
31 December 2015

Que Puteh Bakal Taja TRW Musim Depan?

Que Puteh Bakal Taja TRW Musim Depan?

KUALA LUMPUR – Presiden Persatuan Bola Sepak Kelantan (KAFA), Tan Sri Annuar Musa, optimis mendapatkan sebanyak mungkin tajaan bagi menaikkan semula prestasi skuad The Red Worriors (TRW) dalam saingan Liga Malaysia (Liga M) musim depan.
Terbaharu, beliau mengesahkan pertemuannya dengan pengasas dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Vida Beauty Sdn Bhd, Datuk Seri Dr Hasmiza Othman atau Vida kelmarin bagi merealisasikan permintaan rakyat Kelantan yang mahu melihat pengeluar produk kecantikan ‘Qu Puteh’ dan jus Pamoga itu menaja pasukan kesayangan mereka.
Desakan itu timbul selepas pemilik syarikat kosmetik berasal dari Machang, Kelantan itu sanggup berbelanja jutaan ringgit untuk menaja pelbagai program hiburan dan realiti televisyen termasuk Gegar Vaganza 2015. Pun begitu, Annuar berkata masih banyak lagi perkara perlu diperhalusi antara kedua-dua belah pihak sebelum keputusan muktamad dibuat.
“Ya kami memang ada makan malam bersama dengan beberapa rakan dari China.. tapi Qu Puteh belum tersenarai sebagai penaja TRW 2016 walau kami memang ada berbincang mengenainya malam tadi (kelmarin).
“KAFA masih belum ada tajaan yang cukup. Namun setiap tajaan perlu di bincang terma dan syarat, usaha harus dan sedang diteruskan lagi Insya Allah,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan menerusi akaun Facebook miliknya semalam.
Sebelum ini, Annuar pernah dilaporkan berkata walaupun kedudukan penajaan dan kewangan KAFA terhad, pihaknya bersetuju untuk terus berusaha dan mengambil pendirian ‘bergadai gobek’ (berbelanja) demi membentuk pasukan yang kuat nanti.
Kerajaan Kelantan sebelum ini bersetuju mengetepikan bayaran cukai levi hiburan daripada perlawanan bola sepak di negeri ini bagi 2014 dan 2015 berjumlah RM517,974.10. Sementara itu, Vida dalam satu kenyataan menerusi laman Instagram meminta semua peminat pasukan Kelantan berdoa supaya kerjasama berkenaan dapat dicapai dalam masa terdekat.
“Alhamdulillah. Sama-sama kita doakan. Semoga ada persetujuan sepakat dan yang terbaik untuk TRW,” katanya.
Dalam pada itu, difahamkan KAFA sehingga kini sudah mendapat penajaan lebih RM5 juta bagi 2016, meningkat sedikit berbanding musim ini. – BHarian Online

Fasha Sandha Dapatkan Rawatan Mata

Fasha Sandha Dapatkan Rawatan Mata Dengan Prof Muhaya

SELEPAS melahirkan anak keduanya Raysha Jemyma, pelakon Fasha Sandha mendedahkan dirinya mengalami masalah mata rabun yang agak teruk.
Bagi menyelesaikan masalahnya itu, Fasha telah berjumpa pakar mata terkenal Prof Muhaya di pusat rawatan milik beliau.
Perkara ini dikongsikan Fasha menerusi satu pos di laman Instagramnya.
Menurut Fasha, dia telah menjalani pembedahan lasik (Lasik Eye Surgery) dan sangat menyarankan mereka yang mengalami masalah sama turut mendapatkan rawatan tersebut.
Jelasnya, rawatan itu membuatkan penglihatannya semakin jelas dan dia tidak lagi memerlukan cermin mata.
“Syukur Alhamdulillah. Di atas bantuan Idolaku team @profmuhaya, dengan keizinan daripada yang Esa, saya dapat melihat dunia dengan jelas. Subhanallah, jelas yang amat. No more glasses, no more lenses.
“Bye mata rabun (sebelum ini power 150 after melahirkan baby Raysha Jemyma).
“It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I highly recommend PERFECT Relex SMILE LASIK to those who can do it.
“Insyaallah, dengan treatment yang berlandaskan cara Islam, Prof Muhaya adalah pilihan terbaik. Terima kasih Prof,” tulisnya.
Selain bertugas sebagai doktor pakar mata, Prof Muhaya merupakan pakar motivasi dan usahawan yang dikenali ramai. – MYNEWSHUB.CC

