
31 October 2021

4,894 or 98.3% of 4,979 new Covid-19 cases were asymptomatic or mild.

Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah

Covid: Daily cases continue to drop, 4,979 recorded -Health DG


KUALA LUMPUR: The number of daily Covid-19 cases in Malaysia continued to show a downward trend, with 4,979 new cases recorded as at noon today compared to 5,854 yesterday.

Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said this took the total number of infections to 2,471,642.

Of the new cases, only 85 cases or 1.7 per cent were in categories three, four and five while the remaining 4,894 cases or 98.3 per cent were in categories one and two.

“Of the new cases, 23 were imported while 4,956 involved local transmissions,” he said in a statement today.

He added that a total of 6,127 new recoveries were reported, thus exceeding the number of new cases while the total number of recoveries now stood at 2,374,761.

Apart from that, a total of 562 patients are still being treated in the intensive care units (ICU), with 326 requiring respiratory assistance.

He also said that six new clusters were identified, with two each involving a higher educational institution and community and one each involving other educational institution and workplace.

According to Dr Noor Hisham, the infectivity rate or Rt for the whole country yesterday was 0.96, with Negeri Sembilan and Kuala Lumpur registering the highest value of 1.02 and Labuan the only state with zero Rt.

Detailed information on the current situation of Covid-19 infection and transmission in the country will be uploaded to the COVIDNOW website at and the data will be updated at midnight daily.

Only 3% Of Malaysians Can Afford Their Retirement, Says EPF

Only 3 pct of Malaysians can afford their retirement, says EPF


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 31 -- The COVID-related withdrawals over the past two years have had a massive impact on the savings of Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributors, as currently, only three per cent of contributors can afford their retirement.

EPF chief strategy officer Nurhisham Hussein said the COVID-related withdrawals, namely i-Sinar, i-Lestari and i-Citra, resulted in many members below age 55 having critically low EPF savings.

“Even with COVID-19, 80 per cent of Malaysian men and 90 per cent of Malaysian women will reach age 60, while one out of three men and two out of three women will reach age 80.

“We now estimate that only three per cent of Malaysians can afford to retire,” he said at the Perdana Fellow Alumni Association Speaker Series webinar today.

Nurhisham was one of the panellists at the webinar, titled ‘Healthcare in Focus’.

In his presentation, Nurhisham said by the end of this year, 54 per cent of EPF members aged 54 would have less than RM50,000 in their savings account, noting that a majority of those who withdrew their entire EPF savings upon reaching age 55 would use it up within two to three years.

He noted that the withdrawals were allowed due to the extraordinary circumstances.

“We are very sympathetic to the plight of our members and hope that the (withdrawals) had achieved the intended purpose of helping them financially.

“(Moving forward,) the reopening of the economy and the measures announced in Budget 2022 should help relieve the pressure on our members,” he said.

Commenting on the consequences should another round of withdrawal be permitted, he said those who had withdrawn from their EPF savings would now need to work an extra four to six years just to cover the amount that they withdrew over the past two years.

Since it is unlikely that the retirement age will be raised, they would not have enough for their retirement, he said.

Drug Smuggling Case In Australia: Bukit Aman Does Not Rule Out Links In Malaysia

Datuk Razarudin Husain

Drug smuggling case in Australia: Bukit Aman does not rule out links in Malaysia


JOHOR BAHRU: Police have not ruled out the possibility of other individuals in the country being linked to the case of a Malaysian who was arrested for allegedly smuggling 450 kilogrammes (kg) of heroin worth RM431.8 million into Australia recently.

Bukit Aman Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department (JSJN) director Datuk Razarudin Husain, however, said his department could not disclose any information at this time due to the ongoing investigation, which could take one to two months.

"Syndicates like this use a modus operandi that is very complex, so our investigations or operations need to be executed properly.

"We are still investigating... there is indeed involvement of (other individuals) here, but we cannot reveal it now," he said at a press conference here today.

He was asked to comment on possible links to other individuals in Malaysia over the Australian drug smuggling case involving a 38-year-old Malaysian man.

Razarudin said his department always cooperated and shared information with the Australian Federal Police in investigating the case.

On Oct 16, foreign media reports said Australian authorities arrested a Malaysian man and seized drugs he was allegedly carrying in a container of tiles from Malaysia bound for Melbourne.

Ahmad Fadhli Is New PAS Youth Chief

Ahmad Fadhli Shaari

Ahmad Fadhli is new PAS youth chief


PORT DICKSON: Pasir Mas Member of Parliament Ahmad Fadhli Shaari has been elected as PAS Youth Chief for the 2021-2023 term, replacing Khairil Nizam Khiruddin who did not defend the post.

In the election held during the 62nd PAS Youth Muktamar (general assembly) held at a hotel here, Ahmad Fadhli won after obtaining 508 votes defeating Kubu Gajah (Perak) assemblyman Khalil Yahya who garnered 128 votes.

