Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar meeting the people at the Sri Murugan Temple in Renggam.
SIMPANG RENGGAM: Despite the scorching hot sun, thousands of people thronged the Sri Murugan Temple in the small town of Renggam here to join in the Thaipusam festivities.
Devotees carried kavadi and paal kudam (milk pots) along a 1.5km stretch between the temple and a nearby river, where the procession began on Saturday night.
Devotees were joined by visitors and tourists who crowded the area from 10am in anticipation of Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar's visit.
Sultan Ibrahim was greeted by loud cheers upon his arrival at 12.30pm, with many rushing to shake hands with him.
Compliance officer B. Rajes, 28, who travelled with a few friends from Kulai, said that it was his first time joining in the celebrations in Renggam as he wanted to meet Sultan Ibrahim.
"I really admire the Johor Sultan as he is known for being friendly ruler who always looks into the well-being of his subjects.
"I learnt that he is the first sultan to join in the Thaipusam celebrations and I wanted to be a part of the historical moment," he said.