Hanez Surayaselamat melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan yang juga anak sulungnya bersama Romie

5- Hanez Suraya Kongsi Gambar Anak Pertama - ROTIKAYA
Pada 29 Disember 2015 lalu, hadirnya seorang lagi penyeri keluarga apabila Hanez Surayaselamat melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan yang juga anak sulungnya bersama Romie di Prince Court Medical Cent

Sebelum ini, melalui mStar Online, Hanez sendiri pernah menyatakan bahawa dia akan lebih memberi tumpuan kepada keluarga sebelum memikirkan mengenai kerjayanya selepas bersalin.
Apa pun, semoga perjalanan keluarga ini akan terus dipermudahkan dan sentiasa dilimpahkan rezeki. Kami kongsikan beberapa keping gambar wajah cahaya mata pertama pasangan ini.(rtky/s)

Marsha Milan Londoh Akui Sudah Peluk Islam, Bakal Bernikah Hari Jumaat

Marsha Akui Sudah Peluk Islam, Bakal Bernikah Lusa

BAGI menjawab teka-teki ramai mengenai status agamanya, pelakon dan penyanyi Marsha Milan Londoh akhirnya mengesahkan dia telah memeluk agama Islam dan bakal diijabkabulkan dengan teman lelakinya, pada Khamis.

Bagaimanapun, bintang kelahiran program realiti Akademi Fantasia (AF) ini memilih untuk merahsiakan lokasi dan tarikh dia memeluk Islam.
“Saya sudah memeluk Islam. Segala-galanya berjalan dengan lancar seperti dirancang.
“Apa yang saya harapkan penghijrahan saya ini tidak disensasikan. Ini kerana ia terlalu peribadi buat saya.
“Saya memohon jangan dihebohkan perkara ini kerana semuanya sudah selesai demi menghormati keluarga kedua-dua belah pihak,” katanya kepada BH Online.
Difahamkan, majlis pernikahannya diadakan secara tertutup di Pulau Pinang.
Marsha dan bakal suami dilaporkan sudah berkenalan 10 tahun lalu sebelum mengambil keputusan mengikat tali pertunangan di kampung halaman Marsha di Sabah pada 14 Disember lalu.
Jejaka pilihannya, Mohamed Shaiful Nizam merupakan seorang ahli peniagaan dan anak kepada pasangan VIP.
Berita mengenai perkahwinan Marsha terbongkar apabila gambar kad undangan majlis resepsi yang tertera namanya bersama Mohamed Shaiful Nizam tersebar diForum Cari.
Menerusi kad tersebut, majlis resepsi perkahwinan Marsha tercatat pada tanggal 8 Januari (Jumaat) di Hotel Majestic Kuala Lumpur. – MYNEWSHUB.CC