The Deputy Youth Chief position was won by Kedah Menteri Besar’s political secretary, Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamuddin while former Selangor PAS Youth Chief Hanafi Zulkafli is the wing’s new vice chief.

A total of 636 delegates cast their ballots for the election of the new DPPM leadership for the position of Youth Chief, Deputy Youth Chief and Vice Youth Chief as well as 12 Committee Members.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Fadhli, who was previously PAS’ Deputy Youth Chief thanked all delegates who have placed their trust and confidence in the new DPPM leadership line-up to lead the party’s youth wing, especially in facing the 15th general election (GE15).

He said the party was determined to continue to strengthen Muafakat Nasional (MN) and defend Perikatan Nasional (PN) up to the grassroots to promote to the people especially new voters that PN and MN are the best options when facing the upcoming GE15.

Asked about the candidates to contest in GE15, Ahmad Fadhli said PAS Youth wants 50 per cent of the candidates to come from the Youth and Women wings.

Polis Sahkan PKR Dikompaun RM10,000 - PRN Melaka

Datuk Seri Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin (tengah)

PRN Melaka: Polis sahkan PKR dikompaun RM10,000


MELAKA, 31 Okt -- Polis hari ini mengesahkan telah mengeluarkan kompaun RM10,000 kepada Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) kerana mengingkari larangan Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) dengan mengadakan ceramah bergerak.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Melaka ACP Azlan Abu berkata kompaun itu dikeluarkan selaras dengan peruntukan 16 P.U (A) 293 Peraturan-Peraturan Pencegahan dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah di dalam Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Pelan Pemulihan Negara) 2021.

"Polis telah meminta penganjur untuk memberhentikan program tersebut kerana prosedur operasi standard Fasa Empat Pelan Pemulihan Negara melarang apa-apa program berkaitan Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) Melaka dan apa-apa yang boleh menyebabkan kehadiran orang ramai di suatu tempat sehingga menyukarkan penjarakan fizikal dilakukan,” menurutnya dalam kenyataan hari ini.

Ketua Penerangan PKR Datuk Seri Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin, yang mengesahkan perkara itu dalam sidang media hari ini, meminta KKM dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri memperinci kaedah kempen yang boleh dilakukan sepanjang PRN Melaka.

Sebelum ini, Parti Ikatan Demokratik Malaysia (MUDA) dan Barisan Nasional (BN) turut dikompaun kerana melanggar larangan itu.

Pada 24 Okt lepas, Menteri Kesihatan Khairy Jamaluddin dipetik sebagai berkata sebarang aktiviti, perhimpunan atau majlis sosial berkaitan pilihan raya termasuk penganjuran majlis pelancaran jentera pilihan raya tidak dibenarkan berkuat kuasa 25 Okt hingga 27 Nov ini bagi mengurangkan risiko penularan jangkitan dan peningkatan kes mendadak COVID-19.

Australia Set For International Border Reopening For Vaccinated Public

Quarantine-free travel from New Zealand to Australia

Australia set for international border reopening for vaccinated public


MELBOURNE, Oct 31 — Quarantine-free travel from New Zealand to Australia will resume from tomorrow, Australia’s tourism minister said today, as the country readies itself for a partial reopening of its international borders for the first time since March 2020. Vaccinated Australian citizens and permanent residents living in New South Wales, Victoria and the capital Canberra will be free to fly internationally from Monday without the need of an exemption or to quarantine upon return.

For now, however, only tourists from neighbouring New Zealand will be allowed into Australia, provided they are vaccinated.

“The resumption of quarantine free travel from New Zealand to Australia is another important marker on our road to recovery,” Tourism Minister Dan Tehan said in a statement.

Australia closed its borders at the start of the pandemic, allowing only a limited number of citizens and permanent residents to return from abroad, subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine period in a hotel at their own expense.

Over 80 per cent of people 16 and older in New South Wales, Victoria and Canberra are fully vaccinated – a condition for the resumption of international travel – meaning that some 14 million Australians will be free to leave and re-enter the country if they are fully vaccinated.

But while airlines and tourism agencies have reported “massive demand” for services, only 23 per cent of Australians feel confident about making travel plans in the next year, a survey by consumer advocacy group Choice showed last week.

There were more than 1,200 new coronavirus cases recorded across Australia today, with 1,036 in Victoria and 177 infections in New South Wales. There were 13 related deaths.

While the Delta outbreak kept Sydney and Melbourne in lockdowns for months until recently, Australia’s COVID-19 cases remain far lower than many comparable countries, with just over 170,500 infections and 1,735 deaths.

Nearly 77 per cent of all Australians have been now fully vaccinated, and more than 88 per cent have received their first dose.

