public gatherings, suspend internet after Hindu slain


Jun 29, 2022 Police in northwest India ban public gatherings, suspend internet after Hindu slain

Smoke rises from a burning material while people gather on road as tensions rise after the killing of a Hindu man, in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India June 28, 2022. - REUTERS

Police in northwest India ban public gatherings, suspend internet after Hindu slain

Smoke rises from a burning material while people gather on road as tensions rise after the killing of a Hindu man, in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India June 28, 2022. - REUTERS

MUMBAI: Fearing outbreaks of religious violence, police in the Indian state of Rajasthan banned public gatherings and suspended internet services a day after two Muslims posted a video claiming responsibility for slaying a Hindu man.

"We are under strict orders to prevent any form of protests or demonstrations scheduled to condemn the murder," Hawa Singh Ghumaria, a senior police officer in the northwestern state told Reuters on Wednesday, adding that the crime had sent "shockwaves through the country."


Brandishing a meat cleaver, two bearded men said in the video that they were avenging an insult to Prophet Mohammad caused by the victim.

They also alluded to Nupur Sharma, a former spokeswoman for the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), whose remarks about the Prophet earlier this month triggered domestic and international outrage.

Ghumaria described the bloody attack on Kanhaiya Lal is his tailorshop in the city of Udaipur as "an act of terror", and said two suspects were being interrogated by federal investigators.

Two assailants slashed Lal's head and throat in an attack while he taking measurements, according to Bhawarlal Thoda, a city administrator in Udaipur.

According to Thoda, the tailor had been detained over a social media post in support of the BJP spokeswoman that was traced to his mobile telephone, and that after being released Lal had told police on June 15 that he was being threatened by some group.

Authorities said they had suspended Internet services in several parts of Rajasthan to prevent circulation of the video shared by the accused.

"The mood is tense and almost all shops are closed today," Thoda said. The city of around half a million people is one of the major tourist draws in the desert state, and is known for its luxurious hotels, including the famous Taj Lake Palace.

In another video clip posted online, one of the assailants also went on to threaten Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying their blade would find him too.

India has a ghastly history of religious violence, and thousands of people have been killed since the country became independent from British colonial rule in 1947.

But, Modi's pursuit of a "Hindu first" agenda since coming to power in 2014 has stoked tensions in a country where Muslims account for around 13% of its 1.4 billion people.

Earlier this month the BJP suspended Sharma from the party and expelled another official but the furore has not died down.

"We can only urge people to stop sharing the video of the heinous crime committed in Rajasthan and put an end to rising communal tension," said a senior BJP official in New Delhi, requesting anonymity to avoid being drawn into the controversy.

Prime Minister Modi has not commented on the issue.

Harga siling baru ayam RM9.40 mulai 1 Julai - Ronald

 Harga siling baru ayam RM9.40 mulai 1 Julai - Ronald


Jun 29, 2022Harga siling baru ayam RM9.40 mulai 1 Julai - Ronald

Ronald berkata mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri juga bersetuju menetapkan harga siling runcit telur ayam bagi gred A pada 45 sen/biji; gred B (43 sen/biji) dan gred C (41 sen/biji) di Semenanjung Malaysia. - Gambar fail/Astro AWANI

Harga siling baru ayam RM9.40 mulai 1 Julai - Ronald

Ronald berkata mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri juga bersetuju menetapkan harga siling runcit telur ayam bagi gred A pada 45 sen/biji; gred B (43 sen/biji) dan gred C (41 sen/biji) di Semenanjung Malaysia. - Gambar fail/Astro AWANI

PUTRAJAYA: Kabinet hari ini memutuskan untuk tidak mengapungkan harga ayam dan meneruskan subsidi, serta menetapkan harga siling runcit ayam standard pada RM9.40 sekilogram bagi Semenanjung Malaysia.

Menteri Pertanian Dan Industri Makanan Datuk Seri Ronald Kiandee berkata mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri juga bersetuju menetapkan harga siling runcit telur ayam bagi gred A pada 45 sen/biji; gred B (43 sen/biji) dan gred C (41 sen/biji) di Semenanjung Malaysia.

"Penetapan harga siling bagi ayam standard dan telur ini berkuat kuasa mulai 1 Julai 2022," katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.

Pada 24 Jun lepas Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri mengumumkan keputusan kerajaan untuk tidak menaikkan kadar tarif elektrik dan air di Semenanjung, manakala harga ayam di pasaran tidak akan diapungkan dalam usaha memastikan rakyat tidak terbeban.