Pendedahan Isteri, Buat Ezany Malu Dengan Datin Paduka K

Pendedahan Isteri, Buat Ezany Malu Dengan Datin Paduka

NAMPAKNYA kemelut rumah tangga pelakon Ezany Nizariff bersama isterinya Lizda Nuryanti Abidin semakin kritikal.
Jika semalam Lizda tampil mendedahkan bahawa dirinya difitnah, kali ini Ezany pula menafikan hal tersebut.
Menurut Ezany atau nama sebenarnya Mohd Zani @Zohri Mohd Nizariff, 41, isterinya berbuat demikian gara-gara kecewa selepas teman lelaki meninggalkan dirinya.
“Setelah lama dia menghilang, tidak hadir ke mahkamah untuk kes perbicaraan cerai nusyuz, hak penjagaan kekal anak dan hak penjagaan anak sementara, tiba-tiba dia muncul dengan kenyataan media yang kurang bijak.
“Saya tahu dia kecewa apabila lelaki harapan yang kononnya mahu bernikah meninggalkan dia dan berkahwin dengan orang lain membuatkan dia berani keluarkan kenyataan kepada media memburukkan saya pula,” katanya yang dihubungi mStar Online.
Jelas usahawan belacan ini, kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Lizda adalah tidak benar dan dia percaya isterinya mempunyai tujuan tertentu.
“Apabila menuduh saya tidak beri nafkah dan majlis kahwin ditanggung oleh dia sepenuhnya, saya tak nampak di mana logiknya itu kerana ketika kami berkahwin, dia tiada duit.
“Kalau saya tak beri nafkah, macam mana dia boleh hidup senang? Takkan setiap kali nak bagi nafkah, saya perlu membuat penyata gaji?
“Bagi saya, senang sahaja, buktikan apa yang dia katakan itu betul kerana saya juga ada bukti mengenai kecurangannya itu,” ujarnya.
Pada masa yang sama, Ezany akui tindakan isterinya itu membuatkan dia berasa malu terhadap wanita yang sedang didekatinya iaitu Datin Paduka K.
“Jujurnya saya malu dengan dia (Datin Paduka K) kerana dia juga terkena tempias gara-gara masalah saya dan Lizda. Sedangkan kami baru kenal rapat,” tuturnya.
Kes cerai dan nusyuz pasangan ini telah difailkan di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Petaling Jaya, Selangor sekitar Ogos 2014, namun masih belum selesai.
Ezany dan Lizda berkahwin pada 1 Julai 2007. Hasil perkahwinan itu mereka dikurniakan dua anak iaitu Hayden Harraz yang berusia 2 tahun dan Rayyan Harraz (4 tahun)

Tongues are wagging over Minister in PM's Department Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun’s recent marriage to a woman 34 years his junior,

Menteri JPM Pilih Gadis Jelita, 34 Tahun Lebih Muda

The groom Joseph Entulu Belaun and his bride Jacklyne Anthony getting set for the toast. — Picture courtesy of Facebook/Bit Surang  The groom Joseph Entulu Belaun and his bride Jacklyne Anthony getting set for the toast. — Picture courtesy of Facebook/Bit SurangKUCHING, Dec 28 — Tongues are wagging over Sarawak federal minister Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun’s recent marriage to a woman 34 years his junior, after photos of their wedding were posted on social media.
A number of Sarawakians across several social media platforms were generally supportive and congratulated the 61-year-old minister in the Prime Minister’s Department over his marriage last Saturday to 27-year old Jacklyne Anthony, but others found their match incredulous.
“We can only wish them a happy marriage. Maybe, they have their first baby next year,” said Facebook user Michael Moh.Joseph Entulu and Jacklyne Anthony on their wedding day. — Picture courtesy of Facebook/Bit SurangJoseph Entulu and Jacklyne Anthony on their wedding day. — Picture courtesy of Facebook/Bit Surang
Loti Kong said the age gap is no barrier to a happy married life while Eldric Wong remarked that Entulu is still strong in performing his duties as a husband.
Tiffany Myra remarked that Entulu is old enough to be Jacklyne’s “apai” (father) while Mark Kadir reckoned that the minister’s new mother-in-law could be far younger than him.
“She can call him uncle,” Kadir said in jest.
This is Entulu’s third marriage, after his earlier two ended in divorce. According to a close friend of the family who declined to be named, Entulu has two sons and a daughter from his first marriage.
According to the same friend, Entulu divorced from his second wife earlier this year. His current wife, Jacklyne is understood to work in a kindergarten and this is her first marriage.
The Selangau MP who is also Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) deputy president tied the knot with Jacklyne in a garden ceremony witnessed by family members, relatives and close friends which was followed by a dinner reception at a hotel in Mukah.
Among those present at the wedding dinner were Sarawak Assistant Minister of Native Adat and Penan Affairs Datuk John Sikie, political secretary to Sarawak Chief Minister, Dr Richard Will Uban, political secretary in the Prime Minister’s Department Adriana Chumang Nyambong.
Another notable Sarawak political personality in a May-December marriage is former chief minister-turned-Governor Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud, who at 74 years old, married 30-year old Syrian Ragad Waleed Al -Kurdi, in 2010.
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Kanak-Kanak 5 Tahun Maut Terjatuh Dari Tingkat 3 Depan Mata Ayah

SELAMA: Seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berumur lima tahun dilaporkan meninggal dunia selaps terjatuh dari flat tingkat tiga kediaman mereka di kuarters Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Selama di sini, malam tadi.