Dr Md Nasir Ibrahim Dilantik Sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif FINAS

Dr Md Nasir Ibrahim


'Karen' Handed Two Compound Notices Worth RM3,000 For Breaching SOP

'Karen' handed two compound

'Karen' handed two compound notices worth RM3,000 for breaching SOP

The Caucasian woman who caused a stir at a luxury retail store in Kuala Lumpur for refusing to wear a mask has been handed two RM1,500 compound notices by the police.

Source: The Star YouTube

Polis Bongkar Pusat Hiburan Beroperasi Guna Lesen Restoran

pusat hiburan di sini yang menyalahgunakan lesen restoran 

Polis Bongkar Pusat Hiburan Beroperasi Guna Lesen Restoran


GEORGE TOWN, 31 Okt -- Tindakan sebuah pusat hiburan di sini yang menyalahgunakan lesen restoran dengan menjalankan kegiatan hiburan mengundang padah apabila premis tersebut diserbu pihak polis, semalam.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Pulau Pinang SAC Rahimi Ra’ais berkata serbuan pada pukul 11 malam itu hasil maklumat dan risikan pihaknya sejak beberapa hari lepas.

“Semasa serbuan, premis tersebut sedang memainkan muzik dengan kuat dan tiada sebarang penjarakan sosial dalam kalangan pengunjung.

"Pemeriksaan polis mendapati pusat hiburan itu beroperasi menggunakan lesen restoran bagi menjalankan perniagaan makanan, tetapi kemudian menukar aktiviti dengan menjadikan ia seperti pusat hiburan, iaitu dua jam sebelum premis ditutup pada pukul 12.00 tengah malam," katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.

Rahimi berkata 19 warga asing masing-masing 15 lelaki pengunjung pusat hiburan dan empat wanita yang bertugas sebagai pelayan pelanggan (GRO) ditahan mengikut Seksyen 269 Kanun Keseksaan.

Katanya polis turut mengeluarkan kompaun atas kesalahan ingkar terhadap pematuhan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) kepada 39 pengunjung warga tempatan yang berhibur di situ, serta menahan seorang lelaki penjaga pusat hiburan tersebut kerana mengaji pekerja asing tanpa permit yang sah, selain dia turut dikenakan kompaun.

"Kesemua yang ditahan dibawa ke Ibu Pejabat Polis (IPD) Timur Laut untuk siasatan lanjut,” katanya.

pusat hiburan di sini yang menyalahgunakan lesen restoran 

UK Donates 20 Million Doses Of AstraZeneca Vaccine To Poor Countries

Boris Johnson

UK donates 20 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine to poor countries


LONDON, Oct 31-- The British government announced that it will donate 20 million doses of the "Oxford-AstraZeneca" vaccine to countries in need by the end of this year as part of the UK's commitment to donate 100 million doses of vaccine.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson will call on his fellow G-20 leaders to vaccinate the world by the end of next year, Jordan news agency reported the British government said Saturday in a statement.

The United Kingdom sent 10 million doses of the "Oxford-AstraZeneca" vaccine to the COVAX initiative, and in the coming weeks it will deliver an additional 10 million vaccines to some of the most vulnerable people in the world, the statement said.

It added that these additional donations mean that 30.6 million spare doses of the "Oxford-AstraZeneca" vaccine will be provided to those in need this year.

Tebus e-Baucar Tunai Kempen ‘Rediscover Fun-A Theme Park Family Affair’ - MOTAC

‘Rediscover Fun A-Theme Park Family Affair’

Tebus e-baucar tunai kempen ‘Rediscover Fun-A Theme Park Family Affair’ - MOTAC


KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Okt -- Orang ramai kini boleh menebus e-baucar tunai bernilai RM10 menerusi kempen ‘Rediscover Fun A-Theme Park Family Affair’, hingga 10 Dis, menurut Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya (MOTAC).

Kementerian itu memaklumkan MOTAC melalui Tourism Malaysia memperuntukkan e-baucar dengan nilai keseluruhan RM400,000 dan penebusan yang boleh dibuat dengan melayari laman sesawang Persatuan Taman Tema dan Pusat Hiburan Keluarga Malaysia (MATFA), di berdasarkan terma dan syarat ‘siapa cepat dia dapat’.

“Dianjurkan dengan kerjasama MATFA, pengunjung juga boleh menikmati diskaun tiket masuk sehingga 50 peratus, di lebih 25 taman tema dan pusat hiburan keluarga.

“Semua operator taman tema terlibat dijamin mematuhi prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang ditetapkan. Maklumat lanjut berkenaan senarai taman tema yang mengambil bahagian serta terma dan syarat kempen, boleh layari laman sesawang atau,” menurut kenyataan di keluarkan kementerian itu dalam kenyataan hari ini.

Kenyataan itu memetik Menteri Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri sebagai berkata dianggarkan 40,000 rakyat Malaysia bakal menerima manfaat daripada pelaksanaan kempen itu.

Beliau berkata MATFA turut optimistik untuk meraih 50 peratus peningkatan kunjungan orang ramai ke taman tema sepanjang kempen itu.

