
15 September 2020

23 new COVID-19 cases today, new cluster detected in Sabah

15/09/2020 06:22 PM

PUTRAJAYA, Sept 15 -- Malaysia recorded 23 new COVID-19 cases today, and the detection of the new Pulau Cluster in Sabah.

Health Director-General Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the 23 cases comprised 13 local and 10 import cases, which raised the cumulative number of cases to 9,969 with the infectivity potential at 632.

He said the 13 local cases were all in Sabah, involving 10 Malaysians and three non-citizens.

“Eight of them are from the new Pulau Cluster, four from the Benteng LD Cluster (including the three non-citizens) and one case for screening referred from the Semporna Hospital to the Tawau Hospital,” he told a press conference on the COVID-19 situation, here.

Six recoveries were recorded today, raising the cumulative number of recoveries to 9,209 cases or 92.4 per cent of the total number of cases. No new deaths were reported today, with the death toll remaining at 128 cases.



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