
02 December 2019

Eight federal government agencies have yet to return the balance grants, totalling RM83.67mil, involving 67 programmes and development projects,

Audit: Eight federal agencies yet to return balance grants

Monday, 02 Dec 20195:08 PM MYT


KUALA LUMPUR: Eight federal government agencies have yet to return the balance grants, totalling RM83.67mil, involving 67 programmes and development projects, says the Auditor-General’s report 2018.

The balance were owed because the Finance Ministry did not put in place the proper terms of usage in its grant distribution letters, said the report.

The eight agencies were Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB), Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade), Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO), Malaysian Highway Authorities (LLM), Fisheries Department Authority of Malaysia (LKIM), Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Mardi) and Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (Fama).

Out of the figure, LLM tops the list with RM68.73mil owed, followed by LKIM, Mardi and Fama (RM8mil), Matrade (RM2.94mil), FRIM (RM1.61mil), CIDB (RM1.37mil), and MyIPO (RM1.02mil).

The RM68.73mil, owed by LLM, consists of 13 development projects carried out between 2013 and last year.

The report also said that the construction for 26 highway development projects, totalling RM299.01mil, had been completed but the accounts of the project are yet to be finalised.

“LLM informed us that this was because the refinement process is still pending, even though the project was completed", it said.

The report also found Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) and National Sports Institute (ISN) had overspent the amount of grants received.

Mara exceeded spendings by RM7.7mil after it used RM65.45mil as compared to the allocation of RM57.75mil for its secondary school sector.

It also overspent RM27.94mil for two other projects.

ISN was found to have overspent RM27.45mil under its National Sports Trust Fund.


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