Katanya, program itu selari dengan Pelan Pemulihan Pelancongan bertujuan menyemarakkan kembali industri pelancongan domestik yang terkesan akibat pandemik COVID-19.


Pemandu E-hailing Mengaku Bersalah Ugut Peminjam Wang

pemandu e-hailing 

Pemandu e-hailing mengaku bersalah ugut peminjam wang

Seorang pemandu e-hailing mengaku bersalah di Mahkamah Majistret, di sini, hari ini, terhadap dua pertuduhan mengugut seorang peminjam serta membantu kegiatan syarikat pinjaman wang tidak berlesen, pada September dan Isnin lalu.

Tertuduh, Mohd Fakhrul Faiz Mohamad Noh, 32, membuat pengakuan berkenaan selepas kedua-dua pertuduhan dibacakan di hadapan Majistret Nur Azzuin Abdul Moati.

Mengikut pertuduhan pertama, Mohd Fakhrul Faiz, bersama-sama seorang rakannya, Ridzwan Idhman Abdullah, 26, yang turut mengaku bersalah, didakwa menyimpan cat merah dan nota ugutan terhadap seorang peminjam sebuah wang syarikat tidak berlesen serta menjalankan aktiviti membantu pemberi pinjaman wang tidak berlesen.

Kesalahan itu dilakukan mereka di sebuah rumah peminjam di Taman Bayu Puteri, Johor Bahru, pada 25 Oktober lalu.

Mohd Fakhrul Faiz, turut mengaku bersalah atas satu lagi kesalahan iaitu membantu pemberi pinjaman wang tidak berlesen, September lalu.

Sumber: Harian Metro YouTube

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Aaron-Wooi Yik Crash Out In French Open Semis, Tze Yong Wins Belgium Title

Aaron Chia-Soh Wooi Yik 

Aaron-Wooi Yik crash out in French Open semis, Tze Yong wins Belgium title


National men's doubles shuttlers Aaron Chia-Soh Wooi Yik have to wait longer for their maiden World Tour as the Tokyo Olympics bronze medallists were ousted in the French Open semi-finals, early today.

Despite winning the opening game 21-14, the world number eight pair went down 10-21, 22-24 against former world champions Ko Sung Hyun-Shin Baek Cheol of South Korea in a-56 minute battle at the Stade Pierre de Coubertin, Paris.

In the final later today, the Koreans are set to face world number one pair, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon-Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo of Indonesia, who edged compatriots Fajar Alfian-Muhammad Rian Ardianto 21-19, 12-21, 26-24 in the semis.

Aaron-Wooi Yik advanced to the last four after defeating fifth seeds S. Rankireddy-Chirag Shetty of India 18-21, 21-18, 21-17 in the quarter-finals.

The 2019 SEA Games champions had come close to winning titles by advancing to the finals in the 2018 SaarLorLux Open, 2019 Malaysia International, 2019 All England and 2020 Thailand Open, but the title dream remains elusive for them.

Meanwhile, the future looks promising for Malaysia as men's singles player Ng Tze Yong clinched the Belgian International title in Leuven.

The 21-year-old Johorean, stunned Ajay Jayaram of India 21-14, 21-14 to win his third title, after having emerged champion in the 2019 South Australia International and 2021 Polish Open prior to this.

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Malaysia Recorded 4,979 (2,471,642 ) New Covid-19 Cases In Last 24 Hours

 Sehingga 31 Oktober 2021: Jumlah kes COVID-19 yang dilaporkan adalah 4,979 kes (2,471,642 kes).

Maklumat terperinci akan dimuatnaik ke laman COVIDNOW:

Perak Health Department Still Waiting For Full Report On Death Of Teenager

Perak Health Dept still waiting for full report on death of teenager


IPOH, Oct 30 -- The Perak State Health Department is still waiting for a complete post-mortem report to determine the cause of death for a 15-year-old boy one day after receiving the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at the Gunung Rapat National Secondary School vaccination centre here on Oct 23.

State Health director Datuk Dr Ding Lay Ming said all the tissue samples had been sent to be further examined by the Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital forensic pathologist.

"The post-mortem report is incomplete because there are test results that have not been received," she said in a statement today.

She said the post-mortem examination carried out on the boy’s remains at 3.40 pm on Oct 24 revealed a narrowing of the lungs (Spontaneous Bronchospasm).

Dr Ding said the boy was reported to have only experienced pain at the injection site after receiving the second vaccine jab and informed that he did not have any allergies to previous vaccines or drugs and was not known to have chronic illnesses.

“He also did not report any problems or complications after receiving the first dose,” she said.

The boy was found having shortness of breath before he lost consciousness at his home on Oct 24 at about 9.30 am, a day after he received the second vaccine jab, she added.

She said, the teenager was then taken to a private hospital here for emergency treatment but was pronounced dead at about 10.40 am.

