
03 September 2020

Thieves strike at preacher Ebit Lew's convenience store


03/09/2020 08:44 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 3 -- Thieves broke into and looted a convenience store of popular preacher Ebit Lew in Sungai Buloh near here of over RM4,000 worth of cash and goods early today.

Sungai Buloh District Police chief Supt Shafa’aton Abu Bakar said the assistant manager of the ELEWSMART realised the theft at about 8 am.

She said the grille of the window of the toilet had been forced open and the window was open.

“Cash amounting to RM3,600, several cans of milk, chocolate, sweets and Panadol strips had been stolen. The CCTV camera recording showed two men wearing crash helmets entering the store,” she said in a statement.

Shafa’aton said people with information on the theft can contact the Sungai Buloh District Police headquarters.

Ebit Lew also posted news of the incident on his Facebook account and expressed sadness that such a thing had happened.


Pasaraya Ustaz Ebit Liew Elewsmart Sg buloh kena pecah masuk 3.30 pagi tadi

Sayu pagi ini bila dapat tahu Elewsmart sg buloh kena pecah masuk 3.30 pagi. Ada rakaman cctv. 2 lelaki pakai helmet.

Ya Allah aku mengadu sedih dan susahku hanya padaMu. Semoga Allah beri pelajaran padanya. Pohon doa semua yer biar semua jadi asbab kebaikan dan hidayah. Pasti ada rahmat disebalik semuanya. Innalilahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. Allahumma ajurni fi musibati wa akhlifli hoiron minha. Semua dari Allah kembali padanya. Ya Allah ganjarkanlah atas musibah ini dan gantikanlah dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik-ebitlew

Sayu pagi ini bila dapat tahu Elewsmart sg buloh kena pecah masuk 3.30 pagi. Ada rakaman cctv. 2 lelaki pakai helmet....

Posted by Ebit Lew on Wednesday, 2 September 2020

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