Memetik laporan Berita Harian, kejadian berlaku kira-kira jam 11.05 malam semalam ketika mangsa, Aqeef Nifael Sharhafizie Afzal, yang baru tiba dari bercuti bersama ibu bapanya.

Mangsa bersama ibunya dikatakan telah naik dahulu ke tingkat tiga bagunan kuarters berkenaan sementara bapanya bersama adik perempuan mangsa berumur dua tahun masih sedang berkemas barang di kereta.

Ketua Polis Daerah Selama, Deputi Superintendan Loo Lian Lay, berkata ketika bapa mangsa dalam perjalanan di koridor ke lif, tiba-tiba mangsa jatuh dari atas ke tepi longkang blok Felicia dan terbaring di depan matanya.

Ketika kejadian tiada saksi lain yang menyaksikan tragedi tersebut selain ibu bapa dan adik perempuan mangsa.

"Hasil pemeriksaan awal pegawai perubatan yang tiba di tempat kejadian mengesahkan mangsa meninggal dunia akibat parah di kepala. 

"Mayat kemudian dibawa ke Hospital Selama untuk dibedah siasat dan jenazah akan dibawa ke kampung ibu bapanya di Sungai Petani untuk pengebumian," katanya.

Finding out that the new Miss Universe is a fan of his K-pop group Super Junior Choi Si-won invited the beauty to the group's upcoming concert

29 Dec - After finding out that the recently-crowned Miss Universe, Pia Wurtzbach is a fan of his K-pop group, Super Junior member Choi Si-won posted his congratulatory remark and invited the Filipina beauty to the group's upcoming concert.

According to PEP News, on 27 December, Choi, who is currently doing his two-year military service, posted a photo with his "Dragon Blade" co-star Adrien Brody, and wrote, "Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach :) Heartfelt congratulations on your Miss Universe 2015 Award, and please be my guest for the next SUPERSHOW! Looking forward to seeing you shining the world".

Wurtzbach, who've read the message, replied on Twitter, "Wow thank you! Really appreciate it!"

The beauty queen has always been a firm supporter of the K-pop group, especially Choi, and expressing her love for him on social media. At one point, she even called herself "Mrs. Choi Si-won".

In addition to Choi, Super Junior's leader Lee Teuk also congratulated Wurtzbach on Instagram, saying (in Korean), "Congratulations, Miss Universe. I heard from the news that something had happened and they announced the wrong winner. But congratulations to you, an ELF who loves Super Junior, especially Siwon. I want to congratulate you one more time!" 

For the fourth time in as many years, HBO’s Game Of Thrones was the year’s most-pirated television series

For the fourth time in as many years, HBO’s Game Of Thrones was the year’s most-pirated television series as measured in illegal downloads via the file-sharing protocol BitTorrent, according to numbers obtained by Torrentfreak. The ongoing monster hit was downloaded 14.4 million times in 2015, well in excess of the 8.11 million times it was viewed legally in the U.S.
It’s worth noting however that Game Of Thrones viewership in 2015 was the highest in series history, which placed it among the most successful series HBO has ever aired. Since 2013 it has also been the network’s top money earner; indeed, that year HBO programming president Michael Lombardo admitted in an interview that HBO considers the rampant piracy of the show “a compliment of sorts,” proof at least of the series’ wide appeal that has only increased with each new season.
Overall, demonstrating the continued broad appeal of “genre”-oriented programming, fantasy, science fiction, and super hero-centered series dominated the year’s top 10 most-pirated. The No. 2 spot was held, unsurprisingly, by AMC’s The Walking Dead, downloaded 6.9 million times in 2015, compared to viewership of 15.78 million. The CW’s sibling superhero shows Arrow (downloaded 3.9 million times) and The Flash(downloaded 3.6 million times) occupied slots No. 4 and No. 5, respectively. Meanwhile, CBS’ Supergirl came in at No. 7 with 2.9 million downloads. USA Network also had two entries in the top 10, with No. 6Mr. Robot downloaded 3.6 million times, and No. 10 Suits downloaded 2.6 million times.
The full list of most-downloaded shows is below:
Game of Thrones:
Downloads – 14,400,000
TV viewership – 8,110,000
The Walking Dead:
Downloads – 6,900,000
TV viewership – 15,780,000
The Big Bang Theory
Downloads – 4,400,000
TV viewership – 18,300,000
Downloads – 3,900,000
TV viewership – 3,920,000
The Flash
Downloads – 3,600,000
TV viewership – 4,010,000
Mr. Robot
Downloads – 3,500,000
TV viewership – 1,750,000
Downloads – 3,300,000
TV viewership – 5,010,000
Downloads – 3,000,000
TV viewership – 12,960,000
The Blacklist
Downloads – 2,900,000
TV viewership – 10,110,000
Downloads – 2,600,000
TV viewership – 2,380,000

BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager sells Intermark Mall Kuala Lumpur to Malaysia's Pavilion REIT for RM160million.

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 30 (Reuters) - BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, said on Wednesday it has sold a luxury shopping mall in central Kuala Lumpur to Malaysia's Pavilion Real Estate Investment Trust (Pavilion REIT) for 160 million ringgit ($37.33 million).
BlackRock bought the Intermark Mall along with two corporate office towers and a hotel for $600 million in 2007 and has refurbished the complex on prime real estate in Malaysia's capital.
The sales of one of the office towers and the hotel have since garnered BlackRock a combined total of $339 million.
BlackRock is also looking to sell an office tower in Singapore in a deal which reports say could be worth as much as S$4 billion ($2.83 billion).
Pavilion REIT said in a filing to the Malaysian stock exchange that the purchase should be complete by the first quarter of 2016.

Two different fligh plans were given to Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH132 from Auckland, New Zealand to Kuala Lumpur

Red line shows where plane should have gone
PUTRAJAYA: Two different routes were given to Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH132 from Auckland, New Zealand to Kuala Lumpur, which was reportedly heading in the wrong direction on Dec 24.
Malaysia Airlines Bhd in a statement yesterday said MH132 received its latest flight plan from Operations Dispatch Centre (ODC) while Auckland Air Traffic Control (ATC) had inadvertently given an earlier flight plan.
It also said that both routes were based on approved flight paths and that the aircraft had enough fuel to travel the routes.
The airline said every flight plan is generated based on conditions at the time, weather, air traffic notices and efficiency.
"The safety of passengers and crew were never compromised at any time”, read the statement.
MAS is investigating the submission of the flight plan.
“Safety is of the utmost priority for Malaysia Airlines and it adheres very strictly to all safety procedures and processes." It said.
The plane, took off at 2.23am on Christmas Day (9.23pm GMT on Christmas Eve), and was on a more southerly route to Kuala Lumpur. The pilot queried air traffic controllers when it seemed that the plane was heading for Melbourne.

FT minister vows action against foreign students running businesses

FT minister vows action against foreign students running businesses
Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor vowed action against foreign students in Malaysia found to be operating businesses. — File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 30 — Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor promised today to strip the licences of foreigners found to be running businesses in the Klang Valley while on student visas.
He added that he will personally conduct a spot check on premises in the capital owned by City Hall (DBKL) tomorrow morning.
“We are reviewing what is being said, that DBKL premises are being sublet and we will take action.
“Tomorrow I myself will go somewhere, I won’t tell anyone about it, because I want to see it for myself tomorrow morning,” he told reporters attending the Kuala Lumpur Federal Territories Christmas open house here.
He added that foreigners who were found operating businesses while in Malaysia on student visas will have their business licences revoked.
Local broadcaster Astro Awani recently reported that African nationals were seen running businesses in Puchong, Subang Jaya and Kepong despite entering the country on student visas.
The African nationals were reportedly operating grocery stores, hair salons, laundromats and cafes.