A 74-year-old religious teacher was slapped with 10 charges of rape and seven charges of sexual assault against two sisters | The Star

Bomoh Buang Saka Terkenal Ditangkap Khalwat


Pengamal perubatan yang dikenali Tok Guru Diraja ditahan kerana disyaki berkhalwat dengan pekerjanya di sebuah rumah teres di Masjid Tanah, Melaka, malam tadi.

Lelaki berusia 60-an itu mendakwa telah bernikah dengan wanita berkenaan sejak 10 tahun lalu namun gagal mengemukakan dokumen yang sah kepada Jabatan Agama Islam Melaka.

Polis sedang mengesan 20 individu yang disyaki terlibat dalam kes pergaduhan di Jalan Radin Bagus Sri Petaling

  29 Jun 2022  Polis sedang mengesan 20 individu yang disyaki terlibat dalam kes pergaduhan di Jalan Radin Bagus Sri Petaling di ibu negara Isnin lalu.

Ketua Polis Daerah Brickfields, ACP Amihizam Abdul Shukor berkata dalam kejadian jam 2.30 pagi, suspek terbabit dalam pergaduhan dengan menggunakan senjata besi dan botol arak.

MCMC approves Digi-Celcom merger

 MCMC approves Digi-Celcom merger


Jun 29, 2022 MCMC approves Digi-Celcom merger

As Digi and Celcom are respectively Malaysia's second and third largest mobile service operators, to date, the merger will result in the formation of the country's largest mobile service operator, the MCMC said. - Astro AWANI

MCMC approves Digi-Celcom merger

As Digi and Celcom are respectively Malaysia's second and third largest mobile service operators, to date, the merger will result in the formation of the country's largest mobile service operator, the MCMC said. - Astro AWANI

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has approved the proposed merger between Digi.Com Bhd (Digi) and Celcom Axiata Bhd (Celcom).

As Digi and Celcom are respectively Malaysia's second and third largest mobile service operators, to date, the merger will result in the formation of the country's largest mobile service operator, the MCMC said in a statement today.

"As such, the MCMC had conducted a thorough assessment on the merger," it said.

On April 1, 2022, the commission issued a Statement of Issues to Digi and Celcom in accordance with the Merger Guidelines for the said application of merger and acquisition dated May 17, 2019, to address concerns that the merger would or was likely to significantly reduce competition.

In response, the applicants had submitted an undertaking containing their commitment to addressing the competition issues highlighted by MCMC in the Statement of Issues.

"MCMC had considered the commitment offered by the applicants and is satisfied that it will significantly reduce the competition issues that will or may arise as a result of this merger," it said.

To recap, on April 8, 2021, Axiata dan Telenor Group announced that they were discussing the proposed merger between Celcom and Digi to form a new entity known as MergeCo, and that it was expected to be completed in the second half of 2022.


Raja of Perlis chairs 259th Conference of Rulers Meeting

 Raja of Perlis chairs 259th Conference of Rulers Meeting


Jun 29, 2022 Raja of Perlis chairs 259th Conference of Rulers Meeting

Raja Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail today chaired the 259th Conference of Rulers Meeting at Istana Negara here. - BERNAMA

Raja of Perlis chairs 259th Conference of Rulers Meeting

Raja Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail today chaired the 259th Conference of Rulers Meeting at Istana Negara here. - BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: The Raja of Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail today chaired the 259th Meeting of the Conference of Rulers at Istana Negara here.

Before the meeting started at 11 am, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin took the salute at a Grand Guard of Honour (KKU) mounted by the First Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment at the palace's Main Square.


Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin then planted a Keriang tree on the grounds of Istana Negara to symbolise his chairing of the meeting.

Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah also graced the tree-planting ceremony.

The KKU and the tree-planting ceremony were mooted by Al-Sultan Abdullah and had never been held prior to his appointment as the 16th Yang di-Pertuan Agong. The KKU was held for the first time at the 254th edition of the meeting, while the tree planting initiative was introduced at the 255th meeting.

The two-day meeting is being attended by all Malay Rulers except Kelantan, Pahang and Johor.

The Rulers in attendance are Sultan of Terengganu Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan Tuanku Muhriz Almarhum Tuanku Munawir, Sultan of Perak Sultan Nazrin Shah and Sultan of Kedah Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah.

Kelantan was represented by Tengku Mahkota of Kelantan Tengku Dr Muhammad Faiz Petra Sultan Ismail Petra; Pahang, by Pahang Regent Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah Al-Sultan Abdullah and Johor, by Tunku Temenggong Johor Tunku Idris Iskandar Al-Haj Sultan Ibrahim.

Also in attendance are the Yang Dipertua Negeri of Penang, Melaka, Sabah and Sarawak.

