
15 January 2014


Remembering Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah

The Prophet's sunnah guide Muslims in their daily lives./meraban.semenyih.netThe Prophet's sunnah guide Muslims in their daily lives./meraban.semenyih.netIN the Islamic calendar, today marks the date 12 Rabi-Ul-Awwal and it is a monumental day for Muslims around the world. This is the date Prophet Muhammad SAW (peace be upon him), was born and ironically departed as mentioned in Hadith (collections of traditions containing sayings of Prophet Muhammad)Riwayat Muslim. In countries such as Malaysia, Maulidur Rasul, is a day to remember the Prophet’s life and the contributions he made in his 63 years of life.
In Hadith Riwayat Muslim , it is said that in the days close to the Prophet Muhammad’s last breath, he left Muslims with an important message – to hold on strong to the Quran and adhere to his sunnah (way of life as prescribed by Prophet Muhammad). This was his last reminder which he uttered in his last sermon that took place in Arafah (in east of Mecca). In the sermon, the Prophet also promised Muslims who obey to these two things Paradise (heaven) in hereafter.
In Surah Al-Imran verse 38 there is a mention of “Ikutilah Aku” (follow me) by the Prophet and this is proof that Muslims are told to follow his sunnah.
The Prophet’s sunnah is very significant among many Muslims anywhere around the globe. But not all Muslims follow the sunnah as there are others who are in a different branch of Islam. Muslims who practise the sunnah are referred to as As ahl as-sunnah w-aljamaah (people of the tradition of Prophet Muhammad and the consensus of the Ummah) or in simple words, Sunni Muslims. Malaysians are a good example of Sunni Muslims.
Sunnah is not a set of obligatory rules but merely guidance for Muslims for their daily lives. Sunni Muslims believe that by practising the sunnah one’s faith is strengthened and it can bring them closer to God Almighty Allah.
Here, we showcase some of the sunnah by Prophet Muhammad shared by KL-based Ustaz Daud Che Ngah. For Muslims, this can be a reminder for them and for the non-Muslims, this can simply be taken as information to improve their general knowledge about Islam.
Ustaz Daud shares some sunnah that may have been forgotten./mDUstaz Daud shares some sunnah that may have been forgotten./mDDo not waste the water!
Ustaz Daud explained that the Prophet who is also called Rasulullah among Muslims had never condoned wastefulness. “In a story, the Prophet saw his followers who were taking their ablution before praying. Seeing them wasting a lot of water while doing so caught his attention. He went on to them and told them to not do so even if they were blessed with abundance of water. The Prophet told them to think of others,” said Ustaz Daud.
Be Presentable
The Prophet was big on cleanliness in presenting himself to others. He often wore perfume and put a ring on his baby finger. This most influential person in Islam also donned a beard but he always made sure his beard was well groomed. Interestingly, the Prophet was also a fan of various hair styles. He kept his hair in three lengths – up to the ear, neck and shoulder bone.
In Hadith Riwayat Abu Dawud it is said that Rasulullah had reminded those who wish to keep their hair long to maintain them at all time.
Drink Plenty Of Milk Milk has countless health benefits./www.aboutkidshealth.caMilk has countless health benefits./
If you’re a milk-lover, you may not realised that you’ve practised one of the Prophet’s sunnah. In Hadith Riwayat Muttafaqun Alaihi the Prophet is said to love drinking milk. He often gargled milk too. He believed that milk contains a lot of health benefits. Scientifically, milk is known to have the capability to strengthen the bones.
Brush The Teeth Before Praying
Ustaz Daud who is also a businessman said Muslims are also encouraged to brush their teeth before praying five times a day.
"During the Prophet’s days, he used the Siwag wood as a toothbrush. Those who keep his dental clean will also be respected by the Angels because this shows that they emphasise on cleanliness,” said Ustaz Daud.
Eat together, stay together.Eat together, stay together.Communal Eating
The Prophet encouraged Muslims to eat in the company of each other and practise the communal eating (eating in on tray as a group). This is mentioned in Hadith Sahih. It is also advisable to say Allah’s name when dining so the event (communal eating) will be blessed.
When it comes to drinking, Prophet Muhammad advised Muslims to drink in three sips and to hold their breath in each sip.  
Some Salt A Day, Keeps The Doctor Away
Rasulullah was seen to dip his baby finger in salt and consumed it whenever he was about to dine. And when he finished eating, he ended it by taking some salt with his ring finger.
Ustaz Daud explained that salt is a source of mineral beneficial for our body. Muslims believe that all humans are made with soil and so it is logic for the body to require some salt as nutrients.
Ustaz Daud also said Prophet Muhammad encouraged this act because it is believed to help avoid 70 types of illnesses.
Use Three Fingers To Eat
Rasulullah used three fingers when eating chunky dishes such as breads and meats. In Hadith Riwayat Muslim there is a mention on the Prophet doing so. In the same Hadith, the Prophet is said to advise Muslims to lick their fingers clean after eating because one does not know where the ‘Berkah’ (bless) ends. This is also done to ward off the evil doings of the devil.
Relieve Yourself Of Pain With Du’a (prayer)
Whenever in pain, Prophet Muhammad told Muslims to massage the affected area gently and at the same time recite the du’a. With Allah’s will, the pain will go away.
Right First, Left Second
The Prophet encouraged his followers to use their right hand in carrying out their daily duties. This is why most Muslims will train their left-handed small children to use their right hand more.
Sleeping Manners
Before heading for bed, the Prophet will first take an ablution (wudhu) and he will sleep with his body facing the right. This act is mentioned in Hadith Riwayat Al-Bukhari and Muslim. He will also make sure his bed sheet is clean before laying on it.

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