"(The shoes) were a gift from Tuanku Sultan Johor two years ago. It's fine if you want to question me, but do not make a slanderous narrative," he wrote.
Earlier, Naratif Rakyat in a post had questioned Anwar's expensive shoes, despite the Tambun member of parliament recently refusing to use a Mercedes S600 car provided by the Prime Minister's Department for work, as well when he wore chapal on his first day in office.
"Pung pang pung pang tolak S600 Mercedes, pakai Chapal (Rejected S600 Mercedes (for work) and wore Chapal (to work)).
Hari ni dah upgred ke kasut berharga lebih daripada RM5,500 (Today, already upgraded to a pair of shoes worth more than RM5,500) Masyukkkkkkk PM #KitaBoleh," wrote Naratif Rakyat.
Ia pemberian Tuanku Sultan Johor 2 tahun yang lalu. Saudara nak persoal saya tidak mengapa, tapi jangan bawa naratif fitnah. https://t.co/lLOYqxtrr3
— Anwar Ibrahim (@anwaribrahim) November 29, 2022