All the Malay Rulers are accompanied by their respective Menteri Besar while the Yang Dipertua Negeri are accompanied by their respective Chief Ministers, except for Sarawak who was accompanied by the Deputy Premier.

The last meeting of the Conference of Rulers was held on March 9 and 10, chaired by the Sultan of Terengganu Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin.


12 students receive scholarship from Agong

 12 students receive scholarship from Agong


Jun 29, 2022 12 students receive scholarship from Agong

Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah presenting the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Scholarship (BYDPA) to one of the scholarship recipients for studies at the PhD level, Soon Wan Chi, majoring in Chemical Engineering, at Istana Negara today. - BERN

12 students receive scholarship from Agong

Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah presenting the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Scholarship (BYDPA) to one of the scholarship recipients for studies at the PhD level, Soon Wan Chi, majoring in Chemical Engineering, at Istana Negara today. - BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah today conferred the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Scholarship to 12 recipients at Istana Negara here.

Eight of the recipients were awarded the scholarship to pursue doctorate studies (Phd), while the remaining for Master's degree programmes

Two of the recipients will pursue their studies abroad, while the other ten to continue their studies at research universities in the country this year.

The recipients of the scholarship for doctorate studies included RK. Tharini, 24, who is pursuing her studies in Genetic Science at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom and Nur Dini Fatini Mohammad Faizal, 23, in Pharmaceutical Science Research at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

The others are Muhammad Mohamed Amin, 27, (Manufacturing Engineering, UKM); Nurfatihah Zulkifli, 25, (Biochemistry, Universiti Malaya); Syed Muhammad Iqbal Syed Othman, 26, (Plant Biotechnology, UKM); Nur Alia Afifah Zakaria, 24, (Chemistry, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM); Chai Jian Yi, 26, (Medical Science, UKM) and Soon Wan Chi, 24, (Chemical Engineering, USM).

The recipients for the Master's degree programmes are Omar Akbar Khan, 27, (Economy, London School of Economics); Toh Liang Su, 25, (Plant Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia); Ain Nur Afifah Azman, 22, (Genetic Science, UKM); Nursyamimi Ramli, 26, (Medical Science, UKM).

Since its introduction in 2006, a total of 187 individuals have received the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Scholarship to pursue their studies in the fields of Science and Technology, Economics, Law and Islamic Finance.

Also present at the event were Director-General of the Public Serve Department Datuk Seri Mohd Shafiq Abdullah and Public Service Deputy Director-General (Development) Datuk Dr Zulkapli Mohamed.


Bekas KPN Tan Sri Musa Hassan nafi dakwaan dibayar sindiket kelab malam, minta bukti jika benar | FMT

Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah meets with his Australian counterpart Penny Wong in Putrajaya on Tuesday


28 June 2022

Man jailed three years for causing disabled boy to overdose on drugs

 Man jailed three years for causing disabled boy to overdose on drugs


Jun 28, 2022 Man jailed three years for causing disabled boy to overdose on drugs

A trader, Mohd Shahrizuan Alias, 32, was sentenced to three years jail by the Kota Bharu Sessions Court today for causing a child with special needs to overdose on methamphetamine and morphine. - Sinar Harian

Man jailed three years for causing disabled boy to overdose on drugs

A trader, Mohd Shahrizuan Alias, 32, was sentenced to three years jail by the Kota Bharu Sessions Court today for causing a child with special needs to overdose on methamphetamine and morphine. - Sinar Harian

KOTA BHARU: A trader was sentenced to three years' jail by the Sessions Court here today for causing a child with special needs to overdose on methamphetamine and morphine.

Mohd Shahrizuan Alias, 32, also had a three-year good behaviour bond of RM3,000 imposed on him and was ordered to perform 180 hours of community service.


Judge Mohd Zul Zakiquddin Zulkifli pronounced sentence on the accused after he pleaded guilty to the charge of exposing the boy, aged three years and nine months, to harmful substances to the body and causing the victim to suffer drug toxicity (overdose).

He was accused of committing the act on the victim, who is his cousin's son, at the riverside of Kampung Sri Jaya, Mahligai, Kuala Krai near here at 3 pm June 18.

He was charged under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001 which provides for a maximum jail term of 20 years, a maximum fine of RM50,000, or both.

Deputy public prosecutor Wan Nurul Hanini Wan Ahmad Shukry urged the court to pass a commensurate sentence as the accused was negligent in the care of the boy, who suffers from Global Development Delay, while Mohd Shahrizuan, who was unrepresented, requested for a lighter sentence as he had to support his family.

The incident, and the circumstances surrounding it had been widely reported by media outlets. The boy had been brought to Gua Musang Hospital by his mother in an unconscious state on June 19, following an outing with the accused.