Suami Isteri Dalang Sindiket Pengedaran Dan Penyeludupan Dadah

Datuk Razarudin Husain (Dua Kanan)

Suami isteri dalang sindiket pengedaran dan penyeludupan dadah

Sepasang suami isteri antara tujuh ditahan kerana dipercayai terbabit dengan sindiket pengedaran dan penyeludupan dadah bernilai RM4.2 juta menerusi empat serbuan berasingan di daerah ini, di sini.

Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Narkotik (JSJN) Bukit Aman, Datuk Razarudin Husain berkata, serbuan antara 21 hingga 28 Oktober lalu itu membawa kepada penahanan semua individu tempatan termasuk seorang wanita warga asing berusia 39 hingga 48 tahun.

Katanya, sindiket yang aktif sejak pertengahan tahun ini itu dipercayai memperoleh dadah dari negara jiran untuk diedarkan di pasaran tempatan dan antarabangsa.

Tambahnya, serbuan dijalankan di rumah yang dipercayai dijadikan tempat pembungkusan selain keseluruhan dadah yang dirampas boleh digunakan seramai 587,222 penagih.

Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen (IPK) Johor di sini hari ini.

Sumber: Harian Metro YouTube

Wanita Maut Ketika Cuba Bantu Penunggang Motosikal

Niat baik seorang wanita yang ingin membantu mangsa kemalangan bertukar tragedi

Wanita Maut Ketika Cuba Bantu Penunggang Motosikal

Niat baik seorang wanita yang ingin membantu mangsa kemalangan bertukar tragedi apabila dia serta mangsa yang dibantunya maut itu dirempuh sebuah kereta.

Kejadian berlaku di Jalan Tun Dr Awang berhampiran Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Pulau Pinang, malam tadi.

Sumber: Malaysia Gazette YouTube

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32 Individu Dikompaun Sertai Sambutan Hari Jadi

32 individu dikenakan kompaun selepas menyertai sambutan hari lahir

32 Individu Dikompaun Sertai Sambutan Hari Jadi

32 individu dikenakan kompaun selepas menyertai sambutan hari lahir di sebuah rumah di Bukit Damansara, Kuala Lumpur malam tadi.

Ketua Polis Daerah Brickfields, ACP Amihizam Abdul Shukor dalam kenyataan berkata pihaknya yang menerima aduan pada jam 10 malam berhubung pesta diadakan di kediaman berkenaan.

Hasil serbuan mendapati 32 individu warga tempatan, seorang individu warga asing mengadakan majlis hari lahir.

Sumber: Buletin TV3

Malaysia draw with Thailand 0-0 to confirm their place in the 2022 #AFCU23 Finals as Group J winners


Malaysia's Under-23 squad  has confirmed its place in the final round of the U23 Asian Cup which will be held in Uzbekistan, next year.

 Brad Maloney's squad emerged Group J champions after finishing the last qualifying match with a goalless draw against Thailand.

With one point, Malaysia managed to collect seven points besides maintaining an unbeaten record in the three matches played during the qualifying campaign in Mongolia.

At the action at the MFF Stadium, the game was balanced when the national squad managed to prevent Thailand from dominating the game. They also pressured the Thai defense in the first half.

Unfortunately, despite several shots by Malaysia all attempts failed to find the target during the first 45 minutes.

In the second half, Thailand seemed to be more aggressive, launching several attacks but were unable to break the national defense line which played with calm and full of discipline.

Thailand were lucky when Harith Haiqal's header started from a corner kick in the 62nd minute hit  the crossbar before Nik Akif Syahiran's Nik Mat follow-up effort was saved by their players.

The remaining 10 minutes were full of excitement when theThai squad continued to press for the much-needed goal but  it remained 0-0 as the final whistle was blown.

For the record, Malaysia qualified for the first time to the finals of the 2018 B-23 Asian Cup in China also as Group H champions and advanced to the quarterfinals before losing 2-1 at the hands of South Korea.

Pangsapuri Dijadikan Tempat Pelacuran Diserbu

empat warga asing yang menjadikan pangsapuri persendirian di Taman Usahawan

Pangsapuri dijadikan tempat pelacuran diserbu

PETALING JAYA: Kegiatan empat warga asing yang menjadikan pangsapuri persendirian di Taman Usahawan, Kepong dekat sini sebagai sarang pelacuran sejak tiga minggu lalu terbongkar selepas diserbu polis semalam.

Keempat-empat wanita berusia 26 hingga 37 tahun ditahan dalam serbuan pukul 10 malam itu.
Ketua Polis Daerah Sentul, Asisten Komisioner Beh Eng Lai berkata, dalam serbuan itu, pihaknya turut merampas wang tunai anggaran RM300, kondom, minyak urut dan pelincir.

“Semua suspek ditahan untuk siasatan lanjut mengikut Seksyen 372B Kanun Keseksaan kerana terbabit dalam aktiviti pelacuran dan Seksyen 39B Akta Imigresen 1959/63 atas kesalahan menyalahgunakan permit pekerjaan.