A gang of robbers pulled off a Hollywood-style heist today at a petrol station

SHAH ALAM: A gang of robbers pulled off a Hollywood-style heist today when they rammed a lorry into a petrol station, then used the vehicle to yank free an ATM machine before escaping with the loot. 

The men, clad in masks and helmets, tie a rope around the ATM machine and yanked it free from its base. With the machine damaged, the men removed cash amounting to RM230,000 from the ATM. Pix by Shazreen Zamzuri
In the early morning incident, the men had driven a three-tonne lorry to the petrol station in Taman Bukit Subang at 5.40am and rammed it into the station’s glass entrance, catching the station’s two foreign employees by surprise. The men, who were clad in masks and helmets, then proceeded to tie a rope around the ATM machine and yanked it free from its base. With the machine damaged, the men removed cash amounting to RM230,000 from the ATM. For good measure, the robbers also grabbed RM700 from the station’s cash register. Deputy Shah Alam police chief Supt Nek Zaidi Zakaria said police are reviewing the station’s CCTV footage to identify the robbers.

The immigration records of murdered Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu are intact and have not been deleted, as previously claimed.

KUALA LUMPUR: The immigration records of murdered Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu are intact and have not been deleted, as previously claimed.
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi confirmed this in a reply to a question by PKR Indera Mahkota member of parliament Datuk Fauzi Abdul Rahman, who had queried whether the police had probed into claims that the records had been deleted.
The last Parliament session ended sine die on Dec 4, but the written reply to the question was made available today.
“Police have investigated the entry and exit records of the deceased Altantuya Shaariibuu through the Immigration Department, and found that the records of her movements are in the system.
“Therefore, the issue does not arise that said records had been deleted by any party,” said Zahid, who is also the Home Minister, in a parliamentary written reply.
Fauzi also asked whether the police had identified any culprits of the alleged deed.
Allegations had previously surfaced, particularly from Altantuya’s family, that her immigration records had been removed from the system in an attempt to cover up the murder.
The confirmation by Zahid comes more than eight years after Altantuya’s father Setev Shaariibuu queried about the missing entry records.
These allegations first emerged during the trial of Abdul Razak Baginda in June 2007, based on the testimony by Uuriintuya Gal-Ochir, a friend of Altantuya.
The Altantuya murder, which occurred in October 2006, saw former police commandos Sirul Azhar Umar and Azilah Hadri convicted of the crime and sentenced to death.
Sirul had fled to Australia, and the government is seeking to extradite him.
However, Australian law dictates that a person facing the death penalty in his or her home country cannot be sent back to face prosecution

Sea in Pahang Turns Red over bauxite contamination

KUANTAN, Dec 31 — Residents are in a daze over bauxite contamination that turned the sea here a shocking red on Tuesday.
Teacher Peh Chuen Keong, who has been living here for the last 20 years, is reeling from the shock of seeing the beach at nearby Pantai Batu Hitam a sickly brown yesterday.
He was also upset that students like his young son who accompanied him to the beach could not swim in what had previously been placid blue waters.  
“What a terrible thing to happen. I thought I could come here with my son and swim in the water but now we can’t. It was a sad and scary thing to see,” said the 35-year-old who had brought his family to the beach.
He said although the sea off the village had been becoming murkier over the past few months, he never thought that it would deteriorate to such an  extent.
“The water has been turning murky over the past few months but I was still able to swim in it. But I have never seen the water this bad. This beach is a popular spot for local tourists but now I dont know if anyone will ever come here,” he said.
Peh hoped the authorities will act to ensure that no further pollution of the sea by bauxite will take place in future.
Another teacher, who only wished to be called Sue, came to swim knowing bauxite pollution had caused a problen but was shaken by the extent of the problem.
“Online news portals ran stories on the issue but I came anyway as I wanted my children to play in the water. I decided against letting them into the water after seeing the terrible condition it was in. So we just had a picnic,” she said.
Sue, 30, feels she will no longer come to Pantai Batu Hitam during the school holidays as she did not want her children to face health problems.
“It is sad to see the sea in this condition. I am sad the area is empty when it used to be full of visitors in the past,” she said.
Sue hoped the authorities would prevent a recurrence of the problem by regulating the bauxite mining industry.

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