Tests revealed that methamphetamine and morphine were present in the boy's body, and the accused was arrested at 10 pm the same day after a report was lodged.

Subsequent investigations revealed that the accused had left the boy in the car that he knew contained drugs.


Mahathir asked me to dissolve UMNO, Ahmad Zahid tells court

 Mahathir asked me to dissolve UMNO, Ahmad Zahid tells court


Jun 28, 2022 

Mahathir asked me to dissolve UMNO, Ahmad Zahid tells court
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi told the Kuala Lumpur High Court today that former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had asked him to dissolve UMNO because the latter claimed the party had no future and could not be trusted. - BERNAM

Mahathir asked me to dissolve UMNO, Ahmad Zahid tells court

Ahmad Zahid Hamidi told the Kuala Lumpur High Court today that former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had asked him to dissolve UMNO because the latter claimed the party had no future and could not be trusted. - BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi told the High Court here today that former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had asked him to dissolve UMNO because the latter claimed the party had no future and could not be trusted.

Ahmad Zahid, 69, said at a meeting held in June 2018 after the 14th general election (GE14), Dr Mahathir also asked him to tell all UMNO members to join Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) for the sake of the Malays.


"In that four-eyed meeting, Tun Mahathir said UMNO had no future, UMNO was dead, UMNO was rejected by the Malays and BN (Barisan Nasional) voters were buried because its 13 component parties were reduced to only four.

"He asked me to jump from UMNO to PPBM. Tun Mahathir said UMNO could not be trusted, is a robber, corrupt, abhorrent and dirty. He asked for UMNO to be dissolved and asked me to tell UMNO members to join PBM," he added.

Ahmad Zahid said this during examination-in-chief by his lawyer Datuk Ahmad Zaidi Zainal when making his defence on 47 charges, namely 12 charges of criminal breach of trust (CBT), eight charges of corruption, and 27 charges of money laundering involving tens of millions of ringgit belonging to Yayasan Akalbudi (YAB).

Ahmad Zahid said he rejected Dr Mahathir's request and told him that as the UMNO president he would be cursed by the party's 3.8 million members if he dissolved the party and joined PPBM.

The former deputy prime minister said the meeting was arranged by PPBM's Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan and former Gopeng Wanita UMNO chief Datuk Hamidah Osman.

"Datuk Khairuddin and Hamidah told me that Tun Mahathir wanted to meet me. At that time, I was not open to meeting him although he had become the prime minister," he said.

Asked by Ahmad Zaidi what happened after meeting Dr Mahathir, Ahmad Zahid said: "I was threatened that if I did not defect to PPBM and dissolve UMNO, something would happen to me."

Ahmad Zahid said at a meeting which Dr Mahathir held with UMNO's top five leaders in September 2018, the same thing was said to them.

Ahmad Zaidi: Can Datuk Seri name the five leaders?

Ahmad Zahid: I, UMNO deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan and the three UMNO vice-presidents, namely Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid and Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin.

Ahmad Zahid said that following that meeting, the five of them decided to remain in UMNO as opposition politicians.

Ahmad Zahid claimed that Dr Mahathir, the Langkawi Member of Parliament, held a grudge against him and was jealous of him after he was elected as the UMNO Youth chief in 1996.

Ahmad Zahid also said he was released from Internal Security Act (ISA) detention after he followed the Special Branch director's orders and wrote two letters of resignation as UMNO Youth chief to Dr Mahathir, who was then UMNO president.

The trial before Judge Datuk Collin Lawrence Sequerah continues tomorrow.


Op Patuh ends as M'sia enters transition to endemic phase

 Op Patuh ends as M'sia enters transition to endemic phase


Jun 28, 2022 Op Patuh ends as M'sia enters transition to endemic phase

The large-scale enforcement of Ops Patuh, which was implemented to curb non-compliance with COVID-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs) at the national level, was terminated on June 25, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin said. - Astro AWANI

Op Patuh ends as M'sia enters transition to endemic phase

The large-scale enforcement of Ops Patuh, which was implemented to curb non-compliance with COVID-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs) at the national level, was terminated on June 25, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin said. - Astro AWANI

PUTRAJAYA: The large-scale enforcement of Ops Patuh, which was implemented to curb non-compliance of COVID-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs) at the national level, was terminated on June 25.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin said this was because the country has entered the transition to endemic phase.


He added the COVID-19 Movement Control Order (MCO) SOP Enforcement and Compliance Coordination Committee was established to mobilise Op Patuh, launched in June last year.

The committee, spearheaded by the ministry, involved 32 ministries, departments and agencies, enforcing directives and laws on the ground to curb the spread of the COVID-19.