“Orang ramai dinasihatkan supaya sentiasa berwaspada dan tidak terbabit di dalam aktiviti tidak sihat,” katanya dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Tambahnya, ramai yang mempunyai sebarang maklumat berkenaan kes ini boleh menghubungi Bilik Gerakan Ibu pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Sentul di 03-40482206.

▶️Utusan Online

Lelaki ditemui mati dengan kesan kelar pada leher di sebuah pasar raya


Lelaki maut dengan kesan kelar pada leher 

GEORGETOWN: Anggota bomba mengambil masa kurang lima minit untuk membantu membuka pintu kereta Toyota Camry dipercayai milik seorang lelaki yang ditemukan maut dengan kesan kelar pada leher di sebuah pasar raya di Glugor, di sini semalam.

Difahamkan, mayat lelaki berusia 48 tahun itu ditemukan dalam keadaan duduk di bahagian pemandu oleh orang awam di tempat letak kereta aras satu kira-kira pukul 7.15 malam.

Turut ditemukan adalah sebilah pisau yang dipercayai digunakan mangsa untuk bertindak sedemikian dan berada dalam genggaman tangan kirinya.

Ketua Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Jalan Perak, A’Azelan Hassan berkata, pihaknya menerima panggilan bantuan membuka pintu kereta pukul 7.34 malam dan tiba di situ kurang 10 minit kemudian.

Menurutnya, sebaik sahaja tiba di lokasi kejadian didapati seorang lelaki berada di dalam sebuah kereta jenis Toyota Camry dalam keadaan berlumuran darah.

“Kematian lelaki itu disahkan oleh pihak Kementerian Kesihatan yang terlebih dahulu tiba di tempat kejadian.

“Anggota bomba membuka pintu kereta dengan menggunakan peralatan khas kurang lima minit. Mayat kemudiannya diserahkan kepada pihak polis untuk tindakan selanjutnya,” katanya di sini hari ini.

Beliau memberitahu, operasi membantu dan menyelamat  itu tamat sepenuhnya pada pukul 8.07 malam.

▶️Utusan Online


Liverpool Allows Brighton A Stunning Comeback to draw 2-2

Liverpool 2 - 2 Brighton & Hove Albion | Astro SuperSport

Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister James Masing died at 7.05am today, he was 72

Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing

31/10/2021 10:06 AM

KUCHING, Oct 31 -- Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing died at Normah Sarawak Medical Centre (NSMC), Petra Jaya here at 7.05am today. He was 72.

This was confirmed by Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) secretary-general Datuk Janang Bungsu when contacted by Bernama today.

Masing is survived by his wife Puan Sri Fiona Masing and two children.

The PRS president was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at Sarawak General Hospital (HUS) in September after he tested positive for COVID-19 and was later transferred to NSMC for follow-up treatment.

Masing who had been Baleh state assemblyman since 1983 started his political career when he joined the now defunct Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) before joining forces with several other leaders to set up PRS in 2004.

He joined the state cabinet and served as Tourism Minister in 1996. Subsequently he held three other portfolios after defending the Baleh state seat for eight consecutive terms, before being appointed Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister II in Jan 23, 2017.


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Malaysia's 74th ranked Ng Tze Yong Captures Belgian International Challenge championship (Full Video)

 |October 31, 2021

Malaysia's young men's singles player, Ng Tze Yong  won the Belgian International Challenge championship in Leuven, last night.

In the final, Tze Yong, who emerged runner-up at the Czech Open in Brno last week, easily overcame fifth seed Ajay Jayaram, 34, from India  21-14 and 21-14.

The 74th-ranked player in the world is from Johor who performed exceptionally well in the Sudirman Cup and Thomas Cup championships before that booked a slot in the final when he bounced back to beat Japan's Yusuke Onodera 20-22, 21-15 and 23-21 in the semi-finals.

This Belgian International Challenge Championship is Tze Yong's second championship after rocking the Polish Open in March, this is also his third personal championship after topping the 2019 South Australia International competition.

95.5% of Malaysia's adult population fully vaccinated

 95.5 pct of Malaysia's adult population fully vaccinated

31/10/2021 09:57 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 31 -- A total of 22,348,481 individuals or 95.5 per cent of the adult population in the country have completed their COVID-19 vaccination as of yesterday.

Based on the Health Ministry’s data on the COVIDNOW portal 97.7 per cent or 22,866,371 individuals have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

In addition, 75,874 doses were dispensed yesterday, involving adults and adolescents bringing the total number of doses administered under the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) to 50,012,681 doses.

As for teenagers aged 12 to 17 years, as of yesterday 2,063,107 individuals or 65.5 per cent have completed their vaccination while 83 per cent or 2,612,639 individuals have received at least one dose of the vaccine under PICK for Adolescents which was launched on Sept 8.