"Throughout Op Patuh until June 25, a total of 5.55 million inspections were carried out. Of the total, some 13,143 compounds were issued, and 6,383 premises were ordered to close," he told reporters after the Committee's appreciation ceremony today.

Hamzah said the government had also decided to end the appointment of officers authorised under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 on June 30.

"As the country entered transition to endemic phase, the police will continue to collaborate with the Ministry of Health (MOH) on the enforcement of SOP and transition to endemic protocols under the Police Act 1967," he added,


Five family members killed in crash with trailer

 Five family members killed in crash with trailer


Jun 28, 2022Five family members killed in crash with trailer

Five members of a family, including two children and a baby, died when the vehicle they were travelling in was involved in a crash with a trailer on Jalan Kuantan-Segamat, here today. - JBPM photo

Five family members killed in crash with trailer

Five members of a family, including two children and a baby, died when the vehicle they were travelling in was involved in a crash with a trailer on Jalan Kuantan-Segamat, here today. - JBPM photo

KUANTAN: Five members of a family, including two children and a baby, died when the vehicle they were travelling in was involved in a crash with a trailer on Jalan Kuantan-Segamat, here today.

Kuantan police chief ACP Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu said in the 3 pm incident, the couple Muhammad Rosli Ibrahim, 33, Nor Afiqah Abdullah Sani, 35 and their children Nur Safwa Irdina, 7, Nur Sofea Raida, 6, as well as a baby boy died at the scene.


He said initial investigations found that the accident was believed to have occurred when Muhammad Rosli, who was driving a Toyota from Muadzam Shah towards Kuantan, entered the lane used by the trailer.

"The driver of the trailer on the Kuantan-Segamat route tried to swerve to the left of the road, but collided with the car head-on," he said in a statement today.

He said the 26-year-old trailer driver did not suffer any injuries and all the victims, with addresses in Perak, were sent to Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital for autopsy.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson of the Pahang Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) said that they received an emergency call at 3.17 pm before 13 members and officers from the Chini Fire and Rescue Station and Taman Tas were dispatched to the scene.


Malaysia Open: Bittersweet victory for Soon Huat-Shevon

 Malaysia Open: Bittersweet victory for Soon Huat-Shevon


Jun 28, 2022 Malaysia Open: Bittersweet victory for Soon Huat-Shevon

Malaysia's professional mixed doubles duo of Goh Soon Huat-Shevon Lai Jemie survived the first test in the 2022 Malaysia Open badminton championships. - Twitter/BAM/Filepic

Malaysia Open: Bittersweet victory for Soon Huat-Shevon

Malaysia's professional mixed doubles duo of Goh Soon Huat-Shevon Lai Jemie survived the first test in the 2022 Malaysia Open badminton championships. - Twitter/BAM/Filepic

KUALA LUMPUR: Partly happy. Partly sad.

Malaysia's professional mixed doubles duo of Goh Soon Huat-Shevon Lai Jemie may have survived the first test in the 2022 Malaysia Open badminton championships but they still feel 'gutted' over their achievement today.

This is because the unseeded Soon Huat-Shevon had no choice but to stun their training buddies, Tan Kian Meng-Lai Pei Jing, seeded seventh, in the tournament held at Axiata Arena in Bukit Jalil here.

As Soon Huat-Shevon were on the brink of losing the first game after trailing 11-18, the world number 14 pair somehow managed to stage a comeback and win 21-18.

Kian Meng-Pei Jing, ranked ninth in the world, however, recovered with a 21-19 win in the second game, before Soon Huat-Shevon secured their second-round ticket with a 21-18 victory in the decider.

Shevon admitted that they were unhappy with the opening round draw which pitted them against Kian Meng-Pei Jing.

"I wish to see more Malaysian representatives in the next round but we had to accept the draw. Our aim now is to ensure Malaysia's flag flies high in the tournament by stepping onto the podium later," she told reporters at the mixed zone after the match.

Shevon said she had difficulty controlling the shuttle due to a strong draft especially in the first game, but was relieved to see Soon Huat coming to the rescue with a valiant performance.

Shevon admitted that they were still not fully fit after recovering from food poisoning in the Indonesia Masters recently but were glad to clear their first hurdle.

Meanwhile, Kian Meng said they were unlucky to lose the match today while Pei Jing vowed to make amends in the Malaysia Masters next week.

In the men's doubles, young Malaysian pair Chang Yee Jun-Yap Roy King put up a commendable display against Liu Yu Chen-Ou Xuan Yi despite losing 14-21, 18-21 to the Chinese pair.