Meanwhile, 20,370 COVID-19 booster doses were dispensed yesterday bringing the cumulative total so far to 291,409 doses.


30 October 2021

Mohana Menang Kembali Jadi Ketua Wanita MIC


Police identify the unmasked Caucasian woman who caused a stir at Dior KLCC recently


 Police have identified the unmasked Caucasian woman who caused a stir at a famous shopping centre in Kuala Lumpur recently.

October 29, 2021

KUALA LUMPUR: Police have identified the unmasked Caucasian woman who caused a stir at a famous shopping centre here recently.

Dang Wangi OCPD Asst Comm Noor Dellhan Yahaya said police have already opened investigations into the case.

"Yes I can confirm that the woman in question has been identified.

"We have opened investigations for breach of standard operating procedures under Section 21A of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act and Rule 17(1) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Regulations," he said when contacted on Friday (Oct 29).

He said the woman would be called in for questioning soon.

It was earlier reported that the Health Ministry is looking into the incident of a Caucasian woman who refused to wear a mask to enter a luxury retail outlet at a famous Kuala Lumpur shopping centre.

Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin tweeted on Wednesday (Oct 27) that anyone in Malaysia should mask up, regardless of what the rules are elsewhere.

“When in Rome do as the Romans do. When in Malaysia, please mask up. Regardless of the rules elsewhere,” he tweeted while tagging the Health Ministry.

A video captured by twitter user @DFEfiercefun was captioned: "Was in a que (sic)... No entry for no mask!!! The lady resisted and said those with masks are communists!! Applying "white entitlement" in Malaysia!!"

The tweet, which registered at 11,500 likes at press time, garnered responses from Malaysians who were angry that the woman was not wearing a mask, and praising the shopping centre and its staff for maintaining strict standard operating procedure (SOP) procedures, as well as those saying that she should be sent back to her home country.

The video showed the woman insisting on entering the store and claimed that one of the retail workers intimidated her.

“You can’t stop me, it’s a free country and you don’t own the shop,” she allegedly said to the workers.

She was also heard accusing Malaysia of being a “communist” country for making the use of face masks compulsory.

Fasa pandemik belum berakhir, Akta 342 masih dilaksanakan dan dipakai - Hamzah


Malaysia's Chocolate Export Value Jumps to RM650 million


Export value of Malaysia’s chocolate rises to RM650 mln for Jan-Aug 2021 - Zuraida

30/10/2021 05:42 PM

NILAI, Oct 30 -- The export value of Malaysia's chocolate jumped 11.0 per cent to RM650 million for the period of January-August this year compared to RM585 million in the same period last year.

Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin said despite the world being ravaged by COVID-19 that slightly hampered economic growth, the value of the country's income from commodities, including cocoa products, was still increasing.

She said despite producing only RM7 billion worth of cocoa products, Malaysia was still able to produce them in large quantities as the global cocoa market was valued at RM120 billion.

“We hope we can achieve more, as Malaysia is a strategic country where we can produce more cocoa products. Hence, I’ve asked the Malaysian Cocoa Board to focus on products that can be marketed abroad.

"The potential of the cocoa market is huge and we have identified small-time entrepreneurs to be grouped as a support system for chocolate companies in the quest to increase national income," he told reporters after visiting the Cocoa Innovation and Technology Centre here today.

Zuraida said among the countries that exported the country’s chocolate were China, Korea and Indonesia, reflecting confidence in the quality of chocolate produced by Malaysian entrepreneurs was comparable to international standardx.

Meanwhile, she said so far 6,000 hectares were under cocoa cultivation in Malaysia, including in Sabah and Sarawak, which have 5,000 smallholders.

On Malaysia's decision to accept 32,000 foreign workers for the oil palm plantation sector, Zuraida said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob was expected to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Indonesia during his visit there on Nov 10.

"Indonesia has 5,000 workers on standby and after the MoU is signed, the 5,000 workers will enter (the country) in phases and I hope by Nov 15, we will be able to bring them in," he said.

Commenting on Budget 2022, she said the allocation of RM2.5 billion for the commodity development programme showed the country's concern in strengthening the development of rural communities and improving their living standards.

"This is because commodities play an important role in generating national income. So, some emphasis should be given to enable us to carry out activities to increase national income. It is also in line with the ministry's direction in raising awareness of commodity products both locally and abroad," she said. .

Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, when presenting Budget 2022 yesterday, said an allocation of RM2.5 billion would be set aside with RM1.3 billion of the amount given to Felda involving rehabilitation packages and settlers’ development.

In addition, RM495 millioni would be allocated to Felcra participants and RM699 million for the development of smallholders for the rubber industry under Risda.


#BUROSupportsLocal: 7 Made-in-Malaysia artisan chocolate brands to check out for your next indulgence


Text: Ronn Tan

Wondering where to get homegrown premium chocolates? You've come to the right spot! Take a look at some of the best local cacao-filled brands in our roundup below

Put your hands up if you're a lover of all things chocolate! Did you know that Malaysia has a plethora of chocolate makers that specialise in quality and unique cacao creations? In fact, many of them utilise cacao beans grown right here in the country. 

Homegrown artisan chocolate makers join the list of many made-in-Malaysia brands that we are (and should be) proud of—from kombucha to scented candles to skincare masks. After all, why not support local industries?

1. Cocova

#BUROSupportsLocal: 7 Made-in-Malaysia artisan chocolate brands to check out for your next indulgence (фото 1)
Photo by Cocova

Offering all natural and high quality single origin cocoa products, Cocova bean to bar chocolates are 100 per cent natural, vegan, and gluten free. In addition to the new limited edition Playful Peca flavour (buttery roasted pecans coated in a layer of Curious 68 per cent dark chocolate—created using cacao beans from Melaka), the brand's portfolio of products include Happy 65 per cent Dark Chocolate Buttons (made from single origin cacao beans ethically sourced from Vietnam) and Dreamy 72 per cent Dark Chocolate Buttons (made from single origin cacao beans sourced from India). Cocova also has chocolate drinks and chocolate-coated nuts.

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2. Chocolate Concierge

#BUROSupportsLocal: 7 Made-in-Malaysia artisan chocolate brands to check out for your next indulgence (фото 2)
Photo by Chocolate Concierge

Making single-origin, artisan chocolates out of the cacao they grow themselves, Chocolate Concierge is a small batch tree to bar chocolate maker. Founded by Ning, flavours at Chocolate Concierge are uniquely Malaysian. Some of their most popular creations are chocolate bars and bon bone. The former includes concoctions such as Semai 65 per cent with Nibs, Batang Kali 70 percent, and Damak 72 per cent. Fillings for bon bons include Sweet LaksaOnde OndeTeh Tarik, and Creamy Coconut. Based in Bangsar Shopping Centre, Chocolate Concierge products can also be found in many restaurants in KL.

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3. Benns Ethicoa

#BUROSupportsLocal: 7 Made-in-Malaysia artisan chocolate brands to check out for your next indulgence (фото 3)
Photo by Benns Ethioca

Founded in 1973, this is one of Malaysia's longest-running homegrown chocolate brands. Benns Ethicoa works directly with farmers from selected farms such as Lampang in Thailand, Vung Tau in Vietnam, Calinan in the Philippines, Anaimalai in India, and Sungai Ruan in Pahang, Malaysia. Promoting ethical cacao farming and built with sustainability in mind, the chocolate maker—with its own chocolate factory and cafe in Cheras—aims to highlight quality and fairness.

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4. Seniman Kakao

#BUROSupportsLocal: 7 Made-in-Malaysia artisan chocolate brands to check out for your next indulgence (фото 4)
Photo by Seniman Kakao

Handcrafted in Kuala Lumpur, expect Seniman Kakao's chocolate products to have their own unique character and distinguish flavour notes. Founded in 2015, the team behind Seniman Kakao roasts, cracks, winnows, grinds, conches, and tempers the cacao beans in small batches in their own micro roastery. You will find chocolate bars made with cacao beans from Melaka, Pahang, and Perak. 

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5. Love18

#BUROSupportsLocal: 7 Made-in-Malaysia artisan chocolate brands to check out for your next indulgence (фото 5)
Photo by Love18

Since opening in 2012, the Malaysian chocolate maker has cemented a reputation as one of the more prominent homegrown brands around with outlets throughout Malaysia. Love18's First Love collection comprises of ganache made using Belgian and French premium chocolate and quality ingredients. 

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6. Cocoraw

#BUROSupportsLocal: 7 Made-in-Malaysia artisan chocolate brands to check out for your next indulgence (фото 6)
Photo by Cocoraw

Founded by Michael Woo and Lee See Pin, the Malaysian brand is known for its nama style chocolates. Chocolate truffles are handmade fresh and infused with local flair—including Teh Tarik and Gula Melaka. Their namesake dark chocolate truffles are made with 70 per cent Belgian dark chocolates whereas The Vegan consists of extra virgin coconut oil and nut-based milk.

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7. Jugèlìk Artisanal

#BUROSupportsLocal: 7 Made-in-Malaysia artisan chocolate brands to check out for your next indulgence (фото 7)
Photo by Jugèlìk Artisinal

The new chocolate maker offers handcraft artisanal chocolate that you can customise according to your preference. The brand utilises all natural fresh tropical fruits that are freeze dried to accompany high quality dark chocolates. Think pineapple, banana, mango, rambutan, and jackfruit.

Bars include flavours such as Dark 74 Per Cent Almond Nibs and Salt; Dark 61 Per Cent Almond Nibs and Freeze Dried Mangosteen; as well as Dark 61 Per Cent Almond Nibs and Curry. You can also pick from 24 different sleeve options. To order, all you have to do is check out the order form on their Instagram page and send them a message.

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