Roy King said their inexperience proved costly for them and hoped to come back stronger in the future.


Outgoing Ukrainian ambassador facilitated communications on MH17 tragedy and war with Russia

 Outgoing Ukrainian ambassador facilitated communications on MH17 tragedy and war with Russia


Jun 28, 2022 Outgoing Ukrainian ambassador facilitated communications on MH17 tragedy and war with Russia

Olexander Nechytaylo played a key role in 2014 in establishing the joint investigation team between Ukraine, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Australia and Belgium to probe into the downing of MH17. - BERNAMA/Filepic

Outgoing Ukrainian ambassador facilitated communications on MH17 tragedy and war with Russia

Olexander Nechytaylo played a key role in 2014 in establishing the joint investigation team between Ukraine, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Australia and Belgium to probe into the downing of MH17. - BERNAMA/Filepic

KUALA LUMPUR: Outgoing Ukrainian ambassador to Malaysia Olexander Nechytaylo had played a crucial role in keeping communication channels open between both sides following the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17 flight and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.

As he bids adieu to the host nation after his decade-long stay, Nechytaylo recalled vividly that one of his earliest mission in Malaysia is ensuring justice is served to the next-of-kin, families and relatives of MH17 victims.

On July 17, 2014, the aircraft - en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur - was shot down over Donetsk in Ukraine.

The outgoing ambassador also played a key role in 2014 in establishing the joint investigation team between Ukraine, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Australia and Belgium to probe into the downing of MH17.

"When I arrived here in Kuala Lumpur, the MH17 investigation had just started and I am happy that the trial in Hague (the court proceedings examining criminal responsibility in the downing of MH17) is in the final stage now.

"I met the victims' families in Malaysia and I felt sad for them. It is our moral duty to serve justice to the members of families of the crash victims," he told media members after hosting a farewell high-tea for them at a hotel here, recently.

The diplomat said the verdict of the trial is expected to be delivered by year-end or early next year, hoping that it will help bring justice for all the 298 people on board, including 15 crew members, who perished in the incident in 2014.

The ongoing Russian-Ukraine war also posed its own challenges for Nechytaylo, who had to ensure that proper communication was maintained between both countries as the war escalated.

The diplomat said when the war began on Feb 24, his mission as an ambassador was to communicate messages about the developments in Ukraine to Malaysian leaders such as the foreign affairs minister, and also to the public and media.

Elaborating further, Nechytaylo shared that among his memorable moments in Malaysia was when former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko came to Malaysia for a three-day official visit, back in 2016.

Petro, in an exclusive interview with Bernama in conjunction with his visit, highlighted that he took several important steps after the tragedy, such as, among others, calling the Prime Minister of Malaysia, the Netherlands, and all the nations that suffered the most from the MH17 tragedy.

On the MH17 tragedy, Petro, who served as the Ukrainian President from 2014 to 2019, said he was tested with what has been described as 'the biggest crime against humanity in the history of modern aviation.'

On a personal note, Nechytaylo, who is an ardent fan of Malaysian band Alleycats and Malaysia's legendary rockstar Amy Search, said one of his significant achievements during his tenure in Malaysia was doubling the trade figure between Malaysia and Ukraine from a mere US$260 million per year to US$450 million per year in 2021.

The diplomat had visited every state and federal territories in Malaysia and had been instrumental in the opening of Ukraine's consular office in Penang in 2020.

"I spent four years here during my first assignment with the embassy and was here for another six years as an ambassador. Malaysia will always have a special place in my heart," he said, noting that he has made it a point to visit local friends in other states before he leaves for his home country on Tuesday.

Nechytaylo also expressed sincere gratitude towards Malaysia for supporting two UN resolutions relating to the conflict, including supporting and voting in favour of the 11th Emergency Special Session (ESS) of the UN General Assembly which adopted a resolution titled 'Aggression against Ukraine' on March 3 and also voting in favour on March 24 demanding civilian protection and humanitarian access in Ukraine.

"In this sense, I think Malaysia has been very supportive. Russia has clearly violated the UN charter of the international law, so Malaysia has always been vocal in protecting international law and that's where our countries meet in terms of our stance on this war," he said.


Rafidah Aziz resigns as AirAsia X chairman

 Rafidah Aziz resigns as AirAsia X chairman


Jun 28, 2022 Rafidah Aziz resigns as AirAsia X chairman

Rafidah is also chairman of the nomination and remuneration committee, as well as the risk management committee of the board, and the safety review board of AAX. - BERNAMA

Rafidah Aziz resigns as AirAsia X chairman

Rafidah is also chairman of the nomination and remuneration committee, as well as the risk management committee of the board, and the safety review board of AAX. - BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz has resigned as AirAsia X (AAX) chairman effective July 1, 2022, the airline announced today.

Rafidah was appointed as an independent non-executive director and chairman of the board on March 3, 2011, and was redesignated as a senior independent non-executive chairman upon listing of the company on July 10, 2013.


She is also chairman of the nomination and remuneration committee, as well as the risk management committee of the board, and the safety review board of AAX.

"I will be 79 this year and will have served the term allowed as an independent director. I would then need to comply with the change in status from independent to non-independent board member and the other ensuing requirements.

"I have, therefore, decided to resign from my position as chairman of AAX and this will take effect from July 1," she said in a statement issued by the medium to long-haul affiliate airline of AirAsia Aviation Group.

AAX founder and Capital A Bhd chief executive officer Tan Sri Tony Fernandes described Rafidah as his backbone during the ups and downs of AirAsia and importantly, a friend and mentor.

"She was always there to give support and did not hold back in sharing her sharp insights. While she is retiring, Rafidah will always be very much a part of the AirAsia family and her leadership will continue to inspire all of us.

"I'm sure we will continue to seek wisdom and guidance from her as we head into our next chapter," he said.

Rafidah holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Malaya.

She won many awards and achievements, and was Malaysia's longest-serving Minister of International Trade and Industry, having served in that capacity for 21 years, from 1987 to 2008


Zahid Hamidi identifies 3 Former UMNO MP's Who Quit Party and joined BERSATU To Save Themselves From Investigations

Three Umno MPs quit party to save themselves from MACC probe - Ahmad Zahid
Jun 28, 2022 

Ahmad Zahid said the three MPs were among UMNO candidates who won their respective seats in the GE14. - BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi today told the High Court that three Members of Parliament (MPs) from UMNO had quit the party and joined Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) after the 14th General Election (GE14) to save themselves from being investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

He said the three MPs were among UMNO candidates who won their respective seats in the GE14.

"The first to quit and join the other party was the Masjid Tanah MP who is now Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department. I was made to understand that he was entrusted with the responsibility to manage the funds for the general election, but the funds were not used for Puteri UMNO operations.

"Instead, the funds were transferred to another account for personal purpose...UMNO and Puteri's top leadership knew about this but when it was announced that an investigation will be carried out, the best way to save himself was to join PPBM, which at that time was part of the Pakatan Harapan government."

Ahmad Zahid said this during the examination-in-chief by his lawyer Datuk Ahmad Zaidi Zainal in his defence trial over 47 charges, namely 12 charges of criminal breach of trust (CBT), eight charges of corruption, and 27 charges of money laundering involving tens of millions of ringgit belonging to Yayasan Akalbudi (YAB).

Ahmad Zahid said the second MP is now a minister and represents Jeli, who before the GE14, was the Kelantan UMNO liaison committee chairman entrusted with the responsibility to handle the party's election machinery operations.

"Part of the funds were meant for logistics and to be used to bring voters working or residing in the Klang Valley back to cast their votes in Kelantan. I was told that the RM30 million was never spent on logistics, and I have information that the money was given to his wife to be deposited into a personal account," he said.

Just as Ahmad Zahid wanted to name the third MP, Deputy Public Prosecutor Datuk Raja Rozela Raja Toran objected, saying that the Bagan Datuk MP should not like any individual in the case unless they were called to appear as witnesses.

"It is hearsay evidence and inadmissible unless they are called as witnesses," she said.
Another lawyer representing Ahmad Zahid, Hisyam Teh Poh Teik said the court is the right place for his client to tell the truth to defend himself.

"He is facing serious charges and must be given the latitude to expand on his defence," he said.
Justice Datuk Collin Lawrence Sequerah then said that he understood the issue of hearsay raised by the prosecution, but whether or not it is allowed, will be decided later.

"Right now, I agree to give them (the defence) a little space to defend themselves by providing appropriate defence," he said.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Zahid said the third person was the Bagan Serai MP who was given allocations for development in his constituency but based on some documents seen by Ahmad Zahid himself, the allocations were found to be 'handled' by his own brother in a capacity as a special officer.

"There was a misappropriation (of funds) and for fear of being charged, he (the MP) decided to switch to PPBM, I know," the former deputy prime minister said.

The Bagan Datuk MP said he had all evidence for everything he said as he was made UMNO president after Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak stepped down.

Earlier, Ahmad Zahid said he began his political career by learning about politics and had never used shortcuts to be on the political scene.

"I started from the bottom and made it to the top by climbing the political ladder. I never used shortcuts. I learned all the political procedures. So I understand the political ethics and cultures in the party that I lead," he said.

The trial before Justice Sequerah continues.

World Championship: Pandelela wins bronze in Budapest

 World Championship: Pandelela wins bronze in Budapest


Jun 28, 2022 World Championship: Pandelela wins bronze in Budapest

National diving queen Datuk Pandelela Rinong Pamg continues to bring glory to Malaysia by winning the bronze medal in the women's 10m platform at the 2022 World Championships in Budapest, Hungary, today. - Facebook/National Sports Council

World Championship: Pandelela wins bronze in Budapest

National diving queen Datuk Pandelela Rinong Pamg continues to bring glory to Malaysia by winning the bronze medal in the women's 10m platform at the 2022 World Championships in Budapest, Hungary, today. - Facebook/National Sports Council

KUALA LUMPUR: National diving queen Datuk Pandelela Rinong Pamg tcontinues to bring glory to Malaysian by winning the bronze medal in the women's 10 metre (m) platform at the 2022 World Championships in Budapest, Hungary, today.

The success saw Pandelela equalising her achievement at the 2015 World Championships in Kazan, Russia, and improving her fifth position in the 2019 edition in Gwangju, South Korea.

In the final act, which took place at Duna Arena, the 29 -year-old diver collected 338.85 points in a total of five dives to ensure the podium position.

2019 world champion and Tokyo 2020 Olympic silver medalist 16-year-old Chen Yuxi, from China, grabbed the gold medal after collecting 417.25 points, while her 15-year-old compatriot and Tokyo Olympic gold medalist Quan Hongchan took home silver with 416.95 points.

Pandelela, who won a gold medal at the 2021 World Cup diving tournament in Tokyo, is the most senior athlete in the women's 10m platform event in Budapest.

She will compete in the women's 10m platform synchronised event with her partner, Nur Dhabitah Sabri, this Thursday, in an effort to defend the silver medal which she won with her previous partner, Datuk Leong Mun Yee, in 2019.

Meanwhile, Malaysia's challenge in the men's 3m springboard event ended in the qualifying round after Muhammad Syafiq Puteh and Chew Yiwei finished 35th and 51st out of a total of 55 divers respectively.


Tajuddin dedah ada pertemuan mahu Zahid undur secara terhormat .... Tok Mat Tak Boleh Pakai!


Ahmad Zahid wants to become PM, claims Tajuddin

Base electricity tariff maintained for Peninsula customers

 Base electricity tariff maintained for Peninsula customers


Jun 27, 2022 

Base electricity tariff maintained for Peninsula customers
Domestic and non-domestic electricity consumers in Peninsular Malaysia won't be hit by higher bills as there will be no change to the imbalance cost pass-through (ICPT) from July 1, 2022 to Dec 31, 2022. -

Base electricity tariff maintained for Peninsula customers

Domestic and non-domestic electricity consumers in Peninsular Malaysia won't be hit by higher bills as there will be no change to the imbalance cost pass-through (ICPT) from July 1, 2022 to Dec 31, 2022. -

Domestic and non-domestic electricity consumers in Peninsular Malaysia won't be hit by higher bills as there will be no change to the imbalance cost pass-through (ICPT) from July 1, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022.

The Energy Commission (ST) said in a statement today that it would mean that the 2 sen per kilowatt hour (kWh) rebate for domestic customers and 3.7 sen/kWh surcharge for non-domestic customers remain unchanged.


It said that the rebate and surcharge cost borne by the government totalled RM5.8 billion, and that the six-month period was agreed on June 24.

"The government has allocated RM2.3 billion to cover the cost of maintaining the ICPT rebate and bear the surcharge for domestic consumers," said ST.

It added that another RM3.5 billion was allocated to maintain the ICPT surcharge for commercial and industrial (non-domestic) customers, which should be 11.81 sen/kWh.

According to ST, the price of fuel and electricity generation has increased by RM7 billion which is equal to a ICPT surcharge of 11.81 sen/kWh for the period between Jan 1, 2022 and June 30, 2022.

It said that the price of coal per tonne in the international market had risen to US$265 compared with the US$79 calculated by Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) for base electricity tariff, and that it was caused by the current global crisis and a supply constraint of coal, among others.

Over 80 per cent of energy for the country's electricity generation comes from coal and gas.

ST said that ICPT, fuel and electricity generation expenses are reviewed every six months and passed to the electricity consumer via a rebate or surcharge based on cost savings or increase.

It added that consumers could save on their bills by using electricity efficiently and taking advantage of the Net Energy Metering (NEM) programme.

It added that consumers could estimate their monthly electricity bill in the future by putting the forex, coal and gas price forecasts into a tariff calculator at


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